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The local subduction geometry at a site south of Puget Sound in western Washington is investigated using teleseismicP-waveforms recorded on a three-component event triggered seismograph. The data are processed using source equalization deconvolution in order to isolate locally convertedP-to-S arrivals and stacked to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. Stable arrivals in the radial component indicate an oceanic Moho within the subducted slab at a depth of about 53 km beneath the station. Observed amplitude variations with azimuth in the radial data, as well as qualitative aspects of the tangential data, are used to establish a slab dip of 16° to the southeast. Our results are compatible with previous results from a site 60 km to the west, and further confirm a substantial warp in the regional geometry of the subducted Juan de Fuca plate.  相似文献   
Spectrophotometry from 0.6–2.5 μm at 1.5% spectral resolution of Saturn's equator and visibly dark South Equatorial Belt near a 1980 ring-plane crossing shows substantially less absorption by methane over the equator than over the SEB. Model fits using Appleby's model atmosphere and a multiple scattering model lead to the conclusion that the pressure levels of the clouds in the two regions differ by 20%. The region of high clouds is coincident with the location of the equatorial fast jet observed by Voyager.  相似文献   
Citation Abrahart, R.J. & Mount, N.J. (2011) Discussion of “Neuro-fuzzy models employing wavelet analysis for suspended sediment concentration prediction in rivers by S.A. Mirgagheri et al. (2010, Hydrol. Sci. J. 55(7), 1175–1189).” Hydrol. Sci. J. 56(7), 1325–1329.  相似文献   

Recent work pertaining to estimating error and accuracies in geomagnetic field modeling is reviewed from a unified viewpoint and illustrated with examples. The formulation of a finite dimensional approximation to the underlying infinite dimensional problem is developed. Central to the formulation is an inner product and norm in the solution space through which a priori information can be brought to bear on the problem. Such information is crucial to estimation of the effects of higher degree fields at the Core-Mantle boundary (CMB) because the behavior of higher degree fields is masked in our measurements by the presence of the field from the Earth's crust. Contributions to the errors in predicting geophysical quantities based on the approximate model are separated into three categories: (1) the usual error from the measurement noise; (2) the error from unmodeled fields, i.e. from sources in the crust, ionosphere, etc.; and (3) the error from truncating to a finite dimensioned solution and prediction space. The combination of the first two is termed low degree error while the third is referred to as truncation error.

The error analysis problem consists of “characterizing” the difference δz = z—z, where z is some quantity depending on the magnetic field and z is the estimate of z resulting from our model. Two approaches are discussed. The method of Confidence Set Inference (CSI) seeks to find an upper bound for |z—?|. Statistical methods, i.e. Bayesian or Stochastic Estimation, seek to estimate Ez2 ), where E is the expectation value. Estimation of both the truncation error and low degree error is discussed for both approaches. Expressions are found for an upper bound for |δz| and for Ez2 ). Of particular interest is the computation of the radial field, B., at the CMB for which error estimates are made as examples of the methods. Estimated accuracies of the Gauss coefficients are given for the various methods. In general, the lowest error estimates result when the greatest amount of a priori information is available and, indeed, the estimates for truncation error are completely dependent upon the nature of the a priori information assumed. For the most conservative approach, the error in computing point values of Br at the CMB is unbounded and one must be content with, e.g., averages over some large area. The various assumptions about a priori information are reviewed. Work is needed to extend and develop this information. In particular, information regarding the truncated fields is needed to determine if the pessimistic bounds presently available are realistic or if there is a real physical basis for lower error estimates. Characterization of crustal fields for degree greater than 50 is needed as is more rigorous characterization of the external fields.  相似文献   
The fauna inhabiting a Halodule wrightii meadow in Apalachicola Bay, Florida, was studied from March 1975 through Feburary 1976. The infaunal community was sampled by monthly coring. Fifty-eight species were recorded, averaging 35 species per month. A maximum faunal abundance of 104,338 organisms per m2 in April was one of the highest infaunal densities recorded in the literature. Sixteen species accounted for 84% of the total numbers and 80% of the total biomass over the study period. Numerical dominants were Hargeria rapax, Heteromastus filiformis, Ampelisca vadorum, Aricidea fragilis, and oligochaetes. Biomass dominants were Tagelus plebeius, Neritina reclivata, Ensis minor, and Haploscoloplos fragilis. Life history notes are given for several dominant species. Epibenthic fishes and macroinvertebrates were sampled by monthly trawling. Twenty-three species of fishes (mostly juveniles) were collected near the coring site, with most species and individuals recorded during the months May through September. Bairdiella chrysoura, Orthopristis chrysoptera, and Lagodon rhomboides comprised 76% of the total fish numbers. Eleven species of macroinvertebrates were collected mainly in June and July. Callinectes sapidus comprised 61% of the total invertebrate numbers. It is postulated that the influx of juvenile fishes and crabs into the Halodule meadow in summer months leads to a coincident decline in infaunal population densities (number per m2) through predation. Infaunal biomasses are largely unaffected by these predators since the biomass dominants are large or deep-burrowing species.  相似文献   
This paper provides estimates of rates of change in mean sea level around the English Channel, based on an extensive new hourly sea level data set for the south coast of the UK, derived from data archaeology. Mean sea level trends are found to vary by between 0.8 and 2.3 mm/yr around the Channel. The rates of mean sea level change are calculated by removing the coherent part of the sea level variability from the time series of annual mean sea level before fitting linear trends. The improvement in accuracy gained by using this approach is assessed by comparing trends with those calculated using the more traditional method, in which linear trends are fitted directly to the original records. Removal of the coherent part of the sea level variability allows more precise trends to be calculated from records spanning 30 years. With the traditional approach 50 years is required to obtain the same level of accuracy. Rates of vertical land movement are approximated by subtracting the mean sea level trends from the most recent regional estimate of change in sea level due to oceanographic processes only. These estimated rates are compared to measurements from geological data and advanced geodetic techniques. There is good agreement around most of the UK. However, the rates estimated from the sea level records imply that the geological data suggest too much submergence along the western and central parts of the UK south coast. Lastly, the paper evaluates whether the high rates of mean sea level rise of the last decade are unusual compared to trends observed at other periods in the historical record and finds that they are not.  相似文献   
Fractal properties of simulated bed profiles in coarse-grained channels   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Bed roughness characteristics in coarse-grained channels are fairly complex. A hierarchy of roughness elements can be observed, ranging from variable particle sizes and shapes and small-scale sedimentary structures, to large-scale bedforms such as riffle-pool sequences. The effects of these scales of roughness on the flow geometry still remain to be thoroughly investigated. The semivariogram has been suggested in the past as a means of quantifying bed roughness effects on streamflow, as well as for distinguishing between scales of roughness. However, field measurements are rather time-consuming. The low number of bed profiles measured in the field precludes the identification of generally applicable relationships between the statistical properties derived from the semivariograms (such as the Hausdorff dimensions and the scale of autocorrelation corresponding to each fractal band) and the bed configuration itself (geometrical and sedimentological properties). Simulation results of gravel-bed profiles are, therefore, presented in order to complement the original investigation of Robert (1988a). The simulation experiments, based on grain characteristics of sizes and shapes and on morphological properties of small-scale bedforms, yield very significant information on boundary roughness at the microscale and give insight into the interpretation of empirical semivariograms (derived from field measurements). Bed-material sorting, variable grain shapes, and height and spacing of cluster bedforms control the fractal dimensions obtained from the semivariograms, as well as the location of the break of slope and the range of the process.  相似文献   
Ship hull drag reduction using bottom air injection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The idea of bottom air injection to reduce ship hull resistance is not new. Early patents envisioned planing hull applications. Recent planing hull tests speed realized an increase of 7–12 knots. River barges and ship fitted with an air injection system results are presented to show a 10–15% reduction in the frictional resistance. Graphs for making initial estimates for displacement hulls with bottom air injection are presented. It is clear from these results that improvements in high speed planing catamarans and full form hull resistance can be realized by using bottom air injection.  相似文献   
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