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西北非海域的陆缘地貌因受到顺陆坡而下和平行于陆坡两个方向沉积物运移作用的相互影响而有很大改变。在几个航次的调查中,通过地球物理、沉积学和地球化学方法,对位于12°~26°N之间的塞内加尔和毛利塔尼亚海域的沉积物运移作用进行了调查。测深和高分辨率地震资料被用于研究再沉积的延伸范围以及内部结构。根据这些测量结果进行了沉积物取芯,并进行了沉积学和地球化学分析。  相似文献   
引言世界级的科拉尔金矿田的金矿床,位于印度南部卡纳塔克邦班加罗尔东边80km处。该矿床产于科拉尔绿岩带中。该带是一条长80km、宽3—15km的太古宙上壳岩带,其大部分是由镁铁质火山岩组成。该矿床在古开矿地点上再次被发现后,这个地区自1880年以来是连续开采金矿的。从大约4800万吨矿石中回收金的总产量是790吨,被磨碎矿石的金平均回收品位为16.48克/吨。现在工厂原样品位大约是3.5克/吨,每年生产金大约1.2吨。  相似文献   
The diagnosis of the conchostracan genus Tenuestheria from the Lanxi Formation in Jinhua, Zhejiang Province in Southeast China is revised following an examination of the type species under a scanning electron microscope, which revealed some morphological features on the carapace that had not been recognized previously. The importance of the Tenuestheria Fauna is considered in the context of correlation of six Turonian–Santonian formations in this region of China. The value of the Cenomanian Nemestheria and Turonian Linhaiella faunas in correlating the underlying early Late Cretaceous formations is also noted.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study is to quantify some of the parameters needed to perform near-field modelling of sites in the Kara Sea that were impacted by the disposal of radioactive waste. The parameters of interest are: the distribution coefficients (Kd) for several important radionuclides, the mineralogy of the sediment, and the relationship of Kd to liquid-to-solid ratio. Sediment from the Kara Sea (location: 73 degrees 00'N, 58 degrees 00'E) was sampled from a depth of 287 m on August 23/24, 1992. Analysis of the material included mineralogy, grain size and total organic carbon (TOC). Uptake kinetics were determined for 85Sr, 137Cs, 241Am, 99Tc, 1251, 232U and 210Pb and distribution coefficients (Kd) were determined for these radionuclides using batch type experiments. Sorption isotherms, developed for 137Cs, 85Sr and 99Tc, were linear in each case. Increasing the liquid-to-solid ratio strongly increased uptake of 137Cs and moderately increased uptake of 99Tc. Analysis for anthropogenic radionuclides indicated the presence only of 239/240Pu in the sediment with the highest activity (at the top section of the core) being 0.420 Bq kg(-1). Other anthropogenic radionuclides were below detection limits.  相似文献   
温度和含水量是形成花岗质岩浆最重要的两个参数。在大多数硅质岩浆中,水的含量为2-4wt%。水的主要来源有二,其一是地壳内含水硅酸盐的脱水作用,并视脱水矿物为白云平、黑云母或角闪石,所产生熔体的初始温度相应依次升高,成分由过铝质到偏铝质变为偏铝质到过碱质,K/Na比值、^87Sr/^86Sr初始比值和δ^18O值则依次降低。水的另一主要来源是由俯冲洋壳及上地幔(以含水玄武岩和安山岩的形式)迁移到地壳中的挥发分,所产生花岗岩的地球化学性质将随地壳岩浆与地幔岩浆的相对重要性而变化。  相似文献   
西班牙的Cabo de Gata Nijar天然公园提供了某些使其具有重要地质生态和环境意义的独特特征。作为该公园环境和采矿活动(直到十几年前才停下来)产生影响研究的优先步骤,确定了矿山和废物遗弃场地的位置,对岩性作了鉴定。为了达到这个目的,采用了不同的遥感技术来建立高分辨率的图像文件,图像文件将成为该区地质和环境填图的根据:因为从前的采矿活动牵涉到当地的环境,所以特别注意这些区域。由于具有不同空间/频谱分辨率的遥感图像日益加大的可用性,因此它们已成为很有用的工具。上述的是SPOT全色和陆地卫星专题成像仪多频图像的情形,它们是地质和环境研究中最常使用的基于遥感的两种图像。在为数众多阐述组合遥感图像资料的技术中,本文利用SPOT全色和陆地卫星TM资料研究那些基于亮度一色相一彰度(饱和度)、主要成分分析、高通滤波器和颜色正规化的变换。该研究的目标是:分析和对比一些最常使用的方法;选择最适合用于详细地质.环境研究的方法;将该方法用于Cabo de Gata Nijar地区一国家最具特色的一个天然公园场地。  相似文献   
In this work, the benefits of high-frequency (HF) radar currents for oil spill modeling and trajectory analysis of floating objects are analyzed. The HF radar performance is evaluated by means of comparison between a drifter buoy trajectory and the one simulated using a Lagrangian trajectory model. A methodology to optimize the transport model performance and to calculate the search area of the predicted positions is proposed. This method is applied to data collected during the Galicia HF Radar Experience. This experiment was carried out to explore the capabilities of this technology for operational monitoring along the Spanish coast. Two long-range HF radar stations were installed and operated between November 2005 and February 2006 on the Galician coast. In addition, a drifter buoy was released inside the coverage area of the radar. The HF radar currents, as well as numerical wind data were used to simulate the buoy trajectory using the TESEO oil spill transport model. In order to evaluate the contribution of HF radar currents to trajectory analysis, two simulation alternatives were carried out. In the first one, wind data were used to simulate the motion of the buoy. In the second alternative, surface currents from the HF radar were also taken into account. For each alternative, the model was calibrated by means of the global optimization algorithm SCEM-UA (Shuffled Complex Evolution Metropolis) in order to obtain the probability density function of the model parameters. The buoy trajectory was computed for 24 h intervals using a Monte Carlo approach based on the results provided in the calibration process. A bivariate kernel estimator was applied to determine the 95% confidence areas. The analysis performed showed that simulated trajectories integrating HF radar currents are more accurate than those obtained considering only wind numerical data. After a 24 h period, the error in the final simulated position improves using HF radar currents. Averaging the information from all the simulated daily periods, the mean search and rescue area calculated using HF radar currents, is reduced by approximately a 62% in comparison with the search area calculated without these data. These results show the positive contribution of HF radar currents for trajectory analysis, and demonstrate that these data combined with atmospheric forecast models, are of value for trajectory analysis of oil spills or floating objects.  相似文献   
通过对气候敏感的沙漠/黄土过渡带中湖沼沉积进行高分辨率的~(14)C年代学和气候代用指标的研究,揭示了东亚季风气候存在着干冷(11.2~10.6kaBP)、湿凉(10.6~10.2kaBP)和干冷(10.2~10.0kaBP)的颤动特征。沙漠/黄土过渡带地处欧洲下风区,通过西风带与极地北大西洋气候相联系。晚冰期上述地区大气和海面温度变化引起西伯利亚~蒙古高压强度的变化,进一步影响东西区域性海-陆气压梯度的增强与减弱。因此,这一时期东亚季风气候这种百年尺度的快速颤动可视为高纬极地大陆气团与太平洋暖湿气团相互作用的写照。  相似文献   
北大别具有Nb ,Zr,Ti负异常的同碰撞镁铁 超镁铁侵入岩的Sr ,Nd同位素组成具有EMI特征 ,其初始εNd值为 - 2 .4~ - 1 8.6 .与其片麻岩围岩和南大别含柯石英榴辉岩类似 .用与俯冲洋壳有关的地幔交代作用及陆壳混染均不能解释这一特征 .他们最可能源于俯冲陆壳析出流体交代的楔形地幔  相似文献   
在被动大陆边缘的陆地和海底环境,常常可以发现泥火山结构的存在。泥火山的喷发主要由于沉积物深部形成的高压所诱发,而这种高压主要是由过度的气体和水体压力的积聚引起。这种情况下,气体、水体和沉积物被活化,沿着沉积物(通常是断裂)向上迁移,形成泥穹丘。  相似文献   
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