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There has been limited success in determining critical thresholds of ground cover or soil characteristics that relate to significant changes in runoff or sediment production at the microscale (<1 m2), particularly in semi‐arid systems where management of ground cover is critical. Despite this lack of quantified thresholds, there is an increasing research focus on the two‐phase mosaic of vegetation patches and inter‐patches in semi‐arid systems. In order to quantify ground cover and soil related thresholds for runoff and sediment production, we used a data mining technique known as conditional inference tree analysis to determine statistically significant values of a range of measured variables that predicted average runoff, peak runoff, sediment concentration and sediment production at the microscale. On Chromic Luvisols across a range of vegetation states in semi‐arid south‐eastern Australia, large changes in runoff and sediment production were related to a hierarchy of different variables and thresholds, but the percentage of bare soil played a primary role in predicting runoff and sediment production in most instances. The identified thresholds match well with previous thresholds found in semi‐arid and temperate regions (including the approximate values of 30%, 50% and 70% total ground cover). The analysis presented here identified the critical role of soil surface roughness, particularly where total ground cover is sparse. The analysis also provided evidence that a two‐phase mosaic of patches and inter‐patches identified via rapid visual assessment could be further delineated into distinct groups of hydrological response, or a multi‐phase rather than a two‐phase system. The approach used here may aid in assessing scale‐dependent responses and address data non‐linearity in studies of semi‐arid hydrology. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The effects of climate change on eroding landscapes and the terrestrial sedimentary record are poorly understood. Using mountain catchment–alluvial fan systems as simple analogues for larger landscapes, a wide range of theoretical studies, numerical models and physical experiments have hypothesized that a change in precipitation rate could leave a characteristic signal in alluvial fan sediment flux, grain size and down‐system fining rate. However, this hypothesis remains largely untested in real landscapes. This study measures grain‐size fining rates from apex to toe on two alluvial fan systems in northern Death Valley, California, USA, which each have well‐exposed modern and ca 70 ka surfaces, and where the long‐term tectonic boundary conditions can be constrained. Between them, these surfaces capture a well‐constrained temporal gradient in climate. A grain‐size fining model is adapted, based on self‐similarity and selective deposition, for application to these alluvial fans. This model is then integrated with cosmogenic nuclide constraints on catchment erosion rates, and observed grain‐size fining data from two catchment‐fan systems, to estimate the change in sediment flux from canyon to alluvial fan that occurred between mid‐glacial and modern interglacial conditions. In a fan system with negligible sediment recycling, a ca 30% decrease in precipitation rate led to a 20% decrease in sediment flux and a clear increase in the down‐fan rate of fining, supporting existing landscape evolution models. Consequently, this study shows that small mountain catchments and their alluvial fan stratigraphy can be highly sensitive to orbital climate changes over <105 year timescales. However, in the second fan system it is observed that this sensitivity is completely lost when sediment is remobilized and recycled over a time period longer than the duration of the climatic perturbation. These analyses offer a new approach to quantitatively reconstructing the effects of past climate changes on sedimentation, using simple grain‐size data measured in the field.  相似文献   
Two case studies of the application of geoscientific maps for planning in semi-arid regions are presented, one for the Mediterranean province of Valencia and another for the island of Gran Canaria (Canaries). Both regions are very dynamic from the point of view of population growth and urban-touristic-industrial development, and they suffer from a serious degree of environmental degradation. The provincial/ island governments have undertaken programmes of geoscientific mapping and assessment to serve as a basis for the establishment of guidelines for future planning.

Two map sets have been made (1:200,000 in Valencia and 1:50,000 in Gran Canaria), based on initial maps of homogeneous integrated units. These represent a series of hierarchical land subdivisions, progressively smaller and more detailed (morphodynamic environments, systems, units, elements), defined on the basis of morphostructure, climate, lithology, surficial deposits, landforms, topography, active processes, soils, vegetation and human influence.

Each individual map unit is described by means of a form which includes 114 items, summarising its environmental features.

Morphodynamic units have been evaluated in terms of qualities significant for planning, and a series of derivative maps has been developed (geologic hazards, soil capability, present degree of erosion, potential erodibility, quality for conservation).

A final map shows the most advisable types of uses and the main limitations for human activities, mainly due to engineering geological factors. This is a synthesis document which can be used directly by planners.  相似文献   

Atriplex halimus L. is a valuable fodder shrub that has been widely used in arid Mediterranean regions. However, its response to several cumulative years of grazing management remains uncertain. Accordingly, we conducted a three-year experiment in south-eastern Spain to analyze the influence of repeated seasonal (winter-spring) sheep browsing on young A. halimus plants. Shrub growth, fodder and wood production, plant compactness and shoot moisture content were assessed through regular monitoring of the size of shrubs, sampling of summer shoots, and destructive procedures at the end of the experiment. Shrubs were on two closely located sites but where soil quality and water availability were different. At the better location, browsed shrubs grew less and were significantly smaller (P < 0.001) than the non-browsed saltbushes. In contrast, differences between groups were minimal where the growth conditions were poorer. In all cases, shrubs resprouted vigorously and maintained fodder production throughout the experiment. Browsing affected shrub structure, resulting in smaller but more compact plants (2.20 vs. 1.24 g dm−3, P < 0.001), but their proportion of fodder remained similar. The spring grazing increased shrub-shoot moisture content in the summer (62.5% vs. 56.0%, P < 0.001). Overall, this species responded very positively to repeated seasonal grazing.  相似文献   
Stable isotope and trace element analyses of 230 Jurassic (Pliensbachian–Toarcian) samples from northern Spain have been performed to test the use of geochemical variations in fossils (belemnites and brachiopods) and whole‐rock hemipelagic carbonates as palaeoceanographic indicators. Although the succession analysed (Reinosa area, westernmost Basque–Cantabrian Basin) has been subject to severe thermal alteration during burial diagenesis, the samples appear to be well preserved. The degree of diagenetic alteration of the samples has been assessed through the application of integrated petrographic, chemical and cathodoluminescence analyses. It is demonstrated that brachiopods and whole‐rock carbonates, although widely used for palaeoceanic studies, do not retain their primary marine geochemical composition after burial diagenesis. In contrast, there is strong evidence that belemnite rostra preserve original isotopic values despite pervasive diagenesis of the host rock. Well‐preserved belemnite shells (non‐luminescent to slightly luminescent) typically show stable isotope values of +4·3‰ to –0·7‰δ13C, +0·7‰ to –3·2‰δ18O, and trace element contents of <32 μg g–1 Mn, <250 μg g–1 Fe, >950 μg g–1 Sr and Sr/Mn ratios >80. This study suggests that the degree to which diagenesis has affected the preservation of an original isotopic composition may differ for different low‐Mg calcite fossil shells and hemipelagic bulk carbonates, behaviour that should be considered when marine isotopic signatures from other ancient carbonate rocks are investigated. Multiple non‐luminescent contemporaneous belemnite samples passed the petrographic and geochemical tests to be considered as palaeoceanic recorders, yet their δ13C and δ18O values exhibited moderate scatter. Such variability is likely to be related to the palaeoecological behaviour of belemnites and/or high‐frequency secular variations in sea‐water chemistry superimposed on the long‐term isotopic trend. A pronounced positive carbon‐isotope excursion (up to +4·3‰) is documented in the early Toarcian serpentinus biozone, which correlates with the Toarcian δ13C maximum reported in other European and Tethyan regions.  相似文献   
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