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Numerical solutions have been obtained for stresses and displacements in a linear elastic half space due to distributed loads of circular, rectangular and elliptical shapes. The technique primarily involves use of a multi-dimensional numerical integration technique to integrate point load solutions over the distributed loading after discretizing the area into a finite number of elements. Both uniform vertical and shear loads have been considered as well as vertical conical loads and inward shear loads. The technique evolved facilitates the determination of stresses and displacements by the use of mini-computers and is neither as tedious and cumbersome as the use of tables and charts nor as costly as FEM solutions. A detailed comparison has been presented between the results obtained by the numerical solutions and those of the existing analytical solutions wherever they are available. It is found that the agreement between the two is within one per cent for displacements at all depths for the different cases studied. The matching is also good in the case of stresses, except at shallow depths.  相似文献   
The temperature dependence of carbon dioxide solubility in glasses of diopside composition, quenched from 20 kbar, has been investigated using a combination of high-temperature mass spectrometry and Raman spectroscopy.CO2-charged diopside glasses were synthesized in a piston-cylinder apparatus. Because of diffusion of hydrogen through the platinum capsules, significant amounts of H2O, CH4 and CO were detected along with CO: in the diopside glasses. All three carbon species show a bimodal release pattern in the mass pyrograms. The CO2 solubility shows a linear and negative temperature dependence. We do not observe any maxima in the solubility curve as was reported previously (Mysen and virgo, 1980a).None of the additional bands observed in Raman spectra of CO2-charged diopside glasses compared to those in the spectrum of diopside glass can be assigned to molecular CO2. These bands are caused by CO?23 ions and indicate that the physical solubility of molecular carbon dioxide is negligible. The bimodal release pattern observed for CO2 in the mass pyrograms, is consistent with the Raman data which strongly suggests that CO?23 ions are present in at least two distinct sites in the glass.  相似文献   
Although data available from various earth observation systems have been routinely used in many resource applications, however there have been gaps, and data needs of applications at different levels of details have not been met. There is a growing demand for availability of data at higher repetivity, at higher spatial resolution, in more and narrower spectral bands etc. Some of the thrust areas of applications particularly in the Indian context are;
  1. Management of natural resources to ensure sustainable increase in agricultural production,
  2. Study the state of the environment, its monitoring and assessment of the impact of. various development actions on the environment,
  3. Updating and generation of large scale topographical maps.
  4. Exploration/exploitation of marine and mineral resources and
  5. Operational meteorology and studying various land and oceanic processes to understand/predict global climate changes.
Each of these thrust area of application has many components, related to basic resource areas such as agriculture, forestry, water resources, minerals, marine resources etc. and the field of cartography. Observational requirements for major applications have been summarized as under. Monitoring vegetation health from space remains the most important observational parameter with applications, in agriculture, forestry, environment, hydrology etc. Vegetation extent, quantity and temporal changes are the three main requirements which are not fully realized with RS data available. Vegetation productivity, forest biomass, canopy moisture status, canopy biogeochemistry are some examples. Crop production forecasting is an important application area. Remotely sensed data has been used for identification of crops and their acreage estimation. Fragmented holdings, large spread in crop calendars and different management practices continue to pose a challenge lo remote sensing. Remotely sensed data at much higher spatial resolution than hitherto available as well as at greater repetivity are required to meet this need. Non-availability of cloud-free data in the kharif season is one of the serious problems in operational use of remote sensing for crop inventory. Synthetic aperture radar data al X & Ku bands is necessary to meet this demand. Nutrient stress/disease detection requires observations in narrow spectral bands. In case of forestry applications, multispectral data at high spatial resolution of the order of 5 to 10 metres is required to make working plans at forest compartment level. Observations from space for deriving tree height are required for volume estimation. Observations in the middle infrared region would greatly enhance capability of satellite remote sensing in forest fire detection. Temporal, spatial and spectral observational requirements in various applications on vegetation viewing are diverse, as they address processes at different spatial and time scales. Hence, it would be worthwhile to address this issue in three broad categories. a) Full coverage, moderate spatial resolution with high repetivity (drought, large scale deforestation, forest phenology....). b) Full coverage, moderate to high spatial resolution and high repetivity (crop forecasting, vegetation productivity). c) Selected viewing at high spatial resolution, moderate to high repetivity and with new dimensions to imaging (narrow spectral bands, different viewing angles). A host of agrometeorological parameters are needed to be measured from space for their effective use in development of yield models. Estimation of root-zone soil moisture is an important area requiring radar measurements from space. Surface meteorological observations from space at the desired spatial and temporal distributions has not developed because of heavy demands placed on the sensor as well as analytical operational models. Agrometeorology not only provides quantitative inputs to other applications such as crop forecasting, hydrological models but also could be used for farmer advisory services by local bodies. Mineral exploration requires information on geological structures, geomorphology and lithology. Surface manifestation over localized regions requires large scale mapping while the lithology can be deciphered from specific narrow bands in visible. NIR, MIR and TIR regions. Sensors identified for mapping/cartography in conjunction with imaging spectrometer would seem to cover requirements of this application. Narrow spectral bands in the short regions which provide diagnostics of relevant geological phenomenon are necessary for mineral exploration. Thermal inertia measurements help in better discrimination of different rock units. Measurements from synthetic aperture data which would provide information on geological structures and geomorphology are necessary for mineral exploration. The applications related to marine environment fall in three major areas: (i) Ocean colour and productivity, biological resources; (ii) Land-ocean interface, this includes coastal landforms, bathymetry, littoral transport processes, etc. and; (iii) Physical oceanography, sea surface temperature, winds, wave spectra, energy and mass exchange between atmosphere and ocean. Measurement of chlorophyll concentration accurately on daily basis, sea surface temperature with an accuracy of 0.5 °K. and information on current patterns arc required for developing better fishery forecast models. Improved spatial resolution data are desirable for studying sediment and other coastal processes. Cartography is another important application area. The major problems encountered in relation to topographic map updation are location and geometric accuracy and information content. Two most important requirements for such an application are high spatial resolution data of 1 to 2 metre and stereo capability to provide vertical resolution of 1 metre. This requirement places stringent demands on the sensor specifications, geometric processing, platform stability and automated digital cartography. The requirements for the future earth observation systems based on different application needs can be summarized as follows:
  1. Moderate spatial resolution (l50-300m), high repetivity (2 Days), minimum set of spectral bands (VIS, NIR, MIR. TIR) full coverage.
  2. Moderate to high spatial resolution (20-40m), high repetivity (4-6 Days), spectral bands (VIS, MR, MIR, TIR) full coverage.
  3. High spatial resolution (5-10m) muitispectral data with provision for selecting specific narrow bands (VIS, N1R. MIR), viewing from different angles.
  4. Synthetic aperture radar operating in at least two frequencies (C, X, Ku), two incidence angles/polarizations, moderate to high spatial resolution (20-40m), high repetivity (4-6 Days).
  5. Very high spatial resolution (1-2m) data in panchromatic band to provide terrain details at cadastral level (1:10,000).
  6. Stereo capability (1-2m height resolution) to help planning/execution of development plans.
  7. Moderate resolution sensor operating in VIS, NIR, MIR on a geostationary platform for observations at different sun angles necessary for the development of canopy reflectance inversion models.
  8. Diurnal (at least two i.e. pre-dawn and noon) temperature measurements of the earth surface.
  9. Ocean colour monitor with daily coverage.
  10. Multi-frequency microwave radiometer, scatterometer. altimeter, atmospheric sounder, etc.
Numerous studies have been carried out during last 20-25 years by different agencies to trace the courses of palaeo river Sarasvati. Varying number of courses of river Sarasvati have been suggested by the different workers in the north-western region. Taking advantage of the developments in satellite/ sensor and digital image processing technologies an attempt has been made to rediscover the course of river Sarasvati and solve the controversy regarding its exact course, in the sand covered Thar desert region. Data available from a variety of ground investigations carried out by different agencies working in this area have been analyzed in support of confirmation of palaeo channels, along the courses mapped under the present study. The results indicate that the river Sarasvati had its course through river Ghaggar and did not drain along the Aravalli hills. Also it did not shift its course drastically and continuously from east to west, as suggested by earlier workers. The image anomalies indicate that river Sarasvati flowed parallel to the river Indus as an independent river system (closer to the north-western Indian border) and did not flow through present course of river Nara. The findings raise the doubt that ‘Rise along Delhi-Hardwar ridge’ as suggested by earlier workers was the main cause for west-ward shift of Sarasvati river and ultimate drainage desiccation in the northwestern region. The analysis indicates towards rise in Himalayas/ Siwaliks and consequent displacements in the Siwaliks and its foot hills region (in the form of Yamuna and Satlej tear faults) as the main cause for drainage desiccation and disappearance of river Sarasvati.  相似文献   
Malani is the largest event of anorogenic felsic magmatism (covering ∼50, 000 km2) in India. This magmatic activity took place at ∼750 Ma post-dating the Erinpura granite (850 Ma) and ended prior to Marwar Supergroup (680 Ma) sedimentation. Malani eruptions occurred mostly on land, but locally sub-aqueous conditions are shown by the presence of conglomerate, grits and pillow lava. The Malani rocks do not show any type of regional deformation effects. The Malanis are characterised by bimodal volcanism with a dominant felsic component, followed by granitic plutonism and a terminal dyke phase. An angular unconformity between Malani lavas and basement is observed, with the presence of conglomerate at Sindreth, Diri, and Kankani. This indicates that the crust was quite stable and peneplained prior to the Malani activity. Similarly, the absence of any thrust zone, tectonic mélange and tectonised contact of the Malanis with the basement goes against a plate subduction setting for their genesis. After the closure of orogenic cycles in the Aravalli craton of the northwestern shield, this anorogenic intraplate magmatic activity took place in a cratonic rift setting under an extensional tectonic regime.  相似文献   
Runoff (log-transformed) and sediment yield (log-transformed) sequences on a monthly or daily basis can be regarded as input and output for the watershed fluvial system. These sequences are nonstationary in general in different hydrological environments. Frequency and time domain analyses have shown that a parsimonious model can be built directly in terms of these nonstationary input-output sequences on a monthly and daily basis. A first-order dynamic model was found adequate to model the monthly runoff-sediment yield process; a second-order model adequately modeled the daily runoff-sediment yield process. The noise component in both cases possessed the characteristics of a white-noise sequence.  相似文献   
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