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云南地区上地幔各向异性研究   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
阮爱国  王椿镛 《地震学报》2002,24(3):260-267
对云南23个数字地震台11次地震的SKS记录,采用理论切向分量与实测切向分量拟合的方法,确定了快S波的偏振方向和快、慢波之间的时间延迟.结果表明,除鹤庆台外,在各台都观测到了S波分裂现象;云南地区的快方向总体特征是北北东向,时间延迟变化范围为0.5~2.0s.在地质构造复杂地区断层对分析的影响很大.分析表明,作为青藏高原与华南块体之间的过渡带,云南地区的S波快方向反映了印度板块向欧亚板块俯冲是该地区地球动力学的基本背景,而由于青藏高原隆起造成的康滇菱形块体的南东-南南东向运动是造成复杂构造、应力环境的重要因素.快方向与上地幔运动的方向存在差异,说明在云南地区低速层或者软流层的运动与地壳块体的运动之间存在着复杂的耦合作用,构造驱动力如同向北东方向张开的手掌.从时间延迟出发,推断各向异性层的厚度为60~225km.其变化范围与低速层埋深的变化范围(104~260km)相当,认为各向异性层顶面可能在地壳底部,也可能在低速层,且在不同地点是不相同的,这与云南及周边地区莫霍面变化剧烈有因果关系.进一步推断出上地幔的各向异性主要存在于岩石圈而不是整个上地幔.   相似文献   
介绍了松山电磁台(中法合作项目)布设、仪器状况及近一年来的工作情况,编制了几个处理、分析资料的软件,初步分析了该台自1994年10月至1995年10月的观测结果,并围绕1995年7月22日永登5.8级地震,探讨了该台大地电场观测的映震能力。结果表明,松山台的大地电场及地磁观测资料是比较稳定的,质量是好的.但由于观测时间较短,暂不能作消除干扰的一些数值处理,因此还不能判别出较明显的异常。  相似文献   
通过对三明市山地农业气候资源和食用菌生产的气象条件的调查与分析 ,采用划分温期法和候平均气温资料 ,选择适栽食用菌品种和菌株 ,科学安排栽培生产季节 ,实现食用菌周年生产和高产优质 ;应用地理信息系统 ,建立气候资源小网格推算模式 ,制作食用菌生产气候区划图 ,趋利避害 ,为合理开发利用闽中山区农业气候资源、发展食用菌生产提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
Most vegetated land surfaces contain macropores that may have a significant effect on the rate of infiltration of water under ponded conditions on the ground surface. Owing to the small-scale variations of the land topography (microtopography), only portions of the land area may get ponded during the process of overland flow. As the macropores transmit water at much higher rates than the primary soil matrix, higher macropore activation in ponded areas produces larger effective infiltration rates into the soil. Therefore, overland flow and infiltration into the macroporous vadose zone are interrelated. Representing the microtopographic variation of the land surface by a simple sine wave function, a method was developed to relate the ponding area to the average ponding depth which was determined by overland flow. A numerical model coupling overland flow and infiltration into the macroporous vadose zone was developed. Overland flow was simulated using the St. Venant equations with the inertia terms neglected. A single macropore model was used to simulate the infiltration into the macroporous vadose zone. The interaction between overland flow and the infiltration into the macroporous vadose zone was analyzed for a hypothetical watershed. The sensitivity analysis revealed that the interaction of macropore flow and overland flow is significant. For the conditions tested, the macropore flow and the overland flow were found to be more sensitive to the macroporosity and less sensitive to the microtopographic surface variation.  相似文献   
长江口南支河床质的运动规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阮文杰 《海洋科学》1992,16(4):44-48
对长江口南支河床不同地貌单元上河床质的组成进行了分析,并通过室内环形水槽试验和现场资料分析、验证,得出不同河床质的运动规律,然后在分析各家泥砂运动公式的基础上,得出适合于长江口南支河床质的运动表达式。  相似文献   
长江口动水絮凝沉降与拦门沙淤积的关系   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
根据1982年4月-1983年3月长江口南槽3个站位全年逐月大湖的水化学成分、悬沙粒度与粘土矿物资料,1984-1992年在环形水槽中获得的近百个组次的动水絮凝沉降试验研究资料,以及长江口细颗粒泥沙、浮泥与底质研究成果,对拦门沙形成过程及其机理进行综合研究。  相似文献   
利用人工培育的亲鱼所获得的受精卵 ,孵化出仔鱼 30 0万尾 ,在水温 18~ 2 0℃、微充气的培育条件下 ,使用海水小球藻、轮虫、卤虫无节幼体和不同规格的微颗粒配合饲料进行饲喂 ,经 58d培育出平均全长 2 .3cm的苗种 132万尾 ,育苗成活率高达 64.1% ,单位水体最高出苗量达 1.33万尾 / m3;另外 ,还有 1.3~ 1.9cm的苗种 68万尾  相似文献   
-This paper deals with the recent ostracods and their distribution in littora! zones. The ostracods studied in this paper are all from the coastal zones of Gaode and Weizhou Island, Zhuang Autonomous Region of Guangxi. The present study shows that the richness and diversity of the ostracods from Gaode area are rather lower as compared with those from Weizhou Island, where individual numbers increase constantly from supralittoral to sublittoral zones. The ostracod associations of Weizhou Island are similar to those reported from the east coast of the Weizhou Island, and most of them are littoral and benthic forms of the order Podocopida and only a few of them are members of the order Myodocopoda (e. g. Ruti-derma, Cylindroleberis and Polycope). In this paper, the distributive character of the ostracods in the studied areas is analysed and discussed synthetically on the ground of their ecology, which will provide new information for the study of ecologic habitats, biogeographic provinciality and the Cenoz  相似文献   
螺旋藻多糖对机体免疫功能的提高作用及其机理研究   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
螺旋藻多糖150~300mg/kg,无论注射或口服,均能提高小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞的吞噬指数,增加外周血液中T淋巴细胞的百分数和血清溶血素的含量。说明螺旋藻多糖不但能提高机体非特异性的细胞免疫功能,而且能促进机体特异性的体液免疫功能。它的作用机理似与螺旋藻多糖能增强骨髓细胞增殖能力,促进胸腺、脾脏等免疫器官的生长和促进血清蛋白的生物合成有关;同时还与其能消除免疫拟制剂(环磷酰胺)对机体免疫系统的抑制作用有关。  相似文献   
Classification is always the key point in the field of remote sensing. Fuzzy c-Means is a traditional clustering algorithm that has been widely used in fuzzy clustering. However, this algorithm usually has some weaknesses, such as the problems of falling into a local minimum, and it needs much time to accomplish the classification for a large number of data. In order to overcome these shortcomings and increase the classification accuracy, Gustafson-Kessel (GK) and Gath-Geva (GG) algorithms are proposed to improve the traditional FCM algorithm which adopts Euclidean distance norm in this paper. The experimental result shows that these two methods are able to detect clusters of varying shapes, sizes and densities which FCM cannot do. Moreover, they can improve the classification accuracy of remote sensing images.  相似文献   
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