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Zusammenfassung Isoklinalfaltung und Boudinage kompetenter Quarzit- und Kalkbänke haben wesentlichen Anteil an der progressiven Deformation der Phyllit-Serie West-Kretas. Während die Isoklinalfaltung mit der Hochdruck-Metamorphose der Phyllit-Serie in ursächlichem Zusammenhang steht, könnte sich die Boudinage auch später, etwa unter der Auflast eines mächtigen Deckenstapels, ereignet haben. Zwei Systeme tektonischer Faltenachsen sind zu beobachten, die generell rechte Winkel miteinander einschließen (NW-SE und NE-SW). Sie sind wahrscheinlich während derselben tektonischen Gestaltungsphase entstanden. Auf Grund ihrer Gesteinsentwicklung könnten die Schichtglieder der Phyllit-Serie als Bildungen präorogener Geosynklinalstadien betrachtet werden.
Isoclinal folding and boudinage of competent quartzite and limestone beds are the essential parts of progressive deformation of the Phyllite Series in W-Crete. While there is a genetic causal relation between isoclinal folding and high pressure metamorphism of the Phyllite Series, boudinage could also have happened at a later date, for example under the lithostatic pressure of a thick nappe pile. Two systems of tectonic fold axes — generally intersecting at a right angle — can be seen (NW-SE and NE-SW). Their formation has most probably taken place during the same tectonical phase. On account of their lithologic character, stratigraphic sequences of the Phyllite Series can be regarded as formations of preorogenic geosynclinal stages.

Résumé La déformation de la Série des phyllades de la Crète occidentale consiste en général en un plissement isoclinal avec boudinage des couches compétentes quartzitiques et calcaires. Le plissement isoclinal se trouve en liaison causale avec le métamorphisme à haute pression de la Série des phyllades tandis que le boudinage s'effectuerait postérieurement, par exemple sous le poids d'un empilement d'épaisses nappes. Les deux systèmes d'axes de plissement observables se croisent généralement à angle droit (NW-SE et NE-SW). Ils datent probablement de la même phase tectonique. On peut mettre en rapport les strates de la Série des phyllades avec stades pré-orogéniques du géosynclinal.

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Zusammenfassung Die mächtigen Glazialablagerungen der oberkarbonen Gondwana-Inlandvereisung sind in Südamerika nur in wenigen Fällen so weit abgetragen, daß man Spuren einer von Eis geschrammten Landoberfläche finden konnte. Bisher sind nur zwei Vorkommen von Gletscherschrammen in Uruguay festgestellt worden und ein gekritzer Granitblock als roche moutonnée aus dem Staate São Paulo sowie ein Aufschluß von Eis-Schliffen auf Granodiorit in Santa Catalina, der durch Straßenbau zerstört wurde.Es ist daher von besonderer Bedeutung, daß jetzt auch Gletscherschrammen der Gondwanavereisung im Staate Parana gefunden wurden. Es werden zwei Vorkommen beschrieben. Ein kleiner Aufschluß 43 km westlich von Curitiba, auf dem zweiten Hochplateau, zeigt N 4 E astr. verlaufende parallele Schrammen auf einer periglazialen Sandsteinplatte im Hangenden des unterdevonischen Furnas-Sandsteines. Das zweite, größere Vorkommen weist prachtvoll ausgeprägte Gletscherschrammen auf Fumas-Sandstein auf, der unter Tillit freigelegt ist. Der Tillit füllt ein präglaziales Tal in der Prägondwana-Landoberfläche aus, in das er aus südlicher Richtung hineingepreßt wurde. Die EisSchrammen sind nach N 11 W astr. orientiert. Aus den Richtungen einer lokal abgelenkten Eisbewegung lassen sich keine Rückschlüsse auf die allgemeine Bewegungsrichtung des Gondwana-Inlandeises ziehen. Die Haupt-Bewegungsrichtung wurde bisher aus Geschiebe-Einmessungen und aus dem Streichen der Achsen von Eisdruckfalten ermittelt, die eine Herkunft aus östlichen Sektoren zwischen NE und SE aufweisen. Die vorherrschende Bewegungsrichtung des Eises verlief von SE nach NW etwa parallel der Achse des Paraná-Bassins. Da die Ursprungsrichtung des Gondwana-Inlandeises in den Atlantischen Ozean hinausweist, konnte der Süd-Atlantik im Oberkarbon noch nicht bestanden haben. Über freie Ozeanflächen konnten keine Grundmoränen transportiert werden, die Geschiebematerial aus Südafrika nach Südbrasilien verfrachteten.
Up to now only two places have been known on the South-American Continent which showed traces of the Gondwana glaciation in the Upper Carboniferous.Two new occurrences were now found in the State of Paraná. A small exposure 43 km west of Curitiba shows parallel glacial striae running N 4 E on the Lower Devonian Furnas-sandstone.Another rather large occurrence shows extremely well formed glacial striae on Furnas-sandstone, too. It is overlain by Tillite. The striae run N 11 W. One cannot infer from the directions of these locally diverted glacial movements the general drift of the Gondwana-ice. The main drifts came from NE to SE and ran NW, parallel with the axis of the Paraná-basin. The original drift of the Gondwana continental ice runs towards the Atlantic. Hence we may conclude that the South Atlantic cannot have existed in the Upper Carboniferous, as a ground moraine cannot be transported across an open ocean. The striated pebbles were transported from South Africa to South Brazil.

Resumo Os espêssos depósitos da glaciação continental gondwânica do Carbonifero Superior na América do Sul apenas em raros casos foram denudados suficientemente a permitir observar os vestígios das estrias do gêlo na superfície terrestre. Conhecem-se até agora apenas duas ocorrências de estrias de geleira no Uruguai e urn bloco de granito estriado como roche moutonnée no Estado de São Paulo, assim como urn afloramento de ranhuras glaciais no granodiorito de Santa Catarina, atualmente destruido pela construção de estradas.Ter encontrado tais ranhuras de geleiras da glaciação gondwânica também no Estado do Paraná, constitui um acontecimento de grande importância. São descritas duas ocorrências. Um pequeno afloramento no segundo planalto, 43 km a oeste de Curitiba, exibe estrias paralelas orientadas em N 4 E astr. numa chapa de arenito periglacial na capa do arenito das Furnas do Devoniano Inferior. A segunda ocorrência é mais extensa e revela ranhuras de geleiras muito acentuadas no arenito das Furnas exposto abaixo do tilito. O tilito, proveniente do setor meridional, preenche um vale préglacial na superfície prégondwânica. As estrias de gêlo orientam-se em N 11 W astr. Das direções de um movimento de gêlo, localmente desviado, é impossível deduzir o rumo geral do inlandsis gondwânico. A principal direção do movimento foi determinada até agora através das medições do material impelido e da orientação dos eixos dos dobramentos pela pressão de gêlo, evidenciando a proveniência de setores orientais entre NE e SE. O rumo predominante do gêlo percorria de SE para NW, mais ou menos paralelamente ao eixo da Bacia do Paraná. Como a direção de origem do inlandsis gondwânico indica para o oceano Atlântico, o Atlântico Sul não podia ter existido no Carbonifero Superior. Sôbre superfícies oceânicas não podiam ser movimentadas as morenas basais que transportaram o material impelido da frica do Sul para o Brasil Meridional.

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Zusammenfassung Eine Übersichtskarte der Espinhaço-Kordillere im Staat Minas Gerais wird vorgelegt. Für den Raum von Diamantina wird eine lithostratigraphische Gliederung der mehr als 5000 m mächtigen Minas-Serie aufgestellt. Die Quarzite dieses Bereiches gehören der proterozoischen Minas-Miogeosynklinale an, die in 600 km N-S-Erstreckung den Ostrand des heutigen São Francisco-Beckens begleitet. Im Verlauf der beginnenden Orogenese dieses Raums legen sich neue Sedimentbecken an. In der Umrandung der Miogeosynklinale werden synorogene Sedimente des Macaúbas geschüttet. Das Macaúbas ist eine klastische Fazies des Bambuí, dessen karbonatische Fazies in dem westlich anschließenden SãoFrancisco-Becken entwickelt ist. Die ausklingende Orogenese ergreift noch das Macaúbas, während das Säo-Francisco-Becken nur noch randlich gefaltet wird.Die Analogien zu präkambrischen Miogeosynklinalen aus anderen Schildbereichen werden herausgestellt. Die Beziehungen der Miogeosynklinalen zu älteren, konsolidierten Bereichen, die Sedimentation in Raum und Zeit sowie die orogene Entwicklung zeigen vektorielle Anlagen, die es erlauben, auf die Lage der zugehörigen Eugeosynklinale rückzuschließen. Diese Möglichkeit zur Untergliederung der präkambrischen Schilde ist dann von Bedeutung, wenn durch jüngere Aufheizung die physikalischen Altersbestimmungen zu widersprechenden Ergebnissen führen.
A preliminary small-scale map of the Cordilheira do Espinhaço in Minas Gerais/Brazil is included. A lithostratigraphic subdivision of the Minas series in the area of Diamantina is proposed. The thick quartzites of this region belong to the Proterozoic Minas-geosyncline, which accompanies the eastern margin of the present São Francisco-basin over 600 km north-south extension. During the orogeny new basins are forming. In the circumference of the miogeosyncline synorogenic sediments of the Macaúbas are deposited. The Macaúbas is a clastic facies of the Bambuí, the carbonatic facies of which is developed in the São Francisco-basin to the west. During the last phases of orogeny the Macaúbas is folded too, whereas within the São Francisco-basin the folding dies out rapidly.Analogies to Precambrian miogeosynclines of other shield regions are discussed. The relations of miogeosynclines to older cratonic areas, the sedimentation in time and space and the orogenic development show vectorial dispositions, which allow to indicate the probable position of the accompanying eugeosyncline. This possibility of subdividing shield areas is of importance in cases, where younger thermal phases cause questionable radiometric age determination results.

Resumo Um mapa preliminar em escala reduzida da Cordilheira do Espinhaço, Minas Gerais/Brasil, é apresentado. Para a região de Diamantina uma subdivisão da série Minas é proposta. Os potentes quartzitos dessa região pertencem ao miogeossinclinio Minas, que acompanha a margem oriental da Bacia do São Francisco numa extensão de 600 km. Durante a orogênese formam-se novas bacias sedimentares. Na periferia do miogeossinclinio depositam-se sedimentos sinorogênicos do Macaúbas. O Macaúbas é uma fácies clástica do Bambuí, cuja fácies carbonática desenvolve-se à oeste na Bacia do São Francisco. A fase final da orogenese ainda atinge o Macaúbas, enquanto que a Bacia do São Francisco só é dobrada marginalmente.Analogias com miogeossinclinios Précambrianos de outros escudos são discutidas. As relações entre os miogeossinclinios e as áreas mais antigas cratonizadas, a sedimentação no tempo e no espaço bem como a evolução orogênica mostram disposições vectoriais, que permitem tirar conclusões quanto a posição do eugeossinclinio acompanhante. Essa possibilidade de subdivisão dos escudos Précambrianos é de importância, quando efeitos termais mais recentes levam a determinações de idades absolutas contraditórias.

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Herrn Professor Dr.Roland Brinkmann zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   
The sensitivity of the last glacial-inception (around 115 kyr BP, 115,000 years before present) to different feedback mechanisms has been analysed by using the Earth system model of intermediate complexity CLIMBER-2. CLIMBER-2 includes dynamic modules of the atmosphere, ocean, terrestrial biosphere and inland ice, the last of which was added recently by utilising the three-dimensonal polythermal ice-sheet model SICOPOLIS. We performed a set of transient experiments starting at the middle of the Eemiam interglacial and ran the model for 26,000 years with time-dependent orbital forcing and observed changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration (CO2 forcing). The role of vegetation and ocean feedback, CO2 forcing, mineral dust, thermohaline circulation and orbital insolation were closely investigated. In our model, glacial inception, as a bifurcation in the climate system, appears in nearly all sensitivity runs including a run with constant atmospheric CO2 concentration of 280 ppmv, a typical interglacial value, and simulations with prescribed present-day sea-surface temperatures or vegetation cover—although the rate of the growth of ice-sheets growth is smaller than in the case of the fully interactive model. Only if we run the fully interactive model with constant present-day insolation and apply present-day CO2 forcing does no glacial inception appear at all. This implies that, within our model, the orbital forcing alone is sufficient to trigger the interglacial–glacial transition, while vegetation, ocean and atmospheric CO2 concentration only provide additional, although important, positive feedbacks. In addition, we found that possible reorganisations of the thermohaline circulation influence the distribution of inland ice.  相似文献   
The estimated depth of formation of authigenic dolomite concretions in the Middle Ordovician Cloridorme Formation, Quebec, ranges from < 1 m to 150–200 m below sea floor (mbsf) (mostly between < 1 and 25 mbsf), based on centre‐to‐margin variations in minus‐cement porosity (80–90% to 45–75%). Formation depths are > 350 mbsf (25–17% porosity) in the Lower Ordovician Levis Formation. Outward‐decreasing δ13CVPDB values (10·2–0·8‰) suggest precipitation in the methane generation zone with an increasing contribution of light carbonate derived by advection from thermocatalytic reactions at depth. Anomalously low δ18OVPDB values (centre‐to‐margin variations of ?0·4 to ?7·5‰) give reasonable temperatures for the concretion centres only if the δ18O of Ordovician sea water was negative (?6‰) and the bottom water was warm (> 15 °C). The 3–5‰ lower values for the concretion margins compared with the centres can be explained if, in addition, volcanic‐ash alteration, organic‐matter decomposition and/or advection of 18O‐depleted water lowered the δ18O of the pore water further by 2·0–4·0‰ during the first 25–200 m of burial. Reasonable growth temperatures for the margins of 17–20 °C are compatible with a lowering of the isotopic ratios by 1 to < 1·3‰ as a temperature effect. The systematic concentric isotope zonation of the concretions suggests that the well‐ordered near‐stoichiometric dolomite is a primary feature and not the result of recrystallization. Diagenetic dolomite beds of the Cloridorme Formation appear to have formed by coalescence of concretions, as shown by randomly sampled traverses that indicate formation at different subsurface depths. Growth of the Cloridorme dolomites was probably limited by calcium availability, at least 50% of which was derived from connate water, and the remainder by diffusion from sea water. Dolomite precipitation was favoured over calcite by very high sedimentation rates, the abundance of marine organic matter in the host sediment and a correspondingly thin sulphate reduction zone. Deep‐seated concretion growth in the Levis Formation required either internal sources for the participating ions (carbonate dissolution event) or porewater advection along faults.  相似文献   
Different calibration methods and data manipulations are being employed for quantitative paleoenvironmental reconstructions, but are rarely compared using the same data. Here, we compare several diatom-based models [weighted averaging (WA), weighted averaging with tolerance-downweighting (WAT), weighted averaging partial least squares, artificial neural networks (ANN) and Gaussian logit regression (GLR)] in different situations of data manipulation. We tested whether log-transformation of environmental gradients and square-root transformation of species data improved the predictive abilities and the reconstruction capabilities of the different calibration methods and discussed them in regard to species response models along environmental gradients. Using a calibration data set from New England, we showed that all methods adequately modelled the variables pH, alkalinity and total phosphorus (TP), as indicated by similar root mean square errors of prediction. However, WAT had lower performance statistics than simple WA and showed some unusual values in reconstruction, but setting a minimum tolerance for the modern species, such as available in the new computer program C2 version 1.4, resolved these problems. Validation with the instrumental record from Walden Pond (Massachusetts, USA) showed that WA and WAT reconstructed most closely pH and that GLR reconstructions showed the best agreement with measured alkalinity, whereas ANN and GLR models were superior in reconstructing the secondary gradient variable TP. Log-transformation of environmental gradients improved model performance for alkalinity, but not much for TP. While square-root transformation of species data improved the performance of the ANN models, they did not affect the WA models. Untransformed species data resulted in better accordance of the TP inferences with the instrumental record using WA, indicating that, in some cases, ecological information encoded in the modern and fossil species data might be lost by square-root transformation. Thus it may be useful to consider different species data transformations for different environmental reconstructions. This study showed that the tested methods are equally suitable for the reconstruction of parameters that mainly control the diatom assemblages, but that ANN and GLR may be superior in modelling a secondary gradient variable. For example, ANN and GLR may be advantageous for modelling lake nutrient levels in North America, where TP gradients are relatively short.  相似文献   
Finite computer resources force compromises in the design of transient numerical experiments with coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation models which, in the case of global warming simulations, normally preclude a full integration from the undisturbed pre-industrial state. The start of the integration at a later time from a climate state which, in contrast to the true climate, is initially in equilibrium then induces a cold start error. Using linear response theory a general expression for the cold start error is derived. The theory is applied to the Hamburg CO2 scenario simulations. An attempt to estimate the global-mean-temperature response function of the coupled model from the response of the model to a CO2 doubling was unsuccessful because of the non-linearity of the system. However, an alternative derivation, based on the transient simulation itself, yielded a cold start error which explained the initial retardation of the Hamburg global warming curve relative to the IPCC results obtained with a simple box-diffusion-upwelling model. In the case of the sea level the behaviour of the model is apparently more linear. The cold start error estimations based on a CO2 doubling experiment and on an experiment with gradually increasing CO2 (scenario A) are very similar and explain about two thirds of the coupled model retardation relative to the IPCC results.  相似文献   
To study nutrient fluxes within aquatic ecosystems, the synthesis of biomass and of various storage polymers has been analysed in samples from a meromictic alpine lake. Methods are described for the quantitative determination of whole cell biomass, glycogen, polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) and sulfur. Methods were adapted to conditions present in natural environments and tested with samples from blooms of Chromatiaceae and with corresponding laboratory cultures. Dried bacterioplankton-biomass has been analyzed for sulfur, glycogen and polyhydroxyalkanoates, and after complete oxidation for SO 4 2- , NO 3 - and HPO 4 2- . The average elemental composition of biomass from phototrophic sulfur bacteria, depleted of sulfur and carbon storage compounds, was C380H580O153N67P3S2.5M, where M stands for the content of the remaining minor elements. C, H, O, N, P and S accounted for 86.7% of the total dry mass. Storage sulfur in natural populations was equivalent to 2.5% to 13.5% of the dry mass; its content varied by 80% within a diurnal cycle. Glycogen contents fluctuated by approximately 50%; they accounted for 7.5% to 15.2% of the dry cell mass. The total content of reserve materials per cell never exceeded 30% of the dry mass. PHA had not been found in appreciable amounts in cells harvested from the natural lake habitat. Under certain conditions in the laboratoryChromatium okenii could be induced, however, to produce polyhydroxyalkanoates. Sulfur, glycogen and PHA contents of 33, 26 and 11%, respectively, were achieved under laboratory-culture conditions. Cells with up to 60% of their dry mass consisting of reserve materials can be obtained under selected laboratory conditions.  相似文献   
The early diagenetic evolution of pore-water chemistry is closely linked to mineralization reactions which consume significant portions of the metabolites released by bacterial organic matter decomposition. These reactions are most intense in high-sedimentation rate basins and include the precipitation of iron-sulfides and various carbonates leading to concretion growth. Early diagenetic pyrite is typically framboidal attesting to its recrystallization from precursor mackinawite, greigite or amorphous FeS which are the favored phases at high supersaturation levels during the initial sulfate reduction stages. The sulfur isotopic composition of early diagnetic pyrite can be used to differentiate diffusion-controlled, open-system conditions with isotopically light sulfide (δ 34S = − 35 to − 20‰) from closed system conditions, under which Raleigh distillation produces increasingly heaver sulfide (δ 34 S = − 35 to + 18‰). Alabandite (Mn-sulfide) is a rare authigenic sulfide in Mn-rich environments such as certain restricted, semi-stagnant basins (Baltic Sea). pH-buffering by hydrogen sulfide and hydrogen ion uptake by the reduction of manganese and iron oxides and hydroxides in the nitrate and sulfate reduction zones raise the pH sufficiently to cause supersaturation of the porewaters with respect to Ca-, Mg-, Fe- and Mn-carbonates and complex solid solutions of them. Fe-carbonates cannot form in the sulfate reduction zone in the presence of dissolved sulfide which competes for the dissolved iron. Likewise, dolomite formation appears to be inhibited or slowed down in the presence of substantial dissolved sulfate. The appearance of siderite and ankerite therefore signals carbonate precipitation below the sulfate reduction zone. Supporting evidence for the early diagenetic origin of many carbonate concertions is provided by their high carbonate contents (70 to 90% reflecting the porosity existing at the time of precipitation, called “minus-cement porosity”), isotopic composition, clay fabrics, and preservation of original bedding features including the shapes of fossils and fecal pellets. In these environments increasing carbon isotope ratios (δ 13 C = − 20 to + 15‰) indicate concretion growth below the sulfate reduction zone, i.e., in the methane generation zones. Continuing concretion growth at greater burial depth explains pore water profiles with constantly low Ca and downward decreasing Mg concentrations. Dissolved ammonia and phosphate profiles reguire adsorption and ion-exchange reactions as additional removal machanisms (besides apatite precipitation) in order to explain their downward decrease after they have reached maximum concentrations below the alkalinity maximum. Classification of early diagnetic environments into oxic and anoxic and further subdivision of the latter into sulfidic and non-sulfidic (with suboxic or post-oxic and methanic as further subcategories of the non-sulfidic environment) according to Berner (1981) is preferred over the previous classification in terms of pH/Eh fields. The temperature range of the early diagenetic stage extends from O to about 75°C, at which temperature thermocatalytic organic matter decomposition replaces the earlier bacterially mediated reactions and causes a whole set of new diagenetic reactions (such as feldspar dissolution, smectite to illite transformation) to start.  相似文献   
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