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通过两个实例讨论了地球化学计算中的误差传递问题,对照了四种不同方法的潜力和限制,拓广了蒙特卡洛方法在相关变量分析中的应用,指出其在不同条件下总能用有限机时逼近合理结果,揭示出协方差矩阵法的特殊效益,可相对于独立初始变量展现中间变量的相关关系。  相似文献   
Rare earth elements (REEs) in the suspended particulate matter (SPM) of the Mandovi estuary indicated that the mean total-REEs (∑REE) and light REE to heavy REE ratios are lower than that of the average suspended sediment in World Rivers and Post-Archean average Australian shale. High ∑REE were associated with high SPM/low salinity and also with high SPM/high salinity. Although the ∑REE broadly agree with SPM levels at each station, their seasonal distributions along transect are different. SPM increased seaward in the estuary both during the monsoon and pre-monsoon, but consistently low at all stations during the post-monsoon. The mean ∑REE decreased marginally seaward and was <25% at sea-end station than at river-end station. Spatial variations in ∑REE are maximum (64%) during the pre-monsoon. Strong to moderate correlation of ∑REE with Al, Fe and Mn in all seasons indicates adsorption and co-precipitation of REEs with aluminosilicate phases and Fe, Mn-oxyhydroxides. The ratio of mean ∑REE in sediment/SPM is low during the monsoon (1.27), followed by pre-monsoon (1.5) and post-monsoon (1.62). The middle REE- and heavy REE-enriched patterns with positive Ce and Eu anomalies are characteristic at every station and season, both in SPM and sediment. They also exhibit tetrad effect with distinct third and fourth tetrads. Fe-Mn ore dust is the most dominant source for REEs. However, the seasonal changes in the supply of detrital silicates, Fe-Mn ore dust and particulates resuspended from bottom sediments diluted the overall effect of salinity on fractionation and distribution of REEs in the estuary.  相似文献   
Summary Crosscorrelation structure between solar activity and drought indices is investigated by analyzing the cross correlation of the residual time series of solar activity and drought indices. Double Sunspot Cycle, Zürich Sunspot number, Palmer's Drought Index and Drought Area Index data are used in the study. White residual series derived from the observed data series by using valid time series models are used for the crosscorrelation analysis. Weak correlations between solar activity and drought area indices are inferred. The lags of significant correlation appear to vary for the different time series used in the study.With 3 Figures  相似文献   
在管地贫硫银金矿床进行了近场源二极激电法的应用研究,获得了三高一低的次级低缓激电异常,即高ηs、R_2、Js,低ρs,表明用次级参数表示的激电弱异常要明显,为增加矿量,提高地质找矿效果起了积极作用。  相似文献   
半圆型防波堤的水力特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The paper presents the results of a photometric study of the hydroxyl bands (7–2) and (8–3) in the night airglow spectrum at Mt. Abu in the winter and spring of 1966–1972. The observed nocturnal variation differs from the variation expected from the theoretical studies of Hesstvedt, Hunt, Shimazaki and others. Instead of a gradual fall in intensity after sunset to shortly before sunrise, a peak in intensity is found at a time which changes from month to month and roughly coincides with the transit times of the X-ray star TAU (XR-1)-Crab Nebula. Anexplanation of the observed phenomenon is offered in terms of the increased energy output into the D and E regions of the atmospheres, increased eddy diffusion, and production, of additional O(3P) and O3 in the region 80–95 km. O3 reacting with H gives rise to OH*.  相似文献   
Compacted clay soils are used as barriers in geoenvironmental engineering applications and are likely to be exposed to salinization and desalinization cycles during life of the facility. Changes in pore fluid composition from salinization and desalinization cycles induce osmotic suction gradients between soil–water and reservoir (example, landfill/brine pond) solution. Dissipation of osmotic suction gradients may induce osmotic swelling and consolidation strains. This paper examines the osmotic swelling and consolidation behaviour of compacted clays exposed to salinization and desalinization cycles at consolidation pressure of 200 kPa in oedometer assemblies. During salinization cycle, sodium ions of reservoir fluid replaced the divalent exchangeable cations. The osmotic swelling strain developed during first desalinization cycle was 29-fold higher than matric suction induced swelling strain of the compacted specimen. Further, the diffusion controlled osmotic swelling strain was 100-fold slower than matric suction-driven swelling process. After establishment of ion-exchange equilibrium, saturated saline specimens develop reversible osmotic swelling strains on exposure to desalinization cycles. Likewise the saturated desalinated specimen develops reversible osmotic consolidation strains on exposure to cycles of salinization. Variations in compaction dry density has a bearing on the osmotic swelling and consolidation strains, while, compaction water content had no bearing on the osmotic volumetric strains.  相似文献   
Detoxification of synthetic dyes is one of the main challenges in clearing textile industry wastes. Biodegradation of azo-dyes using Phanerochaete chrysosporium is one the most environmentally friendly methods available. The main enzymes responsible for mycodecolorization process are lignin and manganese peroxidases. Here, optimization of expression conditions has been carried out with manipulating culture condition and nutrient sources. Therefore, the effects of buffer and temperature as well as nitrogen source on lignin peroxidase and manganese peroxidase production were investigated at two levels and four levels, respectively. For this purpose, P. chrysosporium RP78 based on Taguchi design of experiment has been applied. Maximum lignin and manganese peroxidase activities of 182 ± 2.5 U/L and 850 ± 41 U/L were obtained under predicted optimum conditions, respectively. Thereby, about 100 % decolorization was achieved after 24 h for two most widely used groups of azo dyes in textile industry consisting reactive and acidic. The physical adsorption of the azo dyes by mycelia was not significant which indicated that the enzymatic degradation of the dyes was occurred. Time profile of these enzymes showed that manganese peroxidase was peaked on 9th day while lignin peroxidase peaked on 13th day and remained stable in the culture. The extracellular expression profiles of both were studied by 2 dimensional gel electrophoresis to partially characterize the enzymes.  相似文献   
Analytical solutions for the steady‐state response of an infinite beam resting on a visco‐elastic foundation and subjected to a concentrated load moving with a constant velocity are developed in this paper. The beam responses investigated are deflection, bending moment, shear force and contact pressure. The mechanical resistance of the foundation is modeled using two parameters ks and ts — ks accounts for soil resistance due to compressive strains in the soil and ts accounts for the resistance due to shear strains. Since this model represents the ground behavior more accurately than the Winkler spring model, the developed solutions produce beam responses that are closer to reality than those obtained using the existing solutions for Winkler model. The dynamic beam responses depend on the damping present in the system and on the velocity of the moving load. Based on the study, dynamic amplification curves are developed for beam deflection. Such amplification curves for deflection, bending moment, shear force and contact pressure can be developed for any beam‐foundation system and can be used in design. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Results of an experimental programme on heterogeneous rock-like specimens of dental plaster confirm the pronounced role of tensile microcracks on brittle failure. Microbuckling of very small rock-columns formed amid closely located tensile cracks was observed as the key incident connecting stable phenomenon of tensile cracking to unstable phenomenon of shearing and subsequent macroscopic failure. Using the classical beam and buckling theories and considering geometry of the problem a new failure criterion is proposed. As a novel attempt, this new failure criterion relates the compressive strength of rock to three basic microstructural properties, i.e. degree of crystal interlocking, average Young modulus and average tensile strength of rock forming minerals.  相似文献   
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