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Detailed stratigraphic analyses of sediments deposited in Lake Botjärnen, a small boreal forest lake in the shield terrain of central Sweden, clearly reflect progressively increasing human impact on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems following settlement and establishment of an iron industry in the 17th century. Rising frequencies of pollen and spores from light-demanding plants provide evidence of extensive forest clearance for charcoal and timber production, which peaked in the early 20th century. An associated increase in catchment erosion is reflected by changing carbon and nitrogen elemental content and carbon–isotope composition of sediment organic matter and by increased magnetic susceptibility of the sediments. Records of air-borne pollutants (lead, zinc and sulphur) can be correlated to the development of local and regional mining and metal industry as inferred from historical accounts. Rapid recession of the iron industry led to re-forestation and recovery of the aquatic nutrient status to pre-industrial conditions over the past 100 years. The chronology of the sediment succession, which is based on 210Pb and 137Cs radionuclide data in combination with radiocarbon dating, is confirmed by historical lead pollution trends established for the region.  相似文献   
The distribution and mode of occurrence of zinc and lead have been examined in glacial soils developed over a complex Precambrian marble-paragneiss terrain in the Adirondack Mountains of New York. Based on distribution within the soil profiles, zinc is enriched in the B1 horizon of soils sampled over marble and lead is generally enriched in the A horizon, particularly in soils developed over paragneiss. Contrast is calculated using
, where is the mean of nA anomalous and nB background samples, and Sp is the pooled standard deviation) for zinc, lead and cold-extractable heavy metals in soils sampled over marble and paragneiss. The t-values indicate that the B1, soil horizon is the most suitable for sampling on a regular basis, even though lead is most concentrated in the A horizon.The distribution of zinc and lead among exchangeable, organic, iron-manganese oxide, clay, silt and sand fractions of B1 horizons from two anomalous and one background soil indicates that both zinc and lead are tied up principally in iron and manganese oxides. The anomalous samples exhibit zinc enrichment in the Fe-oxide digestion and high Mn/Fe ratios for the Mn-oxide digestion (as well as the total analysis). In terms of total contribution to the sample, significant proportions of zinc in the clastic fraction can be attributed to zinc substitution into clays plus the ineffective removal of Fe-oxides by the ammonium oxalate extraction procedure. Lead, on the other hand, occurs in significant concentrations in clay, silt and sand as well as Fe- and Mn-oxides, probably as a trace constituent in feldspars or adsorbed onto clay surfaces.  相似文献   
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) has been shown to be an integral component in biogeochemical electron transfer reactions due to its demonstrated ability to facilitate redox reactions. While the role of DOM as a facilitator of electron transfer processes has been demonstrated, greater knowledge would lead to better understanding of the structural components responsible for redox behavior, such as quinones and nitrogen and sulfur (N/S) functional groups. This investigation uses direct scan voltammetry (DSV) coupled with fluorescence and NMR spectroscopy as well as thermochemolysis gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) to elucidate the organic moieties responsible for facilitating electron transfer reactions. We contrast electrochemical properties and structural details of three organic matter isolates from diverse sources; Great Dismal Swamp DOM (terrestrially derived, highly aromatic), Pony Lake DOM (microbially derived, highly aliphatic) and Toolik Lake (terrestrially derived, photochemically and microbially altered) with juglone (a redox-active model quinone). Aromatic and phenolic constituents were detected (by 13C NMR) and recovered (by thermochemolysis GC-MS) from all three fulvic acid samples, highlighting the ubiquity of these compounds and suggesting that the quinone-phenol redox couple is not limited to DOM derived from lignin precursors. The range of hydroxy-benzene and benzoic acid derivatives may explain the lack of a single pair of well-defined oxidation and reduction peaks in the DSV scans. The presence of a wide-range of hydroxylated benzoic acid isomers and other redox-active aromatic residues implies that native DOM possesses overlapping redox potentials analogous to their characteristic range of pKa values.  相似文献   
During the Second World War, the Allied invasion of the French coast of Normandy on D‐Day, 6 June 1944, was the greatest amphibious assault in world history. An article in Geology Today (v.11, for 1995, pp.58–63) marked the 50th anniversary of the end of the war in Europe, on 8 May 1945, by describing how British military geologists had participated in planning for D‐Day and in the NW Europe campaign that followed it. The work of these geologists provides a classic case history, revealing that ‘military geology’ has many potential applications. Geological factors influenced site selection for temporary airfields, predictions of trafficability for the Normandy beaches, the development of potable water supplies, and quarrying for road metal—and more besides. This new article helps to mark the 75th anniversary of D‐Day by further details of how geologists and geology contributed to Allied victory.  相似文献   
Airborne correlation spectrometry (COSPEC) was used to measure the rate of SO2 emission at White Island on three dates, i.e., November 1983, 1230 ± 300 t/d; November 1984, 320 ± 120 t/d; and January 1985, 350 ± 150 t/d (t = metric tons). The lower emission rates are likely to reflect the long-term emission rates, whereas the November 1983 rate probably reflects conditions prior to the eruption of December 1983. The particle flux in the White Island plume, as determined with a quartz crystal microbalance/cascade in November 1983, was 1.3 t/d, unusually low for volcanic plumes. The observed plume particles, as shown from scanning electron microscopy, include halite, native sulfur, and silicates and are broadly similar to other volcanic plumes.Gas analyses from high-temperature volcanic fumaroles collected from June 1982 through November 1984 werde used together with the COSPEC data to estimate the flux of other gas species from White Island. The rates estimated are indicative of the long-term volcanic emission, i.e., 8000–9000 t/d H2O, 900–1000 t/d CO2, 70–80 t/d HCl, 1.5–2 t/d HF, and about 0.2 t/d NH3. The long-term thermal power output at White Island is estimated at about 400 MW.  相似文献   
Seasonal occurrence and vertical distribution of larvae of two genera of brachyuran crab were studied in a secondary estuary flowing into Delaware Bay. Spawning in the xanthid crabRhithropanopeus harrisii occurred earlier with peak abundance of larvae in June and with a distinct decline in abundance in August. In contrast,Uca spp. larvae reached peak abundance in August. All zoeal stages ofR. harrisii were collected in the river suggesting that larvae of this species are retained in secondary estuaries near areas of prime adult habitat. Only zoea stage I larvae and megalopa ofUca spp. were collected in the river indicating that larvae of these speies may be flushed into the Delaware Bay and may not return to secondary estuaries near areas suitable for adult habitat until the megalopa stage is reached. It is not clear if this dispersal pattern is an active or passive process. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY019 00004  相似文献   
Trace element abundances in sulfides of these two large hydrothermal ore districts allow distinction of several groups of ore bodies with differing trace element levels. Within groups, certain elements show lateral or vertical zoning. The groups were deposited from different batches of ore fluid. The differences in trace element content between groups reflect differences in stage of differentiation or abundance of complexing species when the ore fluid separated from the magma. The zoning may result from hydrothermal differentiation of a single batch of ore fluid as it travels away from the magma. The zoning pattern correlates in part with expected strength of metal complexes, but also depends on temperature and solid-liquid partition coefficients.
Zusammenfassung Auf Grund der Spurenelementhäufigkeiten in Sulfiden können in diesen beiden großen hydrothermalen Erzvorkommen mehrere Gruppen von Erzlagerstätten unterschieden werden. Innerhalb der Gruppen zeigen gewisse Elemente laterale oder vertikale zonale Verteilungen. Die Gruppen wurden von verschiedenen erzbringenden Lösungen gebildet. Die Unterschiede im Spurenelementgehalt zwischen verschiedenen Gruppen spiegeln Unterschiede im Stadium der Differentiation oder die Häufigkeit von komplexbildenden Ionen während der Absonderung der erzbringenden Lösungen von Magma wider. Die zonale Verteilung kann von der hydrothermalen Differentiation einer einzigen erzbringenden Lösung auf ihrem Weg vom Magma herrühren. Teilweise entspricht die zonale Spurenelementverteilung der erwarteten Stabilität von Metalionenkomplexen, sie hängt aber auch von der Temperatur und von Verteilungskoeffizienten zwischen festen und flüssigen Phasen ab.

Contribution No. 69–34, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University  相似文献   
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