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Gamow-Teller (GT) transitions play a preeminent role in the collapse of stellar core in the stages leading to a Type-II supernova. The microscopically calculated GT strength distributions from ground and excited states are used for the calculation of weak decay rates for the core-collapse supernova dynamics and for probing the concomitant nucleosynthesis problem. The B(GT) strength for 57Zn is calculated in the domain of proton-neutron Quasiparticle Random Phase Approximation (pn-QRPA) theory. No experimental insertions were made (as usually made in other pn-QRPA calculations of B(GT) strength function) to check the performance of the model for proton-rich nuclei. The calculated B(GT) strength distribution is in good agreement with measurements and shows differences with the earlier reported shell model calculation. The pn-QRPA model reproduced the measured low-lying strength for 57Zn better in comparison to the KB3G interaction used in the large-scale shell model calculation. The stellar weak rates are sensitive to the location and structure of these low-lying states in daughter 57Cu. The structure of 57Cu plays a sumptuous role in the nucleosynthesis of proton-rich nuclei. The primary mechanism for producing such nuclei is the rp-process and is believed to be important in the dynamics of the collapsing supermassive stars. Small changes in the binding and excitation energies can lead to significant modifications of the predictions for the synthesis of proton rich isotopes. The ?? +-decay and electron capture (EC) rates on 57Zn are compared to the seminal work of Fuller, Fowler and Newman (FFN). The pn-QRPA calculated ?? +-decay rates are generally in good agreement with the FFN calculation. However at high stellar temperatures the calculated ?? +-decay rates are almost half of FFN rates. On the other hand, for rp-process conditions, the calculated electron capture (?? +-decay) rates are bigger than FFN rates by more than a factor 2 (1.5) and may have interesting astrophysical consequences.  相似文献   
A Staged Z-pinch (H.U. Rahman, F.J. Wessel, N. Rostoker, Phys. Rev. Lett. 74:714, 1995), configured for a 100 ns, 2 MJ implosion accelerator, is studied using the 2-1/2 D, radiation-MHD code, MACH2. The Z-pinch is configured as a cylindrical, high-atomic number plasma shell that implodes radially onto a co-axial, plasma target, for example: Xenon onto a 50:50 mixture of Deuterium-Tritium. During implosion a shock develops in the plasma liner, producing a conduction channel at the Xe/DT interface as the mass Xe accumulates, and preheating the DT target. During subsequent acceleration and compression the Xe/DT interface remains stable, even as the outer surface of the Xe shell develops RT instabilities. At peak implosion the simulated fusion-energy yield is 7.6 MJ, producing an energy gain of 3.8.  相似文献   

In this study, we discuss the challenges radio astronomers face while observing radio continuum sources. We consider issues related to rms noise, confusion, position accuracy, shot noise and how these issues affect observation results, data analysis and the science goals we are trying to achieve. We mainly focus on the Evolutionary Map of the Universe (EMU-ASKAP) sky survey, EMU Early science survey and Westerbork Observations of the Deep APERTIF Northern sky (WODAN). The study will also be useful for future surveys like with possible continuum surveys through MeerKAT (e.g., MIGHTEE) and SKA-1. The late time Integrated Sachs-Wolfe (ISW) effect detection is one of the major areas of research related to dark energy cosmology. We will particularly discuss how technical, data analysis and mapping issues, affect galaxy over/under density dependent science goals like the detection of the late time Integrated Sachs-Wolfe (ISW) effect through wide-field radio continuum surveys.

Bangladesh is one of the most densely populated countries in the world. There are 57 trans-frontier rivers in the country, the widest being the Brahmaputra River. The river's channels have frequently changed course, but the relationship between such river migrations and human settlement patterns has remained unstudied. In this paper, optically stimulated luminescence and radiocarbon dating techniques were applied to sedimentary and organic materials in the oldest urban center (Wari-Bateshwar) in Bangladesh. The results showed that the landscape around the urban center was dominated by floodplain and peatland facies between 7.9–7.6 and 4.7–1.6 ka, respectively. Humans occupied this area at ~3.2 ka, and manufactured delicate semi-precious gemstone beads between ~2.4 and 1.8 ka. The urban center might be the same as an important city of the Gangaridai described in historical records. Due to fluvial migration at ~1.8 ka, the area surrounding the urban center was covered by fluvial sand. Humans might have been forced to abandon the urban center, leading to the bead processing technology in Bangladesh being lost forever.  相似文献   
Rahman  Md. Mostafizur  Zhou  Deyi  Barua  Swarup  Farid  Md. Shaikh  Tahira  Khadija Tut 《GeoJournal》2021,86(4):1957-1967
GeoJournal - Vegetable farming in Northeast Bangladesh has developed rapidly over the last 10 years, with limitations to field management and marketing. A survey was conducted in...  相似文献   
The Belaga Formation of the Rajang Group or Rajang Fold and Thrust Belt (Late Cretaceous to Late Eocene) is mostly exposed in Sibu Zone along with some exposures in the Miri Zone of Central Sarawak. This entire turbiditic sequence was believed to have been deposited in a deep marine environment in a basin having an overall passive margin setting, that is, the Rajang Sea. However, the Eocene age-related stratigraphic record of this group (including Bawang Member) is much more complex, due to the complicated geological and tectonic settings which prevailed during their deposition. Here, we present field observations along with the application of various geochemical proxies and their constraints for the understanding of provenance, palaeo-weathering, and tectonic evolution of the area during the deposition of Bawang turbidites. Based on field observation, it has been found that this member consists of four main lithofacies, including massive sandstone facies (MSF), thick-bedded facies (TBF), heterolithic facies (HF), and mud facies (MF). Using geochemical data, chemical weathering indices (CIA and CIW) values and A-CN-K plot show that the source area for Bawang turbidites has undergone a moderate to an intense degree of chemical weathering and was influenced by the recycling effect. The slight depletion in sandstones and shales for Cr, Ni, and V values is consistent with the felsic dominated source region; however, La/Sc versus Co/Th and La/Th versus Hf plots show a mixed source (felsic and intermediate volcanic source) with some input of recycled sediments from the older sedimentary to metasedimentary rocks. Various geochemical ratios and discriminant diagrams verify that the Schwaner Mountains and its metamorphic group of rocks were the principal provenances for these sediments, along with some input from West Borneo. The results of the geochemical analysis also show that Bawang turbidite sediments were deposited in a basin associated with an initial active continental margin setting and the basin was shifting towards a passive setting (Late Eocene–Oligocene). The volcanic input in Bawang Member during the Late Eocene also suggests the involvement of some subsequent possible arc setting around the “Bawang subbasin”.  相似文献   
Disasters resulting from climate change are shown to be important determinants of people’s life choice decisions. In the literature, travel behavior choice and life choices are usually addressed separately under disasters such as flood and cyclone. However, travel behavior may be interdependent with other life choices, jointly shaping people’s adaptation decisions. To this end, the paper advances the literature by exploring the interrelationship between changes in travel behavior and job and residential location under flood disasters, while separating coastal and inland observations. For this purpose, a stated preference survey was conducted in 14 cities of Bangladesh in early 2013. An analysis approach based on structural equation modeling was developed to investigate the correlations between travel behavior change and job and residential location changes. Model estimation results suggest that flood impacts have significant influences on inland people’s life choices, while coastal people’s life choices are mainly affected by flood adaptation responses and attitudes. Significant correlations between travel behavior change and job and residential location changes are found for both observations. Moreover, both coastal and inland people tend not to change residential locations if changes in job location and travel behavior are made. Inland people may not change travel behavior if their job and/or residential locations are changed, but coastal people’s job and residential location changes are associated with changes in travel behavior. Travel behavior change is found to have more of an effect on residential location change than job location change in both regions. These findings conclude that the two-way relationship between travel behavior and life choices should be taken into account in future analyses, and thus adaptation policies to climate change disasters could be better linked with people’s behavioral responses.  相似文献   
Wu  Kanglin  Chen  Ningsheng  Hu  Guisheng  Han  Zheng  Ni  Huayong  Rahman  Mahfuzur 《Landslides》2021,18(9):3183-3195
Landslides - On March 5, 2020, a shallow loess landslide occurred in Yaoba Village, Songpan County, Sichuan Province, posing a severe threat to the lives and properties of 130 villagers. In this...  相似文献   
Drilling in low-permeable reactive shale formations with water-based drilling mud presents significant challenges, particularly in high-pressure and high-temperature environments. In previous studies, several models were proposed to describe the thermodynamic behaviour of shale. Most shale formations under high pressure are expected to undergo plastic deformation. An innovative algorithm including work hardening is proposed in the framework of thermo-chemo-poroelasticity to investigate the effect of plasticity on stresses around the wellbore. For this purpose a finite-element model of coupled thermo-chemo-poro-elastoplasticity is developed. The governing equations are based on the concept of thermodynamics of irreversible processes in discontinuous systems. In order to solve the plastic problem, a single-step backward Euler algorithm containing a yield surface-correction scheme is used to integrate the plastic stress–strain relation. An initial stress method is employed to solve the non-linearity of the plastic equation. In addition, super convergent patch recovery is used to accurately evaluate the time-dependent stress tensor from nodal displacement. The results of this study reveal that thermal and chemical osmosis can significantly affect the fluid flow in low-permeable shale formations. When the salinity of drilling mud is higher than that of pore fluid, fluid is pulled out of the formation by chemical osmotic back flow. Similar results are observed when the temperature of drilling mud is lower than that of the formation fluid. It is found that linear elastic approaches to wellbore stability analysis appear to overestimate the tangential stress around the wellbore and produce more conservative stresses compared to the results of field observation. Therefore, the drilling mud properties obtained from the elastoplastic wellbore stability in shales provide a safer mud weight window and reduce drilling cost.  相似文献   
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