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运用地层厚度印模法(延9+延10+富县组地层厚度)恢复出了陇东上里塬地区前侏罗纪古地貌形态,其形态为一级甘陕古河呈近东西向分布,二级庆西古河位于研究区南部向北注入甘陕古河,研究区的北部和南部分别发育姬塬和演武高地,在高地和河谷的过度带分别发育姬塬南斜坡和演武北斜坡,此外,在一级河谷中央还发育有河间丘,在斜坡上发育残丘、...  相似文献   
以云南元江地区铜矿GIS预测为例,介绍了线型异常和面型异常的找矿有利度分析方法,并给出断裂、物化探异常和地层找矿有利度分析的结果.给出了计算空间相关性的公式,并研究了不同元素化探异常的空间相关性.研究了相关元素的组合异常,论证了在矿产资源预测中应用组合异常的必要性.  相似文献   
Acid intrusions are widespread in the Sawur region, Xinjiang. The Ka'erjiao intrusion is mainly composed of albite granite porphyry, K-feldspar granite porphyry, ivernite and granite porphyry. Being a transitional product between magma intrusion and eruption in the Sawur region, the Ka'erjiao intrusion was formed at the telophase of the late Carboniferous to the begining of early Permian as determined by the SHRIMP U-Pb zircon dating, with an age of 302.6±7.6 Ma (1σ). The intrusion consists of alkali-enriched rock, whose REE distribution patterns are of the LREE enrichment type, theδEu value is low and Nd, Sr, Pb isotopes reflect its mantle source characteristics. Theδ18O value of intrusion is low as a result of isotope exchange with meteoric water. The geochemical characteristics show that it was formed in a post-collisional tectonic setting. Taking combined considerations of current studies of A-type granites and Permian volcanic rocks, we think that in the telophase of the late Carboniferous to the beginning of the early Permian, the Sawur region was within the extension or compressional to extensional period of a post-collisional stage. The Ka'erjiao intrusion from mantle sources can confirm the vertical continental crust growth in the late Paleozoic. The Sawur region in west Junggar is consistent with east Junggar in post-collisional tectonic evolution process.  相似文献   
晋城煤层气藏成藏机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过晋城煤层气的规模开发、压裂煤层气井的解剖、井下煤层瓦斯抽放、构造地应力场研究、煤储层大裂隙系统“CT”式解剖与煤层气封闭保存条件研究, 发现3#煤储层内部存在大量煤层气包, 构造微破裂作用促使煤层气包之间广泛合并联通, 煤层气包内部储层的非均质性弱化, 渗透率增加, 煤层气包内部的游离气体比例增加, 流体压力系统边界逐渐清晰并形成煤层气藏. 揭示煤层气藏的成藏机制, 认识煤层气藏的内部细节特征, 促进了该区的煤层气开发技术进步, 提高了井下煤层瓦斯的抽放效率.   相似文献   
Armoring countermeasures, such as riprap stones, are the primary method used to protect bridge piers against scouring; however, these methods have not had definitive success. Recently, flow-altering countermeasures, such as sacrificial piles, have been tested as an alternative to armoring countermeasures. This study investigated the mechanics of an innovative flow-altering countermeasure device, frames in the shape of tetrahedrons that act as a pier-scour countermeasure. Results of measured characteristics for turbulence flow showed that the flow around the tetrahedral frames can be divided into three regions: (1) a deceleration region near the sediment bed; (2) an acceleration region in the middle of water depth region; and (3) a restoration region near the water surface. The velocity magnitudes, turbulent intensities and vorticities decreased in the deceleration region, increased in the acceleration region and reverted to that of the unprotected condition in the restoration region. This pier-scour countermeasure is innovative because of its ability to dissipate energy associated with the downflow and the horseshoes vortex generated around the bridge pier. The scour tests revealed that the frames protected the foundation of bridge piers against scour. The experimental results showed that the percentage reduction of scour depth decreased as the velocity ratio, U/U c , decreased, reaching a value of 50% for the range of parameters tested in this study. Moreover, its efficiency was dependent on the placement density of the frames. The data showed that the frames were more effective when η was larger. However, their influence becomes less significant when η≥ 0.16.  相似文献   
The Tongbai-East Qinling Mountains,an important part of the Central orogenic belt,is one of the most important metallogenic belts in China and contains lots of orogenic-type and VMS-type (Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide type)metallogenic systems.The Dahe and Shuidongling VMS-type Cu-Zn deposits,located in the Erlangping Group in Tongbai and East Qinling Mountains,respectively, show similar geological and geochemical features.The Huoshenmiao Formation in the East Qinling region and the Liushanyan Formation i...  相似文献   
Abstract: The Early Holocene paleoclimate in Bosten Lake on the northern margin of the Tarim Basin, southern Xinjiang, is reconstructed through an analysis of a 953 cm long core (BSTC2000) taken from Bosten Lake. Multiple proxies of this core, including the mineral components of carbonate, carbonate content, stable isotopic compositions of carbonate, Ca/Sr, TOC and C/N and C/S of organic matter, are used to reconstruct the climatic change since 8500 a B.P. The chronology model is made by nine AMS 14C ages of leaves, seeds and organic matter contained in two parallel cores. The climate was cold and wet during 8500 to 8100 a B.P. Temperature increased from 8100 to 6400 a B.P., the climate was warm and humid, and the lake expanded. The lake level was highest during this stage. Then from 6400 to 5100 a B.P., the climate became cold and the lake level decreased slightly. During the late mid-Holocene, the climate was hot and dry from 5100 to 3100 a B.P., but there was a short cold period during 4400 to 3800 a B.P. At this temporal interval, a mass of ice and snow melting water supplied the lake at the early time and made the lake level rise. The second highest lake level stage occurred during 5200 to 3800 a B.P. The climate was cool and wet during 3100 to 2200 a B.P., when the lake expanded with decreasing evaporation. The lake had the last short-term high level during 3100 to 2800 a B.P. After this short high lake level period, the lake shrank because of the long-term lower temperature and reduced water supply. From 2200 to 1200 a B.P., the climate was hot and dry, and the lake shrank greatly. Although the temperature decreased somewhat from 1200 a B.P. to the present, the climate was warm and dry. The lake level began to rise a little again, but it did not reach the river bed altitude of the Konqi River, an outflow river of the Bosten Lake.  相似文献   
1 Introduction Natural beryl is an accessory mineral mainly in pegmatite, partly in some highly diffractionated granite or metamorphic rocks, with the crystal shapes beingprismatic, or occasionally tabular. For tabular beryl found in pegmatite it is believed that the tabular configuration is connected with alkali metals (Bieus, 1960; Wang et al., 1981) and geneses of the tabular configuration have been reported before. In recent years, tabular beryl has been found in the Xuebaoding W-Sn-Be d…  相似文献   
Zircon U-Pb ages and geochemical data of volcanic rocks in the Suifenhe Formation in eastern Heilongjiang Province are reported, and their petrogenesis is discussed in this paper. The Suifenhe Formation mainly consists of basalt, andesite, and dacite. Zircon from andesite and dacite are euhedral in shape and show typical oscillatory zoning with high Th/U ratios (0.18-0.57), implying its magmatic origin. Zircon U-Pb dating results by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (LA-ICP-MS) indicate that the 206Pb/238U ages of zircons from andesite range within 105-106 Ma, yielding a weighted mean age of 105.5±0.8 Ma (n=14), and that 206Pb/238U ages of zircons from dacite are between 90-96 Ma, yielding a weighted mean age of 93.2±1.3 Ma (n =13). The volcanic rocks from the Suifenhe Formation are subalkaline series and show a calc-alkaline evolutionary trend with SiO2 content of 47.69%-65.47%, MgO contents of 1.42%-6.80% (Mg#= 45-53), and Na2O/K2O ratios of 1.83-3.63. They are characterized by enrichment in large ion lithophile elements (LILE) and light-rare-earth elements (LREE), depletion in heavy rare earth elements (HREE) and high field strength elements (HFSE) (e.g., Nb, Ta, Ti), and low initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7041-0.7057) and positiveεNd(t) values (039-4.08), implying that they could be derived from a depleted magma source. Taken together, these results suggest that the primary magma of the volcanic rocks might originate from partial melting of the mantle wedge metasomatized by fluids derived from subducted slab under a tectonic setting of active continental margin.  相似文献   
本文重点研究了湖北建始高坪龙骨洞早期人类和巨猿生存时期的气候和环境。通过孢粉、氧化物、磁化率、哺乳动物化石研究表明,高坪地区在早更新世早期气候比较温暖湿润,但存在较大幅度的波动,植被为针叶-阔叶混交林。古人类生存时的气温比现今高,但降雨量比现今少,而且在1.95~2.14MaBP和2.15MaBP发生两次比较明显的降温事件,降温幅度可达5~9℃。  相似文献   
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