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对天山乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川(以下简称1号冰川)积累区海拔4 130 m处12个月、每周1次的气溶胶和表层雪样品进行了分析.结果表明,1号冰川气溶胶与表层雪中Ca2 、Mg2 的平均浓度均在夏季最高,冬季最低.气溶胶中Ca2 、Mg2 浓度变化规律极其相似,二者在一年内出现两次峰值,第1次出现在春季,第2次出现在夏末秋初.表层雪中这两种离子浓度变化趋势也相似,峰值均出现在夏季,且Ca2 浓度峰值的出现稍早于Mg2 ,二者浓度在冬季都有所升高,尤其Ca2 更为显著.气溶胶和表层雪中对应离子间在整体变化趋势上较为相似,且在日时间尺度上的对应关系有显著的特点.相应离子的对应关系,可能受粉尘微粒的溶解、离子的清除比率、离子的淋溶强弱等性质的影响.  相似文献   
桩静载荷试验快速法与慢速法对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对54根管桩静载荷试验快速法与慢速法对比试验研究,找出了在各级荷载作用下,快速法与慢速法沉降差异规律及快速法与慢速法分别得出的极限承载力差异规律;得出了将快速法静载试验下的沉降及单桩极限承载力修正成慢速法静载试验的沉降及单桩极限承载力的公式;提出了适应天津地区管桩的快速法静载试验方法。  相似文献   
培养小形舟形藻的氮、磷肥料量   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
小形舟形藻Navicula parva(Men.)Cleve-Euler是一种底栖性半咸水或海水生活的硅藻。金德祥等(1979,1982)在硅藻分类研究中作过记述。陈世杰等(1977)培养大量混合种类的底栖硅藻作为杂色鲍(Haliotis diversicolor)苗的饵料中也有舟形藻(Navicula)的未定种类。显然,小形舟形藻单种的大量培养,既可供某些匍匐生活贝类幼体的饵料,还可供作硅藻实验生态的研究材料。  相似文献   
应用微核技术监测海水诱变剂的初步实验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
工业化和环境污染总是并行发生的。如何在工业化过程中尽量避免环境污染是大家关心的问题。在研究这个问题中,建立有效的生物测定法,来监测环境污染,防止污染物影响人类健康是很有意义的。  相似文献   
紫菜营养细胞的悬浮培育和细胞原生质体的分离,培养和筛事所建立的能连续分裂,发育和具有遗传性能的稳定性无性繁殖纯品系以及在此基础上的同种或异种间的细胞融合是高科技发展紫菜生产的生物技术。它与现今的紫菜养殖方式相比是具有多方面的优越性。  相似文献   
滨,浅海沉积砂砾石资源的利用潜力   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
作为建筑骨料的砂砾石资源传统上来自陆地山体的开采、风化的碎石、废弃的矿渣、古河道和现代河道底床沉积砂砾以及海岸带的沙体。由于全球人口增长,特别是经济发展引发的高速工业化和城市化进程,极大地刺激了对建筑用料的需求膨胀;另一方面,人均土地资源的锐减引起土地价格上升,陆地建筑用料资源的持续开采和不断减少以及环境保护的压力都导致陆地来源的砂砾石开采成本大幅度提高,80年代以来,以英国和日本为代表的发达国家各自发展了自己的海上采砂产业和相关技术,近年来,许多发展中国家也开始重视滨、浅海砂砾石资源的开发和利用。  相似文献   
The objective of this research was to quantify the impact of pollution along the coastlines of the Irish Sea. Pollution assessment was based on the combined measurement of scope for growth (SFG), and chemical contaminants in the tissues of mussels (Mytilus edulis) collected from 38 coastal sites around the Irish Sea during June-July in 1996 and 1997. On the UK mainland coast, the SFG showed a general trend with a significant decline in water quality in the Liverpool and Morecambe Bay region. High water quality was recorded along the west coast of Wales, as well as southwest England and northwest Scotland (clean reference sites outside the Irish Sea). Along the coast of Ireland there was a similar trend with reduced SFG within the Irish Sea region. SFG was generally low north of Duncannon and then improved north of Belfast. The poor water quality on both sides of the Irish Sea is consistent with the prevailing hydrodynamics and the spatial distribution of contaminants associated with urban/ industrial development. The decline in SFG of mussels on both sides of the Irish Sea was associated with a general increase in contaminant levels in the mussels. Certain contaminants, including PAHs, TBT, sigmaDDT, Dieldrin, gamma-HCH, PCBs, and a few of the metals (Cd, Se, Ag, Pb), showed elevated concentrations. Many of these contaminants were particularly elevated in the coastal margins of Liverpool Bay, Morecambe Bay and Dublin Bay. A quantitative toxicological interpretation (QTI) of the combined tissue residue chemistry and SFG measurements indicated that at the majority of coastal sites, c. 50 to > 80% of the observed decline in SFG was due to PAHs as a result of fossil fuel combustion and oil spills. TBT levels were highest at major ports and harbours, but these concentrations only made a minor contribution to the overall reduction in SFG. At no sites were individual metals accumulated to concentrations that could cause a significant effect on SFG. The study identified many sites where the observed reduction in SFG was far greater than predicted from the limited number of chemical contaminants analysed, thus indicating the presence of additional 'unknown toxicants'. Sewage (containing domestic, agricultural and industrial components) appears to be an important contributor to reduced SFG and linear alkylbenzenes (LABs) and As may provide suitable 'sewage markers'. There was a highly significant positive correlation between SFG and As (P < 0.001). This relationship may be due to reduced As uptake by algal food material and mussels at sites with elevated P04 concentrations (e.g. at sites with sewage inputs). Phosphate is a known competitive inhibitor of As accumulation, at least in algae. The results highlight that further research is required on 'sewage markers' in mussels. The SFG approach therefore provides a rapid, cost-effective and quantitative measure of pollution impact, as well as a means of identifying the causes through a QTI of tissue contaminants levels. It also serves to identify the presence of unidentified toxicants and areas that require further study.  相似文献   
随着工农业生产的发展,石油及其各种产品已广泛地应用于国民经济各个领域。就海洋而言,由于海上石油的开发、运输及工业污水的排放等,石油对海洋的污染日趋严重。海水中具有较大生物毒性的苯系物含量日益增加,在近岸海区尤为显著。这对海洋生物生长及其活动造成了严重的影响。因此,能否准确地测定海上石油污染物之一的苯系物,这对了解石油在海洋环境中迁移转化是非常必要的。本文是我们用气相色谱法研究海洋石油污染物的继续。  相似文献   
珠江口表层沉积物的重矿物分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究了珠江口表层沉积物中约200年样品的矿物,着重分析了重矿物的组合、含量变化、形态特征等,把珠江口重矿物的平面分布划为五个重矿物区。综合分析重矿物各方面的特性和搬运、沉积过程后认为,珠江口重矿物主要来源于西、北江,其次为东江、海岸和岛屿的近源积也有局部意义。指出珠江口为现代陆源物质充填的河口湾;其沉积环境控制了重矿的矿物组合、形态特征、含量变化和分区;重矿物沉积形成过程的规律性、可供寻找地质时期的现代的浅海(古滨海)砂矿借鉴。  相似文献   
渤海湾海河口区是北京、天津二大城市工业及生活污水排放入海处,是一比较典型的海域。1972年以来曾对渤海湾进行过综合性的环境污染调查和研究,但由于受调查范围和项目的限制,对河口区特别是大沽口、北塘口区有机污染物的迁移转化研究甚少,尚不足以就有机污染对河口生态环境的潜在影响作出科学判断。目前,有机污染已成为海河口区特别是其附近大城市的主要污染问题之一。本文以化学耗氧量(COD)、生物耗氧量(BOD5)、溶解氧(DO)等项目作为耗氧有机物污染程度评价的主要指标(还有氮、磷、本集另有专文讨论),对海河口区有机污染物的迁移、转化及生态效应进行了调查研究,为有机污染评价提供数据并作初步探讨。  相似文献   
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