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This study presents geochemical data on organic-rich rock samples collected from Riphean—Lower Paleozoic strata (potential source rocks) of the southern Siberian Platform and compositional data on hydrocarbon biomarkers (steranes, terpanes, n-alkanes, 12- and 13-methylalkanes, isoprenanes) and diamondoid hyrocarbons from core samples collected from the Kulindinskaya-1 well, which was drilled by RN-Exploration in 2012 within the Katanga saddle.  相似文献   
We have analyzed polarization observations of the subdwarf Bal 09, which is one of a group of hybrid sdB stars that display simultaneously both short- and long-period pulsations. Certain properties previously unknown for subdwarfs have been established for Bal 09, such as variations of the pulsation amplitude of the main oscillation mode, rotational splitting of multiplets, and variations of this splitting. Information about the stellar magnetic field must be considered if we wish to explain these properties. New observational data enabling estimation of the longitudinal magnetic field of Bal 09 have been obtained on the main stellar spectrograph of the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory. Studies of the longitudinal component of the magnetic field 〈B z 〉 were carried out using a regression analysis. This method simultaneously yields estimates of the uncertainty in 〈B z 〉. Test measurements of 〈B z 〉 were carried out using the same method. For the star HD 158974, which has zero total magnetic field, the estimated longitudinal magnetic field is 〈B z 〉 = −4 ± 5 G. The standard magnetic field for the Ap star α 2CVn was measured to be −363 ± 17 G, in very good agreement with measurements in the literature. The estimated longitudinal magnetic field for Bal 09 is 34 ± 63G—appreciably lower than values established earlier for six subdwarfs, ≈1.5 kG. The results of the regression analysis for both individual spectral subranges and for intervals containing characteristic spectral features did not indicate reliable detections of a magnetic field exceeding the uncertainties in 〈B z 〉. The uncertainty in 〈B z 〉, which was 60–80 G for the entire spectral range and 140–200 G for selected spectral intervals, leads to an estimated upper limit on the longitudinal magnetic field 〈B z 〉 for Bal 09. This estimate for 〈B z 〉 can place observational constraints on theoretical explanations for the amplitude variations of the pulsations, rotational splitting of multiplets, and possible variations of the internal structure of the star.  相似文献   
The main results are presented on U/Pb-isotope dating of 100 detrital zircons and, selectively, on the Lu/Hf-isotope system of 43 grains from sandstones of the Lopatinskii formation (the lower stratigraphic level of the Chingasan group). Ages from 896 ± 51 to 2925 ± 38 Ma were obtained with a pronounced maximum of ~1890 Ma in the curve of probability density, along with εHf estimates from +8.4 to–15.1, which allow one to throw doubt upon the molasse nature of the Lopatinskii formation.  相似文献   
Analyses of trace elements and Lu/Hf isotopes have been carried out in already U–Pb dated detrital zircons from the Upper Ordovician sandstones of the southern part of the Bashkir Uplift. The concentrations of trace elements in the zircons suggest that they were derived from rocks of intermediate (62%), basic (24%), and felsic (9%) compositions as well as alkaline rocks (2%). The Lu/Hf systematics of the zircons demonstrated a wide variation of both εHf (from +9.5 to–8.7) and model ages of the parental rocks (1.60 Ga < T DM C < 3.28 Ga). Comparison of the isotopic–geochemical characteristics of the detrital zircons from different levels of the Riphean–Paleozoic sequence of the Bashkir Uplift against those from the Early Cambrian Brusov Formation of the Mezen Basin and Early Neoproterozoic Dzhezhim sandstones of Timan Ridge suggests that at the end of the Late Precambrian near the Uralian margin of Baltica a large block of Late Mesoproterozoic–Early Neoproterozoic crust existed, comprising a significant proportion of melanocratic rocks.  相似文献   
The results of U/Pb dating of detrital zircons from sandstones of the Zigalga Formation, which is the base level of the Middle Yurmatu Group of the Bashkir uplift, southwestern Urals, are presented. The U/Pb ages of detrital zircons from sandstones of the Lower, Middle, and Upper Riphean are compared.  相似文献   
Geotectonics - Detrital zircons of Ordovician terrigenous sequences are studied in various Southern Uralian tectonic units. The age of detrital zircons of the West Uralian and Transuralian...  相似文献   
Llithology of massive diamictons was studied in two areas of the eastern Barents Sea using cores and geophysical data. These sediments dominate in the Pleistocene section as two seismostratigraphic complexes (SSC): Upper Weichselian (SSC III) and locally distributed Lower Weichselian (SSC V). Diamictons of these complexes represent tills produced by the geological activity of the Pleistocene Novaya Zemlya and Scandinavian ice sheets. The Upper Weichselian glacial sequence is laterally heterogeneous. It includes two seismic facies represented by ordinary (overconsolidated) tills (they also constitute SSC V) and a spacious moraine of the specific type with the normally consolidated sediments (they avoided compaction by the ice load) and certain lithological specifics. The last glacial sediments were formed in a specific subglacial setting similar to the sediments under fast ice streams of Antarctica. However, the specific features allow us to define these sediments as a new (Barents Sea) facies of tills related to zones of intense basal melting of glaciers.  相似文献   
A perturbation in the ratio of the matter temperature to the radiation temperature in the form of a Gaussian with amplitude A and width σ (in units of the redshift z) centered at some redshift z c is considered, with some “standard” temperature ratio obtained from a simultaneous solution of the cosmological recombination kinetics and energy equations being taken as the initial (unperturbed) one. Comparatively small (A = ± 0.01), fast (σ = 17) perturbations are shown to give rise to distinct narrow absorption (for A > 0) or emission (for A < 0) quasi-lines in each of the subordinate continua. The positions of these quasi-lines correlate with the position of the perturbation center, while their intensities are very sensitive to the perturbation amplitude. At the same time, the manifestation of the perturbation is much less clear in hydrogen lines (subordinate ones and the Ly-α line) and two-photon emission. As a result, the full perturbed spectrum is characterized by the presence of the narrow quasi-lines mentioned above and by a general decrease (for A > 0) or increase (for A < 0) in intensity with increasing wavelength.  相似文献   
The paper presents results of measurements of magnetic-field longitudinal components B e , radial velocities V r , and projections of the rotation velocity in the line of sight v e sin i for 74 objects, mainly main-sequence chemically peculiar stars and standard stars. Observations were carried out in 2011 at the 6-m BTA telescope using the Main Stellar Spectrograph (MSS) with a Zeeman analyzer. Seven new magnetic stars were discovered: HD38129, HD47152, HD50341, HD63347, HD188501, HD191287, and HD260858. Three more stars were suspected to have magnetic fields. Observations of magnetic standard stars and non-magnetic stars confirm the absence of any systematic errors capable of introducing distortions into the B e longitudinal-field measurement results. The paper gives comments on the research results for each of the 74 stars.  相似文献   
New measurements of the longitudinal magnetic field of the Ap star γ Equ obtained with the MSS spectrograph of the 6-m telescope of the SAO RAS in 2002–2018 are present. Analyzing our results together with all the available literature data sources of 〈Bz〉 (441 measurements) we found the rotation period P = 89.1 ± 4.2 years (32 521 days). Fitting all the measurements with double sine-wave function resulted in two periods equal to 95.5 and 17.4 years (with the errors of 3.5 and 2 years correspondingly). According to our new estimate, the transition to positive values of 〈Bz〉, probably, will occur later than previously assumed, literally in 2031.  相似文献   
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