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Nodularia spumigena periodically proliferates to cause toxic algal blooms with some aquatic animals enduring and consuming high densities of the blue green algae or toxic lysis. N. spumigena contains toxic compounds such as nodularin and lipopolysaccharides. This current work investigates physiological effects of exposure from bloom conditions of N. spumigena cells and a post-bloom lysis. Biochemical and antioxidative biomarkers were comparatively studied over an acute 3-day exposure. In general, a post-bloom N. spumigena lysis caused opposite physiological responses to bloom densities of N. spumigena. Specifically, increases in glutathione (GSH) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and decreases in glutathione S-transferase (GST) were observed from the N. spumigena lysis. In contrast, N. spumigena cell densities decreased GSH and increased GST and lipid peroxidation (LPO) in mussels. Findings also suggest that at different stages of a toxic bloom, exposure may result in toxic stress to specific organs in the mussel.  相似文献   
结合双频激电法在西澳大利亚典型覆盖区(热带稀树草原覆盖区)的应用实践,讨论了在特殊地质景观条件下,双频激电法在工作设计中装置选择、工作频率选择、接地电阻改善、电磁耦合克服等方面遇到的问题以及解决这些问题所提出的技术方法,总结整理了一些具有代表性的工作准则和野外工作经验。结论表明:双频激电法在澳洲某金矿的特殊地理环境下的应用效果良好,圈定的激电异常符合地质预期,有进行工程验证的必要;使用双频激电法,在设计及施工过程中应综合分析各方面的影响因素,科学决策,并对可能影响测量数据准确性的因素采取有效的措施,这样才能充分发挥其技术优势,取得令人满意的成果。  相似文献   
GPS可降水汽与MODIS可降水汽回归性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
地基GPS可反演大气可降水汽,为气象预报提供高精度的大气水汽数据。然而GPS观测仅可以提供离散点的水汽值,MODIS却可以提供空间连续变化的水汽值,但MODIS水汽反演误差的存在使其不能满足气象预报的精度要求,因此两种遥感水汽的融合研究尤为必要。基于此,该文利用西安2006年7月-2009年7月7期GPS观测数据、地面气象实测数据和对应的MODIS数据,研究了GPS与MODIS两种遥感水汽间的回归关系,在考虑水汽的季节性变化的基础上建立了两者的回归模型,并由此建立了直接对MODIS反演水汽值的校正模型。根据多个经验模型,确定了西安GPS湿延迟与GPS可降水汽的比值:夏季取6.00、冬季取6.52。  相似文献   
Innovative remediation studies were conducted between 1994 and 2004 at sites contaminated by nonaqueous phase liquids (NAPLs) at Hill and Dover AFB, and included technologies that mobilize, solubilize, and volatilize NAPL: air sparging (AS), surfactant flushing, cosolvent flooding, and flushing with a complexing-sugar solution. The experiments proved that aggressive remedial efforts tailored to the contaminant can remove more than 90% of the NAPL-phase contaminant mass. Site-characterization methods were tested as part of these field efforts, including partitioning tracer tests, biotracer tests, and mass-flux measurements. A significant reduction in the groundwater contaminant mass flux was achieved despite incomplete removal of the source. The effectiveness of soil, groundwater, and tracer based characterization methods may be site and technology specific. Employing multiple methods can improve characterization. The studies elucidated the importance of small-scale heterogeneities on remediation effectiveness, and fomented research on enhanced-delivery methods. Most contaminant removal occurs in hydraulically accessible zones, and complete removal is limited by contaminant mass stored in inaccessible zones. These studies illustrated the importance of understanding the fluid dynamics and interfacial behavior of injected fluids on remediation design and implementation. The importance of understanding the dynamics of NAPL-mixture dissolution and removal was highlighted. The results from these studies helped researchers better understand what processes and scales are most important to include in mathematical models used for design and data analysis. Finally, the work at these sites emphasized the importance and feasibility of recycling and reusing chemical agents, and enabled the implementation and success of follow-on full-scale efforts.  相似文献   
Degradation of dissolved chlorinated solvents using granular iron is an established in situ technology. This paper reports on investigations into mixing iron and bentonite with contaminated soil for in situ containment and degradation of dense nonaqueous phase liquid source zones. In the laboratory, hypovials containing soil, water, bentonite, iron, and free-phase trichloroethene (TCE) were assembled. Periodic measurement of TCE, chloride, and degradation products showed progressive degradation of TCE to nondetectable levels. Subsequently, a demonstration was conducted at Canadian Forces Base Borden near Alliston, Ontario, Canada, where, in 1991, a portion of the surficial aquifer was isolated and free-phase tetrachloroethene (PCE) was introduced. Using a drill rig equipped with large-diameter mixing blades, three mixed zones were prepared containing 0%, 5%, and 10% granular iron by volume. The bentonite was added to serve as a lubricant to facilitate injection of the iron and to isolate the contaminated zone. Analysis of core samples showed reasonably uniform distributions of iron through the mixed zones. Monitoring over a 13-month period following installation showed, relative to the control, a decline in PCE concentrations to virtually nondetectable values. Reaction rates in the laboratory tests were similar to those reported in the literature, while the rate in the field test was substantially lower. The lower rate may be a consequence of mass transfer limitations under the static conditions of the field test. Results indicate that mixing iron and bentonite into source zones may be an effective means of source-zone remediation, with the particular advantage of being relatively immune to effects of geologic heterogeneity.  相似文献   
差分干涉测量技术(D-InSAR)是近年发展起来的新型空间对地观测技术,具有全天候、全天时、大范围地表形变监测优点,但由于受到时空失相干和大气延迟的影响,形变监测精度受到了很大的制约。近年发展起来的InSAR时间序列分析技术,将多景SAR影像数据融合在一起,利用时间序列分析提取监测区域监测期内的时间序列形变信息,间接消除或削弱了时空失相干和大气延迟对形变结果的影响,具有良好的应用前景。本试验利用InSAR时间序列分析技术获取了西安市三环以内主城区2007年1月至2011年2月间的高精度地表形变成果。  相似文献   
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