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The presence in rocks of coexisting sapphirine + quartz has been widely used to diagnose conditions of ultra‐high‐temperature (UHT) metamorphism (>900 °C), an inference based on the restriction of this assemblage to temperatures >980 °C in the conventionally considered FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2 (FMAS) chemical system. With a new thermodynamic model for sapphirine that includes Fe2O3, phase equilibra modelling using thermocalc software has been undertaken in the FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–O (FMASO) and FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2– TiO2–O (FMASTO) chemical systems. Using a variety of calculated phase diagrams for quartz‐saturated systems, the effects of Fe2O3 and TiO2 on FMAS phase relations are shown to be considerable. Importantly, the stability field of sapphirine + quartz assemblages extends down temperature to 850 °C in oxidized systems and thus out of the UHT range.  相似文献   
Garnet–clinopyroxene intermediate granulites occur as thin layers within garnet–kyanite–K–feldspar felsic granulites of the St. Leonhard granulite body in the Bohemian Massif. They consist of several domains. One domain consists of coarser‐grained coexisting ternary feldspar, clinopyroxene, garnet, quartz and accessory rutile and zircon. The garnet has 16–20% grossular, and the clinopyroxene has 9% jadeite and contains orthopyroxene exsolution lamellae. Reintegrated ternary feldspar and the Zr‐in‐rutile thermometer give temperatures higher than 950 °C. Mineral equilibria modelling suggests crystallization at 14 kbar. The occurrence and preservation of this mineral assemblage is consistent with crystallization from hot dry melt. Between these domains is a finer‐grained deformed matrix made up of diopsidic clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, plagioclase and K‐feldspar, apparently produced by reworking of the coarser‐grained domains. Embedded in this matrix, and pre‐dating the reworking deformation, are garnet porphyroblasts that contain clinopyroxene, feldspar, quartz, rutile and zircon inclusions. In contrast with the garnet in the coarser‐grained domains, the garnet generally has >30% grossular, the included clinopyroxene has 7–27% jadeite and the Zr content of rutile indicates much lower temperatures. Some of these high‐grossular garnet show zoning in Fe/(Fe + Mg), decreasing from 0.7 in the core to 0.6 and then increasing to 0.7 at the rim. These garnet are enigmatic, but with reference to appropriate pseudosections are consistent with localized new mineral growth from 650 to 850 °C and 10 to 17 kbar, or with equilibration at 20 kbar and 770 °C, modified by two‐stage diffusional re‐equilibration of rims, at 10–15 and 8 kbar. The strong pervasive deformation has obscured relationships that might have aided the interpretation of the origin of these porphyroblasts. The evolution of these rocks is consistent with formation by igneous crystallization and subsequent metamorphism to high‐T and high‐P, rather than an origin by ultrahigh‐T metamorphism. Regarding the petrographic complexity, combination of the high grossular garnet with the ternary feldspar to infer ultrahigh‐T metamorphism at high pressure is not justified.  相似文献   
Kyanite‐bearing paragneisses from the Manicouagan Imbricate Zone and its footwall (high‐P belt of the central Grenville Province) preserve evidence of partial melting with development of metamorphic textures involving biotite–garnet ± kyanite ± plagioclase ± K‐feldspar–quartz. Garnet in these rocks displays a variety of zoning patterns with respect to Ca. Pseudosection modelling in the Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–TiO2–O (NCKFMASHTO) system using measured bulk rock compositions accounts for the textural evolution of two aluminous and two sub‐aluminous samples from the presumed thermal peak to conditions at which retained melt solidified. The prograde features are best explained by pseudosections calculated with compositions to account for melt loss. The intersection of isopleths of grossular content and Fe/(Fe + Mg) relating to large porphyroblasts of garnet provide constraints on the PT conditions of the metamorphic peak. These PT estimates are considered to be minima because of the potential for diffusional modification of the composition of garnet at high‐T and during the early stages of cooling. However, they are consistent with textural observations and pseudosection topology, with peak assemblages best preserved in rocks for which the calculated pseudosections predict only small changes in mineral proportions in the PT interval, in which retrograde reactions are inferred to have occurred between the thermal peak and the solidus. Maximum PT conditions (14.5–15.5 kbar and 840–890 °C) and steep retrograde PT paths inferred for rocks from the Manicouagan Imbricate Zone are comparable with those determined for mafic rocks from the same area. In contrast, maximum PT conditions of 12.5–13 kbar and 815–830 °C and flatter PT paths are inferred for the rocks of the footwall to the Manicouagan Imbricate Zone. The general consistency between textures, mineral compositions and the topologies of the calculated pseudosections suggests that the pseudosection approach is an appropriate tool for inferring the PT evolution of high‐P anatectic quartzo‐feldspathic rocks.  相似文献   
Four experiments were performed to examine the relationship between the meltwater flow field and ion release from melting snow. A 0.4 m3 volume of snow was placed in a Plexiglass box and melted from above using a heating plate. The meltwater and solute fluxes issuing from the bottom of the snow were monitored. In experiments with NaCl tracer added to the snow, the solute concentrations were generally lower in the flow fingers than in the background wetting front. Dye tracer experiments revealed contemporaneous areas of concentrated dye and dilute meltwater in flow fingers. This suggests that the meltwater in flow fingers is diluted by low concentration water from the top of the snowpack. Flow fingers contribute more meltwater flux primarily because the flow is maintained for a longer period of time than in the non-finger areas; however, the relative contribution of flow fingers to solute flux was apparently not as great as that of the background wetting front because of dilution of solute in the flow finger areas.  相似文献   
Orthopyroxene‐rich quartz‐saturated granulites of the Strangways Range, Arunta Block, central Australia, record evidence of two high‐grade metamorphic events. Initial granulite facies metamorphism (M1, at c. 1.7 Ga) involved partial melting and migmatization culminating in conditions of 8.5 kbar and 850 °C. Preservation of the peak M1 mineral assemblages from these conditions indicates that most of the generated melt was lost from these rocks at or near peak metamorphic conditions. Subsequent reworking (M2, at c. 1.65 Ga) is characterized by intense deformation, the absence of partial melting and the development of orthopyroxene–sillimanite ± gedrite‐bearing mineral assemblages. Gedrite is only present in cordierite‐rich lithologies where it preferentially replaces M1 cordierite porphyroblasts. Pseudosection calculations indicate that M2 occurred at subsolidus fluid‐absent conditions (aH2o ~ 0.2) at 6–7.5 kbar and 670–720 °C. The mineral assemblages in the reworked rocks are consistent with closed system behaviour with respect to H2O subsequent to M1 melt loss. M2 reworking was primarily driven by increased temperature from the stable geotherm reached after cooling from M1 and deformation‐induced recrystallization and re‐equilibration, rather than rehydration from an externally derived fluid. The development of the M2 assemblages is strongly dependent on the intensity of deformation, not only for promoting equilibration, but also for equalizing the volume changes that result from metamorphic reactions. Calculations suggest that the protoliths of the orthopyroxene‐rich granulites were cordierite–orthoamphibole gneisses, rather than pelites, and that the unusual bulk compositions of these rocks were inherited from the protoliths. Melt loss is insufficient to account for the genesis of these rocks from more typical pelitic compositions. In quartz‐rich gneisses, however, melt loss along the M1 prograde path was able to modify the bulk rock composition sufficiently to stabilize peak metamorphic assemblages different from those that would have otherwise developed.  相似文献   
Large garnet poikiloblasts hosted by leucosome in metapelitic gneiss from Broken Hill reflect complex mineral–melt relationships. The spatial relationship between the leucosomes and the garnet poikiloblasts implies that the growth of garnet was strongly linked to the production of melt. The apparent difficulty of garnet to nucleate a large number of grains during the prograde breakdown of coexisting biotite and sillimanite led to the spatial focussing of melting reactions around the few garnet nuclei that formed. Continued reaction of biotite and sillimanite required diffusion of elements from where minerals were reacting to sites of garnet growth. This diffusion was driven by chemical potential gradients between garnet‐bearing and garnet‐absent parts of the rock. As a consequence, melt and peritectic K‐feldspar also preferentially formed around the garnet. The diffusion of elements led to the chemical partitioning of the rock within an overall context in which equilibrium may have been approached. Thus, the garnet‐bearing leucosomes record in situ melt formation around garnet porphyroblasts rather than centimetre‐scale physical melt migration and segregation. The near complete preservation of the high‐grade assemblages in the mesosome and leucosome is consistent with substantial melt loss. Interconnected networks between garnet‐rich leucosomes provide the most likely pathway for melt migration. Decimetre‐scale, coarse‐grained, garnet‐poor leucosomes may represent areas of melt flux through a large‐scale melt transfer network.  相似文献   
Public participation is commonly advocated in policy responses to climate change. Here we discuss prospects for inclusive approaches to adaptation, drawing particularly on studies of long-term coastal management in the UK and elsewhere. We affirm that public participation is an important normative goal in formulating response to climate change risks, but argue that its practice must learn from existing critiques of participatory processes in other contexts. Involving a wide range of stakeholders in decision-making presents fundamental challenges for climate policy, many of which are embedded in relations of power. In the case of anticipatory responses to climate change, these challenges are magnified because of the long-term and uncertain nature of the problem. Without due consideration of these issues, a tension between principles of public participation and anticipatory adaptation is likely to emerge and may result in an overly managed form of inclusion that is unlikely to satisfy either participatory or instrumental goals. Alternative, more narrowly instrumental, approaches to participation are more likely to succeed in this context, as long as the scope and limitations of public involvement are made explicit from the outset.  相似文献   
Human agency has been viewed as a problem for climate change assessments because of its contribution to uncertainty. In this editorial, I outline the advantages of agency in managing climate change risks, describing how those advantages can be placed within a probabilistic framework.  相似文献   
The effect of radiogenic heat production within the crust onthermal processes such as crustal anatexis is generally disregardedas bulk geochemical models suggest that crustal heat generationrates are too low to effect significant heating. However, theMount Painter Province in northern South Australia is characterizedby a total crustal contribution to surface heat flow of morethan twice the global average. The province is composed dominantlyof Proterozoic granites and granite gneisses with an area averageheat production of 16·1 µW/m3; individual lithologieshave heat production >60 µW/m3. These Proterozoic rocksare intruded by the British Empire Granite, a younger intrusivewhose origin has remained enigmatic. Isotope geochemistry suggestscrustal sources for the melt and it has a crystallization ageof 440–450 Ma, which places the setting >750 km inboardof the nearest active plate boundary zone at this time. Phaseequilibria calculations suggest that temperatures of at least720–750°C are required to produce the granite butthe intensity of crustal thickening during Palaeozoic deformation(12%) cannot account for these conditions. Here we describea model for the generation of the British Empire Granite inwhich the primary thermal perturbation for mid-crustal anatexiswas provided by the burial of the high heat-producing MountPainter basement rocks beneath the known thickness of Neoproterozoiccover sediments. The high heat-producing rocks at Mount Painterimply that the natural range and variability of crustal heatproduction is much greater than previously believed, with importantconsequences for our understanding of temperature-dependentcrustal processes including the exploitation of geothermal energyresources. KEY WORDS: geothermal energy; low-pressure anatexis; thermal conductivity; thermal regime  相似文献   
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