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Soil is a vital part of the natural environment and is always responding to changes in environmental factors, along with the influences of anthropogenic factors and land use changes. The long-term change in soil properties will result in change in soil health and fertility, and hence the soil productivity. Hence, the main aim of this paper focuses on the analysis of land use/land cover (LULC) change pattern in spatial and temporal perspective and to present its impact on soil properties in the Merawu catchment over the period of 18?years. Post classification change detection was performed to quantify the decadal changes in historical LULC over the periods of 1991, 2001 and 2009. The pixel to pixel comparison method was used to detect the LULC of the area. The key LULC types were selected for investigation of soil properties. Soil samples were analysed in situ to measure the physicochemical soil properties. The results of this study show remarkable changes in LULC in the period of 18?years. The effect of land cover change on soil properties, soil compaction and soil strength was found to be significant at a level of <0.05.  相似文献   
Mittal  Himanshu  Kumar  Ashok 《Natural Hazards》2015,78(2):1145-1161
Natural Hazards - In this work, an attempt has been made to simulate strong ground motion of M w 5.4 earthquake in Kumaun region of Uttarakhand. The simulation is based on modified stochastic...  相似文献   
By making use of limit analysis, an upper bound solution in a closed form for determining the ultimate pullout capacity of plate anchors buried in sandy slopes has been established. The anchor plate orientation has been considered either horizontal or parallel to the slope, with the pullout force applied perpendicular to the plate. It has been found that the pullout capacity for horizontal anchors, even on slopes, remains the same as that on horizontal ground surface as long as the average embedment ratio is kept constant. Whereas for anchors which are aligned parallel to the slope the collapse load decreases continuously with the increase in the inclination of slope. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The orbital and the rational polynomial coefficients (RPC) models are the two most commonly used models to compute a three-dimensional coordinates from an image stereo-pair. But it is still confusing that with the identical user provided inputs, which one of these two models provides more accurate digital elevation model (DEM), especially for mountainous terrain. This study aimed to find out the answer by evaluating the impact of used models on the vertical accuracy of DEM extracted from Cartosat-1 stereo data. We used high-accuracy photogrammetric DEM as the reference DEM. Apart from general variations in statistics, surprisingly in a few instances, both the DEMs provided contrasting results, thus proving the significance of this study. The computed root mean square errors and linear error at 90% (LE90) were lower in case of RPC DEM for various classes of slope, aspect and land cover, thus suggesting its better relative accuracy.  相似文献   
Multispectral (MS) and panchromatic (PAN) images contains complementary information. High spatial and spectral resolution is a prerequisite for images to be useful, which can be achieved through image pansharpening. In this paper, we propose a new pansharpening technique which is a combination of nonsubsampled contourlet transform (NSCT) and sparse representation (SR), called NSCT–SR. NSCT is a shift-invariant version of the contourlet transform which combines nonsubsampled pyramid (NSP) and the directional filter banks. NSP splits input MS and PAN images into low-pass and high-pass sub-bands. Fusion of high-pass sub-bands is done using local energy information while low-pass sub-bands are fused using SR. Finally, fused low-pass and high-pass sub-bands are combined to obtain image with high spatial and high spectral resolution. We have quantitatively compared NSCT–SR with other multiresolution algorithms by calculating spatial and spectral quality parameters. It is observed that spatial quality is improved by 0.93 % (for seaside image) and 1.54 % (for urban image). While spectral quality is improved maximum up to 31.39 and 40.47 %, for respective images. NSCT–SR also compared with other state-of-art algorithms by calculating various performance parameters including quality with no reference. It is found that, overall; NSCT–SR performs better compared to algorithms considered in work.  相似文献   
Major, trace element compositions and Sr–Nd isotopic characteristics of charnockitic gneisses from the Southern Granulite Terrain (SGT), South India are presented. The study region encompasses the central segment of the Cauvery Shear Zone system (CSZ) and regions within the Madurai Block (MB) immediately south of it (designated here as the CSZ/MB and MB domains). Differences in the compositions and source characteristics between charnockitic rocks of the CSZ vis-à-vis those of the CSZ/MB and MB regions are highlighted. Foremost, the charnockites and enderbites of the CSZ show highly fractionated REE patterns with positive Eu-anomalies, depleted HREE, Y and near chondritic εNd0 and initial-87Sr/86Sr at ca. 2.5 Ga, consistent with hydrous partial melting of amphibolitic crust with residual garnet and hornblende for the parental melts. By contrast, modeled at ca. 1.8 Ga and 0.8 Ga, the CSZ/MB and MB charnockitic rocks, which show a wider range of Ti and P, relatively lower degree of HREE depletion, commonly negative Eu-anomalies and undepleted Y, present clear evidence for involvement of Archaean crustal components in sources of their magmatic protoliths. There is also evidence for significant intracrustal melting processes within a thickened crust at elevated temperatures between 800 and 1000 °C. Implications to the controversial Archaean–Neoproterozoic terrane boundary problem of the SGT are discussed.  相似文献   
One of the major after effect of Bhuj Earthquake which occurred on January 26, 2001 was wide spread appearance of liquefaction of soil in the Rann of Kachchh and the coastal areas of Kandla port covering an area of more than tens of thousands of kilometers. Remote sensing data products allow us to explore the land surface parameters at different spatial scales. In this work, an attempt has been made to identify the liquefied soil area using conventional indices from IRS-1D temporal images. The same has been investigated and compared with Class Based Sensor Independent (CBSI) spectral indices, while applying fuzzy based noise classification as soft computing approach using supervised classification. Seven spectral indices have been investigated to identify liquefied soil areas using temporal multi-spectral images. The result shows that the temporal variations can be accounted by using appropriate remote sensing based spectral indices. It is found that CBSI based TNDVI using temporal data yields the best results for identification of liquefied soil areas, while CBSI based SR gives best results for water body identification.  相似文献   
Experiments were carried out to investigate the rheological properties of coal–oil–water suspension containing solids of different sizes. Two different coal samples with mean particle sizes of 120 mesh, 175 mesh and 220 mesh were used. The coal concentration was varied from 5% to 25% by weight. Sodium silicate has been used as an additive to study the behavior of the variation of average viscosity of the suspension. A generalized correlation has been developed to predict the average viscosity of suspension in terms of particle diameter of the coal, concentration of coal, viscosity of the suspending medium and the concentration of water. Experimental investigations revealed that coal–oil–water suspensions show an increase in the viscosity with decrease in coal size but with the addition of an additive, the average viscosity tends to decrease initially up to a certain optimum dosages and thereafter it increases with further addition of additives. Two empirical correlations are proposed for average viscosity of the coal–oil–water suspension, μsL in terms of physical properties of the solid and viscosity of the suspending medium with and without additives.  相似文献   
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