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The buried Chicxulub impact structure is marked by a dramatic ring of sinkholes (called cenotes if containing water), and adjacent less prominent partial rings, which have been shown to coincide with maxima in horizontal gravity gradients and a topographic depression. These observations, along with the discreteness and spacing of the features, suggest a formation mechanism involving faulting in the outer slump zone of the crater, which would thus have a diameter of approximately 180 km.
An opposing view, based primarily on the interpretation of gravity data, is that (he crater is much larger than the cenote ring implies. Given the association of the known cenote ring with faults, we here examine northern Yucatan for similar rings in gravity, surface features and elevation, which we might expect to be associated with outer concentric faults in the case of a larger, possibly multiring, structure.
No such outer rings have been found, although definite patterns are seen in the distribution of karst features outside the crater rim. We explain these patterns as resulting mainly from deformation related to the block fault zone that parallels tbe shelf edge of eastern Yucatan.  相似文献   
Remote sensing techniques for landslide studies and hazard zonation in Europe   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
An inventory is presented of researches concerning the use of remote sensing for landslide studies and hazard zonation as mainly carried out in the countries belonging to the European Community. An overview is given of the applicability of remote sensing in the following phases of landslide studies:
1. (1) Detection and classification of landslides. Special emphasis is given to the types of imagery required at different scales of analysis.
2. (2) Monitoring the activity of existing landslides using G.P.S., photogrammetrical techniques and radar interferometry.
3. (3) Analysis and prediction in space and time of slope failures. The different factors required in a landslide hazard study are evaluated, and the optimum remote sensing imagery for obtaining each of these factors is indicated.
Examples are given of research work carried out in these three phases from EC countries. Finally an evaluation is given of the aspects of uncertainty associated with the use of remote sensing data, and conclusions are given as to the incorporation of remote sensing techniques within the overall framework of techniques.  相似文献   
Vein structures are typically the earliest expression of brittle deformation within sediments. These mud-filled veins, which characteristically occur regularly spaced within bed-parallel arrays, form in sediments that possess a strong interlocking particle framework. Downslope creep has been proposed to explain the origins of vein structures, however, a recent suggestion that they are generated by the passage of earthquake shear waves through sediments explains aspects of their morphology, and their dominant occurrence at active convergent margins. Their coexistence with less disruptive “ghost veins” in Peru margin sediments, and their almost normal attitude to bedding, however, suggests that vein structures were formed by processes more complex than downslope creep, or seismically induced shearing alone.

Experimental earthquake simulation was undertaken by laterally shaking a box containing crushed diatomite. Fractures were induced almost normal to the horizontal shaking direction, and to a lesser extent as antithetic Riedel shears, both of which closely resembled vein structures. The fracturing process during shaking may be viewed as a progressive fragmentation of the diatomite, in which new fractures form half-way between pre-existing ones. Thus fracture spacings are progressively halved. Shear zones oriented at a low angle to the shaking direction were also generated, combining with the high-angle fractures to form structures very similar to those observed in Peru margin sediments. When shaken, fines added to the diatomite segregated into planar zones that resembled ghost veins, half-way between fractures. The alternating pattern of fractures and fines indicated that a standing pressure wave had been created within the box during shaking. The fractures were created by alternating compression and extension at the antinodes, while the fines concentrated in zones of minimum grain movement around the nodal planes. This suggests that vein structures are initiated by the combined action of shear and pressure waves within a sediment. The strain waves may be seismic in origin, or may also form in downslope movement system.  相似文献   

Dense sand-bentonite buffer (γd = 1.67Mg/m3) has been proposed in Canada as one of several barriers for isolating nuclear fuel waste. The buffer will be required to function under conditions of high total pressures and elevated temperatures approaching 100°C. Summary results are presented from two test programs: (1) isothermal consolidated undrained triaxial (CIU¯) tests; and (2) isothermal drained constant-p′ (CID) triaxial tests. Specimens were consolidated at effective stresses up to 9.0 MPa and temperatures up to 100°C.

The results indicate parallel hardening lines at systematically lower values of specific volume at elevated temperatures. In shear, increased temperatures produced lower values of maximum deviator stressqf, and higher pore water pressure changesΔuf. The net result is curved peak strength envelops in plots ofqf versuspf that are higher at elevated temperatures, even though the strengths,qf of individual specimens are lower. The critical state strength envelope is curved inq, p′-planes.

The effect of drained heating on buffer to 100°C is not marked. Compressibilities, stiffnesses, strengths, and pore water pressure generation are all affected, but none of the changes are great.  相似文献   

An attempt has been made here to study the sensitivity of the mean and the turbulence structure of the monsoon trough boundary layer to the choice of the constants in the dissipation equation for two stations Delhi and Calcutta, using one-dimensional atmospheric boundary layer model withe-ε turbulence closure. An analytical discussion of the problems associated with the constants of the dissipation equation is presented. It is shown here that the choice of the constants in the dissipation equation is quite crucial and the turbulence structure is very sensitive to these constants. The modification of the dissipation equation adopted by earlier studies, that is, approximating the Tke generation (due to shear and buoyancy production) in theε-equation by max (shear production, shear + buoyancy production), can be avoided by a suitable choice of the constants suggested here. The observed turbulence structure is better simulated with these constants. The turbulence structure simulation with the constants recommended by Aupoixet al (1989) (which are interactive in time) for the monsoon region is shown to be qualitatively similar to the simulation obtained with the constants suggested here, thus implying that no universal constants exist to regulate dissipation rate. Simulations of the mean structure show little sensitivity to the type of the closure parameterization betweene-l ande-ε closures. However the turbulence structure simulation withe-ε. closure is far better compared to thee-l model simulations. The model simulations of temperature profiles compare quite well with the observations whenever the boundary layer is well mixed (neutral) or unstable. However the models are not able to simulate the nocturnal boundary layer (stable) temperature profiles. Moisture profiles are simulated reasonably better. With one-dimensional models, capturing observed wind variations is not up to the mark.  相似文献   
 Pleistocene-Holocene volcanism in the Jalisco block of western Mexico is confined to two conspicuous grabens, where potassic eruptives range from absarokites (48–52% SiO2) and minettes (49–54% SiO2) through basaltic andesites (53–57% SiO2), the most voluminous type, to andesites and their lamprophyric equivalent spessartite (58–62% SiO2); there are no contemporary rhyolitic rocks. This suite has high concentrations of Mg, Cr (<550 ppm) and Ni (<450 ppm) accompanied by large concentrations of K, P, Ba (<4000 ppm) and Sr (<5000 ppm) and elements such as LREE and Zr (<600 ppm). No combination of crystal fractionation and/or crustal contamination can reproduce the compositional range of these magmas, which nevertheless are believed to be genetically related because of their proximity in time and space. Hydrous minerals in the lamprophyres and the typical absence of plagioclase phenocrysts in both basaltic andesites and andesites reflect the relatively high concentrations of water in the magmas, which suppressed the crystallisation of feldspar. Experimental verification of the minimal amounts of water required to reproduce the phenocryst assemblages in selected rocks range from 3.5 to 6%. During ascent in a volcanic conduit, andesitic magma may lose water and consequently precipitate plagioclase, or it may ascend more rapidly, retaining more of its initial water, which stabilises phenocrysts of hornblende at the expense of plagioclase. Our estimates of water concentrations, which are consistent with the various low pressure phenocryst assemblages, will be minimal for the magmas in their source regions, and the process of magmatic dewatering on ascent may be typical in well established volcanic conduits. In accord with the compositions of phenocrystic olivine in the basaltic andesites and the minettes, the values of FeO and Fe2O3 of the bulk lavas and scoriae are demonstrably pristine. As a consequence, there are two characteristic features of the Mascota suite: the high range of relative oxygen fugacities (ΔNNO=1–5) and the high Mg# (MgO/MgO+FeO) that ranges from 0.70 to 0.91 (with only one andesite as low as 0.66). From the evidence of phlogopite phenocrysts, a partial melt involving phlogopite would have a higher Mg# than one from olivine (Fo90) and pyroxene alone. As the Mascota series shows a correlation between K2O and Mg#, we conclude that it was generated by partial fusion of the mantle wedge, with a variable contribution of phlogopite and apatite from veins throughout the lherzolitic assemblage. In conformity with an origin by varying increments of partial fusion of a phlogopite-bearing mantle, all incompatible elements vary linearly with Ti (or K) as if phlogopite (+apatite) in the source dominated their contribution to the partial melts. Fluids from dehydration of the subducting slab presumably deposit hydrous and other minerals in veins in the mantle wedge and also increase its redox state. As the Mascota volcanism occurs in grabens closer to the trench than the main andesite arc, it is concluded that the eruption of these small volumes of hydrous magmas require the tectonically favored ascent paths offered by the extensional grabens to reach the surface from their mantle sources. Received: 24 January 1995 / Accepted: 21 February 1996  相似文献   
The age and thermal history of Cerro Rico de Potosi, Bolivia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 Cerro Rico de Potosi, Bolivia, is the world’s largest silver deposit and has been mined since the sixteenth century for silver, and for tin and zinc during the twentieth century, together with by-product copper and lead. The deposit consists primarily of veins that cut an altered igneous body that we interpret to be a dacitic volcanic dome and its underlying tuff ring and explosion breccia. The deposit is compositionally and thermally zoned, having a core of cassiterite, wolframite, bismuthinite, and arsenopyrite surrounded by a peripheral, lower-temperature mineral assemblage consisting principally of sphalerite, galena, lead sulfosalt, and silver minerals. The low-temperature assemblage also was superimposed on the high-temperature assemblage in response to cooling of the main hydrothermal system. Both the dacite dome and the ore fluids were derived from a larger magmatic/hydrothermal source at depth. The dome was repeatedly fractured by recurrent movement on the fault system that guided its initial emplacement. The dome was extruded at 13.8±0.2 Ma (2σ), based on U-Th-Pb dating of zircon. Mineralization and alteration occurred within about 0.3 my of dome emplacement, as indicated by a 40Ar/39Ar date of 13.76±0.10 Ma (1σ) for sericite from the pervasive quartz-sericite-pyrite alteration associated with the main-stage, high-temperature, mineralization. The last thermal event able to reset zircon fission tracks occurred no later than 12.5±1.1 Ma (1σ), as indicated by fission-tract dating. Minor sericite, and magmatic-steam alunite veins, were episodically formed around 11 Ma and between 8.3 and 5.7 Ma; the younger episodes occurring at the time of extensional fracturing at Cerro Rico and widespread volcanism in the adjacent Los Frailes volcanic field. None of these younger events appear to be significant thermal/mineralizing events; the exceptionally flat thermal release pattern of 39Ar from sericite and the results of the fission-tract dating of zircon show that none of the younger events was hot enough, and lasted long enough, to cause significant loss of Ar or annealing of zircon fission tracks. U-Th-Pb dating of zircon cores indicates a Precambrian progenitor for some zircons, and REE analyses of dated samples of hydrothermally altered dacite show the presence of a prominent positive Eu anomaly, which constrains interpretations of the origin and evolution of the magmatic/hydrothermal system. Received: 14 October 1995/Accepted: 29 January 1996  相似文献   
 Apatite is a relatively common accessory mineral in the olivine-bearing zones (OB-III and OB-IV) of the Middle Banded series of the Stillwater complex, occurring interstitial to cumulus grains, as monomineralic inclusions in cumulus grains, and in polymineralic clusters which may or may not be included in the cumulus grains. Eighty-nine of 185 samples examined were found to contain some apatite. The F-Cl-OH content of the apatite show distinct stratigraphic variations. XClAp (mole fraction Cl in apatite) of interstitial apatite increases upsection in both OB-III and OB-IV with average values ranging from 0.15 to 0.85 in OB-III and from 0.03 to 0.60 in OB-IV. XFAp varies inversely with XClApwith average values ranging from 0.00 to 0.70, while XOHAp remains relatively constant near 0.40 or decreases slightly with height. These variations are remarkable given that no appreciable stratigraphic variations in either the major or trace element compositions of any of the cumulus minerals are found in the 800 m of section that comprise OB-III and OB-IV. Within-sample variation of XClAp for samples containing Cl-rich apatite is substantially larger (up to 0.65 XClAp) than for samples with more F-rich apatite (XClAp varies by approximately 0.15). Although interstitial apatite is found throughout OB-III and OB-IV, apatite occurring as monomineralic inclusion in cumulus grains or in polymineralic clusters is almost exclusively found in samples with Cl-rich apatite. The data are best explained by a model involving the degassing of a Cl-rich volatile phase from the crystallizing interstitial liquid. The up-section migration of this fluid resulted in the crystallization of F-rich apatite in the lower portion and progressive Cl-enrichment in the apatite with height. The presence of hornblende-bearing dikes, veins and pegmatoids at the level of maximum Cl-enrichment is consistent with a fluid migration model. Received: 5 October 1995 / Accepted: 19 March 1996  相似文献   
 Mantle peridotites of the Internal Liguride (IL) units (Northern Apennines) constitute a rare example of the depleted lithosphere of the Jurassic Ligurian Tethys. Detailed chemical (ICP-MS and SIMS techniques) and isotopic investigations on very fresh samples have been performed with the major aim to constrain the timing and mechanism of their evolution and to furnish new data for the geodynamic interpretation. The data are also useful to discuss some general geochemical aspects of oceanic-type mantle. The studied samples consist of clinopyroxene-poor spinel lherzolites, showing incipient re-equilibration in the plagioclase-facies stability field. The spinel-facies assemblage records high (asthenospheric) equilibration temperatures (1150–1250° C). Whole rocks, and constituent clinopyroxenes, show a decoupling between severe depletion in highly incompatible elements [light rare earth elements (LREE), Sr, Zr, Na, Ti] and less pronounced depletion in moderate incompatible elements (Ca, Al, Sc, V). Bulk rocks also display a relatively strong M(middle)REE/H(heavy)REE fractionation. These compositional features indicate low-degree (<10%) fractional melting, which presumably started in the garnet stability field, as the most suitable depletion mechanism. In this respect, the IL ultramafics show strong similarity to abyssal peridotites. The Sr and Nd isotopic compositions, determined on carefully handpicked clinopyroxene separates, indicate an extremely depleted signature (87Sr/86Sr=0.702203–0.702285; 143Nd/144Nd=0.513619–0.513775). The Sm/Nd model ages suggest that the IL peridotites melted most likely during Permian times. They could record, therefore, the early upwelling and melting of mid ocean ridge basalt (MORB) type asthenosphere, in response to the onset of extensional mechanisms which led to the opening of the Western Tethys. They subsequently cooled and experienced a composite subsolidus evolution testified by multiple episodes of gabbroic intrusions and HT-LP retrograde metamorphic re-equilibration, prior to their emplacement on the sea floor. The trace element chemistry of IL peridotites also provides useful information about the composition of oceanic-type mantle. The most important feature concerns the occurrence of Sr and Zr negative anomalies (relative to “adjacent” REE) in both clinopyroxenes and bulk rocks. We suggest that such anomalies reflect changes in the relative magnitude of Sr, Zr and REE partition coefficients, depending on the specific melting conditions. Received: 15 February 1995/Accepted: 4 August 1995  相似文献   
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