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Sangay (5230 m), the southernmost active volcano of the Andean Northern Volcanic Zone (NVZ), sits 130 km above a >32-Ma-old slab, close to a major tear that separates two distinct subducting oceanic crusts. Southwards, Quaternary volcanism is absent along a 1600-km-long segment of the Andes. Three successive edifices of decreasing volume have formed the Sangay volcanic complex during the last 500 ka. Two former cones (Sangay I and II) have been largely destroyed by sector collapses that resulted in large debris avalanches that flowed out upon the Amazon plain. Sangay III, being constructed within the last avalanche amphitheater, has been active at least since 14 ka BP. Only the largest eruptions with unusually high Plinian columns are likely to represent a major hazard for the inhabited areas located 30 to 100 km west of the volcano. However, given the volcano's relief and unbuttressed eastern side, a future collapse must be considered, that would seriously affect an area of present-day colonization in the Amazon plain, 30 km east of the summit. Andesites greatly predominate at Sangay, there being few dacites and basalts. In order to explain the unusual characteristics of the Sangay suite—highest content of incompatible elements (except Y and HREE) of any NVZ suite, low Y and HREE values in the andesites and dacites, and high Nb/La of the only basalt found—a preliminary five-step model is proposed: (1) an enriched mantle (in comparison with an MORB source), or maybe a variably enriched mantle, at the site of the Sangay, prior to Quaternary volcanism; (2) metasomatism of this mantle by important volumes of slab-derived fluids enriched in soluble incompatible elements, due to the subduction of major oceanic fracture zones; (3) partial melting of this metasomatized mantle and generation of primitive basaltic melts with Nb/La values typical of the NVZ, which are parental to the entire Sangay suite but apparently never reach the surface and subordinate production of high Nb/La basaltic melts, maybe by lower degrees of melting at the periphery of the main site of magma formation, that only infrequently reach the surface; (4) AFC processes at the base of a 50-km-thick crust, where parental melts pond and fractionate while assimilating remelts of similar basaltic material previously underplated, producing andesites with low Y and HREE contents, due to garnet stability at this depth; (5) low-pressure fractionation and mixing processes higher in the crust. Both an enriched mantle under Sangay prior to volcanism and an important slab-derived input of fluids enriched in soluble incompatible elements, two parameters certainly related to the unique setting of the volcano at the southern termination of the NVZ, apparently account for the exceptionally high contents of incompatible elements of the Sangay suite. In addition, the low Cr/Ni values of the entire suite—another unique characteristic of the NVZ—also requires unusual fractionation processes involving Cr-spinel and/or clinopyroxene, either in the upper mantle or at the base of the crust.  相似文献   
Recent measurements of the high-energy, omni-directional electron environment by the Galileo spacecraft Energetic Particle Detector (EPD) have been analyzed in the range from 7 to 28 Jupiter radii. 10-min averages of these data between Jupiter orbit insertion in 1995 to the end of the mission have been analyzed to provide estimates of the electron differential fluxes at 1.5, 2, and 11 MeV in the jovian equatorial plane as a function of radial distance. These data provide a long term picture of the variations in the high-energy electron environment over the ∼8 years of the Galileo mission. This paper reviews those measurements and the statistics associated with them for the 8 year period. In general, the data variations are well behaved with variations being within a factor of ∼2 of a median value at a given distance from Jupiter. These results are analyzed in detail and the orbit variations discussed in the context of the overall data set. The results of this analysis of the long-term statistical variations in high-energy electron fluxes are directly applicable to models that estimate the effects of the radiation environment on Jupiter's moons and their atmospheres as they permit estimates of the possible range of radiation effects that might be expected.  相似文献   
Tribal communities in the United States, particularly in coastal areas, are being forced to relocate due to accelerated rates of sea level rise, land erosion, and/or permafrost thaw brought on by climate change. Forced relocation and inadequate governance mechanisms and budgets to address climate change and support adaptation strategies may cause loss of community and culture, health impacts, and economic decline, further exacerbating tribal impoverishment and injustice. Sovereign tribal communities around the US, however, are using creative strategies to counter these losses. Taking a human rights approach, this article looks at communities’ advocacy efforts and strategies in dealing with climate change, displacement, and relocation. Case studies of Coastal Alaska and Louisiana are included to consider how communities are shaping their own relocation efforts in line with their cultural practices and values. The article concludes with recommendations on steps for moving forward toward community-led and government-supported resettlement programs.  相似文献   
We have investigated six impact glass spherules from the K‐Pg event bed at Beloc, Haiti, using optical and electron microscopy, electron microprobe and in situ laser ablation–mass spectrometry (LA‐ICP‐MS; 37 trace elements, spot size 90–35 μm), in order to understand geochemical changes during alteration. The mm‐sized glass spherules are partly or totally altered to smectite, but original textural features are preserved. The average trace‐element composition of glass matches that one of the upper continental crust. Hints for a “meteoritic component” are lacking (Ni/Cr < 1.3; Pt below detection limit). Compared to this fresh glass, smectites are strongly depleted in trace elements, except for Li, Sc, V, Ni, Ga, Ge, and Ba. The chondrite‐normalized REE distribution patterns are flat with subchondritic abundances, related to their very low degree of crystallinity. We observe a positive Eu and a strong negative Ce anomaly; the latter is explained by formation of an organic Ce4+‐complex, soluble under reducing conditions. Zr/Hf of glasses and smectites is chondritic to superchondritic (35–40), whereas Nb/Ta in smectite is subchondritic (5–12) compared to Nb/Ta in the glass (~14–18). The low Nb/Ta is due to the low Nb concentrations in the smectite. Using in situ techniques with high spatial resolution, we have documented for the first time the significant changes in diagnostic elemental ratios during alteration of glass spherules. This has to be taken into account in the interpretation of geochemical data of not only impact materials but also volcanic glass, especially if bulk rock methods are used.  相似文献   
During the 1969–1974 Mauna Ulu eruption on Kilauea's upper east rift zone, lava tubes were observed to develop by four principal processes: (1) flat, rooted crusts grew across streams within confined channels; (2) overflows and spatter accreted to levees to build arched roofs across streams; (3) plates of solidified crust floating downstream coalesced to form a roof; and (4) pahoehoe lobes progressively extended, fed by networks of distributaries beneath a solidified crust. Still another tube-forming process operated when pahoehoe entered the ocean; large waves would abruptly chill a crust across the entire surface of a molten stream crossing through the surf zone. These littoral lava tubes formed abruptly, in contrast to subaerial tubes, which formed gradually. All tube-forming processes were favored by low to moderate volume-rates of flow for sustained periods of time. Tubes thereby became ubiquitous within the pahoehoe flows and distributed a very large proportionof the lava that was produced during this prolonged eruption. Tubes transport lava efficiently. Once formed, the roofs of tubes insulate the active streams within, allowing the lava to retain its fluidity for a longer time than if exposed directly to ambient air temperature. Thus the flows can travel greater distances and spread over wider areas. Even though supply rates during most of 1970–1974 were moderate, ranging from 1 to 5 m3/s, large tube systems conducted lava as far as the coast, 12–13 km distant, where they fed extensive pahoehoe fields on the coastal flats. Some flows entered the sea to build lava deltas and add new land to the island. The largest and most efficient tubes developed during periods of sustained extrusion, when new lava was being supplied at nearly constant rates. Tubes can play a major role in building volcanic edifices with gentle slopes because they can deliver a substantial fraction of lava erupted at low to moderate rates to sites far down the flank of a volcano. We conclude, therefore, that the tendency of active pahoehoe flows to form lava tubes is a significant factor in producing the common shield morphology of basaltic volcanoes.  相似文献   
Two hundred observations of frictional behavior of seven low-porosity silicate rocks were made at temperatures to 700°C and pressures from 2.5 to 6 kbar. For all rocks except one, peridotite, stick-slip occurred at low temperature and gave way to stable sliding at some high temperature, different for each rock. These differences could be related to the presence or absence of minerals such as amphibole, mica, or serpentine. Up to some temperature, depending on rock type, the friction stress was relatively unaffected by temperature. The shear stress decreased at higher temperature, and in some cases such decrease was related to the coincidence of fracture and friction strength. While somewhat dependent on rock type, the friction stress for the seven rocks studied was about the same, within 10–15%. Up to 265°C, water had little effect on the frictional behavior of faulted granite at 3 kbar effective pressure. The frictional stresses measured in the laboratory were significantly higher than estimated for natural faults. This difference could be accounted for by high pore pressure or weak alteration materials in the natural fault zone.  相似文献   
It is time to move past the concept of sustainability. The realities of the Anthropocene warrant this conclusion. They include unprecedented and irreversible rates of human-induced biodiversity loss, exponential increases in per-capita resource consumption, and global climate change. These factors combine to create an increasing likelihood of rapid, nonlinear, social and ecological regime changes. The recent failure of the Rio + 20 provides an opportunity to collectively reexamine—and ultimately move past—the concept of sustainability as an environmental goal. We must face the impossibility of defining—let alone pursuing—a goal of “sustainability” in a world characterized by such extreme complexity, radical uncertainty and lack of stationarity. After briefly examining sustainability's failure, we propose resilience thinking as one possible new orientation and point to the challenges associated with translating resilience theory into policy application.  相似文献   
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