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The seasonal cycle of chlorophyll concentration in the Bay of Biscay and western English Channel has been examined using satellite data (chlorophyll, sea surface temperature (SST), photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) and wind) along the line of the ferry Pride of Bilbao (Bilbao to Portsmouth). The spring phytoplankton bloom develops regularly in the oceanic region of the Bay of Biscay from mid March to the beginning of May with peak chlorophyll concentrations ranging 2–4 mg m?3. Low wind turbulence is a major factor allowing the development of productivity pulses in the Bay of Biscay during spring. Exceptional blooms of phytoplankton take place in summer (July–August) in the western English Channel with chlorophyll concentrations as high as 40 mg m?3. Some environmental factors (SST, wind, pressure and tide) are examined. Autumn blooms of phytoplankton (1–2 mg m?3) are also detected in the northern Bay of Biscay, shelf-break and Celtic Sea in October. A 11 years pluri-annual synthesis of SeaWiFS satellite measurements is presented.  相似文献   
There is an increasing presence of animal representations in advertising and these are frequently visible in the urban landscape via billboards. We contend that billboards constitute a banal, yet influential, component of the built environment in which subtle, yet powerful, interplays of gender and local culture can literally take place. We consider a controversial billboard campaign that displayed the image of a cross-dressed dog in Auckland in 1999. An analysis of the image and objections lodged against it allows us to conclude that in conveying a public service message, this campaign mounted by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, unintentionally performed another service: engaging the public in (re)interpreting the gendered nature of animal representation  相似文献   
To evaluate the relevance of a watershed modelling for assessing the contamination of coastal waters due to land-based sources and activities, a modelling approach, using SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) model, was implemented on the watersheds of Pen-Bé estuary and Le Croisic bay. For the past few years, various dysfunctions occurred in these shellfish farming areas located on the West coast of France. Therefore, it seemed critical to estimate the coastal watershed loadings in order to get a better understanding of the dysfunctions. In the same way, an empiric method based on water quality samplings was also carried out in order to evaluate the potential pollutant attenuation of the coastal wetlands. The results presented in this paper focus on simulated streamflows and phosphorus flows. Despite the limited existing data, which involved to integrate aggregated or averaged values for several aspects, according to the Nash and Sutcliffe efficiency criterion, the simulated flows seem close to the measurements. The simulated continuous flows appeared as a useful complement to intermittent water quality samplings and streamflow measures resulting from water monitoring networks. Moreover, by identifying the most contributory sub-watersheds, the simulations could be used to suggest priority areas of intervention for decreasing the coastal watershed loadings.  相似文献   
Stratigraphic, geomorphic, and paleoecological data were collected from upland watersheds in the Great Basin of central Nevada to assess the relationships between late Holocene climate change, hillslope processes and landforms, and modern channel dynamics. These data indicate that a shift to drier, warmer climatic conditions from approximately 2500 to 1300 YPB led to a complex set of geomorphic responses. The initial response was massive hillslope erosion and the simultaneous aggradation of both side-valley alluvial fans and the axial valley system. The final response was fan stabilization and axial channel incision as fine-grained sediments were winnowed from the hillslope sediment reservoirs, and sediment yield and runoff processes were altered. The primary geomorphic response to disturbance for approximately the past 1900 years has been channel entrenchment, suggesting that the evolutionary history of hillslopes has produced watersheds that are prone to incision. The magnitude of the most recent phase of channel entrenchment varies along the valley floor as a function of geomorphic position relative to side-valley alluvial fans. Radial fan profiles suggest that during fan building, fan deposits temporarily blocked the flow of sediment down the main stem of the valley, commonly creating a stepped longitudinal valley profile. Stream reaches located immediately upvalley of these fans are characterized by low gradients and alternating episodes of erosion and deposition. In contrast, reaches coincident with or immediately downstream of the fans exhibit higher gradients and limited valley floor deposition. Thus, modern channel dynamics and associated riparian ecosystems are strongly influenced by landforms created by depositional events that occurred approximately 2000 years ago.  相似文献   
Deterministic vs. probabilistic earthquake hazards and risks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Both probabilistic and deterministic methods have a role in seismic hazard and risk analyses performed for decision-making purposes. These two methods can complement one another to provide additional insights to the seismic hazard or risk problem. One method will have priority over the other, depending on how quantitative are the decisions to be made, depending on the seismic environment, and depending on the scope of the project (single site or a region). In many applications a recursive analysis, where deterministic interpretations are triggered by probabilistic results and vice versa, will give the greatest insight and allow the most informed decisions to be made.  相似文献   
A modelling study to investigate the effects of land use change from natural forest to agricultural land on large-scale catchment runoff in southern Africa is described. The evaporative component of the model considers the catchment to be composed of one of three surface types—forest, agricultural land or water surface. Values of the model parameters for the forest and agricultural lands were obtained from experimental studies carried out in the dry zone of India. Estimates of average monthly potential evaporation, together with measurements of monthly rainfall, were used in the model to predict the monthly levels of Lake Malawi. These were compared with observed levels. From 1896 to 1967 the major fluctuations in lake level, both seasonally and annually, are well described by this model (excepting the period from 1935 to 1945, immediately following the time when there was no outflow from the lake) using a value of 64% for the forest coverage of the catchment. The overall agreement between prediction and observation indicates that variations in rainfall alone, without changes in either evaporative demand or in the hydraulic regime of the lake, are sufficient to explain lake level changes. For the more recent period (1954–1994), model predictions of lake level which take into account a decrease in forest cover of 13% over the period 1967–1990 (consistent with the actual decrease in forest cover for this period) agree well with observations both annually and seasonally. Without this decrease in forest cover, the model predicted that the lake level would have been about 1 m lower than that observed during the southern African drought of 1992. The model, in conjunction with real-time rainfall data obtained from land-based gauges, radar or satellite observations, can be used for real-time water resource management applications such as the operation of barrages regulating the flow from Lake Malawi or for the issuing of flood or drought warnings.  相似文献   
The Late Pleistocene to Holocene eruptive history of Pico de Orizaba can be divided into 11 eurptive episodes. Each eruptive episode lasted several hundred years, the longest recorded being about 1000 years (the Xilomich episode). Intervals of dormancy range from millenia during the late Pleistocene to about 500 years, the shortest interval recorded in the Holocene. This difference could reflect either changes in the volcano's activity or that the older stratigraphic record is less complete than the younger. Eruptive mechanisms during the late Pleistocene were characterized by dome extrusions, lava flows and ash-and-scoria-flow generating eruptive columns. However, in Holocene time plinian activity became increasingly important. The increase in dacitic plinian eruptions over time is related to increased volumes of dacitic magma beneath Pico de Orizaba. We suggest that the magma reservoir under Pico de Orizaba is stratified. The last eruptive episode, which lasted from about 690 years bp until ad 1687, was initiated by a dacitic plinian eruption and was followed by effusive lava-forming eruptions. For the last 5,000 years the activity of the volcano has been gradually evolving towards such a trend, underlining the increasing importance of dacitic magma and stratification of the magma reservoir. Independent observations of Pico de Orizaba's glacier early this century indicate that some increase in volcanic activity occurred between 1906 and 1947, and that it was probably fumarolic.  相似文献   
Hydrological impact of Eucalyptus plantation in India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A brief review is given of the results of hydrological studies carried out in southern India on the effects of plantations of Eucalyptus and other fast growing exotic tree species on water resources, erosion and soil nutrients at sites of differing rainfall and soil depth in Karnataka. New results on the impacts of the plantations on raindrop-induced erosion and preliminary results from studies that are aimed at improving the water use efficiency of the plantations are also presented.

The erosion studies indicate that soil detachment resulting from net rainfall beneath Eucalyptus camaldulensis will be greater than beneath Pinus caribaea but less than that beneath the indigenous species, Tectona grandis.

The water use efficiency studies, which make use of a controlled environment facility, have confirmed that in the dry zone of southern India water availability is the principal limiting factor on growth although, when water is available, nutrient limitations become important. Removal of both water and nutrient stress results typically in a fivefold increase in volume growth for the first year of growth.  相似文献   

Place and Health: Towards a Reformed Medical Geography*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An engagement with public health concerns and aspects of social theory such as the structure/agency debate is crucial to medical geography. The imperatives underlying this engagement center on place, a geographical concept which is prominent in both social theory and recent health philosophy. Without detracting from its distinguished heritage, this reformed medical geography will analyze issues such as the consequences of illness and health service provision for both personal well-being and the collective experience of place by communities.  相似文献   
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