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Estimating biomass of microphytobenthos (MPB) on intertidal mud flats is extremely difficult due to their patchy occurrence, especially at the scale of an entire mud flat. We tested two optical approaches that can be applied in situ: spectral reflectance and chlorophyll fluorescence. These two approaches were applied in 4 European estuaries with different sediment characteristics. At each site, paired replicate measurements of hyperspectral reflectance, chlorophyll fluorescence (after 15 min dark adaptation, Fo 15), sediment water content, and chlorophylla concentrations were taken (including breakdown products: [chla+phaeo]). Sediments were further characterized by grain size and organic content analysis. The spectral signatures of tidal flats dominated by benthic microalgae, mainly diatoms, could be easily distinguished from sites dominated by macrophytes; we present a 3 waveband algorithm that can be used to detect the presence of macrophytes. The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) was found to be most strongly correlated to sediment [chla+phaeo], except for the predominantly sandy Sylt stations. Fo 15 was also significantly correlated to sediment [chla+phaeo] in all but one grid (Sylt grid A). Our results suggest that the functional relationships (i.e., the slopes) between NDVI or fluorescence and [chla+ phaeo] were not significantly different in the muddier grids, although the intercepts could differ significantly, especially for Fo 15. This suggests a mismatch of the optical depth seen by the reflectometer or fluorometer and the depth sampled for pigment analysis. NDVI appears to be a robust proxy for sediment [chla+phaeo] and can be used to quantify MPB biomass in muddy sediments of mid latitude estuaries.  相似文献   
Techniques from dynamical systems theory have been applied to the construction of transfers between unstable periodic orbits that have different energies. Invariant manifolds, trajectories that asymptotically depart or approach unstable periodic orbits, are used to connect the initial and final orbits. The transfer asymptotically departs the initial orbit on a trajectory contained within the initial orbit’s unstable manifold and later asymptotically approaches the final orbit on a trajectory contained within the stable manifold of the final orbit. The manifold trajectories are connected by the execution of impulsive maneuvers. Two-body parameters dictate the selection of the individual manifold trajectories used to construct efficient transfers. A bounding sphere centered on the secondary, with a radius less than the sphere of influence of the secondary, is used to study the manifold trajectories. A two-body parameter, κ, is computed within the bounding sphere, where the gravitational effects of the secondary dominate. The parameter κ is defined as the sum of two quantities: the difference in the normalized angular momentum vectors and eccentricity vectors between a point on the unstable manifold and a point on the stable manifold. It is numerically demonstrated that as the κ parameter decreases, the total cost to complete the transfer decreases. Preliminary results indicate that this method of constructing transfers produces a significant cost savings over methods that do not employ the use of invariant manifolds.  相似文献   
To study geochemical processes for migration and fixation of fissiogenic rare earth elements (REE) in association with uranium dissolution, in situ isotopic analyses using an ion microprobe were performed on U- and REE-bearing secondary minerals, such as coffinite, françoisite, uraniferous goethite, and uraninite found in a sandstone layer 30 to 110 cm beneath a natural fission reactor at Bangombé, Gabon. Phosphate minerals such as phosphatian coffinite and françoisite with depleted 235U (235U/238U = 0.00609 to 0.00638) contained large amount of fissiogenic light REE, while micro-sized uraninite grains in a solid bitumen aggregate have normal U isotopic values (235U/238U = 0.00725) and small amount of fissiogenic REE components. The proportions of fissiogenic and non-fissiogenic REE components in four samples from the core of BAX03 vary in depth ranging from 30 cm to 130 cm beneath the reactor, which suggests mixing between fissiogenic isotopes from the reactor and non-fissiogenic isotopes from original minerals in the sandstone. Significant chemical fractionation was observed between Ce and the other REE in the secondary minerals, which shows evidence of an oxidizing atmosphere during their formation. Pb-isotopic analyses of individual minerals do not directly provide chronological information because of the disturbance of U-Pb decay system due to recent geologic alteration. However, systematic Pb-isotopic results from all of the minerals reveal the mobilization of fissiogenic isotopes, Pb and U from the reactor in association with dolerite dyke intrusion ∼0.798 Ga ago and the formation of the secondary minerals by mixing event between 2.05 Ga-old original minerals and reactor materials due to recent alteration.  相似文献   
The Oklo and Bangombé natural fossil fission reactors formed ca. 2 Ga ago in the Franceville basin, Gabon. The response of uraninite in the natural reactors to different geological conditions has implications for the disposal of the UO2 in spent nuclear fuel. Uraninite and galena from two reactor zones, RZ16 at Oklo and RZB at Bangombé, were studied to clarify the chronology and effect of alteration events on the reactor zones. In addition, ion microprobe U-Pb analysis of zircons from a dolerite dyke in the Oklo deposit were completed to better constrain the age of the dyke, and thereby testing the link between the dyke and an important alteration event in the reactor zones.The analyzed uraninite from RZ16 and RZB contains ca. 6 wt% PbO, indicating a substantial loss of radiogenic Pb. Transmission electron microscopy showed that microscopic uraninite grains in the reactor zones consist of mainly defect-free nanocrystalline to microcrystalline aggregates. However, the nanocrystalline regions have elevated Si contents and lower Pb contents than coarser uraninite crystallites. Single stage model ages of large, millimeter-sized galena grains at both RZ16 and RZB correlate well with the age of the Oklo dolerite dyke, 860 ± 39 Ma (2σ). Thus, the first major Pb loss from uraninite occurred at both Oklo and Bangombé during regional extension and the intrusion of a dyke swarm in the Franceville basin, ∼860-890 Ma ago. Uraninite Pb isotopes from RZ16 and RZB give lower ages of ca. 500 Ma. These ages agree with the “chemical” ages of the uraninite, and show that an ancient Pb loss occurred after the intrusion of the dolerite dykes. The presence of nanocrystallites in the reactor uraninite indicates internal recrystallization, which may have occurred around 500 Ma, resulting in the 6wt% PbO uraninite. It is suggested that leaching by fluid interaction triggered by the Pan-African orogeny was important during this second Pb-loss event. Thus, there are indications that uraninite at both the Oklo and Bangombé natural reactors has experienced at least two ancient episodes of Pb loss associated with internal recrystallization. These recrystallization events have occurred without significantly depleting the 2 Ga fission products compatible with the uraninite structure.  相似文献   
Controls on coal metamorphism can be complex. In this paper, we examine four Paleozoic coalfields: the western Kentucky portion of the Illinois Basin, the Pennsylvania anthracite fields, the South Wales Coalfield, and the Bowen Basin. An increase in temperature with depth of burial is certainly a factor in coal metamorphism. In many coalfields, however, including the coalfields reviewed here, it has become apparent that such a simple mechanism does not explain the coal rank patterns observed. The flow of hydrothermal fluids through the coals has been proposed as a cause of coal metamorphism. Evidence includes inverted rank gradients, elevated CFL as an indicator of brine fluids, isotopic evidence for hydrothermal fluids, and vein and cleat mineral assemblages. In any case, multiple hypotheses must often be evaluated in the examination of any coalfield since the simple paradigm of coal rank increases with a simple increase in temperature with increasing depth does not fit the evidence observed in many cases.  相似文献   
We present a finite-element study of stress perturbation in evolving compressive and extensional strike-slip fault bridges. The results are compared with a fracture study of a compressive bridge at St Donats, UK. Horizontally interbedded calcareous mudstone and bioclastic calcilutite at St Donats have a distinct vertical permeability anisotropy. This sedimentary sequence behaves as a set of horizontal aquifers. The fluid flow in these aquifers is sensitive to mean stress gradients. Paleostress analysis of field fracture data, verified by finite-element modelling, indicates a rotation of σ1 towards parallelism with boundary faults inside the growing compressive bridge. Boundary faults and bridge faults recorded numerous fluid flow events. The modelled mean stress pattern shows a regional maximum within the bridge and local maxima/minima pairs at boundary fault tips.Finite-element modelling of an extensional bridge indicates that σ3 rotates towards parallelism with boundary faults. The mean stress pattern is similar to the pattern in compressive bridge but with maxima and minima locations interchanged. The stress patterns are reestablished by each stress build-up preceding the rupturation of the boundary faults throughout the development stages of strike-slip fault bridges. Mean stress gradients developed pre-failure control the fluid flow in fractures of the strike-slip fault system at and after the end of each stress build-up and the fluid flow in boundary faults post-failure. Fracture reactivation and new fracture generation within an evolving bridge is a process consisting of multiple successive events that retain the storage capacity of the bridge. Rupture and sealing of the main bounding-faults is a step-wise process that opens and closes fluid conduits between areas with different pressures.  相似文献   
To understand the effect of woody plant encroachment on hydrological processes of mesic grasslands, we quantified infiltration capacity in situ, the temporal changes in soil water storage, and streamflow of a grassland catchment and a catchment heavily encroached by juniper (Juniperus virginiana, eastern redcedar) in previously cultivated, non‐karst substrate grasslands in north‐central Oklahoma for 3 years. The initial and steady‐state infiltration rates under the juniper canopy were nearly triple to that of the grassland catchment and were intermediate in the intercanopy spaces within the encroached catchment. Soil water content and soil water storage on the encroached catchment were generally lower than on the grassland catchment, especially when preceding the seasons of peak rainfall in spring and fall. Frequency and magnitude of streamflow events were reduced in the encroached catchment. Annual runoff coefficients for the encroached catchment averaged 2.1%, in contrast to 10.6% for the grassland catchment. Annual streamflow duration ranged from 80 to 250 h for the encroached catchment compared with 600 to 800 h for the grassland catchment. Our results showed that the encroachment of juniper into previously cultivated mesic grasslands fundamentally alters catchment hydrological function. Rapid transformation of mesic grassland to a woodland state with juniper encroachment, if not confined, has the potential to drastically reduce soil water, streamflow and flow duration of ephemeral streams in the Southern Great Plains. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Sekaninaite (XFe > 0.5)-bearing paralava and clinker are the products of ancient combustion metamorphism in the western part of the Kuznetsk coal basin, Siberia. The combustion metamorphic rocks typically occur as clinker beds and breccias consisting of vitrified sandstone–siltstone clinker fragments cemented by paralava, resulting from hanging-wall collapse above burning coal seams and quenching. Sekaninaite–Fe-cordierite (XFe = 95–45) is associated with tridymite, fayalite, magnetite, ± clinoferrosilite and ±mullite in paralava and with tridymite and mullite in clinker. Unmelted grains of detrital quartz occur in both rocks (<3 vol% in paralavas and up to 30 vol% in some clinkers). Compositionally variable siliceous, K-rich peraluminous glass is <30% in paralavas and up to 85% in clinkers. The paralavas resulted from extensive fusion of sandstone–siltstone (clinker), and sideritic/Fe-hydroxide material contained within them, with the proportion of clastic sediments ≫ ferruginous component. Calculated dry liquidus temperatures of the paralavas are 1,120–1,050°C and 920–1,050°C for clinkers, with calculated viscosities at liquidus temperatures of 101.6–7.0 and 107.0–9.8 Pa s, respectively. Dry liquidus temperatures of glass compositions range between 920 and 1,120°C (paralava) and 920–960°C (clinker), and viscosities at these temperatures are 109.7–5.5 and 108.8–9.7 Pa s, respectively. Compared with worldwide occurrences of cordierite–sekaninaite in pyrometamorphic rocks, sekaninaite occurs in rocks with XFe (mol% FeO/(FeO + MgO)) > 0.8; sekaninaite and Fe-cordierite occur in rocks with XFe 0.6–0.8, and cordierite (XFe < 0.5) is restricted to rocks with XFe < 0.6. The crystal-chemical formula of an anhydrous sekaninaite based on the refined structure is | \textK0.02 |(\textFe1.542 + \textMg0.40 \textMn0.06 )\Upsigma 2.00M [(\textAl1.98 \textFe0.022 + \textSi1.00 )\Upsigma 3.00T1 (\textSi3.94 \textAl2.04 \textFe0.022 + )\Upsigma 6.00T2 \textO18 ]. \left| {{\text{K}}_{0.02} } \right|({\text{Fe}}_{1.54}^{2 + } {\text{Mg}}_{0.40} {\text{Mn}}_{0.06} )_{\Upsigma 2.00}^{M} [({\text{Al}}_{1.98} {\text{Fe}}_{0.02}^{2 + } {\text{Si}}_{1.00} )_{\Upsigma 3.00}^{T1} ({\text{Si}}_{3.94} {\text{Al}}_{2.04} {\text{Fe}}_{0.02}^{2 + } )_{\Upsigma 6.00}^{T2} {\text{O}}_{18} ].  相似文献   
In January 1982, sediment microbial N transformations and inorganic N fluxes across the sediment/water interface were studied at nine sites off the South Island West Coast, New Zealand. The sediments showed a great variety in physical, chemical and biological properties. The sediment organic matter had a molar CN ratio of 5.9–10.9, and the total NP ratio was 1.2–4.0. The denitrification capacity in the top 7.5 cm of sediment was 0.1–77.2 mmol N m?2 day?1 and generally declined with increasing sediment depth. The in situ denitrification rate was 0.02–1.84 mmol N m?2 day?1 and highest activities were generally found in surface sediments and at 6–7.5 cm depth. Denitrification accounted for 82–100% of total nitrate reduction. Net N mineralization was indirectly estimated at 0.6–2.4 mmol N m?2 day?1, and the experimental determination of this N transformation gave 0.6–3.2 mmol N m?2 day?1. Denitrification accounted for 3–75% of net N mineralization. The diffusive flux of ammonium and nitrate across the sediment/water interface was 0.1–0.7 and 0.1–0.6 mmol N m?2 day?1, respectively.  相似文献   
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