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G.  M.  Ingram  T.  J.  Chisholm  C.  J.  Grant  万玲 《海洋地质》2006,(2):71-80
在西北婆罗州深水区,一个活动的海上褶皱冲断带内拥有大量已经证实的烃类聚集,相信继续的勘探活动还会发现相当可观的油气。在新近纪大规模褶皱冲断带中发现典型的圈闭几何形态是上盘背斜、前陆褶皱及隆起和逆断层下盘错动断开处。商业性钻井目标位于变形的中新统和上新统沉积地层中,其中充满的油气来自现今仍然活跃的含油气系统。此处主要面临的问题是避免钻探活动变形和近期隆起期间烃类已经排出的圈闭。构造变形阶段研究列出了控制圈闭形成史和烃类保存史的一些关键要素。本文目的是提供一个有关西北婆罗州深水区褶皱冲断带的总体看法,为今后这一地区的油气勘探介绍一些重要结果。  相似文献   
The atmospheric heat source strength over western Tibet has been computed for the period beginning with the last ten days in May, 1979 and extending through August, 1979. Our results show a significantly smaller heat source than that obtained by other authors. The discrepancy is mainly due to adjustments in the dray, coefficient suggested by observations and numerical modeling experiments. We subdivided western Tibet into northern and southern parts. In the north sensible heating, SH, provides the dominant input into the atmospheric heat source, whereas in the southern part latent heat, LP, offers a significant contribution after the start of the rainy season.Detailed heat budget calculations were also carried out over limited regions of southwestern Tibet which hau good station coverage. During periods with area-averaged rainfall ≤1 mm/day an atmospheric heat source maximum was located over southwestern Tibet near the 500 hPa level, while a heat sink dominated the upper troposphere in a layer of subsidence. When rainfall exceeded 4 mm/day, ascending motions and heal sources prevailed throughout the troposphere with maxima near 400 hPa. Time series analyses of the heat sourcs components show that the total atmospheric heat source is strongly modulated by the release of latent heat. Atmospheric radiational cooling reveals a phase shift in its relation with precipitation. During the first part of the observation period a correlation of that cooling exists mainly with the net radiation at the top of the atmosphere, during the last part with the net radiation at the ground.  相似文献   
Determination of hydraulic head, H, as a function of spatial coordinates and time, in ground water flow is the basis for aquifer management and for prediction of contaminant transport. Several computer codes are available for this purpose. Spatial distribution of the transmissivity, T(x,y), is a required input to these codes. In most aquifers, T varies in an erratic manner, and it can be characterized statistically in terms of a few moments: the expected value, the variance, and the variogram. Knowledge of these moments, combined with a few measurements, permits one to estimate T at any point using geostatistical methods. In a review of transmissivity data from 19 unconsolidated aquifers, Hoeksema and Kitanidis (1985) identified two types of the logtransmissivity Y= ln(T) variations: correlated variations with variance sigma2Yc and correlation scale, I(Y), on the order of kilometers, and uncorrelated variations with variance sigma2Yn. Direct identification of the logtransmissivity variogram, Gamma(Y), from measurements is difficult because T data are generally scarce. However, many head measurements are commonly available. The aim of the paper is to introduce a methodology to identify the transmissivity variogram parameters (sigma2Yc, I(Y), and sigma2Yn) using head data in formations characterized by large logtransmissivity variance. The identification methodology uses a combination of precise numerical simulations (carried out using analytic element method) and a theoretical model. The main objective is to demonstrate the application of the methodology to a regional ground water flow in Eagle Valley basin in west-central Nevada for which abundant transmissivity and head measurements are available.  相似文献   
Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) was applied in the detection of the end point temperature (EPT) of thermal denatured protein in fish and meat in this study. It was also used in studying the thermal denatured temperature range of proteins in salmon and chicken meat. The results show that the temperature ranges of denatured proteins were from 65 ℃ to 75 ℃ , and these temperature ranges were influenced by the processing methods. Through SDS-PAGE, the features of repeated he...  相似文献   
地壳磁化强度模型和居里等温面   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用卫星观测的长波磁异常,用等效偶极源方法推导了中国地区的视磁化强度分布.因卫星的高度远大于磁性地壳的厚度,将视磁化强度转换成磁化强度的垂直积分,它代表地壳内磁性物质的区域变化,利用视磁化强度与地表热流相应关系,计算了中国的新疆和东部一些地区居里等温面的深度.新疆地区的居里面深度为35-50km,其分布形态与塔里木盆地和准噶尔盆地的地貌比较相似;中国东部一些地区居里面深度在20-40km之间,与一些作者用航磁等数据得到的居里深度十分接近.  相似文献   
暴雨预报中Q矢量的业务分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1.前言美国国家气象中心(NMC)气象业务处(MOD)的气象工作者,现在在他们的工作中拥有比以往更多的产品。随着NMC于1986年7月引进VAS资料应用中心(VDUC)的资料(Mostek和Siebers,1987),大量的卫星资料常规资料以及数值模式资料可以在业务预报中应用。最近NMC的工作集中在获取和显示VDUC模式预报场上(Siebers等人,1988年),由业务模式产生的任何场都可以被获取或被显示。例如对于嵌套网格模式  相似文献   
根据“澳大利亚公司法”的要求,“独立专家报告”一般是支持资本筹集或保护公司兼并和收购活动所必需的文件。1995年颁发的“矿地产评估规范”(VALMIN Code)及该规范1998年的修订本又就透明性和实质性做了关键的要求,使这类评价和评估报告的可理解性比过去大大提高了。为促使“独立评估人”对其为资源性资产所做的估价给予合理的解释,VALMIN希望评估报告的读者指出报告在评估方法方面的错误和不合逻辑之处,并允许对评估结果提出严肃的质疑甚至反对。尽管资源性资产评估实践中的许多要求不可否认都是主观的,但这些主观要素肯定是建立在某些客观理由的基础之上的。 独立资源性资产评估人是矿产勘查人/采矿人与经纪人/分析家/资金管理者/投资者之间必不可少的桥梁。矿业和金融业都不希望他们使用不适当或无效的评估方法或在评估中使用不合逻辑的步骤。本文考察了某些不够合理的评估程序,发现有些评估人普遍使用的评价矿地产公平市价的主要技术最近一直被应用于某些评估实践中。作者希望阻止评估人采取或肆意使用“你希望是多少?”这类方法。 MINVAL公司认为,对任何资源性资产的评估都应采用尽可能多的方法。如果有任何近似的估计结果(尤其是当这些结果是使用不太主观的现有方法得出时),即:如果有些结果相近  相似文献   
作为高海拔生态环境的青海北部是青藏高原的重要组成部分。晚更新世晚期以来 ,青海北部气候环境一直处于冷暖、干湿波动过程之中 ,湖泊水域也发生了相应的扩张和收缩 ,成为高原人类迁移和发展的自然背景。约 3 0kaB .P .,在晚期智人出现和迁徙的关键时期 ,青海北部开始有了最早的人类活动 ;更新世末—全新世初 ,气候转暖 ,古人类再次来到青海北部 ;进入全新世中期 ,气候暖湿 ,湖水位回升 ,细石器技术变得十分普通 ,青海北部的人类活动渐趋频繁。  相似文献   
报道了距富尔奈斯火山顶8km处的GEOSCOPE台网甚宽频带地震台观测的甚长周期的瞬变过程。我们将地震台观测到的地面速度转换成地倾斜并通过与同一拱顶观测室内Blum型传统摆式倾斜仪记录的数据相比较检验了结果。通过比较表明,用水平地震仪测量周期小于25h的地倾斜是有效的。把这种方法用于1991年以来的几次火山喷发和岩浆侵入之前观测到的瞬变过程。由于GEOSCOPE台站到火山顶的距离适中,因而所得到的地倾斜观测值提供了有关火山喷发和岩浆侵入的信息,补充了火山顶部地倾斜观测网提供的有关岩浆源的形态和位置信息。  相似文献   
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