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The commonly used formulae like Hudson's [(1959), Laboratory investigations of rubblemound breakwaters. WES report, Vicksburg], Iribarren's or Vander meer's [(1988), Rockslopes and gravel beaches under wave attack. Ph.D. thesis, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands], do not give us the design cross section of a rubblemound breakwater for varying core porosity values. The paper presents the results of the experimental study carried out to compute the effects of core porosity on the stability and run-up characteristics of rubblemound breakwaters. Regular waves were made to attack the structure, with different core porosity values in a normal direction. The porosity of the armour and the secondary layers was neglected. It was observed that as core porosity increased the stability also increased considerably within the limits of the experimental data values. This may be due to large inflow and energy dissipation within the core of the structure. The run-up on the rubblemound slope was found to decrease with the increase in the porosity for the same reason.  相似文献   
The pseudo-luminosity effect in the metallic line A-type stars found by Abt & Morgan (1976) is confirmed in a random sample of 27 Am stars. From a morphological study of their spectra in the wavelength interval 3850-4400 Å at a reciprocal dispersion of 66 Å/mm, revised spectral types are given on the MK system for their K-line and metallic-line spectra. This shows that: (a) our segregation of weak Am from the Am stars largely agrees with that by Cowleyet al. (1969); (b) all the stars in the sample are dwarfs according to their K-line classification; (c) more than 80 per cent exhibit the pseudo-luminosity effect significantly, with their metallic-line spectra resembling a giant or even a supergiant in the violet (3850-4100 Å), and a giant rather than a dwarf in the blue region (4260-4400 Å); (d) in two-thirds of the stars under (c), the Sr n 4077 Å line is found to have a markedly brighter luminosity class compared to any region, and in more than one-third of the sample it is comparable to that in Ap stars; (e) at least five stars exhibit characteristics which might suggest a spectrum variability: among these, the most striking example is 41 Sex A which was found to show a phase-modulated spectrum variation hitherto unknown in Am stars; (f) the metallic-line spectra of another five stars appear to be similar to A-shell type in differing degrees; (g) less than 20 per cent of the sample comprises stars which do not show any significant differential luminosity effect; these stars might have been misclassified or perhaps they are in a quiescent state. We also confirm the conclusion arrived at by Böhm-Vitense & Johnson (1978) that all Am stars may vary and our observations suggest that groups may exist among them.  相似文献   
Soils of part of Ukai‐kakarapar Command area, Gujarat (India) have been mapped at 1:25, 000 scale using aerial photographs of December 1977. It was observed that about 36.3% of the area was affected by soil salinity/alkalinity. The test area has been remapped using Salyut‐7 space photographs taken during Indo‐Soviet joint flight in April, 1984. The area affected by soil salinity/alkalinity was found to be substantially higher (80.3%). The earlier mapping using aerial photographs was done when the soil surface was compartively moist (December 1977) as compared to date of Salyut‐7 photography (April 1984), when the soil surface was likely to be devoid of moisture and the salts moved to the surface. To have easy comparision with the map prepared by using aerial photographs, Landsat TM data of December, 1985 was used in which 45.7% of the total area was mapped as salt affected. The extent of area delineated using Landsat TM was higher than that of 1977 but much lesser than the area delineated using Salyut‐7 (MKF‐6M) photographs. This indicated that the increase in the extent of salt affected area in the map prepared using the MKF‐6M photographs might be partly due to actual increase in the salinity/alkalinity and partly due to the seasonal affects. Among the various bands of MKF‐6M, band ‐4 was found to be the best for delineating the salt affected soils. The boundaries were sharper in the FCC and band No.4 of MKF‐6M than in the aerial photographs.  相似文献   
The focus of this work is on developing a new hierarchical hybrid Support Vector Machine (SVM) method to address the problems of classification of multi or hyper spectral remotely sensed images and provide a working technique that increases the classification accuracy while lowering the computational cost and complexity of the process. The paper presents issues in analyzing large multi/hyper spectral image data sets for dimensionality reduction, coping with intra pixel spectral variations, and selection of a flexible classifier with robust learning process. Experiments conducted revealed that a computationally cheap algorithm that uses Hamming distance between the pixel vectors of different bands to eliminate redundant bands was quite effective in helping reduce the dimensionality. The paper also presents the concept of extended mathematical morphological profiles for segregating the input pixel vectors into pure or mixed categories which will enable further computational cost reductions. The proposed method’s overall classification accuracy is tested with IRS data sets and the Airborne Visible Infrared Imaging Spectroradiometer Indian Pines hyperspectral benchmark data set and presented.  相似文献   
黄土有机质的主要来源是决定其稳定碳同位素(δ 13 Corg.)能否应用于重建过去C3/C4相对丰度变化及相应的古气候变化的关键基础科学问题。如若黄土地层当中的有机质主要由粉尘携带而来, 而非当地植被, 显然其δ 13 Corg. 不是一个局地植被过去C3/C4相对丰度变化及古气候变化的良好指示器。本文对黄土高原西部地区(六盘山以西)新获得和已发表的相关数据进行综合分析, 尝试对该地区黄土有机质的主要来源进行定量的分析。结果表明, 总体而言, 该地区黄土地层有机质主要来源于当地植被, 由粉尘携带而来的有机质贡献量不超过8 %, 所造成的有机碳同位素变化幅度不超过1.7 ‰ 。这些结果说明该地区的黄土地层有机质δ 13 Corg. 是可以用来重建过去C3/C4植物相对丰度及相应的古气候变化的。为了更精确的重建, 后续的工作应当更多考虑粉尘搬运过程当中的有机质输入以及粉尘沉积之后的微生物活动的可能潜在影响。  相似文献   
This study entails the implementation of an experimental real time forecast capability for tropical cyclones over the Bay of Bengal basin of North Indian Ocean. This work is being built on the experience gained from a number of recent studies using the concept of superensemble developed at the Florida State University (FSU). Real time hurricane forecasts are one of the major components of superensemble modeling at FSU. The superensemble approach of training followed by real time forecasts produces the best forecasts for tracks and intensity (up to 5 days) of Atlantic hurricanes and Pacific typhoons. Improvements in track forecasts of about 25–35% compared to current operational forecast models has been noted over the Atlantic Ocean basin. The intensity forecasts for hurricanes are only marginally better than the best models. In this paper, we address tropical cyclone forecasts over the Bay of Bengal for the years 1996–2000. The main result from this study is that the position and intensity errors for tropical cyclone forecasts over the Bay of Bengal from the multimodel superensemble are generally less than those of all of the participating models during 1- to 3-day forecasts. Some of the major tropical cyclones, such as the November 1996 Andhra Pradesh cyclone and October 1999 Orissa super cyclone were well handled by this superensemble approach. A conclusion from this study is that the proposed approach may be a viable way to construct improved forecasts of Bay of Bengal tropical cyclone positions and intensity.  相似文献   
高砷高锑金矿石属难处理矿石之一,通过对两岔河高砷高锑金矿石采用碱浸预处理后进行堆浸和池浸氰化提金试验,获得了金浸出率76.80%和86.76%的较好指标,为该矿床的开发利用提供了一个工艺简单、经济上可行的途径。  相似文献   
根据卡尔曼滤波理论以及抗差理论,本文推导出了相邻历元误差相关的抗差卡尔曼滤波模型,其对观测值中含有粗差有良好的抗差性。通过对含有粗差的变形监测数据分析,与相邻历元误差相关的卡尔曼滤波模型进行比较,采用本文构造的抗差卡尔曼滤波模型处理数据,无论是否有粗差存在观测值里,变形计算结果与实际结果大体一致,粗差对计算结果的影响不敏感。在对变形监测数据分析时,可得出卡尔曼滤波方法估计的状态向量,没有寄存大量的以往观测数据,而是使用最近的观测数据,经过不断的预测和改正,把新的状态展示在系统中。  相似文献   

H2 photoproduction and nitrogenase activities in two strains ofAnabaena variabilis marked wild type ATCC 29413 and mutant PK84 exposed to thermal stress (temperature higher than the normal incubation temperature of 30°C) were studied. Cultures of both strains collected from any interval of logarithmic growth phase exhibited high H2 photoproduction and nitrogenase activities when exposed to limited time heat shock during the assay process. In contrast, the algal H2 photoproduction rate of both strains fluctuated with long term thermal stress caused by increasing the growth temperature from 30°C to 36°C.

The changes of nitrogenase (the key H2 photobiosynthetic enzyme) activities in the mutant PK84 showed variation tendency similar to that of H2 photoproduction during exposure to thermal stress, indicating that fluctuation of H2 photoproduction in the mutant was mainly due to the variation of nitrogenase activities. A temporary maximal H2 photoproduction in the mutant PK84 (wild type ATCC29413) was observed when cells grew at 36°C for 14 (6) days. However, the responses of nitrogenase activities in the wild type to thermal stress were not completely similar to those in the mutant in spite of similar variations of H2 photoproduction in both strains. The data obtained in these studies suggested that the activities of other enzymes (in the wild strain) involved in H2 photoproduction were affected by thermal stress since H2 photoproduction maximized or dropped to 0 without variation tendency similar to that of nitrogenase activities.

Furthermore, an enhancement of H2 photoproduction speed of the mutant strain cultured in a 4.4 L laboratory photobioreactor was also observed when it was subjected to short time continuous charge of argon, and temperature rise.

All these results indicated that high temperature plays an important role in the photo-autotrophic H2 photoproduction, and that long term thermal stress is unfavourable for net H2 photoproduction in both strains ofA. variabilis though short-time heat shock is conducive to H2 photoproduction.

This paper presents results of high-resolution deep seismic reflection profiling of the Proterozoic Vindhyan basin of the Rajasthan area along the Chandli-Bundi-Kota-Kunjer profile. Seismic images have been used to estimate the thickness of Vindhyan strata as well as to understand the tectonic framework of the basin. The results are constrained by gravity, magnetic and magnetotelluric data. The study reveals gentle SE-dipping reflection bands representing the Vindhyan strata. The seismic sections depict gradual thickening of the Vindhyan succession towards southeast from Bundi. The velocities of the upper and lower Vindhyans are identified as 4.6-4.8 km/s and 5.1-5.3 km/s. The NW limit of the Vindhyan basin is demarcated by the Great Boundary Fault (GBF) that manifests as a 30 km wide NW dipping thrust fault extending to a depth of 30 km.  相似文献   
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