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An unusual feature has been observed in polychaetes regarding their capacity to accumulate high levels of relatively toxic forms of arsenic in specific tissues. Basal levels of arsenic and distribution of its compounds were investigated in tissues of the Mediterranean polychaete Sabella spallanzanii. Particularly high concentrations were measured in the branchial crown (1036+/-136 microg/g d.w.) and chemical speciation revealed that the predominant form was the relatively toxic dimethylarsinate (DMA). These data suggest a potential role of As as anti-predatory strategy in polychaetes.  相似文献   
西藏恰功铁矿岩浆演化序列及斑岩出溶流体特征   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
冈底斯成矿带是碰撞造山过程形成的最重要的成矿带,恰功矽卡岩铁(铜)矿床即位于冈底斯成矿带中部.本文在详细的野外地质填图和室内研究基础上确定了恰功铁矿与成矿有关的斑岩体为二长花岗斑岩,锆石的U-Pb定年结果为68.8±2.2 Ma,明显早于冈底斯东部与后碰撞伸展有关的斑岩型矿床和主碰撞期形成的矽卡岩型矿床,其应代表了冈底斯一次尚未被充分认识到的成矿事件.通过对成矿斑岩的岩石学、岩石化学、岩浆出溶流体的包裹体岩相学、显微测温分析及包裹体成分的LRM、LA-ICP-MS和PIXE分析,本文探讨了与该矽卡岩矿床有关的斑岩的岩浆起源、斑岩侵位机制及出溶流体特征.结果表明,成矿斑岩为矿区最早的侵入岩单元,具有壳幔源混源特征,其常量元素组成与冈底斯东部斑岩铜矿带的埃达克质岩相近,但稀土和微量元素组成与东部斑岩明显不同,为地幔物质上涌并诱发角闪岩相下地壳熔融的产物,岩体侵位深度大(>7 km)、剥蚀程度高.早期岩浆出溶的流体为高温、高压、高盐度流体,其中富含Fe、Pb、Zn、Cu等成矿金属,与世界其他斑岩铜矿床相比,相对富铁、铅而贫铜.流体的沸腾作用发生于钾硅化阶段,形成了一套富气、高盐、高固相和气液包裹体组合,不同于早期出溶流体的包裹体组合.从岩浆起源和出溶流体性质可以看出,该斑岩具有形成与斑岩有关的铁铅多金属矿床的成矿潜力,但从该矿区地表出露的蚀变和包裹体测压结果可以看出,该斑岩体目前剥蚀深度较大,对斑岩型矿床保存不利,对该斑岩体及与成矿关系的认识对理解该区内的矿床成因和指导区域找矿具有重要的指示意义.  相似文献   
对土壤中14种有机氯农药的超声提取技术和磺化、固相萃取小柱两种净化方法进行系统研究。结果表明,超声提取节省提取时间,提高分析效率;磺化法和固相萃取小柱法都有净化作用,但磺化法使样品中的艾氏剂、狄氏剂和异狄氏剂全部损失;固相萃取小柱净化当丙酮-正己烷淋洗液体积比为1∶9、淋洗液收集8 mL时回收率>90%,干扰最小。方法检出限为0.63~2.59μg/kg,精密度(RSD,n=7)为1.17%~14.66%,基体加标平均回收率为82.78%~106.94%。方法用于生态地球化学调查评价批量土壤样品的实际分析,检测结果满足评价工作需要。  相似文献   
The study of Sediment transport of low concentration in pipes bas been applied in the design of a self-cleansing storm sewer. An alternative criterion is suggested as op- posed to the widely used single flow velocity approach. A conceptual model which simu- lates the condition in a storm sewer is developed and tested against experimental data. The results proved that the volumetric sediment concentration, pipe diameter and sedi- ment size have to be taken into consideration to produce a self-cleansing storm sewer. It also shows that the slope obtained by this alternative criterion is lower than the single flow velocity approach.  相似文献   
Accurate sea surface flux measurements are crucial for understanding the global water and energy cycles. The oceanic evaporation, which is a major component of the global oceanic fresh water flux, is useful for predicting oceanic circulation and transport. The global Goddard Satellite-based Surface Turbulent Fluxes Version-2 (GSSTF2; July 1987--December 2000) dateset that was officially released in 2001 has been widely used by scientific community for global energy and water cycle research, and regional and short period data analyses. We have recently been funded by NASA to resume processing the GSSTF dataset with an objective of continually producing a uniform dataset of sea surface turbulent fluxes, derived from remote sensing data. The dataset is to be reprocessed and brought up-to-date (GSSTF2b) using improved input datasets such as a recently upgraded NCEP/DOE sea surface temperature reanalysis, and an upgraded surface wind and microwave brightness temperature V6 dataset (Version 6) from the Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I) produced by Remote Sensing Systems (RSS). A second new product (GSSTF3) is further proposed with a finer temporal (12-h) and spatial (0.25ox0.25o) resolution. GSSTF2b (July 1987--December 2008) and GSSTF3 (July 1999--December 2009) will be released for the research community to use by late 2009 and early 2011, respectively.  相似文献   
There are a number of sources of uncertainty in regional climate change scenarios. When statistical downscaling is used to obtain regional climate change scenarios, the uncertainty may originate from the uncertainties in the global climate models used, the skill of the statistical model, and the forcing scenarios applied to the global climate model. The uncertainty associated with global climate models can be evaluated by examining the differences in the predictors and in the downscaled climate change scenarios based on a set of different global climate models. When standardized global climate model simulations such as the second phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP2) are used, the difference in the downscaled variables mainly reflects differences in the climate models and the natural variability in the simulated climates. It is proposed that the spread of the estimates can be taken as a measure of the uncertainty associated with global climate models. The proposed method is applied to the estimation of global-climate-model-related uncertainty in regional precipitation change scenarios in Sweden. Results from statistical downscaling based on 17 global climate models show that there is an overall increase in annual precipitation all over Sweden although a considerable spread of the changes in the precipitation exists. The general increase can be attributed to the increased large-scale precipitation and the enhanced westerly wind. The estimated uncertainty is nearly independent of region. However, there is a seasonal dependence. The estimates for winter show the highest level of confidence, while the estimates for summer show the least.  相似文献   
岔路口巨型斑岩钼矿的发现是近年来大兴安岭北段森林覆盖区找矿的重大突破,其规模居中国北方钼矿之首。矿床位于伊勒呼里山南1 029高地火山机构旁侧,成矿与晚侏罗世—早白垩世以超浅成相侵入的石英斑岩、花岗斑岩及其相伴产生的隐爆作用有密切时空关系。矿体产于火山沉积岩和成矿斑岩体中,钼矿化以呈网脉状和细脉的裂隙充填形式为主,少量为大脉状和细脉浸染状;钼矿体呈隐伏穹隆状,延深巨大。热液蚀变发育、分带性明显,以硅化强烈、萤石化广泛为显著特征。矿区剥蚀程度甚低,地表大范围表现为泥化带,仅中心地带发育有弱石英绢云母化和低品位钼矿化;向深部蚀变矿化逐渐增强,矿化延深达千米。钼矿体上部共伴生有脉状铅锌银矿化。成矿同期火山岩碱质含量高,该矿床为碰撞拼接后陆内伸展构造环境中岩浆活动产物,成矿岩浆-热液体系具高氟富硫高氧化的特征,与美国的Climax钼矿较为相似。该矿床的发现和探明,为研究斑岩-脉状钼锌银成矿体系提供了范例,对区域构造-岩浆过程研究与区域找矿勘查均具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Trends in emigration from Ireland over time are reviewed. "During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries overseas migration to the United States and seasonal harvest migration to Britain were the main types of movement, but over the past 100 years the Irish have developed a special affinity for settling in British towns. Although the outflow was halted for a time during the 1970s, when return migration took over, the 1980s have seen a renewal of the exodus. This time, however, the character of the flow has changed from predominantly low-skill construction and factory workers to embrace better-educated emigrants, including many graduates. This shift reflects Ireland's changing position in the international market for labour."  相似文献   
吕培苓  孙士宏 《地震》1997,17(1):67-74
通过研究华北北部中强以上地震震后地震活动,地形变、地电阻率、水化学和水位变化特征,给出了各单项方法识别震后效应与新地震异常的标志。为了综合判别震后短临异常变化是震后效应或新异常,研制了一套综合识别计算机程序系统,该系统考虑了已发生的强震序列类型,地震活动背景特征以及强震前后前兆短临异常变化形态,充分利用专家的知识与经验进行推理和判断。通过运行典型事例表明该系统功能较强,使用方便。系统的实现是专家系  相似文献   
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