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Oyster shell soil conditioner had significant influence on soil and rhizospheric microorganisms in their biomass, respiratory intensity and nutritional requirement. It could stimulate growth of soil and rhizospheric microorganisms, especially nitrogen-fixers, and intensify soil respiration in proportion to the dose and fertilizing time of the conditioner, leading to the increase in the number of nitrogen fixing bacteria and the decrease in the number of bacteria with special nutrition demands.  相似文献   
We review previously published and newly obtained crater size-frequency distributions in the inner solar system. These data indicate that the Moon and the terrestrial planets have been bombarded by two populations of objects. Population 1,dominating at early times, had nearly the same size distribution as the present-day asteroid belt, and produced heavily cratered surfaces with a complex, multi-sloped crater size-frequency distribution. Population 2, dominating since about 3.8–3.7 Gyr,had the same size distribution as near-Earth objects(NEOs) and a much lower impact flux, and produced a crater size distribution characterized by a differential –3single-slope power law in the crater diameter range 0.02 km to 100 km. Taken together with the results from a large body of work on age-dating of lunar and meteorite samples and theoretical work in solar system dynamics, a plausible interpretation of these data is as follows. The NEO population is the source of Population 2 and it has been in near-steady state over the past ~ 3.7–3.8 Gyr; these objects are derived from the main asteroid belt by size-dependent non-gravitational effects that favor the ejection of smaller asteroids. However, Population 1 was composed of main belt asteroids ejected from their source region in a size-independent manner, possibly by means of gravitational resonance sweeping during orbit migration of giant planets;this caused the so-called Late Heavy Bombardment(LHB). The LHB began some time before ~3.9 Gyr, peaked and declined rapidly over the next ~ 100 to 300 Myr,and possibly more slowly from about 3.8–3.7 Gyr to ~2 Gyr. A third crater population(Population S) consisted of secondary impact craters that can dominate the cratering record at small diameters.  相似文献   
地震时如果搜救行动快速,困于倒塌建筑空间内的幸存者就有可能获救。为给搜救队提供指导性的建筑信息,最大程度地降低风险和加快行动,本文提出了一种新颖的计算方法:输入是震前建筑的"竣工"建筑信息建模(BIM)模型和根据地面激光扫描结果得到的震后外面部件的部分"损坏"BIM模型;在地震之前,生成大量的可能倒塌模式;地震之后,可迅速选出几何结构与"损坏"的外部BIM最相似的模式。本文详述了基于点距最小和算法及模态置信准则(MAC)算法的选择方法,并演示了在一系列的计算机模拟的倒塌结构模型上的应用,显示所提出方法的潜在可行性。  相似文献   
2017年墨西哥普埃布拉发生7.1级破坏性地震,这次地震为评估公众如何感知和使用墨西哥城的地震预警系统提供了一次良好的检验机会。  相似文献   
中国黄土的剩磁获得机理和Lock-in深度问题是目前黄土古地磁研究的焦点和核心问题之一,它直接关系到黄土时间标尺的精确度和海陆古气候对比的可靠性。文章以黄土高原东南缘三门峡曹村剖面获得的高分辨率古地磁极性界线作为年代控制点,通过黄土-古土壤序列1.1Ma以来的磁气候记录与近年来中、高纬度大西洋ODP/DSDP钻孔中获得的具有高分辨率古地磁年代约束的深海氧同位素记录进行了详细对比分析,提出与传统的海陆对比不同的基于古地磁界线的海陆对比方案:松山/布容地磁极性转换界线记录在曹村剖面S8的顶部,可对应深海沉积的MIS19,而不是前人认为的MIS21。黄土高原不同地区记录东亚冬、夏季风的差异性和变化性可能是全球具同时性的松山/布容地磁极性转换在黄土高原不同地区产出层位不一致性的主要原因,而基于Lock-in模型的天文年代标尺则可能高估了黄土/古土壤的年龄。  相似文献   
Accurate sea surface flux measurements are crucial for understanding the global water and energy cycles. The oceanic evaporation, which is a major component of the global oceanic fresh water flux, is useful for predicting oceanic circulation and transport. The global Goddard Satellite-based Surface Turbulent Fluxes Version-2 (GSSTF2; July 1987--December 2000) dateset that was officially released in 2001 has been widely used by scientific community for global energy and water cycle research, and regional and short period data analyses. We have recently been funded by NASA to resume processing the GSSTF dataset with an objective of continually producing a uniform dataset of sea surface turbulent fluxes, derived from remote sensing data. The dataset is to be reprocessed and brought up-to-date (GSSTF2b) using improved input datasets such as a recently upgraded NCEP/DOE sea surface temperature reanalysis, and an upgraded surface wind and microwave brightness temperature V6 dataset (Version 6) from the Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I) produced by Remote Sensing Systems (RSS). A second new product (GSSTF3) is further proposed with a finer temporal (12-h) and spatial (0.25ox0.25o) resolution. GSSTF2b (July 1987--December 2008) and GSSTF3 (July 1999--December 2009) will be released for the research community to use by late 2009 and early 2011, respectively.  相似文献   
影响西太平洋台风形成的大尺度环流条件   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
根据全球热带气旋频率的统计[1],这些频率有明显的年际变化。在过去二十年中全球热带气旋数年变化的百分率为其平均数的-13%-+23%,最多和最少年热带气旋数差达28个,相当于全球年平均热带气旋数(79)的35%。目前认为有三个原因可能影响热带气旋频率:大尺度环流,海面温度和地球以外的因子。  相似文献   
本文以三板块构造模式解释江西省成矿作用的发展。认为中朝、扬子、华南三板块的边缘类似于安第斯型,它们与辛普森等人研究过的英国加里东地区、海西地区的岩浆作用和成矿作用完全可以对比。  相似文献   
本文处理了GEOS-2号卫星RS探测器所测得的磁层冷等离子体电子浓度资料,给出了电子浓度小时平均值的日变化,并分析了其月均值及年均值特征。发现在平均值的日变曲线中,电子浓度的极大值出现在1600LT,表明等离子体层突起的位置处于下午扇区。这一事实有利于磁层大尺度对流电场并不总是晨—昏指向这一观点。文中对电子浓度小时平均值的年均值日变曲线进行了拟合,给出了近似表达式,并计算了同步轨道上的积分电子浓度,其量级为1011cm-2。通过月均值和积分浓度的分析,发现同步轨道上的电子浓度存在季节变化。  相似文献   
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