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Big data has emerged as the next technological revolution in IT industry after cloud computing and the Internet of Things. With the development of climate observing systems, particularly satellite meteorological observation and high-resolution climate models, and the rapid growth in the volume of climate data, climate prediction is now entering the era of big data. The application of big data will provide new ideas and methods for the continuous development of climate prediction. The rapid integration, cloud storage, cloud computing, and full-sample analysis of massive climate data makes it possible to understand climate states and their evolution more objectively, thus predicting the future climate more accurately. This paper describes the application status of big data in operational climate prediction in China; it analyzes the key big data technologies, discusses the future development of climate prediction operations from the perspective of big data, speculates on the prospects for applying climatic big data in cloud computing and data assimilation, and puts forward the notion of big data-based super-ensemble climate prediction methods and computerbased deep learning climate prediction methods.  相似文献   
1957-1996台风对中国降水的影响   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
台风活动中国气候的重要特点之一,它能带来大量降水并造成严重的财产损失。在一些地区,台风降水甚至可以在总降水量中占很大比例。本文目的是研究那些对中国产生影响的台风并重点关注台风对中国降水的影响。文中涉及四个方面的工作。首先,研究了影响中国台风的频率,结果表明台风影响的主要季节为5-11月,尤其以7-9月频繁;在过去40年中影响台风的频率没有明显的变化趋势。第二,对台站台风降水的气候特征分析结果显示,海南和东南沿海地区受台风的影响最大,而且长江以南大部地区每年都受到台风的影响;另外,影响区域大部分地区的台风降水在过去40年中表现出下降的趋势,但是只有东北地区南部这种趋势是显著的。第三,对台风个例的分析表明,个例降水总量和影响面积之间存在着显著的线性关系。最后,对台风造成的中国范围降水总量进行了分析,初步结果显示台风降水总量在1957-1996年间显著减少。  相似文献   
任丽  关铭  李有缘  王深义 《气象科技》2019,47(6):959-968
本文使用常规观测资料、卫星云图、自动气象站降水量以及0.25°×0.25°的NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,对出现在东北地区北部受不同系统影响的连续2d暴雨过程的热力和动力场结构特征展开研究。结果表明:24日为暖锋锋生暴雨,暴雨范围大;25日为台风暴雨,暴雨出现在台风移动路径上,为狭长带状。暴雨是由MCS活动造成的,每次短时强降水均与TBB低值中心相对应,台风倒槽内的MCS强度比暖锋云系内的MCS弱,但是降水强度却更大。台风安比携带大量暖湿空气,其东侧的低空急流向北输送热量和水汽,水汽辐合集中在边界层内,台风暴雨的水汽辐合强度比暖锋暴雨更强烈,所造成的雨强更大。暖锋暴雨期间,小兴安岭迎风坡地形的辐合抬升作用明显;高层强辐散及地形辐合抬升作用对暴雨有较大贡献。台风暴雨期间,低空辐合,特别是水汽辐合作用对暴雨有较大贡献;辐合区位于台风倒槽附近,倒槽表现为冷锋性质。  相似文献   
Measurements of the broadband global solar radiation (R S) and total ultraviolet radiation (the sum of UV-A and UV-B) were conducted from 2005 to 2010 at 9 sites in arid and semi-arid regions of China. These data were used to determine the temporal variability of UV and UV/R S and their dependence on the water vapor content and clearness index. The dependence of UV/R S on aerosol optical depth (AOD) and water vapor content was also investigated. In addition, a simple and efficient empirically model suited for all-weather conditions was developed to estimate UV from R s. The annual average daily UV level in arid and semi-arid areas is 0.61 and 0.59 MJ m?2 d?1, respectively. The highest value (0.66?±?0.25 MJ m?2 d?1) was recorded at an arid area at Linze. The lowest value (0.53?±?0.22 MJ m?2 d?1) was recorded at a semi-arid area at Ansai. The highest daily value of UV radiation was measured in May, whereas the lowest value was measured in December. The monthly variation of the UV/R s ratio ranged from 0.41 in Aksu to 0.35 in Qira. The monthly mean value of UV/R s gradually increased from November and then decreased in August. A small decreasing trend of UV/R s was observed in the arid and semi-arid regions due to recently increasing amounts of fine aerosol. A simple and efficient empirically model suit for all-weather condition was developed to estimate UV from R s. The slope a and intercept b of the regression line between the estimated and measured values were close to 1 and zero, respectively. The relative error between the estimated and measured values was less than 11.5%. Application of the model to data collected from different locations in this region also resulted in reasonable estimates of UV.  相似文献   
1960—2009年中国冬季区域性极端低温事件的时空特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用区域性极端低温事件客观识别技术对1960—2009年的区域性极端低温事件进行检测,并分析其空间分布和时间演变特征。结果表明:区域性极端低温事件指标中最低温度和几何中心纬度的频次分布为双峰特征,发生频次较高的纬度主要位于30°N和42°N附近,且1980年代中期以前南北两个带并存,之后则以30°N附近为主;1960—2009年事件的发生频次、强度和最大覆盖面积等呈总体减弱趋势,在1980年代后期存在显著的转折,1990年代后期变化逐渐趋于平缓,并且这种变化主要是由占总数10%的持续时间长和空间范围广的事件作用的结果。此外,对体现事件多方面影响的综合指标进行等级划分并分析其变化特征。  相似文献   
利用洛阳市环境监测资料和气象资料,分析了洛阳市污染物浓度的日变化、季节变化、年际变化规律,并分析了污染物浓度与气象因子的关系。在此基础上,通过回归分析预报方法、污染潜势预报方法、CAPPS模式预报方法对洛阳市3种主要污染物的浓度和级别进行了24 h和48 h预测,并建立了气象局与环保部门共享的气象和污染数据库平台,为双方今后的合作奠定了基础。  相似文献   
The relative importance of regional processes inside the Arctic climate system and the large scale atmospheric circulation for Arctic interannual climate variability has been estimated with the help of a regional Arctic coupled ocean-ice-atmosphere model. The study focuses on sea ice and surface climate during the 1980s and 1990s. Simulations agree reasonably well with observations. Correlations between the winter North Atlantic Oscillation index and the summer Arctic sea ice thickness and summer sea ice extent are found. Spread of sea ice extent within an ensemble of model runs can be associated with a surface pressure gradient between the Nordic Seas and the Kara Sea. Trends in the sea ice thickness field are widely significant and can formally be attributed to large scale forcing outside the Arctic model domain. Concerning predictability, results indicate that the variability generated by the external forcing is more important in most regions than the internally generated variability. However, both are in the same order of magnitude. Local areas such as the Northern Greenland coast together with Fram Straits and parts of the Greenland Sea show a strong importance of internally generated variability, which is associated with wind direction variability due to interaction with atmospheric dynamics on the Greenland ice sheet. High predictability of sea ice extent is supported by north-easterly winds from the Arctic Ocean to Scandinavia.  相似文献   
利用2001年1月至2010年12月内蒙古地区12个探空站的资料,求算全区空中水汽含量,对其时空分布特征及变化趋势进行分析.分析结果表明,近10a来,1月份内蒙古地区月平均空中水汽含量最低只有0.303cm;7月份月平均空中水汽含量最大达到3.106cm;空中水汽含量高值区在河套地区有西凸的倾向;空中水汽含量和降水量分布有正相关关系;逐年平均空中水汽含量处于缓慢的减少过程中.  相似文献   
陕西不同生态区苹果品质差异及与气象因子的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
屈振江  郑小华  刘璐  张勇 《气象》2017,43(7):872-878
为做好苹果气候品质认证工作,基于2013—2015年陕西31个苹果种植生产基地县155片果园的果实品质调查数据和物候监测资料,应用灰色关联度分析和逐步回归方法,分延安果区、渭北东部果区、渭北西部果区和关中果区4个生态类型区,分析了苹果品质的分异特征,研究了影响苹果品质的关键物候期及主要气象因子。结果表明:各生态类型区的果形指数和可滴定酸含量较为一致,单果重、可溶性固形物含量和果实着色度差异较为明显。第一次膨大期最高气温、生长季最高气温和幼果期平均气温对苹果品质的影响最为显著。其中开花期和幼果期气温高、降水少,第一次膨大期气温低、日照多,着色期气温低、相对湿度大有利于提高陕西苹果品质。利用多元回归构建的品质预测模型拟合效果较好,可在业务中应用。  相似文献   
新一代天气雷达的建设和使用中会不可避免地遇到地形遮挡的问题。本文以南京、连云港两部新一代天气雷达为例,探讨了一种遮挡范围内进行数据插补的技术方法,以弥补雷达产品生成中的缺陷问题,尤其是解决雷达定量测量面降雨量场的补缺问题,对其它地方的新一代天气雷达观测有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   
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