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In the low‐pressure, high‐temperature metamorphic rocks of western Maine, USA, staurolite porphyroblasts grew at c. 400 Ma, very late during the regional orogenesis. These porphyroblasts, which preserve straight inclusion trails with small thin‐section‐scale variation in pitch, were subsequently involved in the strain and metamorphic aureole of the c. 370 Ma Mooselookmeguntic pluton. The aureole shows a progressive fabric intensity gradient from effectively zero emplacement‐related deformation at the outer edge of the aureole ~2900 m (map distance) from the pluton margin to the development of a pervasive emplacement‐related foliation adjacent to the pluton. The development of this pervasive foliation spanned all stages of crenulation cleavage development, which are preserved at different distances from the pluton. The spread of inclusion‐trail pitches in the staurolite porphyroblasts, as measured in two‐dimensional (2‐D) thin sections, increases nonlinearly from ~16° to 75° with increasing strain in the aureole. These data provide clear evidence for rotation of the staurolite porphyroblasts relative to one another and to the developing crenulation cleavage. The data spread is qualitatively modelled for both pure and simple shear, and both solutions match the data reasonably well. The spread of inclusion‐trail orientations (40–75°) in the moderately to highly strained rocks is similar to the spread reported in several previous studies. We consider it likely that the sample‐scale spread in these previous studies is also the result of porphyroblast rotation relative to one another. However, the average inclusion‐trail orientation for a single sample may, in at least some instances, reflect the original orientation of the overgrown foliation.  相似文献   
Some 150 white K-micas from the Central Alps were analysed for their polymorph and phengite content. Pre-Alpine white K-micas and those belonging to the Meso-Alpine Lepontine Metamorphic “High” show exclusively the 2M1 polymorph. The 3T structural form, on the other hand, has been found in one third of the white K-micas formed during the Alpine regional metamorphism. In most cases this trigonal structure coexists with varying amounts of the 2M1 form. The 3T distribution pattern suggests that this polymorph originated during the Eo-Alpine high-pressure/“low temperature” metamorphism. Provided this interpretation is correct, the sporadic occurrence of this polymorph within the Meso-Alpine staurolite zone may be used as a tracer for the Eo-Alpine metamorphism. The following improved correlation between the (060, 331) reflections of 2M1 white K-micas and the RM-content (= 2Fe2O3+FeO+MgO in molar proportions), based on 24 micas from granitoid rocks, is presented: d(060, 331)= 1.498+0.082 RM. The phengite content of Alpine white K-micas belonging to the assemblage muscovite-biotite-K-feldspar-quartz was estimated from RM values or derived from chemical analyses and was found to be clearly related to metamorphic grade. Phengite-rich micas were formed during the Eo-Alpine high-P/“ low-T” metamorphism while aluminous muscovite was found within the Meso-Alpine thermal high of the Lepontine gneiss area. White K-micas from areas which underwent both the Eo-Alpine and the Meso-Alpine metamorphism display variable phengite contents. Although these micas show Tertiary Rb-Sr and K-Ar ages, the variable phengite content presumably reflects conditions during the Eo-Alpine high-P/“low-T” metamorphism. This interpretation implies that the cations occupying the interlayer positions are more easily equilibrated than those in octahedral and tetrahedral structural sites. A compilation of 3T white K-mica occurrences described in the literature is given in the appendix.  相似文献   
Two-mica granites that locally contain garnet and sillimaniteoccur as dikes, sills, and sheets up to 50 m thick within thesillimanite zonc of the Monashee Mountains in the southeasternCanadian Cordillera of British Columbia. Syn-kinematic and post-kinematicgranites are recognized. U-Pb dating of zircon demonstrates that the syn-kinematic granitesare 100.4?0.3 Ma old, based on duplicate concordant single abradedzircon analyses. Other zircons have slightly older Pb/Pb dates,indicating small amounts of inherited zircons. Monazites are99?10 Ma old. Post-kinematic granites have 62.5?0.2 Ma zirconages and 634+0.1 Ma monazite ages. High initial 87 ratios (0.71492–0.74181)and evidence of Precambrian Pb inheritance indicates that bothsyn- and post-kinematic granites were derived from a crustalsource. Geobarometric estimates suggest that both generationsof granites equilibrated at 6–8 kb (22–30 km). Zirconand monazite saturation temperatures range from 660–824?Cand indicate that these minerals were liquidus phases earlyin the crystallization history of the granites. Because monazitesaturation temperatures generally exceed those of zircon, itis possible that some monazites may be inherited. Apatite saturationtemperatures in excess of 900?C suggest that both generationsof granites contain source inherited apatite. Syn- and post-kinematic granites have essentially identicalmajor and trace element chemistries. Syn-kinematic graniteshave steep light rare earth element (LREE) enriched patternswith pronounced negative Eu anomalies. The REE patterns of post-kinematicgranites range from steep LREE enriched patterns with negativeNd and Eu anomalies to flat patterns with low LREE contents,negative Nd anomalies, and both positive and negative Eu anomalies.Modelling of REE, Rb, Sr, and Ba contents demonstrates thatsyn-kinematic gramtes could have been generated by a low degreeof partial melting (with 10–25% feldspar fractionationof the melt) of Late Proterozoic Horsethief Creek Group metapelitesleaving a monazite-bearing upper amphibolite facies residue.Post-kinematic granites were produced by partial melting ofa geochemically and isotopically similar metapelitic source.The suite of post-kinematic granites can be related by a smallamount (up to 0.1%) of monazite crystal fractionation.  相似文献   
The natural river water certified reference material SLRS‐5 (NRC‐CNRC) was routinely analysed in this study for major and trace elements by ten French laboratories. Most of the measurements were made using ICP‐MS. Because no certified values are assigned by NRC‐CNRC for silicon and 35 trace element concentrations (rare earth elements, Ag, B, Bi, Cs, Ga, Ge, Li, Nb, P, Rb, Rh, Re, S, Sc, Sn, Th, Ti, Tl, W, Y and Zr), or for isotopic ratios, we provide a compilation of the concentrations and related uncertainties obtained by the participating laboratories. Strontium isotopic ratios are also given.  相似文献   
The wadi Kid pluton of Iqna Granite, Southern Sinai, which was intruded during the last Precambrian magmatic phase, yields a Rb-Sr total rock isocrhon age of 580±23 m.y., and an initial 87Sr/ 86Sr ratio of 0.7028±0.0028. The magma of the Iqna Granite was derived from a low Rb/Sr source shortly before its crystallization. Partial resetting of biotite ages is detected by both Rb-Sr and K-Ar methods. Mineral isochrons yield higher initial values (0.7045–0.7065) as a result of Sr isotopic redistribution within a closed total rock system. The Rb-Sr resetting of the biotites is expressed by radiogenic Sr loss accompanied by a proportional enrichment of common Sr. The Rb content was unaffected by this process. Oxidation of the iron within the biotite indicates the opening of the biotite interlayer space, thus making the Sr exchange possible. These effects are attributed to a thermal event some 510–540 m.y. ago.  相似文献   
The Palaeoproterozoic Ni–Cu sulphide deposits of the PechengaComplex, Kola Peninsula, occur in the lower parts of ferropicriticintrusions emplaced into the phyllitic and tuffaceous sedimentaryunit of the Pilgujärvi Zone. The intrusive rocks are comagmaticwith extrusive ferropicrites of the overlying volcanic formation.Massive lavas and chilled margins from layered flows and intrusionscontain <3–7 ng/g Pd and Pt and <0·02–2·0ng/g Ir, Os and Ru with low Pd/Ir ratios of 5–11. Theabundances of platinum group elements (PGE) correlate with eachother and with chalcophile elements such as Cu and Ni, and indicatea compatible behaviour during crystallization of the parentalmagma. Compared with the PGE-depleted central zones of differentiatedflows (spinifex and clinopyroxene cumulate zones) the olivinecumulate zones at the base contain elevated PGE abundances upto 10 ng/g Pd and Pt. A similar pattern is displayed in intrusivebodies, such as the Kammikivi sill and the Pilgujärvi intrusion.The olivine cumulates at the base of these bodies contain massiveand disseminated Ni–Cu-sulphides with up to 2 µg/gPd and Pt, but the PGE concentrations in the overlying clinopyroxenitesand gabbroic rocks are in many cases below the detection limits.The metal distribution observed in samples closely representingliquid compositions suggests that the parental magma becamesulphide saturated during the emplacement and depleted in chalcophileand siderophile metals as a result of fractional segregationof sulphide liquids. Relative sulphide liquid–silicatemelt partition coefficients decrease in the order of Ir >Rh > Os > Ru > Pt = Pd > Cu. R-factors (silicate-sulphidemass ratio) are high and of the order of 104–105, andthey indicate the segregation of only small amounts of sulphideliquid in the parental ferropicritic magma. In differentiatedflows and intrusions the sulphide liquids segregated and accumulatedat the base of these bodies, but because of a low silicate–sulphidemass ratio the sulphide liquids had a low PGE tenor and Pt/Irand Cu/Ir ratios similar to the parental silicate melts. Duringcooling the sulphide liquid crystallized 40–50% of monosulphidesolid solution (mss) and the residual sulphide liquid becameenriched in Cu, Pt and Pd and depleted in Ir, Os and Ru. TheCu-rich sulphide liquid locally assimilated components of thesurrounding S-rich sediments as suggested by the radiogenicOs isotopic composition of some sulphide ores (  相似文献   
The Fe- and Al-rich metapelite of the Teiskaya Group in the trans-Angara part of the Yenisei Range are characterized by variable P-T parameters of their metamorphism. Geochemical data on these rocks were used to reproduce the nature and composition of their protolith. The metapelites were determined to be redeposited and metamorphosed Precambrian weathering crusts of the kaolinite type, which were produced by the erosion of Archean rocks of predominantly acid (granitoid) composition in shallow-water continental-margin basins in a humid climate. These results are consistent with the results of the lithological-facies analysis and geodynamic reconstruction of the Precambrian geological evolution of complexes in the Yenisei range. Differences were revealed between the REE patterns in metapelites in various metamorphic zones caused by both the compositional heterogeneity of the protoliths and the prograde (in terms of pressure) mineral reactions of collision metamorphism with the predominant effects of various processes during different evolutionary stages.  相似文献   
Diamond crystals 0.1–0.8 carats were synthesized in experiments conducted in a BARS split-sphere multianvil high-pressure apparatus in the systems Fe-Co-S-C and Fe-Ni-S-C at a pressure of 5.5 GPa and temperature of 1300°C. The microtextures of the samples and the phases accompanying diamond (carbides, graphite, monoslufide solid solution, pentlandite, and taenite) are examined in much detail, the properties of metal-sulfide-carbon alloys are discussed, and issues related to the genesis of sulfide inclusions in diamonds and graphite crystallization in the diamond stability field are considered. The experiments demonstrate that diamonds can be synthesized and grow in pre-eutectic metal-sulfide melts with up to 14 wt % sulfur at relatively low P-T parameters, which correspond to the probable temperatures and pressures of natural diamond-forming processes at depths of approximately 150 km in the Earth’s upper mantle.  相似文献   
U-Pb geochronological results confirm the Mesozoic age (124 ± 1 Ma) of the Beket granitoid complex, previously interpreted as being one of the markers amongst the Early Proterozoic magmatic complexes within the Amur superterrane (microcontinent) of the Central Asian Fold Belt. This implies that the structural and metamorphic amphibolite facies overprints documented either in the Beket granitoids or Gonzha host rocks are evidently Mesozoic rather than Early Proterozoic in age.  相似文献   
Montmorillonite, kaolinite, goethite, and particulate and soluble natural organic materials influence the rate of Mn(II) oxidation. While surfaces accelerate the reaction, apparently by bonding Mn2+ in a manner which fulfills the requirements of the transition state, soluble organic materials retard the reaction by complexing the oxidizable species. It is doubtful whether particulate matter would influence the oxidation process under natural loading conditions since 50–500 mg l?1quantities are required to produce measurable changes in the reaction rate. Complexation by humic materials, however, might be expected to reduce the rate of oxidation by an amount proportional to the dissolved organic carbon concentration. Oxidation followed by precipitation is predicted to be an important mechanism for Mn2+ removal in oceanic waters. The situation is less predictable in lake waters.  相似文献   
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