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Tuffs have been used as a construction material possibly since ancient times. In Afyonkarahisar, Turkey, there are numerous buildings constructed by tuff. Tuff has been a local construction material, during the Roman, Seljuk and Ottoman periods. Even though tuffs have relatively low durability and low strength values compared to marble, etc., they have survived with no major deterioration failures on many historical buildings. It has also been preferred because of its high porous texture, lightweight and easy shaping and process properties in the building sector. Naturally, it would be easily affected by water and humidity because of its porous structure. However, having this kind of structure leads to poor durability properties due to keeping water in it. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the physical and mechanical properties of the tuff quarried from the region and possible water effect, which may lead to degradation of its strength and durability of the material, thereby shortening the life span of the building structure used. Samples, which were tested after exposing to water and the freeze and thaw effects, were measured at a certain time. In this study, uniaxial compressive strength and flexural strength tests were conducted on test samples. The test results indicate that water may deteriorate the tuff’s strength properties and durability of the materials in due time.  相似文献   
 Geophysical methods, when integrated with soil chemical and hydrogeological methods, can be used to investigate groundwater contamination. Direct current (DC) resistivity geo-electrical sounding and very-low-frequency electromagnetic (VLF-EM) data were collected at an open waste site used by the municipality of the city of Isparta, Turkey. The groundwater at shallow depths in alluvium, which is composed of gravel, sand and clay, were expected to be hazardously contaminated under and around the open waste-disposal site, in which both household and industrial wastes are known to be disposed of improperly. In this study, we mapped the spread of groundwater contamination using a VLF-EM method, which allows fast and inexpensive data collection. The method complements the results of geo-electrical sounding. There is a good correlation between the results of the VLF-EM and the DC-resistivity methods employed for the investigation of subsurface structure of the site, where soil chemical and previous hydrogeological surveys have indicated high levels of chemical concentrations. Received: 17 January 2000 · Accepted: 12 August 2000  相似文献   
A 38‐km‐long ancient aqueduct channel that served Roman Ephesos, Turkey was dislocated vertically over 3 m by a single seismic event on a normal fault. A new channel was constructed downstream from the fault in Roman times, next to and partly on top of the original channel. Archaeological investigations and study of carbonate deposits suggest a causative seismic event in the second half of the second century CE, probably in 178 CE, after the original channel had functioned for <35 years. The ?çme Tepe fault was identified as responsible for the displacement and may still constitute a seismic and tsunami hazard for the Turkish west coast, specifically for the city of Ku?adas?. Ancient aqueducts, of which more than 1400 are presently known, are a promising and almost untapped archive for archaeoseismic studies, especially in the Mediterranean area.  相似文献   
Summary A second confirmed occurrence of wittite, one of the four known Pb-Bi-Se-sulfosalts, has been found in the Nevskoe tin deposit (Eastern Siberia). Microprobe analyses of wittite show pronounced variation of Se content (from 9.5 to 16.5 wt. %), due to S --> Se substitution; Pb and Bi contents vary from 29 and 43%, up to 34 and 46%, respectively. Minor elements are also present: Sb up to 1.5%, Ag up to 1.3 %, and Cu (0 to 0.2%). Comparison of microprobe data of wittite from Nevskoe and Falun, on the one hand, and cannizzarite from different deposits on the other hand, indicate that Ag is incorporated in the wittite/cannizzarite structure through the substitution 2 Pb -> Bi + Ag. Conversely, Ag substraction gives a constant Bi/(Bi + Pb) atomic ratio, independent of the Se/(Se+"S) ratio, and close to 55.1%. Se-rich wittite is compositionally very close to proudite and weibullite. X-ray powder and electron microdiffraction patterns are given; the incommensurate structure agrees with the 7H/12Q match along , like in wittite from Falun. Nevskoe wittite is close to Pb8Bi10(S, Se)23, but the 7H/12Q match requires the formula Pb11.61Bi14.26S33, with about 3% of the Pb atoms in the Q layer replaced by Bi atoms and vacancies (p). Taking into account all microprobe data, the general formula developed is: Pb11.61–2x0.13Agx(Bi14.26+x-ySby)(S1–zSez)33 with x and y 0.86 at., and z 0.45. At Nevskoe, associated bismuthinite contains from 5 to 12% Se, with minor Sb, Pb and Cu. Se-rich cosalite contains from 4 to 8% Se, with Sb from 2.7 to 5.3%, and minor Ag and Cu. Wittite in contact with cosalite clearly shows a relative Se-enrichment, that could be due to the pseudo-hexagonal sub-lattice of this incommensurate structure, very similar to the Bi2(Se, Te, S)3 sheet in the tetradymite series. According to microprobe data, there is a continuous change from Se-free cannizzarite to Se-rich wittite. Therefore, the validity of wittite as a specific mineral species appears questionable, and more accurate crystallographic studies on this incommensurate series are necessary.
Wittite avec Cosalite et Bismuthinite Séléniferes du Gisement d'Etain de Hevskoe (District de Magadan, Russie)
Resume Une seconde occurrence de wittite, l'un des quatre sulfosels de Pb-Bi-Se cormus, a été trouvée daps le gisement d'étain de Nevskoe (Sibérie Orientale). Son analyse á la microsonde électronique montre une forte variation de la teneur en sélénium (de 9,5 á 16,5%), qui se substitue au soufre; les teneurs en Pb et Bi varient de 29 à 43 et 34 á 46%, respectivement. On note la présence de Sb (, 1,5%), Ag ( 1,3%) et Cu (< 0,2%). La comparaison des analyses de wittite de Nevskoe et Falun, et de cannizzarite de différents gisements, montre que Bans cette série l'argent est incorporé suivant la substitution 2 Pb Bi + Ag. Après soustraction de Ag, le rapport atornique Bi/(Bi + Pb) corrigé apparaït constant, proche de 55,1%, et indépendant du rapport Se/(S + Se). La wittite la plus riche en Se est chimiquement très proche de la proudite et de la weibullite. Son diagramme de poudre aux rayons X ainsi que son étude en microdiffraction électronique sont présentés; la structure, de type incommensurable, s'accorde aver un ajustement selon le rapport 7H/12Q suivant , comme dans la wittite de Falun. La formule de la wittite de Nevskoe est proche de Pb8Bi10(S, Se)23, mais l'ajustement 7H/12Q demande la formule Pb11.61Bi14.26S33, avec environ 3% des sites à Pb du feuillet Q remplacés par des atomes de Bi et des sites vacants (). La prise en compte de l'ensemble des analyses conduit á la formule développée générale: Pb11.61-2x0.13Agx(Bi14,26+x–ySby)-(S1 –zSez)33 avec x et y 0,86 at., et z 0,45. A Nevskoe, la bismuthinite associée contient de 5 à 12% Se, avec Sb, Pb et Cu mineurs. La cosalite contient de 4 a 8% Se, 2,7 á 5,3% Sb, avec Ag et Cu mineurs. Lá où wittite et cosalite sont en contact étroit, la wittite montre clairement un enrichissement relatif en Se, qui pourrait etre du au sousréseau pseudo-hexagonal de cette structure incommensurable, très proche du feuillet Bi2(Se, Te, S)3 présent dans la série de la tétradymite. Les analyses à la microsonde indiquant une continuité chimique de la cannizzarite sans Se à la wittite 1a plus riche en Se, la validité de la wittite en tant qu'espéce spécifique apparaït discutable. Mais le caractère incommensurable de cette série demande une etude cristallographique plus détaillée.
Résumé Le filon polymétallique (Sb, Pb, Zn, Ag, Cu) des Borderies (Puy de Dôme, France) résulte de la succession de quatre stades de minéralisations possédant chacun ses propres caractéristiques minéralogiques, géochimiques et isotopiques (Pb). Le premier stade est représenté par la berthiérite dont l'habitus et la composition isotopique du plomb (206Pb/204Pb 17,76) révèle un épisode métallogénique ancien. Malgré une nette évolution géochimique du dépôt, le second stade à mispickel, jamesonite I, andorite, stibine, zinkénite, etc. présente des compositions isotopiques du plomb homogènes (206Pb/204Pb=17,96), qui démontrent son appartenance à un même épisode métallogénique. Cet épisode est daté à 313±5 Ma par la méthode K/Ar. La source du plomb présent dans ces deux stades est à rechercher dans un socle métamorphique de type Limousin, inconnu à l'affleurement dans le district. Enfin, la nature des minéraux du troisième stade (zinkénite II, fülöppite, semseyite) et les compositions isotopiques du plomb (206Pb/204Pb=18,21) attestent d'une remobilisation des sulfures déjà présents dans le filon sous l'action d'un fluide tardif plombifère. Ce fluide est à rattacher aux distensions liasiques et emprunte le plomb aux roches du district (granite et métamorphites). Le dernier stade (plagionite, jamesonite II, zinkénite III) est un simple prolongement du troisième, comme le démontrent la nature des sulfures et les similitudes isotopiques (206Pb/204Pb=18,21). L'étude de filon illustre la complémentarité des observations minéralogiques et des analyses isotopiques du plomb sur phases minérales bien identifiées. Cette double approche est nécessaire pour appréhender la source des métaux et les conditions de genèse de gîtes polyphasés à paragenèses complexes.
The polymetallic vein (Sb, Pb, Zn, Ag, Cu) of Les Borderies (Puy de Dôme, France) results from a succession of four stages of mineralization, each with its own mineralogical, geochemical and isotopic (Pb) characteristics. Both residual aspect and lead isotope composition of berthierite (206Pb/204Pb=17.76) point out that the first stage (composed only by berthierite) is related to an old metallogenic event. The second stage minerals (arsenopyrite, jamesonite I, andorite, stibnite, zinkenite etc), with their homogeneous lead isotope compositions (206Pb/204Pb=17.96), depend on a single metallogenic event, characterized by an obvious evolution of geochemical conditions during deposition. This event is dated at 313±5 Ma by the K/Ar method. The lead source has been identified as a Limousin-type metamorphic basement, unknown in the district. Both mineralogical studies and lead isotope analyses (206Pb/204Pb=18.21) show that the third stage (zinkenite II, fülöppite, semseyite) result from the remobilization of the early vein minerals by a later lead-rich fluid. This fluid, probably of Liasic age, leached lead from all regional rocks including the metamorphic basement and Hercynian granites. The fourth stage extends the third one, according to the paragenesis (plagionite, jamesonite II, zinkenite III) and similar lead isotopes (206Pb/204Pb=18.21). This study shows that mineralogical studies combined with lead isotope analysis for specific sulfides allow to determine the genesis of complex ore deposits such as LesBorderies vein.
Modern coastal areas have natural and transported rocks (armourstone) on which various types of organisms live. Burrowing, boring and feeding by these organisms can destroy or modify the coastal rocks and hence change the coastal morphology. Two rock types and three dominant types of organisms have been studied in Mersin Bay, Eastern Mediterranean of southern Turkey. In this study area, Plio-Quaternary conglomerates and variously aged limestone armourplates have been affected by Phoronida worms, bivalve Brachidontes pharaonis (Fischer P. 1870) and the limpet Patella sp. Phoronida colonies were found covering the hard substratum as a mat and form tubular endolithes of 35.0 mm depth and 1.5 mm diameter, whilst Brachidontes pharaonis (Fischer P. 1870) form 44 mm deep vase-shaped gastrochaenolites. The bioerosive activity of Limpet Patella sp., found intertidal and within the spray zone, cannot be significantly observed on the rocks over short time periods. The soft sandy matrix of the conglomerates present were found to disintegrate by bioerosional processes, with the released gravels being transported and deposited onto the beach. Within the armourstone limestone blocks, a maximum of 44.0 mm deep holes developed after 50–60 years. However, these biological activities do not threaten the stability of the blocks due to their hard and homogeneous internal structure. Furthermore, the organism colonies that cover these rocks as a strong mat (maximum 29.0 mm) act to protect their surfaces from further biological attack and wave action.  相似文献   
The broadly N70°–90°E-trending dykes swarm at Kekem cut across the Paleoproterozoic-to-Achean terranes of West Cameroon remobilized during the Pan-African orogeny. They are picrite basalts and basalts with tholeiitic/transitional affinity, as shown by mineralogical and geochemical data, with variable major and trace element contents, MgO ranges from 7.3 to 12.4 wt.%, Cr from 190 to 411 ppm, Ni from 15 to 234 ppm. All the dykes are light REE enriched with LaN/YbN values of 5.3–8.1, suggesting a co-magmatic origin. They originated from a 2.8% partial melting of a spinel-mantle source with no or little crustal input. The geochemical features of Kekem dykes are similar to those of Paleozoic and Mesozoic dykes recorded in North and Central Africa, suggesting multiple reactivations of pre-existing fractures that resulted in the fragmentation of western Gondwana and the opening of Central and South Atlantic Oceans.  相似文献   
Spatially continuous rock assemblages that share similar environmental evolution or structural features can be classified as a single tectonic unit. This approach enables to link dispersed units or massifs with each other and sometimes can be subjective, depending on the classification criteria. The relationship and the nature of the contact between the Strandja Massif and the ?stanbul Zone have been controversial due to the Cainozoic cover. Amalgamation of these units was claimed as early as the Aptian-Albian.

Lower Triassic sedimentary rocks, which are overlain by the Carboniferous flysch with a N-verging thrust fault are exposed NW of the ?stanbul Zone. This study reveals the spatial relationship between the Strandja Massif and the ?stanbul Zone deduced from the U-Pb dating and Lu-Hf isotopes of the detrital zircons from these Lower Triassic clastics. Our results show that the early Triassic basin was fed from a provenance that included arc-related Upper Carboniferous-Lower Permian magmatic rocks which is much more likely to be the Strandja Massif than the ?stanbul Zone. The second outcome of this study is that a unit that previously assigned to Palaeozoic turned out to be Triassic, which brings the Strandja Massif farther to the east, into the northern ?stanbul Zone.  相似文献   
New data on the radiolarians and foraminifers (planktonic and benthic) from the lower part of Struganik limestones (Bre??e Section, Western Serbia) are presented. The Afens perapediensis Zone of a new detailed scale based on radiolarians for the Tethyan supra-region was traced for the first time. This allowed classification of the studied deposits to a narrow stratigraphic interval, that is, the upper Santonian. The age of the studied sediments is determined in the Santonian for planktonic foraminifera because of the joint presence of abundant Marginotruncana (extinct in the latest Santonian) and Globotruncana linneiana (d’Orbigny) (which appeared in the early Santonian). The radiolarian and planktonic and benthic foraminifera data agree with one another.  相似文献   
The dissipation test evaluation method presented here employs: (i) a point-symmetric, linear, coupled consolidation model with a new boundary condition and a new time factor, (ii) an automatic and mathematically precise, non-linear, inverse problem solver which includes some reliability testing methods and a kind of regularization technique, and (iii) a method to identify the initial condition.The evaluation method is equally applicable to pore water pressure data displaying monotonic or non-monotonic time variation, with the only difference that the initial condition is identified differently during the inverse problem solution.The necessary testing time is very short provided that the pore water pressure is measured well above the tip. This is attributed to the ability of the one-dimensional, linear consolidation model to account for the geometry and the unloading effects that occur when steady penetration of the static cone penetrometer ceases.  相似文献   
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