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In this paper, we present the uncertainty analysis of the 2D electrical tomography inverse problem using model reduction and performing the sampling via an explorative member of the Particle Swarm Optimization family, called the Regressive‐Regressive Particle Swarm Optimization. The procedure begins with a local inversion to find a good resistivity model located in the nonlinear equivalence region of the set of plausible solutions. The dimension of this geophysical model is then reduced using spectral decomposition, and the uncertainty space is explored via Particle Swarm Optimization. Using this approach, we show that it is possible to sample the uncertainty space of the electrical tomography inverse problem. We illustrate this methodology with the application to a synthetic and a real dataset coming from a karstic geological set‐up. By computing the uncertainty of the inverse solution, it is possible to perform the segmentation of the resistivity images issued from inversion. This segmentation is based on the set of equivalent models that have been sampled, and makes it possible to answer geophysical questions in a probabilistic way, performing risk analysis.  相似文献   
The town of Salihli is situated in Gediz Graben in the western Anatolia. This region is important in terms of industry, mining, geothermal energy, water sources, and agricultural production. Geothermal flow and anthropogenic activities in Salihli threaten the surrounding environment due to the contamination of cold groundwater, surface water, and soil. The goal of the present study is to determine the environmental effects of the geothermal and anthropogenic activities in Salihli on soil, stream sediments, and water. Stream sediments and farm soil have been contaminated by substances derived from geothermal and industrial effluents. To this end, the quality review of the water was completed and the heavy metal levels in stream sediment samples were measured to determine the extent of contamination. The elements As, B, Br, Fe, and Ni are the major contaminants present in surface water and groundwater in the study area. The concentrations of these elements excess tolerance limits of international water standards. Gibbsite, K-mica, kaolinite, sepiolite, halite, sulfur, willemite, and Pb(OH)2 might be precipitated as scales at low temperatures on the soil; this could be interpreted as a resultant from soil contamination. The concentrations of 17 elements (As, Ba, B, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Li, Mo, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Sr, and Zn) were measured in samples from stream sediments and surface soils. In the study area, especially geothermal and anthropogenic activities give rise to environmental pollution.  相似文献   
A debris flow originating from the Alcamayo River on 10th April 2004 destroyed a part of the town of Aguas Calientes, resulting in 11 victims, and with serious affects to the tourist flow to the Machupicchu inka citadel. On the same day, as well as in January and March 2004, other similar phenomena occurred on the Cedrobamba and Leonchayoq Rivers, affecting the railway and an electrical tower, and disrupting the train service.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to characterise the technical and environmental implications of non-traditional treatments of a low-plasticity compacted silt (PI = 14) and to investigate their actions both at the micro- and macro-structural scales. Three non-traditional additives derived from industrial vegetal by-products were studied. These additives are classified as an acid solution, an enzymatic solution (ES) and calcium lignosulfonate (LS). The first step was to characterise the effects of these treatments on Proctor compaction, bearing capacity, unconfined compressive strength and stiffness. The index properties of the treated samples were also measured to assess changes in the interaction between soil minerals and the additives. These experimental results showed that the 0.002 % ES and 2.0 % LS treatments were the most effective at improving the soil dry density and allowing the soil to reach optimum density using 3 % less water or 25 % less compaction energy. In a second step, the mechanisms involved in the treatment were investigated. A microscopic study was conducted including scanning electron microscopy and mercury injection porosity tests; measurements of the surface tension of non-traditional additives mixed with water completed the study and demonstrated that the ES treatment has the same surfactant properties as sodium dodecyl sulphate, a common surfactant. Compaction tests confirmed that the behaviours of the soil after ES and sodium dodecyl sulphate treatments were similar.  相似文献   
Numerical representations of a target reservoir can help to assess the potential of different development plans. To be as predictive as possible, these representations or models must reproduce the data (static, dynamic) collected on the field. However, constraining reservoir models to dynamic data – the history-matching process – can be very time consuming. Many uncertain parameters need to be taken into account, such as the spatial distribution of petrophysical properties. This distribution is mostly unknown and usually represented by millions of values populating the reservoir grid. Dedicated parameterization techniques make it possible to investigate many spatial distributions from a small number of parameters. The efficiency of the matching process can be improved from the perturbation of specific regions of the reservoir. Distinct approaches can be considered to define such regions. For instance, one can refer to streamlines. The leading idea is to identify areas that influence the production behavior where the data are poorly reproduced. Here, we propose alternative methods based on connectivity analysis to easily provide approximate influence areas for any fluid-flow simulation. The reservoir is viewed as a set of nodes connected by weighted links that characterize the distance between two nodes. The path between nodes (or grid blocks) with the lowest cumulative weight yields an approximate flow path used to define influence areas. The potential of the approach is demonstrated on the basis of 2D synthetic cases for the joint integration of production and 4D saturation data, considering several formulations for the weights attributed to the links.  相似文献   

Le Causse de l’Hortus est un massif particulièrement adapté à l’étude de la fracturation et de ses interdépendances avec la karstification. La réalisation en cours d’une monographie hydrogéologique et spéléologique du massif ainsi que l’existence de plus de 20 km de galeries explorées appartenant aux réseaux actifs, permettent d’apporter des données nouvelles face aux précédentes études réalisées dans ce domaine. La confrontation des directions de fracturation visibles sur les photographies aériennes avec les directions réellement exploitées par les réseaux karstiques sur l’ensemble du Causse a permis de mettre en évidence le rôle des fractures majeures et l’influence du gradient hydraulique sur l’exploitation du spectre de fractures. En fin de compte, la mise en évidence des relations existant entre les failles décrochantes dextres et les émergences temporaires de type « boulidou » permet d’aboutir à des applications concrètes tant sur le plan spéléologique que sur le plan hydrogéologique. L’étude de ces « boulidous » apporte également de nouvelles informations sur la structuration verticale du karst. © Elsevier, Paris  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die luftelektrischen Grundanschauungen haben im Laufe der Entwicklung mehrfach erhebliche Wandlungen durchgemacht. Auf die Entwicklungsperiode, in der man die auffallenden Parallelen im Verhalten luftelektrischer und meteorologischer Größen aufzuklären sich bestrebte — sie findet etwa mitF. Exner ihr Ende—, folgt eine Phase bewußter Emanzipation der luftelektrischen Forschung, während der man in den meteorologischen Einflüssen nur Störungen sieht. Etwa in den zwanziger Jahren beginnt dann eine Reaktion gegen dieses Isolationsbestreben und mit der früher lange vergeblich versuchten Aufklärung des luftelektrischen Grund- und Existenzproblems leitet sich eine neue Entwicklungsphase ein, die man sinngemäß als korrelative Phase bezeichnen möchte. Nach einer eingehenden und nach den inneren gründen dieser mehrmaligen Schwenkung suchenden Darstellung wird im zweiten Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit das Problem der luftelektrischen Tagesgänge behandelt und als Beweis für die komplexe elektro-meteorologische Arbeits- und Betrachtungsweise in seinen neuesten Entwicklungen kurz dargestellt. Die enge Verbindung zwischen dem luftelektrischen Geschehen und dem vertikalen atmosphärischen Massenaustausch legt die Benutzung luftelektrischer Untersuchungen in der Austausch-und Luftkörperforschung nahe.
Summary In the course of the development the fundamental notions about atmospheric electricity have experienced considerable changes. In a first period expiring about withF. Exner, one tried to explain the striking parallels of electrical and meteorological phenomena; then follows a period with a distinct emancipation of atmospheric electricity, where meteorological influences were admitted but as perturbations. In the twenties begins a reaction to this isolationist views and a new evolution starts which might be called correlative phase. The author analyses and explains these repeated changes, and in a second part he discusses the problem of the diurnal variation of atmospheric electricity and shows the complexity of electro-meteorological relations. The close connexion between the phenomena of atmospheric electricity and the turbulent vertical exchange urges to employ investigations of atmospheric electricity for investigations in exchange and air-mass research.

Résumé En matière d'électricité atmosphérique les points de vue ont souvent varié considérablement. Dans une première période allant jusqu'àF. Exner environ, on a essayé d'expliquer le parallélisme évident entre les phénomènes électriques et météorologiques; puis on a envisagé les premiers pour eux-mêmes, indépendamment des influences météorologiques considérées alors comme des «perturbations». Autour des années 1920, une réaction se dessine contre cette discrimination, et une nouvelle phase commence que l'on pourrait appeler corrélative. Après une analyse approfondie de ces fluctuations de la théorie, l'auteur aborde dans la deuxième partie de son étude le problème des variations diurnes des phénomènes électriques et montre la complexité des relations les unissant à ceux de l'atmosphère ellemême. La liaison étroite entre les phénomènes de l'électricité atmosphérique et les échanges turbulents de masse dans la verticale prouve l'utilité des recherches électriques pour l'étude de cet échange et pour celle des masses d'air de l'atmosphère.

Mit 14 Textabbildungen.

Herrn Prof. Dr.H. Benndorf zum 80. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   
Data for the post-Serravallian, ‘neotectonic’ evolution of the Pontides in northern Turkey indicate predominant ENE-WSW shortening with complementary NNW-SSE extension. We present a new fault plane solution for the Bartin earthquake (3 September 1968) and compare its mechanism with the movement picture of other neotectonic faults in the Pontides and northern Greece together with that of the Thessaloniki earthquake (20 May 1978). The general strain pattern exhibited by these structures agrees remarkably well with that inferred from early Tortonian-early Pleistocene structures reported from within the North Anatolian fault zone, which have been interpreted as indicating a possible reversal of the sense of movement along the North Anatolian transform fault. Here, we argue that such ‘incompatible’ structures may be related to the overall E-W shortening of Anatolia and the southern parts of the Black Sea resulting from the sideways continental escape from around the African and the Arabian promontories, rather than to hypothetical reversal of motion along the North Anatolian fault, for which there is no evidence other than the above-mentioned ‘incompatible’ structures. This new model also has important implications for seismicity and earthquake risk in regions contained within the southern part of the Black Sea plate.  相似文献   
Tveitite is a new mineral with formula of the type Ca1?x(Y, RE)xF2+xwhere x is approximately 0.3. It is found in a cleavelandite pegmatite at Høydalen in Tørdal, Telemark, S. Norway. The sub-cell is thought to be monoclinic, a′=3.924, b′=3.893, c′=5.525, ß=90°26′, Z=2. The structure is very similar to that of fluorite and can be described in terms of a pseudo-cubic cell [110]0 = 5.527, [110]0 = 5.527, c = 5.525, α = 90°18′, γ = 89°37′ which contains approximately 1[YCa3F9]. The mineral shows twinning in at lest three different directions giving a grating structure probably due to high-low inversion. DTA studies show an inversion point at about 670°C. Material heated above this temperature gives X-ray diffraction patterns corresponding to yttrofluorite (a0 5.528). The effect of trivalent ions on the stability of fluorite is discussed.  相似文献   
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