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In this study, we explored the spatial and temporal relations between boulders and their original in-situ locations on sandstone bedrock cliffs. This was accomplished by combining field observations with dating methods using cosmogenic isotopes (10Be and 14C) and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL). Our conclusions bear both on the landscape evolution and cliff retreat process in the hyperarid region of Timna and on the methodology of estimating exposure ages using cosmogenic isotopes.

We recognize three discrete rock fall events, at 31 ka, 15 ka, and 4 ka. In this hyperarid region, the most plausible triggering mechanism for rock fall events is strong ground acceleration caused by earthquakes generated by the nearby Dead Sea fault (DSF). Our record, however, under represents the regional earthquake record implying that ongoing development of detachment cracks prior to the triggering event might be slower than the earthquake cycle.

Cliff retreat rates calculated using the timing of rock fall events and estimated thickness of rock removed in each event range between 0.14 m ky− 1 and 2 m ky− 1. When only full cycles are considered, we derive a more realistic range of 0.4 m ky− 1 to 0.7 m ky− 1. These rates are an order of magnitude faster than the calculated rate of surface lowering in the area. We conclude that sandstone cliffs at Timna retreat through episodic rock fall events that preserve the sharp, imposing, landscape characteristic to this region and that ongoing weathering of the cliff faces is minor.

A 10%–20% difference in the 10Be concentrations in samples from matching boulder and cliff faces that have identical exposure histories and are located only a few meters apart indicates that cosmogenic nuclide production rates are sensitive to shielding and vary spatially over short distances. However, uncertainties associated with age calculations yielded boulder and matching cliff face ages that are similar within 1 σ . The use of external constraints in the form of field relations and OSL dating helped to establish each pair's age. The agreement between calculated 14C and 10Be ages indicates that the accumulation of 10Be at depth by the capture of slow deep-penetrating muons was properly accounted for in the study.  相似文献   

Activities of 26Al and 10Be in five chert clasts sampled from two beach ridges of late Pleistocene Lake Lisan, precursor of the Dead Sea in southern Israel, indicate low rates of chert bedrock erosion and complex exposure, burial, and by inference, transport histories. The chert clasts were derived from the Senonian Mishash Formation, a chert‐bearing chalk, which is widely exposed in the Nahal Zin drainage basin, the drainage system that supplied most of the material to the beach ridges. Simple exposure ages, assuming only exposure at the beach ridge sampling sites, range from 35 to 354 ky; using the ratio 26Al/10Be, total clast histories range from 0·46 to 4·3 My, unrelated to the clasts' current position and exposure period on the late Pleistocene beach ridges, 160–177 m below sea level. Optically stimulated luminescence dating of fine sediments from the same and nearby beach ridges yielded ages of 20·0 ± 1·4 ka and 36·1 ± 3·3 ka. These ages are supported by the degree of soil development on the beach ridges and correspond well with previously determined ages of Lake Lisan, which suggest that the lake reached its highest stand around 27 000 cal. years BP . If the clasts were exposed only once and than buried beyond the range of significant cosmogenic nuclide production, then the minimum initial exposure and the total burial times before delivery to the beach ridge are in the ranges 50–1300 ky and 390–3130 ky respectively. Alternatively, the initial cosmogenic dosing could have occurred during steady erosion of the source bedrock. Back calculating such rates of rock erosion suggests values between 0·4 and 12 m My?1. The relatively long burial periods indicate extended sediment storage as colluvium on slopes and/or as alluvial deposits in river terraces. Some clasts may have been stored for long periods in abandoned Pliocene and early Pleistocene routes of Nahal Zin to the Mediterranean before being transported again back into the Nahal Zin drainage system and washed on to the shores of Lake Lisan during the late Pleistocene. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Electron spin resonance (ESR) measurements of heated flint from Kebara cave show the presence of two radiation sensitive signals: E' and Al. Both are strongly interfered with by organic signals produced during heating of the flint. The signal subtraction method of Porat and Schwarcz (1991) was used to determine equivalent doses for flint samples from levels VII-XII, for which thermoluminescence (TL) ages on the same samples are known. Ages were determined using dose rates based on analyses of the flint and TLD measurements of external dose rates. The average E' age of 48.5 ± 5.1 ka is much less than the average TL age (62.2 ± 4.3 ka), whereas the average age of 64.6 ± 12 ka given by the Al signal is in good agreement with the TL age, but with much larger dispersion. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Calcrete‐coated remnants of landslide debris and alluvial deposits are exposed along the presently stable hillslopes of the Soreq drainage, Judea Hills, Israel. These remnants indicate that a transition from landslide‐dominated terrain to dissolution‐controlled hillslope erosion had occurred. This transition possibly occurred due to the significant decrease in tectonic uplift during the late Cenozoic. The study area is characterized by sub‐humid Mediterranean climate. The drainage hillslopes are typically mantled by thick calcrete crusts overlying Upper Cretaceous marine carbonate rocks. Using TT‐OSL dating of aeolian quartz grains incorporated in the calcrete which cements an ancient landslide deposit, we conclude that incision of ~100 m occurred from 1056 ± 262 to 688 ± 86 ka due to ~0·3° westward tilt of the region; such incision invoked high frequency of landslide activity in the drainage. The ages of a younger landslide remnant, alluvial terrace, and alluvial fan, all situated only a few meters above the present level of the active streambed, range between 688 ± 86 ka and 244 ± 25 ka and indicate that since 688 ± 86 the Soreq base level had stabilized and that landslide activity decreased significantly by the middle Pleistocene. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Quaternary desert loess and sandstone-loessite relationships in the geological record raise questions regarding causes and mechanisms of silt formation and accretion. In the northern Sinai-Negev desert carbonate terrain, only sand abrasion in active erg could have produced the large quantities of quartzo-feldspathic silts constituting the late Quaternary northwestern Negev loess. In the continuum of source (medium to fine sand of dunes) to sink (silts in loess) the very fine sand is unaccounted for in the record. This weakens the sand abrasion model of silt formation as a global process. Here, we demonstrate that, as predicted by experiments, abrasion by advancing dunes generated large quantities of very fine sand (60-110 μm) deposited within the dune field and in close proximity downwind. This very fine sand was generated 13-11 ka, possibly synchronous with the Younger Dryas under gusty sand/dust storms in the southeastern Mediterranean and specifically in the northern Sinai-Negev erg. These very fine sands were washed down slope and filled small basins blocked by the advancing dunes; outside these sampling basins it is difficult to identify these sands as a distinct product. We conclude that ergs are mega-grinders of sand into very fine sand and silt under windy Quaternary and ancient aeolian desert environments.  相似文献   
Clastic dikes are formed either by passive deposition of clastic material into pre-existing fissures (depositional dikes), or by fracturing and injection of clastics during earthquakes (injection dikes). We proposed to use optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating to distinguish between the two modes of formation and hypothesized that (1) depositional dikes filled from above show OSL ages younger than the host rock; and (2) injection dikes filled from below show the same OSL ages as that of the host rock. We studied the mechanisms of clastic-dike formation and their ages within the seismically active Dead Sea basin, where hundreds of dikes crosscut the late Pleistocene (70–15 ka) lacustrine sediments of the Lisan Formation. Field observations and analysis of magnetic tensors show unequivocally that most of these dikes were emplaced by injection, inferred to be due to seismically triggered fluidization–liquefaction during earthquakes. Twenty-eight samples were collected from the Lisan source material and dikes that, based on field observations, are unmistakably either depositional dikes or injection dikes.

Quartz single aliquot OSL ages of the source Lisan layers are between 43 and 34 ka, and are typical for the Lisan Formation. The ages of both depositional and injection dikes are between 15 and 17 ka, younger than the Lisan host rock. Depositional dikes show a highly scattered distribution of single grain ages, suggesting several episodes of infill. Single grain ages of injection dikes are of latest Pleistocene to Holocene, and do not contain recently bleached grains that infiltrated from above. These results imply that the OSL signals were reset at the time of fluidization–liquefaction and buildup of fluid pressure within the injection dikes. If this resetting mechanism has a physical ground, then OSL dating is an important tool for constraining the ages of earthquake-induced injection dikes and recovering paleoseismic data from them.  相似文献   

Rantis Cave is a recently discovered filled cave in central Israel, displaying a rich faunal accumulation of micromammals, ungulates and carnivores. U–Th dating assigns the beginning of accumulation to ca. 140 ka. The accumulation is culturally assigned to the late half of the Middle Paleolithic (MP) period. Single‐grain optically stimulated luminescence measurements attest to a complex sedimentological history. We present the cross‐disciplinary results of taphonomic and geomorphological analyses, which point to the cave serving as a natural pitfall trap for the large fauna, with little human or carnivore activity. The fauna is dominated by Dama among the ungulates and by Microtus among the micromammals. These data in conjunction with ungulate tooth mesowear analysis suggest a xeric Mediterranean environment on the eastern margin of the southern Levantine foothills. The relative taxonomic abundance of ungulate taxa shows some differences from anthropogenic MP sites, possibly reflecting the prey choice patterns of MP hunters. Overall, the natural accumulation scenario for Rantis Cave provides a rare paleoenvironmental and paleoeconomic reference to the rich anthropogenic MP faunas of the Southern Levant, enabling the reconstruction of a rich and diverse environmental setting for this important human dispersal route. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A varied assemblage of algal stromatolites was encountered in caves along the northern section of the Dead Sea Fault Escarpment. The caves are situated at the lower part of the escarpment at altitudes ?310 to ?188 m relative to mean sea level (m.s.l.), i.e. ca 110–230 m above the present Dead Sea level. The cave stromatolites are mainly composed of aragonite yielding U–Th ages of ~75–17 ka. The altitude, mineralogy and ages, as well as comparison with previously documented stromatolite outcrops in the area, ascribe the cave stromatolites to the aragonite-precipitating hypersaline Lake Lisan—the Late Pleistocene predecessor of the Dead Sea.The stromatolites are used as a lake level gauge, based on the algae being reliant upon the light of the upper water layer. Preservation of the original structure and aragonite mineralogy of the stromatolites, suggests a closed system regarding the radioactive elements, enabling reliable U–Th dating. A curve of Lake Lisan levels is constructed based on the stromatolite ages and cave elevations. The following points are noted: (1) Lake levels of ?247 m relative to m.s.l., are recorded at ~75–72.5 ka; (2) relatively high lake levels above ?220 m relative to m.s.l., are achieved at ~41.5 ka, and are still recorded at ~17 ka; (3) the peak level is ?188 m relative to m.s.l., at ~35.5–29.5 ka. These results indicate lake stands up to 80 m higher than previously accepted, for large parts of the Lake Lisan time span. This difference is explained by tectonic subsidence of up to 2.2 m/ka within the Dead Sea depression since the latest Pleistocene. This subsidence rate is in the same order of magnitude with previously calculated subsidence rates for the Dead Sea depression [Begin, Z.B., Zilberman, E., 1997. Main Stages and Rate of the Relief Development in Israel. Geological Survey of Israel report, Jerusalem]. Unlike previous Lake Lisan level estimations, the new curve is measured at the relatively stable shoulders of the Dead Sea depression.  相似文献   
Modern land administration systems must fulfil the emerging need for a faster and more efficient processing of real estate transactions. In order to achieve such a goal, one way to go can be to outsource a larger segment of the cadastral geometry updating process to the actors external to the organisation maintaining the data. In case the spatial component of the combined legal–spatial transactions is to be outsourced, the underlying transaction processing system must be able to autonomously handle all possible cases in a safe and consistent manner. In this paper we developed a framework that can be used to design a system that is based on standard database transaction concepts and guarantees the safe processing of externally prepared transactions on polygon-based cadastral parcels. In order to be able to detach the process of editing from the consistency control, we adjusted our basic concepts to only consider the net effect of a transaction. In creating the framework we first detect all possible types of transactions. We do that by observing the cardinalities of the transaction’s affected and the resulting sets of parcels and the identities of each set’s members. Following the detection, we attach the basic integrity constraints to each of the transaction types. Finally we classify the detected transaction types into two subtypes with the primary criteria being the strict or relaxed requirements regarding the planar partition correctness. A strict definition of what can be done within each such transaction type provides a reference that can be used for linking the legal and the spatial component of a combined legal–spatial transaction. In order to substantiate the developed framework, we describe the implementation of a proof of the concept system.  相似文献   
The open-air Acheulian site in Holon, Israel, was dated by the luminescence methods and by electron spin resonance (ESR). Situated in the coastal plain Quaternary Kurkar Group, the Holon site was first excavated in the late 1960s, when typical lower Paleolithic lithics and middle Pleistocene fauna were found. In order to date the site, new test pits were dug adjacent to the earlier excavations and the archaeological bed was exposed in a section comprising a series of paleosols and aeolianites. Alkali feldspars separated from the sediments were dated using the infrared stimulated luminescence and thermoluminescence signals, and quartz was dated using the optically stimulated luminescence signal. The age of the archaeological bed is constrained by two samples to 198,000 ± 22,000–201,000 ± 17,000 yr. The age of the base of the section is 240,000 ± 29,000 yr, and the age of the top is 81,000 ± 8000 yr. Two teeth from the archaeological bed, recovered from the original excavation collection, yielded an average ESR age of 204,000 ± 16,000 yr, calculated using the linear uptake model, which is in a very good agreement with the luminescence ages. These dates place Holon within the range of other late Acheulian and Acheulo-Yabrudian sites in this region such as Tabun E (younger chronology), Yabrud I (archaeological level 18), and Berekhat Ram.  相似文献   
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