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Boulders of the assemblage ruby—sapphire corundum, chromianmuscovite, margarite, tourmaline (chromian chlorite, Zn—Mnchromite and Mn—Ti magnetite) occur in glacial moraineand rivers of north Westland, South Island of New Zealand. Thelocation, Cr-rich composition of the boulders and the presenceof rare serpentinite rinds indicate that they are derived fromultramafic rocks (Pounamu Ultramafics) that occur within AlpineSchist of the Southern Alps. The largest sample is progressivelyzoned outwards from a corundum—margarite core, throughan intermediate zone of Cr-muscovite, to an outer zone of Cr-chloritethat is in contact with serpentinite. Most finds consist oferosion-resistant corundum-rich cores. In the corundum, Cr2O3content ranges from 0.5 to 13%, with red coloration becomingmore intense with increasing Cr. In addition to the dominantCr3+ Al3+ substitution, those of (Fe, V)3+ Cr3+ and (Ti4++Fe2+) 2Cr3+ result in spectacular colour zoning from colourlessto deep ruby red-carmine and pale blue to dark blue—violet.Corundum has grown by replacement of the micaceous matrix thatconsists of chromian muscovite (0.10–4.10% Cr2O3) andchromian margarite (0.46–1.20% Cr2O3). Both micas containa significant paragonite component (up to 21.5% in muscoviteand up to 40.8% in margarite). Late phase muscovite is Ba richwith up to 4.77% BaO, and margarite has up to 0.66% SrO. Tourmalineoccurs as veins, vein outgrowths and larger poikilitic crystalsthat replace the mica matrix. Chromium content ranges between0.82 and 3.6% Cr2O3. High bulk rock Al (up to 78% Al2O3), K,Ca, Cr and Na, and low Si (14.5–23.1% SiO2), suggest thatthe corundum—Cr-silicate rocks are the products of extrememetasomatic alteration of quartzofeldspathic schist enclavesin serpentinite. Isocon analysis indicates that conversion ofthe schist to the micaceous matrix of the corundum rocks involvesconservation of Ca, Al, K, volatiles and Sr, a mass loss of59% and a volume reduction of 69% consequent on removal of 70–80%Si and all other elements (most >80%), with enrichment ofbetween 900 and 1800% Cr. The formation of corundum from themica matrix involved a further mass—volume reduction anddecrements in Si, Ca, K, volatiles and Sr from reaction sites.Concentric mineral zonation in single rock samples and zoning—replacementin minerals, e.g. Cr in corundum and chromite, Ti, Fe2+ in corundum,Ba in muscovite, Sr in margarite, and Mn and Zn in chromiteand magnetite, imply element redistribution during metasomatism.Experimental reaction between quartzofeldspathic schist andserpentinite at 450C and 2 kbar produced reaction sequencescontaining newly formed Ca-plagioclase—phlogopitic micachloriteand muscovite—chlorite that in terms of composition areanalogous with the observed (corundum—margarite)—muscovite—chloritezonation. The temperature of metamorphism of garnet zone rocks(45020C) that contain the corundum—Cr-silicate rocksis well below that of the breakdown of muscovite and margariteto form corundum and indicates the importance of fluid composition,particularly the cation—hydrogen variables aCa2+/H+, aK+/H+and aS1O2. Introduction of boron into the schist (from serpentinite),and boron released from the breakdown of original tourmalinein the schist, resulted in tourmaline veining and reaction ofthe mica matrix to form tourmaline that invoved both a massand volume increase and addition of Fe, Mg together with B. KEY WORDS: corundum—Cr-silicate rocks; metasomatism; New Zealand; Southern Alps *Corresponding author.  相似文献   
High-resolution seismic reflection profiles (3·5 kHz) have revealed the presence of extensive interstitial gas accumulation within the sedimentary sequences of Loch Tay, Scotland, as identified by acoustic turbidity masking the seismic stratigraphy. Within the central section of the loch, in the deepest water area directly above the zone of the seismically active Loch Tay Fault, focused flows of gas through the sediment pile to the loch bed via chimneys and pockmarks, together with gas seeps within the water column, have been identified. Microbiological observations indicate that the gas is biogenic CH4, produced by both chemoautotrophic (which use CO2 as a source of carbon and H2 as a source of energy) and aceticlastic species (which use acetate as a source of carbon and energy) of methanogens in the fine-grained, organic rich deposits that have been focused into the zone of accumulation in the deep central part of the loch. The spatial distribution of the gas escape features suggests that earthquake movements along the Loch Tay Fault are responsible for facilitating focused gas escape in this part of the loch, by the creation of new pathways and conduits through the sediment pile, along which gas can migrate upwards and exit into the water column. Relict pockmarks and associated chimneys identified in the seismic records indicate that gas escape has been taking place since Pleistocene times though the precise timings cannot be ascertained. This is the first time that such features have been reported from a lake in the UK.  相似文献   

Vector data storage has various advantages in a cartographic or geographical information system (GIS) environment, but lacks internal spatial relationships between individual features. Quadtree structures have been extensively used to store and access raster data. This paper shows how quadtree methods may be adapted for use in spatially indexing vector data. It demonstrates that a vector quadtree stored in floating point representation overcomes the classical problem with raster quadtrees of data approximation. Examples of vector quadtrees applied to realistic size data sets are given  相似文献   
Plagioclase compositions vary from An0.1–2.5 to An32 with increasing grade in chlorite zone to oligoclase zone quartzofeldspathic schists, Franz Josef-Fox Glacier area, Southern Alps, New Zealand. This change is interrupted by the peristerite composition gap in rocks transitional between greenschist and amphibolite facies grade. Oligoclase (An20-24) and albite (An0.1–0.5) are found in biotite zone schists below the garnet isograd. With increasing grade, the plagioclase compositions outline the peristerite gap, which is asymmetric and narrows to compositions of An12 and An6 near the top of the garnet zone. In any one sample, oligoclase is the stable mineral in mica-rich layers above the garnet isograd, whereas albite and oligoclase exist in apparent textural equilibrium in adjacent quartz-plagioclase layers. The initial appearance of oligoclase in both layers results from the breakdown of epidote and possibly sphene. Carbonate is restricted to the quartz-plagioclase rich layers and probably accounts for the more sodic composition of oligoclase in these layers. The formation of more Ca-rich albite and more Na-rich oligoclase near the upper limit of the garnet zone coincides with the disappearance of carbonate and closure of the peristerite gap. Garnet appears to have only a localized effect on Ca-enrichment of plagioclase in mica-rich layers within the garnet zone. The Na-content of white mica increases sympathetically with increasing Ca-content of oligoclase and metamorphic grade. Comparison of the peristerite gap in the Franz Josef-Fox Glacier schists and schists of the same bulk composition in the Haast River area, 80 km to the S, indicates that oligoclase appears and epidote disappears at lower temperatures, and that the composition gap between coexisting albite and oligoclase is narrower in the Franz Josef-Fox Glacier area. It is suggested that a higher thermal gradient (38-40°C/km) and variations in Si/Al ordering during growth of the plagioclases between the two areas may account for these differences. In the Alpine schists the peristerite gap exists over a temperature and pressure interval of about 370-515°C and 5.5-7 kbar (550-700 MPa) PH2O.  相似文献   
Abstract. Pink piemontite-spessartine-bearing and grey-green spessartine-bearing manganiferous quartzose schists derived from siliceous pelagites, and green quartzofeldspathic schists, are described from the greenschist facies of the Haast Schist terrane, near Arrow Junction, western Otago. Electron microprobe data are reported for sphene, spessartine-rich garnet, manganoan epidote, piemontite, tourmaline, phengitic muscovite, chlorite, albite, haematite, rutile, manganoan calcite and chalcopyrite. Metamorphism occurred at about 6.4kbar, 400°C. Xco2 was above the quartz-rutile-calcite-sphene buffer (Xco2± 0.02) throughout the recorded metamorphic history of the piemontite schists. It dropped from above to below this critical buffering value in a spessartine-rich schist and it was close to or below the buffering value in the quartzofeldspathic schists. Production of piemontite required high fO2, believed to be inherited from MnOx in the parent pelagite. Substantial loss of O2 (e.g. minimum of 0.19% by weight in one rock) during diagenesis and/or metamorphism is inferred. In the grey-green schists this inhibited piemontite formation. Slight loss of O2 and Ca2+ accompanied minor late-stage replacement of piemontite by second generation spessartine. Observed zoning and mineral replacements indicate rise of temperature, drop in pressure, or invasion by solutions of lower fO2 and XCO2 equilibrated with surrounding schists. The detailed chemistry of the minerals studied correlates with available Mn and with bulk-rock (Fe3+ x 100)/(Fe2++ Fe3+). The oxidation ratio ranges from 24 in average green quartzofeldspathic schist, through 78 in average grey-green manganiferous quartzose schist, to almost 100 in some piemontite-bearing schists. As Fe2+ gives way to Fe3+, Mg/Fe ratios tend to rise in chlorite, phengite, tourmaline, spessartine, and calcite, Mn increases and Ti decreases in haematite, Mn increases in spessartine and calcite, and Fe increases in rutile. Available divalent cations are depleted relative to Al; chlorite is more aluminous, and phengite more paragonitic than in typical Haast schists.  相似文献   
Blue Mountain is a central-type alkali ultrabasic-gabbro ringcomplex (lxl7middot;5 km) introducing Upper Jurassic sediments,Marlborough, New Zealand. The ultrabasic-gabbroic rocks containlenses of kaersutite pegmatite and sodic syenite pegmatite andare intruded by ring dykes of titanaugite-ilmenite gabbro andlamprophyre. The margin of the intrusion is defined by a ringdyke of alkali gabbro. The plutonic rocks are cut by a swarmof hornblendebiotite-rich lamprophyre dykes. Thermal metamorphismhas converted the sediments to a hornfels ranging in grade fromthe albite-epidote hornfels facies to the upper limit of thehornblende hornfels facies. The rocks are nepheline normative and consist of olivine (Fo82–74),endiopside (Ca45Mg48Fe7–Ca36Mg55Fe9), titanaugite (Ca40Mg50Fe10–Ca44Mg39Fe17),plagioclase (An73–18), and ilmenitetitaniferous magnetite,with various amounts of titaniferous hornblende and titanbiotite.There is a complete gradation between endiopside and titanaugitewith the coupled substitution Ry+2+Si;;(Ti+4+Fe+3+Al+3 and asympathetic increase in CaAl2SiO6 (0·2–10·2percent) and CaTiAl2O6 (2·1–8·1 per cent)with fractionation. Endiopside shows a small, progressive Mgenrichment along a trend subparallel to the CaMgSi2O6–Mg2Si2O6boundary, and titanaugite is enriched in Ca and Fe+2+Fe+3 withdifferentiation. Oscillatory zoning between endiopside and titanaugiteis common. Exsolved ilmenite needles occur in the most Fe-richtitanaugites. The amphiboles show the trend: titaniferous hornblende(1·0–57middot;7 per cent TiO2) kaersutite (6·4per cent TiO2) Fe-rich hastingsite (18·0–19·1per cent FeO as total Fe). Biotite is high in TiO2 (6·6–7·8per cent). Ilmenite and titaniferous magnetite (3·5–10·6per cent TiO2) are typically homogeneous grains; their compositioncan be expressed in terms of R+2RO3:R+2O:R2+3O4. The intrusion of igneous rocks was probably controlled by subterraneanring fracturing. Subsidence of the country rock within the ringfracture provided space for periodic injections of magma froma lower reservoir up the initial ring fracture to form the BlueMountain rocks at a higher level. Downward movement of the floorof the intrusion during crystallization caused inward slumpingof the cumulates which affected the textural, mineralogical,and chemical evolution of the rocks in different parts of theintrusion. The order of mineral fractionation is reflected by the chemicalvariation in the in situ ultrabasic-gabbroic rocks and the successiveintrusions of titanaugite-ilmenite gabbro and lamprophyre ringdykes, marginal alkali gabbro and lamprophyre dyke swarm. Aninitial decrease, then increase in SiO2; a steady decrease inMgO, CaO, Ni, and Cr: an initial increase, then decrease inFeO+Fe2O3, TiO2, MnO, and V; almost linear increase in A12O3and late stage increase in alkalis and P2O3, implies fractionationof olivine and endiopside, followed by titanaugite and Fe-Tioxides, followed by plagioclase, hornblende, biotite, and apatite.Reversals in the composition of cumulus olivine and endiopsideand Solidification Index, indicate that the ultrabasic-gabbroicsequence is composed of four main injections of magma. The ultrabasic rocks crystallized under conditions of high PH2Oand fairly high, constant  相似文献   
Physical characterization of aerosol particles during nucleation events   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
Particle concentrations and size distributions have been measured from different heights inside and above a boreal forest during three BIOFOR campaigns (14 April–22 May 1998, 27 July–21 August 1998 and 20 March–24 April 1999) in Hyytiälä, Finland. Typically, the shape of the background distribution inside the forest exhibited 2 dominant modes: a fine or Aitken mode with a geometric number mean diameter of 44 nm and a mean concentration of 1160 cm−3 and an accumulation mode with mean diameter of 154 nm and a mean concentration of 830 cm−3. A coarse mode was also present, extending up to sizes of 20 μm having a number concentration of 1.2 cm−3, volume mean diameter of 2.0 μm and a geometric standard deviation of 1.9. Aerosol humidity was lower than 50% during the measurements. Particle production was observed on many days, typically occurring in the late morning. Under these periods of new particle production, a nucleation mode was observed to form at diameter of the order of 3 nm and, on most occasions, this mode was observed to grow into Aitken mode sizes over the course of a day. Total concentrations ranged from 410–45 000 cm−3, the highest concentrations occurring on particle production days. A clear gradient was observed between particle concentrations encountered below the forest canopy and those above, with significantly lower concentrations occurring within the canopy. Above the canopy, a slight gradient was observed between 18 m and 67 m, with at maximum 5% higher concentration observed at 67 m during the strongest concentration increases.  相似文献   
The proposed retrograde orthoamphibole isograd in the Southern Marginal Zone of the Limpopo Belt separates hydrated, amphibolite grade metapelites from their granulite grade precursors and provides an intriguing geological dilemma. Widespread rehydration of metapelitic granulites under conditions of 660–600 °C and ≥0.6 GPa, and CO2-dominated fluid-inclusion populations appear to suggest thorough flushing of the high-grade crust with an externally derived carbonic fluid. However, past studies of the carbon and oxygen isotope geochemistry of the hydrated rocks have not demonstrated the involvement of any voluminous out of equilibrium’ fluid in the evolution of the rocks. This contribution proposes a model wherein the hydrating fluids are derived from crystallizing anatectic leucosomes, generated by in situ fluid-absent biotite melting along the prograde path. Model equilibrium fluid compositions suggest that reaction between this melt-derived H2O and biogenic graphite produced CO2-rich fluid compositions and potentially high fluid:rock ratios at the wet granite solidus. Declining temperature resulted in fluid compositions shifting to higher XH2O, with the precipitation of graphite essentially at the sites of initial fluid generation, thereby preserving original (pre-metamorphic) isotopic heterogeneities. The hydration pattern of the Southern Marginal Zone appears to be a function of melt migration. In the hydrated zone, leucosomes generally approximate minimum melt compositions and in this zone H2O was effectively recycled between the prograde and retrograde assemblages. In contrast, leucosomes in the granulite grade portion of the terrane have lost a K2O- and H2O-rich melt fraction, and although some hydration has occurred in this zone, orthopyroxene is generally preserved in metapelites. In a general context, in situ crystallization of graphitic partially melted source rocks has the potential to produce high fluid-rock ratios at temperatures close to the wet granite solidus. This single process holds the potential for widespread retrogression of formerly high-grade assemblages, at a variety of aH2O values, without external fluid input.  相似文献   
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