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Gravity field terrain effect computations by FFT   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
The widespread availability of detailed gridded topographic and bathymetric data for many areas of the earth has resulted in a need for efficient terrain effect computation techniques, especially for applications in gravity field modelling. Compared to conventional integration techniques, Fourier transform methods provide extremely efficient computations due to the speed of the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT. The Fourier techniques rely on linearization and series expansions of the basically unlinear terrain effect integrals, typically involving transformation of the heights/depths and their squares. TheFFT methods will especially be suited for terrain reduction of land gravity data and satellite altimetry geoid data. In the paper the basic formulas will be outlined, and special emphasis will be put on the practial implementation, where a special coarse/detailed grid pair formulation must be used in order to minimize the unavoidable edge effects ofFFT, and the special properties ofFFT are utilized to limit the actual number of data transformations needed. Actual results are presented for gravity and geoid terrain effects in test areas of the USA, Greenland and the North Atlantic. The results are evaluated against a conventional integration program: thus, e.g., in an area of East Greenland (with terrain corrections up to10 mgal), the accuracy ofFFT-computed terrain corrections in actual gravity stations showed anr.m.s. error of0.25 mgal, using height data from a detailed photogrammetric digital terrain model. Similarly, isostatic ocean geoid effects in the Faeroe Islands region were found to be computed withr.m.s. errors around0.03 m  相似文献   
利用钻孔岩心资料及层序地层学的观点,对陕西省渭北煤田石炭—二叠纪煤系地层进行了层序地层学的分析。以奥陶系顶部区域不整合面、太原组最大海泛面的K2灰岩"1分层"的顶面、山西组底部的"北岔沟砂岩"(K4)底面和下石盒子组底部"骆驼脖子砂岩"(K中)底面等界面为层序界限将研究区内含煤地层划分为3个三级层序SQ1、SQ2、SQ3。在层序格架内,对煤层的聚集规律进行研究,结果表明,渭北煤田主要可采煤层3号、10号、11号煤层主要形成于海侵体系域中晚期,4号、5号煤层形成于高位体系域的中晚期。  相似文献   
In this paper a new method of shearing test by means of rigid technique is proposed , On the weak interfaces of rock, the shearing characteristics and process of shearing stress and displacement can be determined. It is favorable to research the mechanism of failure and various ultimate strength.  相似文献   
通过对德阳市城市供水水源质量密切相关的上游地区(主要是石亭江、绵远河流域)水环境质量的调查,较为系统地评价了水源环境质量现状,分析了造成水体污染的主要原因,预测了水质变化趋势,提出了分阶段治理及保护对策。  相似文献   
Summary Richards equation, which is the key relationship for addressing basic soil hydrological processes within the rhizosphere and constitutes the basis for multiple-layer soil hydrology models for meteorological studies, is modified to include two vegetation processes: the transpiration (daytime) and hydraulic lift (nighttime). The analytical form of the adjoint system is derived and can serve as the guideline for discrete forms, as implemented in a variety of multiple layer land surface models. The modified equation and its adjoint model may be used to address at least two types of inverse problems: estimation of the initial soil moisture contents from sparse observations of related quantities; and retrieval of critical soil/vegetation parameters with observations of soil moisture contents (or other related quantities) distributed over a certain period of time. The former may be of more interest for numerical weather prediction studies, whereas the latter may be more valuable for longer time integration of climate models.  相似文献   
采用交叉小波变换与小波相干方法,利用NCEP/NCAR 再分析资料以及 NOAA 卫星观测的 OLR 资料,分析了2006年夏季西太平洋副高的异常活动及其与东亚夏季风系统相关的时延位相特征.分析结果表明,副高指数与东亚夏季风系统成员特征指数的交叉小波功率谱和小波相干谱能够有效揭示周期尺度为14~20 d的不同影响因子与副高指数的时频特征和时滞相关性.分析证实,马斯克林高压和南亚高压对副高的西伸、北跳有较好的预报意义;热带ITCZ和副热带高空急流的加强北移与副高脊线的北跳同步;副高北跳利于降水在华南发生,反过来,雨带的产生又有利于副高的进一步西伸.  相似文献   
基于GF-1 WFV影像的黄河口湿地植被盖度估测及分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植被盖度是植被生长状况的重要定量指标,而目前开展的植被盖度遥感估测工作主要集中在陆地区域,对河口湿地植被盖度遥感估测工作比较少见。本文基于国产GF-1 WFV遥感影像开展了黄河口湿地植被盖度估算,并结合植被类型、土壤盐度和植被指数分布状况开展了植被盖度分布特征分析,得到如下结论:(1)基于GF-1 WFV卫星影像的NDVI、SRI、SAVI、MSAVI和DVI 5种植被指数,分别建立植被盖度估测模型,其中基于NDVI、SRI、MSAVI和DVI 4种植被指数建立的多变量线性回归模型估测精度最好,其决定系数(R2)最大,为0.904,均方根误差RMSE最小,为0.14;(2)植被盖度估算模型的精度与植被盖度本身有一定的关系,其中各植被盖度回归模型中,盖度大于0.8时估算精度要优于盖度小于0.6的区域,RMSE最大相差0.04;(3)以潮滩碱蓬和潮滩芦苇为主的植被覆盖区属于低植被盖度区,盖度位于0.03~0.5,盐度在1.5 g/L左右;芦苇草甸、互花米草和柽柳灌丛植被覆盖区属于高植被盖度区,盖度位于0.8~1.0,其中芦苇草甸土壤盐度小于1.2 g/L,柽柳灌丛土壤盐度在1.4~2.0 g/L,在高盖度植被区混生有中等盖度的植被,盖度在0.5~0.8,土壤盐度在1.8 g/L左右。  相似文献   
为充分掌握XX核电厂运营后其邻近海域大型底栖动物群落的变化情况,文章通过大型底栖生物污染指数(MPI)评价海域生态环境质量,并探讨对核电取水安全存在潜在风险的大型底栖动物,为核电厂建立循环冷却水系统取水安全预警平台奠定基础。研究结果表明:在温排水干扰的背景下,至2015年研究海域大型底栖动物的种类组成、生物量和密度均未产生明显的规律性变化;优势种有17种,主要隶属多毛类环节动物和软体动物,生态组以干扰敏感种(EG Ⅰ)和干扰不敏感种(EG Ⅱ)为主;研究海域的环境质量总体处于清洁到轻度污染的水平,夏季航次的环境质量优于冬季航次,但二者无显著性差异;对核电取水安全存在潜在风险的生物包括海地瓜、棘刺锚参、棒锥螺、爪哇拟塔螺和小荚蛏。  相似文献   
四种浮游植物生物量计算方法的比较分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
陈纯  李思嘉  胡韧  韩博平 《湖泊科学》2013,25(6):927-935
浮游植物是水生生态系统中重要的初级生产者,其生物量是反映其现存量的关键指标.本文利用具有3个处理组的围隔实验中的浮游植物数据,对文献中常见的计算浮游植物种群生物量和群落生物量的4种方法:标准法、细分法、粗分法和资料法进行比较,并分析采用这4种不同方法得到的浮游植物生物量与叶绿素a浓度的相关性.结果表明:粗分法是计算浮游植物生物量的高效方法,能够保证准确度和节省时间;提高浮游植物生物量计算准确度不是影响浮游植物生物量与叶绿素a浓度相关性显著程度的关键.通过比较剔除稀有种(生物量不超过群落生物量5%的种类)前后浮游植物生物量的差异,发现忽略稀有种会导致种类均匀度较高的浮游植物群落生物量严重偏低,建议浮游植物生物量的计算不能一概忽略稀有种.  相似文献   
张文伟  孟庆山  朱国甫  汪稔 《岩土力学》2009,30(9):2869-2874
基于比奥固结理论,用有限元方法研究了有限饱和土层中条形埋置基础的固结沉降特性。仔细分析了影响固结度的3个参数:基础埋深与土层厚度的比值;土层厚度与基础宽度的比值;土骨架的泊松比。根据分析结果,提出了归一化无量纲时间,并给出了计算条形埋置基础固结度的计算图表。这些图表为基础设计提供了便捷准确的计算方法。运用文中图表计算固结度的最大误差不超过3 %。  相似文献   
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