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Abstract– Sixty named lunar meteorite stones representing about 24 falls have been found in Oman. In an area of 10.7 × 103 km2 in southern Oman, lunar meteorite areal densities average 1 g km?2. All lunar meteorites from Oman are breccias, although two are dominated by large igneous clasts (a mare basalt and a crystalline impact‐melt breccia). Among the meteorites, the range of compositions is large: 9–32% Al2O3, 2.5–21.1% FeO, 0.3–38 μg g?1 Sm, and <1 to 22.5 ng g?1 Ir. The proportion of nonmare lunar meteorites is higher among those from Oman than those from Antarctica or Africa. Omani lunar meteorites extend the compositional range of lunar rocks as known from the Apollo collection and from lunar meteorites from other continents. Some of the feldspathic meteorites are highly magnesian (high MgO/[MgO + FeO]) compared with most similarly feldspathic Apollo rocks. Two have greater concentrations of incompatible trace elements than all but a few Apollo samples. A few have moderately high abundances of siderophile elements from impacts of iron meteorites on the Moon. All lunar meteorites from Oman are contaminated, to various degrees, with terrestrial Na, K, P, Zn, As, Se, Br, Sr, Sb, Ba, U, carbonates, or sulfates. The contamination is not so great, however, that it seriously compromises the scientific usefulness of the meteorites as samples from randomly distributed locations on the Moon.  相似文献   
2010年1月12日,在距离海地首都太子港15km处发生了M7.0地震,这次地震使Enriquillo断层上一个长40km的区段破裂。根据2010年5月3日在奥地利维也纳召开的欧洲地学联盟(EGU)大会上提交的研究成果,此次地震增加了该断层上与破裂区段相邻的东段断层上的破裂应力,从而增大了该区段的破裂风险。  相似文献   
Summary A combined zircon typology, zircon Pb-Pb evaporation, and conventional U-Pb study of the late- to post-tectonic Rastenberg granodiorite yields the following results: Typological investigations show two distinguishable zircon populations. Type l: subtype S24 ofPupin, colourless to slightly pink, clear to turbid, often with cores, few to abundant inclusions, long prismatic; type 2: subtype S4 ofPupin, colourless to reddish or slightly pink, clear to slightly turbid, no visible cores, abundant inclusions, tabular habit, short prismatic.At least 4 different zircon-forming events can be distinguished: Inherited cores with ages around 623±22Ma and single ages > 1206Ma from type 1 zircons imply the reworking of rocks derived from Cadomian and Proterozoic to Archean crust. Ages around 353±9Ma from type 1 zircons are interpreted as timing a first magma formation or the onset of a long-lasting magma-generating event during the Variscan plutonism in the South Bohemian pluton. The actual intrusion of the granodioritic magma into the middle crust took place around 338±2Ma (type 2 and rims of type 1 zircons).Only type 1 zircons are found as inclusions in large K-feldspar phenocrysts providing evidence that these phenocrysts have grown before the 338Ma event and may be as old as 353 Ma.[]
Zirkon U/Pb und Pb/Pb Geochronologie des Rastenberger Granodiorits, südliche Böhmische Masse, Österreich
Zusammenfassung Zirkon-typologische Untersuchungen, Einzelzirkon Pb-Pb-Evaporations- und konventionelle U-Pb-Altersbestimmungen an Gesteinen des spät- bis postkinematischen Rastenberger Granodiorits geben folgende Resultate: Typologisch lassen sich zwei Zirkonpopulationen unterscheiden: Typ 1: S24 Subtyp vonPupin, farblos bis leicht rosa, klar bis getrübt, häufig mit Kernen, wenige bis viele Einschlüsse, lang prismatisch; Typ 2: S4 Subtyp vonPupin, farblos bis rötlich oder leicht rosa, klar bis leicht getrübt, keine sichtbaren Kerne, viele Einschlüsse, flachtafeliger Habitus, kurzprismatisch.Mindestens 4 unterschiedliche Altersgruppen lassen sich unterscheiden: Ererbte Kerne von Typ 1 Zirkonen mit Altern um 623±22Ma und einzelnen Altern > 1206Ma sprechen für die Aufarbeitung von Gesteinen, die von cadomischen und proterozoischen bis archaischen Gesteinen im Krustenbereich des Südböhmischen Plutons abstammen könnten. Alter um 353±9Ma von Typ 1 Zirkonen werden einer ersten magmatischen Phase oder dem Beginn der Krustenaufschmelzung im Zuge der Bildung der variszischen Plutonite zugeordnet. Die eigentliche Intrusion des Granodiorits um 338±2Ma wird mit Typ 2 und mit Randpartien von Typ 1 Zirkonen erfaßt.In den großen K-Feldspat-Phänokristallen finden sich nur Zirkone vom Typ 1. Dies deutet darauf hin, daß die Phänokristalle vor dem 338Ma Ereignis gebildet wurden, eventuell also bis 353Ma alt sein können.

With 6 Figures  相似文献   
Groundwater and sediment samples (∼ 1 m depth) at sites representative of different groundwater pathways were collected to determine the aqueous speciation of sulfur and the fractionation of sulfur isotopes in aqueous and solid phases. In addition, selected sediment samples at 5 depths (from oxic to anoxic layers) were collected to investigate the processes controlling sulfur biogeochemistry in sedimentary layers. Pyrite was the dominant sulfur-bearing phase in the capillary fringe and groundwater zones where anoxic conditions are found. Low concentrations of pyrite (< 5.9 g kg− 1) coupled with high concentrations of dissolved sulfide (4.81 to 134.7 mg L− 1) and low concentrations of dissolved Fe (generally < 1 mg L− 1) and reducible solid-phase Fe indicate that availability of reactive Fe limits pyrite formation. The relative uniformity of down-core isotopic trends for sulfur-bearing mineral phases in the sedimentary layers suggests that sulfate reduction does not result in significant sulfate depletion in the sediment. Sulfate availability in the deeper sediments may be enhanced by convective vertical mixing between upper and lower sedimentary layers due to evaporative concentration. The large isotope fractionation between dissolved sulfate and sedimentary sulfides at Owens Lake provides evidence for initial fractionation from bacterial sulfate reduction and additional fractionation generated by sulfide oxidation followed by disproportionation of intermediate oxidation state sulfur compounds. The high salinity in the Owens Lake brines may be a factor controlling sulfate reduction and disproportionation in hypersaline conditions and results in relatively constant values for isotope fractionation between dissolved sulfate and total reduced sulfur.  相似文献   
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) concentration and composition in riverine and stream systems are known to vary with hydrological and productivity cycles over the annual and interannual time scales. Rivers are commonly perceived as homogeneous with respect to DOM concentration and composition, particularly under steady flow conditions over short time periods. However, few studies have evaluated the impact of short term variability (<1 day) on DOM dynamics. This study examined whether diurnal processes measurably altered DOM concentration and composition in the hypereutrophic San Joaquin River (California) during a relatively quiescent period. We evaluated the efficacy of using optical in situ measurements to reveal changes in DOM which may not be evident from bulk dissolved organic carbon (DOC) measurement alone. The in situ optical measurements described in this study clearly showed for the first time diurnal variations in DOM measurements, which have previously been related to both composition and concentration, even though diurnal changes were not well reflected in bulk DOC concentrations. An apparent asynchronous trend of DOM absorbance and chlorophyll‐a in comparison to chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) fluorescence and spectral slope S290–350 suggests that no one specific CDOM spectrophotometric measurement explains absolutely DOM diurnal variation in this system; the measurement of multiple optical parameters is therefore recommended. The observed diurnal changes in DOM composition, measured by in situ optical instrumentation likely reflect both photochemical and biologically‐mediated processes. The results of this study highlight that short‐term variability in DOM composition may complicate trends for studies aiming to distinguish different DOM sources in riverine systems and emphasizes the importance of sampling specific study sites to be compared at the same time of day. The utilization of in situ optical technology allows short‐term variability in DOM dynamics to be monitored and serves to increase our understanding of its processing and fundamental role in the aquatic environment. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
北喜马拉雅出露一系列片麻岩穹窿,这些穹窿被形成于27.5~10Ma的淡色花岗岩侵入.淡色花岗岩的岩石类型为二云母花岗岩,它们的主量元素组成为SiO2=70.97%~74.54%、K2O+Na2O=6.27%~8.09%、K2O/Na2O=0.91~1.36及A/CNK=1.10~1.33.然而,它们在微量元素组成上呈现出较大的变化:Rb=(41~322)×10-6、Sr=(26~139)×10-6、Ba=(135~594)×10-6、(La/Yb)N=0.97~17.31、Eu/Eu=0.29~0.72.北喜马拉雅淡色花岗岩的主量元素和微量元素组成特征类似于高喜马拉雅中新世的二云母花岗岩,而在Ti、Mg、Ca、Ba含量和Rb/Sr比值上明显不同于高喜马拉雅中新世的电气石-白云母花岗岩.北喜马拉雅淡色花岗岩(87Sr/86Sr)t=0.7344~0.8503(t=10Ma),εNd(10Ma)=-12.5~-19.3,与高喜马拉雅淡色花岗岩无明显差异.在岩石成因上,北喜马拉雅和高喜马拉雅中新世淡色花岗岩均起因于构造减压作用,由此导致白云母发生脱水反应诱发高喜马拉雅结晶岩系的深熔.但北喜马拉雅淡色花岗岩形成的地质背景明显不同于高喜马拉雅淡色花岗岩,前者具有较长的时间跨度,开始形成于喜马拉雅渐新世的地壳增厚期,之后形成于中新世穹窿片麻岩的折返时期,而高喜马拉雅淡色花岗岩与中新世高喜马拉雅结晶岩系的构造挤出作用有关.因此,北喜马拉雅和高喜马拉雅淡色  相似文献   
In the eastern Himalayan syntaxis, the southern Lhasa terrane is dominated by middle- to high-grade metamorphic rocks (Nyingchi Complex), which are intruded by felsic melts. U-Pb zircon dating and zircon Hf isotopic composition of these metamorphic and magmatic rocks provide important constraints on the tectono-thermal evolution of the Lhasa terrane during convergent process between Indian and Asian continents. U-Pb zircon data for an orthogneiss intruding the Nyingchi Complex yield a protolith magma crystallization age of 83.4 ± 1.2 Ma, with metamorphic ages of 65-46 Ma. This orthogneiss is characterized by positive εHf (t) values of + 8.3 and young Hf model ages of ~ 0.6 Ga, indicating a derivation primarily from a depleted-mantle or juvenile crustal source. Zircons from a quartz diorite yield a magma crystallization age of 63.1 ± 0.6 Ma, with εHf (t) values of − 8.2 to − 2.7, suggesting that this magma was sourced from partial melting of older crustal materials. Zircon cores from a foliated biotite granite show ages ranging from 347 to 2690 Ma, with age peaks at 347-403 Ma, 461-648 Ma and 1013-1183 Ma; their zircon εHf (t) values range from − 30.6 to + 6.9. Both the U-Pb ages and Hf isotopic composition of the zircon cores are similar to those of detrital zircons from the Nyingchi Complex paragneiss, implying that the granite was derived from anatexis of the Nyingchi Complex metasediments. The zircon rims from the granite indicate crustal anatexis at 64.4 ± 0.7 Ma and subsequent metamorphism at 55.1 ± 1.3 and 41.4 ± 2.3 Ma. Our results suggest that the late Cretaceous magmatism in the southern Lhasa terrane resulted from Neo-Tethys oceanic slab subduction and we infer that Paleocene crustal anatexis and metamorphism were related to the thermal perturbation caused by rollback of the northward subducted Neo-Tethyan oceanic slab.  相似文献   
Eclogites from the deepest structural levels beneath the Semail ophiolite, Oman, record the subduction and later exhumation of the Arabian continental margin. Published ages for this high pressure event reveal large discrepancies between the crystallisation ages of certain eclogite-facies minerals and apparent cooling ages of micas. We present precise U-Pb zircon (78.95 ± 0.13 Ma) and rutile (79.6 ± 1.1 Ma) ages for the eclogites, as well as new U-Pb zircon ages for trondhjemites from the Semail ophiolite (95.3 ± 0.2 Ma) and amphibolites from the metamorphic sole (94.48 ± 0.23 Ma). The new eclogite ages reinforce published U-Pb zircon and Rb-Sr mineral-whole rock isochron ages, yet are inconsistent with published interpretations of older 40Ar/39Ar phengite and Sm-Nd garnet dates. We show that the available U-Pb and Rb-Sr ages, which are in tight agreement, fit better with the available geological evidence, and suggest that peak metamorphism of the continental margin occurred during the later stages of ophiolite emplacement.  相似文献   
At Pedregal, more than 40 m of sediments are exposed within a ‘fan complex’ formed between lateral moraines of the adjacent Mucuchache and El Caballo valleys. Early and late Mérida (Wisconsinan) glaciations are represented by till and till plus proglacial sediments, respectively. A middle Wisconsinan interstadial event, here termed the Pedregal interstade, began at the end of the Early Mérida glaciation at approximately 60 ka BP. Following the retreat of ice from the small Pedregal Basin, a lake formed when the local drainage was blocked due to movement of the Mesa de Caballo along the Boconó Fault. Shallow lake or no-lake phases lasted approximately a few hundred to, at most, 2000 years, and each lake phase was marked by peat accumulation. Four of seven peats identified formed during sufficiently long intervals for soil profiles (incipient to mature Spodosols) also to develop. The Spodosol with the strongest development (Eb/Bsb/Coxb/Cub horizons) is found adjacent to the lowest peat and reflects ongoing early Mérida stadial (MIS 3) conditions; the youngest peats, associated with weak podzolic soils (Eb/Bsb horizons), formed under slightly warmer interstadial conditions, presumably with less soil water. Cyclic lacustrine deposition is related to lake level and relative depth fluctuations, due in part to variable shoreline/delta progradation and shallowing as the lake deepened in general. Whereas final drainage of the lake is related to movement of the Boconó Fault and breach of the moraines that form the Mesa de Caballo, earlier lake level fluctuations appear related to climate change. Radiocarbon dating of the peats suggests they are related to warmer periods and may tentatively correlate with small ‘interstadials’ or ‘D-O events’ detected in the oxygen-isotope record of Greenland ice cores and North Atlantic marine sediments.  相似文献   
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