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Construction of managed aquifer recharge structures(MARS)to store floodwater is a common strategy for storing depleted groundwater resources in arid and semi-arid regions,as part of integrated water resources management(IWRM).MARS divert surface water to groundwater,but this can affect downstream fluvial processes.The impact of MARS on fluvial processes was investigated in this study by combining remote sensing techniques with hydro-sediment modeling for the case of the Kaboutar-Ali-Chay aquifer,northwestern Iran.The impact of MARS on groundwater dynamics was assessed,sedimentation across the MARS was modeled using a 2D hydrodynamic model,and morphological changes were quantified in the human-impacted alluvial fan using Landsat time series data and statistical methods.Changes were detected by comparing data for the periods before(1985e1996)and after(1997 e2018)MARS construction.The results showed that the rate of groundwater depletion decreased from 2.14 m/yr before to 0.86 m/yr after MARS construction.Hydro-sediment modeling revealed that MARS ponds slowed water outflow,resulting in a severe decrease in sediment load which lead to a change from sediment deposition to sediment erosion in the alluvial fan.Morphometric analyses revealed decreasing alluvial fan area and indicated significant differences(p<0.01)between pre-and post-impact periods for different morphometric parameters analyzed.The rate of change in area of the Kaboutar-Ali-Chay alluvial fan changed from0.228 to0.115 km2/year between pre-and post-impact periods.  相似文献   
The conventional pseudo-dynamic(CPD) and modified pseudo-dynamic(MPD) methods are invoked to obtain the seismic bearing capacity of strip foundations using the limit equilibrium method, with a two-wedge failure mechanism.A spectral version of the conventional pseudo-dynamic method(SPD) is also invoked by considering the ground motion amplification factor, to be a function of the non-dimensional frequency λ/B and soil damping. Numeric analyses show that bearing capacity results obtained by the MPD and SPD methods are generally consistent. Both experience the same general reduction in bearing capacity with the increase of λ/B, with successive ups and downs corresponding to soil′s natural frequencies. For 5λ/B10, SPD and MPD results fluctuated between falling above and below CPD results. For λ/B2.5, SPD and MPD results were consistent with attenuation of the shear wave, while for 10λ/B, amplification was exhibited. Results obtained by the CPD method monotonically decrease, due to the fact that CPD fails to inherently consider site effects and damping, and instead and relies on a single factor to consider the ground motion amplification.  相似文献   
In this study, the coherent structure in near bed bursting events over the ripples and mechanism of sediment bed load transport were investigated experimentally. The experiments in this study were carried out in the laboratory flume, in two parts; fixed bed ripple and mobile bed ripple. Tow artificial ripples, were built and used for making both fixed and mobile bed. For the fixed bed part, velocity fluctuations were measured using an Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter. In order to apply bursting analysis for obtained data, a computer program was written in visual basic language. Then, variation of turbulence shear stress associated with different bed form geometries was determined and mechanism of sediment transport by ripple shape at the bed of open channel was investigated. For the mobile bed part, artificial ripples were used as mould to make ripples. An image processing technique was used to record amount of sediment particles which are entrained and deposited over the same selected points at the fixed bed part. Results of mobile bed part, confirmed the results of shear stress analysis of fixed bed part.  相似文献   
Kaftar Lake is a high‐altitude fresh water lake located in High Zagros, south of Iran. Despite the high annual evaporation to precipitation ratio in the area, lake water electrical conductivity is usually lower than 1000 µS/cm, this may be due to high seepage from the floor of the lake. Therefore, the hypothesis of possible underground connections between Namdan Basin, where the lake is located, and the surrounding basins with lower elevation (Aspas and Dehbid Basins) was investigated. Hydrogeology, hydrochemistry, and stable isotopes data of the lake and surrounding basins along with the lake water balance study were applied to test the hypothesis. Results indicate that Kaftar Lake has no connection with Aspas Basin in south, but it is hydraulically connected to Dehbid Basin. In Dehbid Basin, “Ghasr_e_Yaghoob spring” (average discharge ?1200 L/s) emerges from a small outcrop (about 0.8 km2) of Daryan limestone Formation, where this outcrop is much smaller than the required recharge area for such average discharge rate. The study shows that this spring is recharged by Kaftar Lake and Namdan Basin aquifer, through Daryan Formation of Gandboee Syncline located to the northern part of the lake.  相似文献   
Common multivariate clustering techniques are ineffective in identifying subtle patterns of correlation, and clustering of variables or samples within complex geochemical datasets. This study compares the combination of singular value decomposition (SVD) and semi discrete decomposition (SDD), with that of hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA), to examine patterns within a multielement soil geochemical dataset from an agricultural area in the vicinity of Pb–Zn mining operations in central Iran. SVD was used to both identify patterns of correlation between variables and samples and to “denoise” the data, and SDD to simultaneously cluster the samples and variables. The results reveal various spatial associations of mining waste-associated metals As, Ba, Pb and Zn, and within the remaining elements whose distribution is largely controlled by the major oxides. SVD–SDD was found to be superior to HCA, in its ability to detect subtle clusters in soil geochemistry indicative of mine-related contamination in the study area.  相似文献   
In pore network modeling, the void space of a rock sample is represented at the microscopic scale by a network of pores connected by throats. Construction of a reasonable representation of the geometry and topology of the pore space will lead to a reliable prediction of the properties of porous media. Recently, the theory of multi-cellular growth (or L-systems) has been used as a flexible tool for generation of pore network models which do not require any special information such as 2D SEM or 3D pore space images. In general, the networks generated by this method are irregular pore network models which are inherently closer to the complicated nature of the porous media rather than regular lattice networks. In this approach, the construction process is controlled only by the production rules that govern the development process of the network. In this study, genetic algorithm has been used to obtain the optimum values of the uncertain parameters of these production rules to build an appropriate irregular lattice network capable of the prediction of both static and hydraulic information of the target porous medium.  相似文献   
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment - Considering the importance of climate change and its effects, especially in recent decades, the forecast of future climate conditions can be...  相似文献   
Watershed modeling of rainfall excess transformation into runoff   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper an attempt is made to present a distributed physiographic conceptual model that uses the principles of flow continuity and momentum. For this purpose, the watershed under study is divided into subwatersheds keeping in view the drainage patterns and characteristics. Then the main tributaries are identified and their drainage areas are delineated to form tributary subwatersheds. The main channel subwatersheds have taken care of the remaining area in the vicinity of the main channel. The kinematic wave theory is applied for the overland runoff computations from these subwatersheds. Further, the overland flows are superimposed onto the main channel. The dynamic wave theory is used to route the flows through the main channel to compute the watershed responses at the outlet. The proposed model is tested onto a natural watershed. The computations were performed for few storm events. Comparison of the significant parameters of the computed and the observed hydrographs shows that the maximum relative error in prediction is 5.8%. Thus, the results are satisfactory. Better results can be obtained when measured rainfall-excess data are available or a more realistic loss index is adopted for rainfall-excess separation.  相似文献   
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