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The Himalayas form an ideal natural laboratory to study the deformation processes of continental crust during collision orogeny. New information is presented concerning the structural evolution of the Main Mantle thrust zone in the Himalayas of N Pakistan, in the region around Nanga Parbat. The hanging-wall lies at relatively high levels within the Kohistan arc terrane which has been emplaced onto Indian continental rocks. This thrust probably originated as a breakback structure in the hanging-wall to the pre-collisional (oceanic) subduction zone. The present hanging-wall contains a shear zone of about 1 km width developed under amphibolite facies conditions. Simple shear dominant strains have developed new fabrics parallel to the main thrust zone. However, these structures are redeformed by discrete extensional and compressional shears within about 100 m of the thrust contact, again developed under amphibolite facies conditions. The footwall consists of an old basement complex (the Nanga Parbat gneisses) overlain by a distinct suite of metasediments now at amphibolite facies. This cover assemblage of psammites, pelites and marbles with local metabasites consistently lies directly against rocks derived from the Kohistan arc along the MMT. The absence of structures suggestive of consistent rheological contrasts within the cover assemblages suggests that the vast majority of the deformation features they contain were developed only once they experienced substantial tectonic overburdens. Prior to this the Indian cover rocks will have been »passively« subducted beneath the Kohistan arc until into amphibolite facies. We discuss these inferences in terms of evolving shear zone width with time and comment on the implications for predicting the character of mid-deep crustal shear zones, particularly from seismic reflection profiles.
Zusammenfassung Der Himalaya bildet ein ideales, natrliches Laboratorium für Untersuchungen von Deformationsprozessen in kontinentalen Krustengesteinen während der Kollision bzw. Orogenese. Hier werden neue Daten vorgelegt, die sich mit der strukturellen Entwicklung der Hauptmantelüberschiebung im Himalaya von Nordpakistan im Gebiet um den Nanga Parbat befassen. Die Hangendeinheiten oberhalb der Störung liegen in einem relativ hohen Niveau innerhalb des »Kohistan arc terrane«, das auf die indischen Kontinentalgesteine überschoben wurde. Diese Überschiebung entstand wahrscheinlich als Rücküberschiebungsstruktur im Hangenden der Subduktionszone vor der Kollision. Im Hangenden befindet sich eine ca. 1 km breite Scherzone, die sich unter amphibolitfaziellen Bedingungen gebildet hat. Die durch »simple shear« erzeugten Deformationen sind mit ihren neuen Gefügen parallel zur Hauptüberschiebungszone ausgerichtet. Die Gefüge wurden nachfolgend von Extensionsund Kompressionsbewegungen im Bereich von ca. 100 m um den Überschiebungskontakt erneut unter amphibolitfaziellen Bedingungen erfaßt und deformiert. Das Liegende der Hauptüberschiebung besteht aus einem alten Basementkomplex (den Nanga Parbat Gneisen), die von deutlich abgesetzten, amphibolitfaziellen Metasedimenten überlagert werden. Diese Sedimenthülle bestehend aus Psammiten, Peliten und Marmoren mit lokalen Metabasiten stößt entlang der MMT direkt gegen die Gesteine des Kohistanbogens. Das Fehlen von Strukturen, die auf gleichbleibende rheologische Unterschiede hinweisen würde, läßt vermuten, daß der Großteil der in ihnen enthaltenen Deformationsgefüge auf einmal während beträchtlicher tektonischer Auflast entstanden ist. Vorher wurden die indischen Hüllgesteine »passiv« unter den Kohistanbogen bis in den Bereich der Amphibolitfazies subduziert. Die Folgerungen aus der sich über die Zeit entwickelnden Breite dieser Scherzone werden diskutiert und die Bedeutung für die Vorhersage der Charakteristik von mitteltiefen krustalen Scherzonen, insbesondere in Verbindung mit seismischen Reflektionsprofilen betont.

Résumé L'Himalaya constitue un laboratoire naturel idéal pour l'étude des processus de déformation de la croûte continentale au cours d'une orogenèse de collision. Les auteurs présentent des informations nouvelles relatives à l'évolution structurale de la zone du Main Mantle Thrust dans la région du Nanga Parbat au nord du Pakistan. Le toit de cet accident occupe un niveau assez élevé dans le «Kohistan arc Terrane» qui a été charrié sur les roches du continent indien. Le charriage doit probablement son origine à une structure en retour apparue au-dessus de la zone de subduction pré-collisionnelle (océanique). Le toit actuel de l'accident contient une zone de glissement (shear zone) épaisse d'environ 1 km et formée dans les conditions du facies des amphibolites. Les déformations engendrées par glissement simple (simple shear) ont développé de nouvelles fabriques parallèles à la surface de charriage. Cependant, dans une tranche d'une centaine de mètres à partir du contact du charriage, ces structures ont été reprises par des cisaillements extensionnels ou compressionnels, toujours dans les conditions du facies des amphibolites.Le mur de l'accident est formé d'un complexe ancien (le gneiss du Nanga Parbat) surmonté d'une série de métasédiments distincts qui présentent aujourd'hui le facies des amphibolites. Cette couverture de psammites, de pélites, de marbres et de métabasites locales est directement en contact le long du MMT avec l'arc du Kohistan. L'absence, dans cette couverture, de structures témoignant de contrastes rhéologiques marqués, suggère que la grande majorité des structures déformatives n'y ont été développées qu'après un enfouissement tectonique important. Avant cela, les roches de la couverture indienne ont dû être subductées passivement sous l'arc du Kohistan, jusqu'au facies des amphibolites. Les auteurs discutent ces conclusions en termes d'évolution temporelle d'une shear zone et en commentant les implications dans le domaine de la prédiction du caractère des shear zones de profondeur crustale moyenne, en particulier à partir des profils de sismique réflexion.

, , . -. Kohistan arc terrane —, . , , . 1 , . , , . 100 . — - —, . , , , . , , , , , . . .
Jurassic igneous bodies of the Sanandaj–Sirjan zone (SaSZ) in SW Iran are generally considered as a magmatic arc but critical evaluation of modern geochronology, geochemistry and radiogenic isotopes challenges this conclusion. There is no evidence for sustained igneous activity along the ~1,200 km long SaSZ, as expected for a convergent plate margin; instead activity was brief at most sites and propagated NW at ~20 mm/a. Jurassic igneous rocks define a bimodal suite of gabbro‐diorite and granite. Chemical and isotopic compositions of mafic rocks indicate subcontinental lithospheric mantle sources that mostly lacked subduction‐related modifications. The arc‐like features of S‐type granites reflect massive involvement of Cadomian crust and younger sediments to generate felsic melts in response to mafic intrusions. We conclude that Jurassic SaSZ igneous activity occurred in a continental rift, not an arc. SaSZ igneous rocks do not indicate that subduction along the SW margin of Eurasia began in Jurassic time.  相似文献   
Lacustrine sediments of the Wilson Creek Formation in the Mono Basin, California, record a paleomagnetic field excursion constrained by 14C and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology to have occurred within the last 50 ka. However, 14C and 40Ar/39Ar ages are discordant, making it difficult to distinguish which of two possible excursions during this period, the Mono Lake or Laschamp, is recorded in the Mono Basin. New 40Ar/39Ar age determinations from sanidine, as well as the first biotite and obsidian ages, for three of the nineteen rhyolitic ashes intercalated with these sediments are presented and compared to previous 14C and 40Ar/39Ar data sets. Although the sanidine ages of the three ashes are stratigraphically consistent with each other and previously determined 40Ar/39Ar ages for other ashes in the Wilson Creek Formation, each is significantly older than 14C ages obtained from stratigraphically equivalent beds, relative paleointensity field correlations, oxygen isotope records, and glacial histories. These data indicate an absence of juvenile, eruptive crystals and most likely reflect the incorporation of crystals from older volcanic centers or underlying sediment. We examine the strengths and weaknesses of all available geochronologic data for the section exposed at Wilson Creek to arrive at an internally consistent set of age constraints. Using these constraints we propose two new relative paleointensity correlations for the section, both of which indicate that the excursion recorded in the Mono Basin occurred at ~30–34 ka on the Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 (GISP2) ice core time scale.  相似文献   
Recent Rapid Regional Climate Warming on the Antarctic Peninsula   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) confirmed that mean global warming was 0.6 ± 0.2 °C during the 20th century and cited anthropogenic increases in greenhouse gases as the likely cause of temperature rise in the last 50 years. But this mean value conceals the substantial complexity of observed climate change, which is seasonally- and diurnally-biased, decadally-variable and geographically patchy. In particular, over the last 50 years three high-latitude areas have undergone recent rapid regional (RRR) warming, which was substantially more rapid than the global mean. However, each RRR warming occupies a different climatic regime and may have an entirely different underlying cause. We discuss the significance of RRR warming in one area, the Antarctic Peninsula. Here warming was much more rapid than in the rest of Antarctica where it was not significantly different to the global mean. We highlight climate proxies that appear to show that RRR warming on the Antarctic Peninsula is unprecedented over the last two millennia, and so unlikely to be a natural mode of variability. So while the station records do not indicate a ubiquitous polar amplification of global warming, the RRR warming on the Antarctic Peninsula might be a regional amplification of such warming. This, however, remains unproven since we cannot yet be sure what mechanism leads to such an amplification. We discuss several possible candidate mechanisms: changing oceanographic or changing atmospheric circulation, or a regional air-sea-ice feedback amplifying greenhouse warming. We can show that atmospheric warming and reduction in sea-ice duration coincide in a small area on the west of the Antarctic Peninsula, but here we cannot yet distinguish cause and effect. Thus for the present we cannot determine which process is the probable cause of RRR warming on the Antarctic Peninsula and until the mechanism initiating and sustaining the RRR warming is understood, and is convincingly reproduced in climate models, we lack a sound basis for predicting climate change in this region over the coming century.  相似文献   
Serpentine soils derived from the weathering of ultramafic rocks and their metamorphic derivatives (serpentinites) are chemically prohibitive for vegetative growth. Evaluating how serpentine vegetation is able to persist under these chemical conditions is difficult to ascertain due to the numerous factors (climate, relief, time, water availability, etc.) controlling and affecting plant growth. Here, the uptake, incorporation, and distribution of a wide variety of elements into the biomass of serpentine vegetation has been investigated relative to vegetation growing on an adjacent chert-derived soil. Soil pH, electrical conductivity, organic C, total N, soil extractable elements, total soil elemental compositions and plant digestions in conjunction with spider diagrams are utilized to determine the chemical relationships of these soil and plant systems. Plant available Mg and Ca in serpentine soils exceed values assessed in chert soils. Magnesium is nearly 3 times more abundant than Ca in the serpentine soils; however, the serpentine soils are not Ca deficient with Ca concentrations as high as 2235 mg kg−1. Calcium to Mg ratios (Ca:Mg) in both serpentine and chert vegetation are greater than one in both below and above ground tissues. Soil and plant chemistry analyses support that Ca is not a limiting factor for plant growth and that serpentine vegetation is actively moderating Mg uptake as well as tolerating elevated concentrations of bioavailable Mg. Additionally, results demonstrate that serpentine vegetation suppresses the uptake of Fe, Cr, Ni, Mn and Co into its biomass. The suppressed uptake of these metals mainly occurs in the plants’ roots as evident by the comparatively lower metal concentrations present in above ground tissues (twigs, leaves and shoots). This research supports earlier studies that have suggested that ion uptake discrimination and ion suppression in the roots are major mechanisms for serpentine vegetation to tolerate the chemistry of serpentine soils.  相似文献   
The internal thermal boundary layer developing over the Mediterranean during a cold-air outbreak associated with a Tramontane event has been studied by means of airborne lidar, in situ sensors, and a modelling approach that consisted of nesting the University of Washington (UW) planetary boundary-layer (PBL) model in an advective zero-order jump model. This approach bypasses some of the deficiencies associated with each model: the absence of the dynamics in the mixed layer for the zero-order jump model and the lack of an inversion at the PBL top for the UW PBL model. Particular attention is given to the parameterization of the entrainment flux at the PBL top. Values of the entrainment closure parameter derived with the model when matching PBL structure observations are much lower than those derived with standard zero-order jump models. They also are in good agreement with values measured in different meteorological situations by other studies. This improvement is a result of the introduction of turbulent kinetic energy production in the mixed layer.  相似文献   
Increasing concentrations of atmospheric CO2 and other greenhouse gases are expected to contribute to a global warming. This paper examines the potential implications of a climatic change corresponding to a doubling of atmospheric concentrations of CO2 on crop production opportunities throughout Ontario, a major food producing region in Canada. The climate is projected to become warmer and drier, but the extent of these shifts are expected to vary from region to region within Ontario. The effect of this altered climate on crop yields and the area of land capable of supporting specific crops varies according to region, soil quality and crop type. Most notable are the enhanced opportunities for grains and oilseeds in the northern regions, and the diminished production prospects for most crops in the most southerly parts of Ontario.  相似文献   
The Isla Cristalina de Rivera crystalline complex in northeastern Uruguay underwent a multistage magmatic and metamorphic evolution. Based on SHRIMP U–Pb zircon, Th–U–Pb monazite (CHIME-EPMA method) and K–Ar age data from key units several events can be recognized: (1) multistage magmatism at 2,171–2,114?Ma, recorded on zircon of the granulitic orthogneisses and their 2,093–2,077?Ma overgrowths; (2) a distinct amphibolite facies metamorphism at ~1,980?Ma, recorded by monazite; (3) greenschist facies reworking and shearing at ca. 606?Ma (monazite and K–Ar on muscovite) along the Rivera Shear Zone, and finally (4) intrusion of the post-tectonic Sobresaliente and Las Flores granites at around 585?Ma. Lithological similarities, geographic proximity and coeval magmatic and metamorphic events indicate a similar tectonometamorphic evolution for the Isla Cristalina de Rivera, the Valentines Block in Uruguay and the Santa María Chico Granulitic Complex in southern Brazil, since at least 2.1?Ga.  相似文献   
A general method for estimating ground-water solute mass transfer rate parameters from field test data is presented. The method entails matching solute concentration and hydraulic head data collected during the recovery phase of a pumping test through application of a simulation-regression technique. Estimation of hydraulic conductivity and mass transfer rate parameter values is performed by fitting model simulations to the data. Parameter estimates are utilized to assess cleanup times for pump-and-treat aquifer remediation scenarios. Uncertainty in the cleanup time estimate is evaluated using statistical information obtained with the parameter estimation technique. Application of the method is demonstrated using a hypothetical ground-water flow and solute transport system. Simulations of field testing, parameter estimation, and remedial time frames are performed to evaluate the usefulness of the method. Sets of random noise that signify potential field and laboratory measurement errors are combined with the hypothetical data to provide rigorous testing of the method. Field tests are simulated using ranges of values for data noise, the mass transfer rate parameters, the test pumping rates, and the duration of recovery monitoring to evaluate their respective influence on parameter and cleanup time estimates. The demonstration indicates the method is capable of yielding accurate estimates of the solute mass transfer rate parameters. When the parameter values for the hypothetical system are well estimated, cleanup time predictions are shown to be more accurate than when calculated using the local equilibrium assumption.  相似文献   
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