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The Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME) is the first of a series of European satellite instruments monitoring global ozone and other relevant trace constituents in the UV/visible spectral range. On 20 April 1995, the European Space Agency (ESA) launched the GOME from Kourou, French Guyana, aboard the second European Remote Sensing satellite (ERS-2). In order to obtain the geometric albedo from the backscattered terrestrial radiance measurements, a solar irradiance measurement sequence in the spectral range between 240 nm and 790 nm is carried out once every day. The GOME solar irradiance is recorded at a moderate spectral resolution (0.2–0.4 nm), thus providing an excellent opportunity to contribute to the long-term investigation of solar flux variation associated with the 11-year solar activity cycle from space, which started in 1978 with SBUV (Solar Backscatter UV Experiment) observations on Nimbus-7 and covers solar cycles 21 and 22. This paper briefly describes the GOME spectrometer and measurement mode which are relevant to the solar viewing. Preliminary results from the solar irradiance measurements between 1995 and 1997 and comparisons to SSBUV-8 (Shuttle SBUV) in January 1996 are presented. Solar activity indices used as proxies for solar flux variation are often used to find a correlation with observed variation in atmospheric quantities, for instance, total ozone. Initial results from the GOME Mgii (280 nm) and Caii K (393 nm) solar activity index calculation are presented and discussed. The coupling of solar irradiance variability to global change is a current source of scientific and public concern. This study shows that GOME/ERS-2 (1995–2001) and the next generation of European remote sensing instruments, SCIAMACHY and GOME/METOP, have the potential to provide continuity in the measurements of solar irradiance from space well into the next century.  相似文献   
We present the results of collapse calculations for uniformly rotating, prolate clouds performed using the numerical method: smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH). The clouds considered are isothermal, prolate spheroids with different axial ratios ( a/b ), and with different values of β, the ratio of the rotational to gravitational energy. Small density perturbations are added to the clouds, and different initial perturbation spectra are studied. All of the clouds considered are strongly unstable to gravitational contraction, and so collapse to form a spindle configuration. Such a linear structure is unstable to fragmentation, so that the clouds break up into a number of subcondensations. The long-term evolution of the system is then determined by the angular momentum possessed by these fragments.
It is found that a number of the calculations performed result in the formation of orbitally stable binary systems, composed of two rotationally supported discs in orbit about their common centre of mass. Tidal interactions during closest approach, close three-body interactions and the continued accretion of material with high specific angular momentum are all found to increase the orbital separation during these calculations, ensuring that the systems do not merge at later times. The calculations are therefore relevant to the problem of binary star formation, though the systems produced tend to have large orbital separations and periods. One of the strong points of the models presented, however, is their ability to produce systems with a range of mass ratios and orbital eccentricities, without the explicit inclusion of biases in the initial conditions.  相似文献   
It has frequently been suggested in the literature that the stellar IMF in galaxies was top-heavy at early times. This would be plausible physically if the IMF depended on a mass-scale such as the Jeans mass that was higher at earlier times because of the generally higher temperatures that were present then. In this paper it is suggested, on the basis of current evidence and theory, that the IMF has a universal Salpeter-like form at the upper end, but flattens below a characteristic stellar mass that may vary with time. Much of the evidence that has been attributed to a top-heavy early IMF, including the ubiquitous G-dwarf problem, the high abundance of heavy elements in clusters of galaxies, and the high rate of formation of massive stars in high-redshift galaxies, can be accounted for with such an IMF if the characteristic stellar mass was several times higher during the early stages of galaxy evolution. However, significant variations in the mass-to-light ratios of galaxies and large amounts of dark matter in stellar remnants are not as easily explained in this way, because they require more extreme and less plausible assumptions about the form and variability of the IMF. Metal-free 'population III' stars are predicted to have an IMF that consists exclusively of massive stars, and they could help to account for some of the evidence that has been attributed to a top-heavy early IMF, as well as contributing importantly to the energetics and chemical enrichment of the early Universe.  相似文献   
We consider the destructive effects of encounters between binaries and red giant stars in the Galactic Centre. Such encounters may explain the observed depletion of luminous red giants within the central 0.2 pc of the galaxy. We consider encounters involving 2- and 8-M⊙ red giants, and thus span the range of stellar masses contributing to the most luminous red giants observed in the Galactic Centre. To explore the phase space of encounters thoroughly, we simulate 18 × 103 encounters using a modified four-body code in which the red giant core and components of the binary are treated as point masses, and where the envelope configuration is assumed to remain static throughout the encounter. We then rerun a small number of encounters with a smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) code to confirm the reliability of conclusions drawn from the four-body runs. We see two possible pathways to red giant destruction. A large fraction of encounters lead to the formation of common-envelope systems, where two compact objects (drawn from the red giant core and the components of the original binary) form a binary within a common gaseous envelope, whilst the third body is ejected. The destruction of the red giant will then follow when the envelope is ejected as the binary hardens. In a smaller number of encounters, the intruding binary passes through the star and ejects the red giant core from the envelope. The red giant envelope will then disperse on short time-scales. We compute the time-scales for both of these processes to occur in the Galactic Centre for a variety of binary populations.  相似文献   
The distribution of the suspended sediment concentration (SSC) in the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea and East China Sea (BYECS) is studied based on the observed turbidity data and model simulation results. The observed turbidity results show that (i) the highest SSC is found in the coastal areas while in the outer shelf sea areas turbid water is much more difficult to observe, (ii) the surface layer SSC is much lower than the bottom layer SSC and (iii) the winter SSC is higher than the summer SSC. The Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) is used to simulate the SSC distribution in the BYECS. A comparison between the modeled SSC and the observed SSC in the BYECS shows that the modeled SSC can reproduce the principal features of the SSC distribution in the BYECS. The dynamic mechanisms of the sediment erosion and transport processes are studied based on the modeled results. The horizontal distribution of the SSC in the BYECS is mainly determined by the current-wave induced bottom stress and the fine-grain sediment distribution. The current-induced bottom stress is much higher than the wave-induced bottom stress, which means the tidal currents play a more significant role in the sediment resuspension than the wind waves. The vertical mixing strength is studied based on the mixed layer depth and the turbulent kinetic energy distribution in the BYECS. The strong winter time vertical mixing, which is mainly caused by the strong wind stress and surface cooling, leads to high surface layer SSC in winter. High surface layer SSC in summer is restricted in the coastal areas.  相似文献   
A few eucrites have anomalous oxygen isotopic compositions. To help understand their origin and identify additional samples, we have analyzed the oxygen isotopic compositions of 18 eucrites and four diogenites. Except for five eucrites, these meteorites have Δ17O values that lie within 2σ of their mean value viz., −0.242 ± 0.016‰, consistent with igneous isotopic homogenization of Vesta. The five exceptional eucrites—NWA 1240, Pasamonte (both clast and matrix samples), PCA 91007, A-881394, and Ibitira—have Δ17O values that lie, respectively, 4σ, 5σ, 5σ, 15σ, and 21σ away from this mean value. NWA 1240 has a δ18O value that is 5σ below the mean eucrite value. Four of the five outliers are unbrecciated and unshocked basaltic eucrites, like NWA 011, the first eucrite found to have an anomalous oxygen isotopic composition. The fifth outlier, Pasamonte, is composed almost entirely of unequilibrated basaltic clasts. Published chemical data for the six eucrites with anomalous oxygen isotopic compositions (including NWA 011) exclude contamination by chondritic projectiles as a source of the oxygen anomalies. Only NWA 011 has an anomalous Fe/Mn ratio, but several anomalous eucrites have exceptional Na, Ti, or Cr concentrations. We infer that the six anomalous eucrites are probably derived from five distinct Vesta-like parent bodies (Pasamonte and PCA 91007 could come from one body). These anomalous eucrites, like the isotopically normal, unbrecciated eucrites with 4.48 Gyr Ar-Ar ages, are probably deficient in brecciation and shock effects because they were sequestered in small asteroids (10 km diameter) during the Late Heavy Bombardment following ejection from Vesta-like bodies. The preservation of Vesta’s crust and the lack of deeply buried samples from the hypothesized Vesta-like bodies are consistent with the removal of these bodies from the asteroid belt by gravitational perturbations from planets and protoplanets, rather than by collisional grinding.  相似文献   
This paper explores the palaeoclimatic significance of a fossil plant and insect record from Yarra Creek, on King Island, between Tasmania and the Australian mainland. The record dates, based upon a thermoluminescence chronology and other evidence, to Marine Isotope Stage 5 (MIS 5); the exact timing is impossible to ascertain given the resolution of the thermoluminescence results and the presence of an unconformity in the dated section. The presence of a cool-temperate rainforest flora, outside its modern range, and other independent evidence, suggest the sequence may represent the last interglacial (MIS 5e) rather than a later MIS 5 substage. Using coexistence methods that compare modern climatic ranges of the taxa in the assemblage we reconstruct independent beetle and plant based annual and seasonal temperate and precipitation parameters. The results imply the assemblage was deposited under a wetter summer climate and suggest conditions of enhanced temperature seasonality. It is probable that enhanced temperature seasonality is a methodological artefact reflecting the rarity of extremely equable climates (like King Island) in modern climate space. This would indicate a limitation of most methods of palaeoclimatic reconstruction that rely on modern datasets – it is only possible to reconstruct past climates as being within the range of values in that currently exist in modern climate space.  相似文献   
Mineral-specific IR absorption coefficients were calculated for natural and synthetic olivine, SiO2 polymorphs, and GeO2 with specific isolated OH point defects using quantitative data from independent techniques such as proton–proton scattering, confocal Raman spectroscopy, and secondary ion mass spectrometry. Moreover, we present a routine to detect OH traces in anisotropic minerals using Raman spectroscopy combined with the “Comparator Technique”. In case of olivine and the SiO2 system, it turns out that the magnitude of ε for one structure is independent of the type of OH point defect and therewith the peak position (quartz ε = 89,000 ± 15,000 textl textmoltextH2textO-1 textcm-2text{l},text{mol}_{{text{H}_2}text{O}}^{-1},text{cm}^{-2}), but it varies as a function of structure (coesite ε = 214,000 ± 14,000 textl textmoltextH2textO-1 textcm-2text{l},text{mol}_{{text{H}_2}text{O}}^{-1},text{cm}^{-2}; stishovite ε = 485,000 ± 109,000 textl textmoltextH2textO-1 textcm-2text{l},text{mol}_{{text{H}_2}text{O}}^{-1},text{cm}^{-2}). Evaluation of data from this study confirms that not using mineral-specific IR calibrations for the OH quantification in nominally anhydrous minerals leads to inaccurate estimations of OH concentrations, which constitute the basis for modeling the Earth’s deep water cycle.  相似文献   
Previous observations of spatially-resolved vertical velocity variations in ten lines of Fe i spanning the height range 0 h 1000 km are re-analyzed using velocity weighting functions. The amplitudes and scale heights of granular and oscillatory velocities are determined, as well as those of the remaining unresolved velocities. I find that the optimal representation of the amplitude of the outward-decreasing granular velocities is an exponentially decreasing function of height, with a scale height of 150 km and a velocity at zero height of 1.27 km s–1. The optimal representation of the same quantities for oscillatory velocities is an exponential increase with height, with a scale height of 1100 km and a velocity at zero height of 0.35 km s–1. The remaining unresolved velocities decrease with height, with a scale height of 380 km and a velocity at zero height of 2.3 km s–1.  相似文献   
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