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Jeffreys-Bullen P and PKP travel-time residuals observed at more than 50 seismic stations distributed along Italy and surrounding areas in the time interval 1962–1979, indicate the complex velocity pattern of this region. Strong lateral velocity inhomogeneities and low velocity zones are required to explain the observed pattern of residuals. In particular, late arrivals of about 1 sec are observed in the Apenninic mountain range, requiring both greater crustal thickness and low velocity layers, coherent with seismic refraction data and surface wave dispersion measurements. The seismic stations located in the Western and Eastern Alps indicate the presence of high velocities. In the Western Alps the strong azimuthal variation of residuals and the high values of early arrivals have a close relationship to the Ivrea body, an intrusive crustal complex characterized by a velocity as high as 7–7.2 km/sec.A travel-time inversion performed with theAki et al. (1977) block model, confirms the peculiar characteristics and the sharp variations in the lithosphere of the whole Italian region, with values of velocity perturbations between many adjacent blocks, ranging in size from 50 to 100 km, and independent from the earth parametrization chosen, reaching values up to 10% in the lithospheric part and 5% in the asthenosphere. 3-D inversion requires also high velocity along the Tyrrhenian coastal margin, equivalent to an uprise of major crustal and lithospheric discontinuities along this part of the Italian peninsula. Moreover low velocity material must be present in the northern part of the Adriatic foreland, in the lithosphere-asthenosphere system, closely related to the stress and seismicity pattern, and the lateral bending of the lithosphere in the same region.  相似文献   
The composition, productivity, and standing crop of net (>20 μm) and nano-(<20 μm) phytoplankton of Peconic Bay, Long Island, New York was examined from June 1978 through May 1979. Nanoplankton, primarily small solitary flagellates, chlorophytes, and diatoms, dominated from May through September accounting for 88.5% of the productivity and 88.1% of the standing crop (measured as chlorophyll a). An apparent net plankton bloom began in December and continued through March. The dominant organism through most of the winter bloom was the chain-forming diatom Skeletonema costatum (Grev.) Cl. Net plankton at this time represented 66.4% of the standing crop. For both size fractions, productivity/chlorophyll a (g C per g chl a per d, integrated through the euphotic zone) was a function of light energy over the year with the exception of a few sampling dates during the post-winter bloom period. Assimilation numbers (g C per g chl a per h at saturating light intensities) were a function of temperature between 0 and 20°C. Nitrogen deficiency did not appear to be a factor in regulating phytoplankton growth rate through the euphotic zone, as ratios of 14C assimilation for dark bottles enriched with NH3 and with no enrichment exhibited no relationship to environmental dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentrations. Zooplankton grazing pressure appeared to have been an important factor in regulating the upper limit of phytoplankton biomass and in influencing size fraction dominance. Dominance of one phytoplankton size fraction over the other on any given date was not based on physiological differences between the two groups since both fractions were composed of the same species. Apparent net phytoplankton blooms (in terms of productivity and chlorophyll a) were artifacts of increased chain lengths of nanoplankton diatoms such as Skeletonema costatum, and to a lesser extent, Thalassiosira nordenskioldii Cl. and Detonula confervacea (Cl.) Gran, rather than to the dominance of large, solitary cells.  相似文献   
Two Holocene ice core records from East Antarctica (Vostok and EPICA-Dome C) were analysed for dust concentration and size distribution at a temporal resolution of 1 sample per ~50 years. A series of volcanic markers randomly distributed over the common part of the ice cores (from 9.8 to 3.5 kyear BP) ensures accurate relative dating (±33 years). Dust-size records from the two sites display oscillations structured in cycles with sub-millennial and secular scale frequencies that are apparently asynchronous. The power spectra of the composite sum (Σ) of the two dust-size records display spectral energy mostly for 150- to 500-year periodicities. On the other hand, the 200-year band is common to both records and the 200 year components of the two sites are out-of-phase (100-year lead or lag) over ~5.5 kyear, a phenomenon also reflected by a significant (>99% conf. lev.) band in the power spectra of the composite difference (Δ) of the two size records. During long-range transport, mineral dust originating from the Southern Hemisphere continents is graded to a variable extent depending on the altitude and duration of atmospheric transport. Relatively coarse dust is associated with air mass penetration from the middle–lower troposphere and conversely relatively fine dust with upper troposphere air masses or the influence of subsidence over the Antarctic plateau, a hypothesis already proposed for the changes that occurred during the Last Glacial Maximum to Holocene transition (Delmonte et al. 2004b). Moreover, we assume that the overall fluctuation of air mass advection over Antarctica depends on the meridional pressure gradient with respect to low latitudes, i.e. the Antarctic Oscillation (AAO). We therefore suggest a regional variability in atmospheric circulation over East Antarctica. The 150–500 year power spectrum of the composite (Σ) parameter represents the long term variability of the AAO, imprinted by secular internal oscillations probably related to the southern ocean-climatic system. On the other hand, the Δ dust composite parameter suggests a persistent atmospheric dipole over East Antarctica delivering coarser (finer) dust particles alternatively to Vostok and Dome C regions with a bi-centennial periodicity. Indeed, a seesaw phenomenon in dust size distribution was already observed at three East Antarctic sites during the last deglaciation (Delmonte et al. 2004b) and was interpreted as a progressive reduction of the eccentricity of the polar vortex with respect to the geographic south pole. Interestingly, the Δ parameter shows a pronounced 200-year oscillation mode, throwing new light on the unresolved question of a possible relationship between climate and solar activity.  相似文献   
The Moselle river flows in the north-east of France, from Vosges Mountains to neighboring countries Luxembourg and Germany. One of its tributaries, the Fensch river, drains a highly industrialized watershed, strongly impacted by mining, smelting and surfacing activities. The objective of this work, part of a general research program on Moselle watershed (Zone Atelier Moselle) was to assess the impact of the polluted Fensch river on the global quality of the Moselle river. For that purpose, water, sediments and suspended particulate matter were sampled in both rivers, upstream and downstream the junction. Four main sampling campaigns were carried out, in winter during a flood event and in spring at low water level. On a first step, mineralogical analyses (XRD and FTIR) and chemical analyses (ICP-MS, ICP-AES), were performed on sediments, suspended particulate matters and filtered waters. Major and trace elements concentrations were obtained on two different granulometric fractions (0–2 mm and 0–50 μm) revealing the enrichment in heavy metals of fine particles. From one collecting campaign to another, seasonal variations could be evidenced on suspended matter composition even though major minerals (calcite, quartz and kaolinite) were always present. Furthermore, spatial variations were evidenced for Fensch and Moselle downstream sediments. Thus, very fine-grained sediments, poorly crystallized, displaying at the same time higher metal concentrations and higher organic matter content than in Fensch river material, were collected downstream, in a low hydrodynamic conditions zone, assumed as a preferential sedimentary zone or even as a placer. Strong correlations could be revealed between iron content and contaminant concentrations, confirming the origin of polluted material.  相似文献   
Caledonian eclogite-facies metamorphism partially reworking Grenvillian granulite-facies anorthosite allows us to study the processes of garnet reequilibration at high pressure and to reconstruct the evolution of the unit near metamorphic peak conditions. Our results indicate that eclogite-facies metamorphism happened in two successive phases: first, inherited granulitic garnet was fractured and reequilibrated from their boundaries (crystal or fracture rims); then eclogite-facies minerals were crystallised in the fractures as overgrowths on inherited garnets. The reequilibration of inherited garnets is achieved through Fe2+Mg−1 exchange, whereas eclogite-facies garnets crystallised during the subsequent phase are notably richer in Ca than un- and re-equilibrated granulitic garnet. Pseudosection construction shows that this lack in Ca reequilibration cannot be related to variations in thermodynamic conditions (a H2O, reacting system composition) between the two phases. From the compilation of the available data, the reequilibration of granulitic garnet seems to be controlled by the inefficient intra- and inter-granular transport properties of Ca compared to Fe2+ and Mg. While these kinetic factors confine garnet reequilibration to Fe2+Mg−1 exchange, the extent of reequilibration along this exchange vector is controlled by partitioning with adjacent omphacite. On the contrary to the diffusional reequilibration of granulitic garnet that lasted for several My according to our modelling of the diffusional relaxation, the strong compositional gradients between eclogite-facies and reequilibrated garnets, which are almost unaffected by diffusional reequilibration, provide evidence that rapid exhumation followed the crystallisation of eclogite-facies minerals. We propose that the movement reversal itself, from burial to exhumation, and associated deformation and fluid flow, triggered this crystallisation event. The resulting evolution near metamorphic peak conditions is therefore strongly asymmetrical: on the one hand, the prograde diffusional relaxation profiles indicate slow movement during the last stages of burial, whereas the unaffected retrograde overgrowth indicates fast exhumation rates.  相似文献   
Knowledge of the morphological dynamics of a water course is essential for management of reservoir siltation. With an example of sedimentation in a reservoir in Basilicata, Italy, this paper demonstrates the effect on reservoir siltation of the hydraulic works, which are aimed to reduce sediment transport along the fluvial network and to prevent part of the sediment discharge from reaching the lake. The effect depends on the river type and on the the geological features of river basin slopes. The paper also shows how mass erosion can significantly contribute to development of reservoir siltation. Finally, preliminary results are provided about the time needed for river training works to be effective.  相似文献   
Electro-osmosis (EO), the movement of water through porous media in response to an electric field, offers a means for extracting contaminated ground water from fine-grained sediments, such as clays, that are not easily amenable to conventional pump-and-treat approaches. The EO-induced water flux is proportional to the voltage gradient in a manner analogous to the flux dependence on the hydraulic gradient under Darcy's law. The proportionality constant, the soil electro-osmotic conductivity or keo, is most easily measured in soil cores using bench-top tests, where flow is one-dimensional and interfering effects attributable to Darcy's law can be directly accounted for. In contrast, quantification of EO fluxes and keo in the field under deployment conditions can be difficult because electrodes are placed in ground water wells that may be screened across a heterogeneous mixture of lithologies. As a result, EO-induced water fluxes constitute an approximate radial flow system that is superimposed upon a Darcy flow regime through permeable pathways that may or may not be coupled with hydraulic head differences created by the EO-induced water fluxes. A single well comparative tracer test, which indirectly measures EO fluxes by comparing wellbore tracer dilution rates between background and EO-induced water fluxes, may provide a means for routinely quantifying the efficacy of EO systems in such settings. EO fluxes measured in field tests through this technique at a ground water contamination site were used to estimate a mean keo value through a semianalytic line source model of the electric field. The resulting estimate agrees well with values reported in the literature and with values obtained with bench-top tests conducted on a soil core collected in the test area.  相似文献   
A carbonate-hosted stratabound siliceous crust type (SCT) mineralization (base metal sulphides, barite, fluorite) occurs over large areas of Carnic Alps and Karawanken in the Eastern Alps. It concerns a pervasively silicified lithological unit, up to some tens of metres thick, which caps the unconformity landscapes developed on epicontinental Devonian–Dinantian carbonates. The SCT mineralization is directly overlaid by different transgressive siliciclastic sediments, which range from Lower Carboniferous to Lower Permian. The presence of fragments of the SCT mineralization in the transgressive siliciclastic sediment bounds its whole lithological evolution within a short stratigraphic interval of Lower Carboniferous age. Selected features of the regional and lithostratigraphic setting are discussed. The chemical characterisation is based on the statistical evaluation of compositional data of 581 selected samples. Three significant groups of elements have been distinguished: (1) the hydrological and metasomatically active elements (Si, Ba, F), which show a strong negative correlation amongst themselves and characterise the silica-saturated aqueous solutions; (2) the terrigenous elements (Al2O3, K2O, Fetot, TiO2, B, Be, Ce, La, Nb, V, Y, Zr), which suggest a continental margin environment for silica deposition; (3) the sulphide metals (Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, Sb, As, Hg, Cd), which define the metalliferous signature of the SCT mineralization.Some consistent, but still debatable genetic aspects of the SCT mineralization are as follow: (1) silica may be supplied by illitization of clay-rich basinal sediments during their diagenesis. δ18O of microcrystalline quartz ranges from +18.5‰ and +24.6‰ and is very similar to δ18O of authigenic quartz deriving from diagenetic processes of illitization of clay-rich basinal sequences. (2) The diagenetic evolution of these sediments may trigger off the movement of silica-rich marine pore waters. δ34S of barite ranges from +15.5‰ to +19.3‰ with an average of +17.7‰ and are in good agreement with δ34S of sulphate in ocean waters of Upper Devonian–Lower Carboniferous age. (3) A convective hydrological system, connected with sinsedimentary transtensive tectonics, active in the Carnic Alps since the Frasnian, may be the transport mechanism of aqueous solutions. (4) A weak drop in pH in the dominant carbonate environment represents the conditions for silica precipitation.SCT mineralization, showing persistent, independent and distinct characters, occurs over large areas also in other sites of the Alpine belt and outside Italy and Austria. Therefore, it points to important markers for some sedimentary sequences as well as to a worldwide significant cyclic metallogenic event. It represents a new ore deposit-type within the carbonate-hosted mineralization.  相似文献   
Some signed measures in turbulence are found to be sign-singular, that is their sign reverses continuously on arbitrary finer scales with a reduction of the cancellation between positive and negative contributions. The strength of the singularity is characterized by a scaling exponent , the cancellation exponent. In the present study by using some turbulent samples of the velocity field obtained from spacecraft measurements in the interplanetary medium, we show that sign-singularity is present everywhere in low-frequency turbulent samples. The cancellation exponent can be related to the characteristic scaling laws of turbulence. Differences in the values of , calculated in both high- and low-speed streams, allow us to outline some physical differences in the samples with different velocities.  相似文献   
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