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Cold water in the deep Pacific can be drawn up to the surface (or west warm water drifts eastwards) because strong tide increases the mixing of seawater both in vertical and horizontal. In this way greenhouse effect is decreased or in-creased by means of absorbing (or releasing) CO2. Therefore, La Nina cold event (or El Nino warm event) may occur, which is caused by wanning - up or cooling - down air above the ocean. Volcanic action at sea bottom is also controlled by strong tide.  相似文献   
The interspecific interactions between the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis and two harmful algal blooms(HAB) species were investigated experimentally by single culture method. B. plicatilis population and the growth of the two algae were compared at different algal cell densities. The results demonstrated that the B. plicatilis obtained sufficient nutrition from Prorocentrum donghaiense to support net population increase. With exposure to 2.5×104 cells mL-1 of P. donghaiense,the number of B. plicatilis increa...  相似文献   
IntroductionRemediationbynaturalattenuation (RNA)isthepreferredmethodforremediatinggroundwatercontami natedbythearomaticfuelhydrocarbons ,benzene ,toluene ,ethylbenzene ,andxylene (BTEX)etc .(Jef frey ,2 0 0 1) .ButtherearecertainconditionsunderwhichRNAisinadequate…  相似文献   
The South Coast Plain of Laizhou Bay adjoins southward the mountains and hills of the Central Shandong Province, extends eastward to the Jiaolai Plain, reaches northward to Laizhou Bay of the Bohai Sea and westward to the Yellow River Delta. All the lower reaches of the Mihe River, the Weihe River and the White wave River are so apt to deposit, burst and move that widespread palaeochannels have taken form,which have rarely been studied(JIA,1985). It is the purpose of this paper to …  相似文献   
国家地震局地震研究所(中国武汉)(ISSSB)和汉诺威大学大地测量研究所(联邦德国汉诺威)(IFE)合作在武汉建立了一条用于拉柯斯特一隆贝格(简称LCR)重力仪标定的垂直标定基线。这条基线由20(10~(-5)m/S~2)和2(10~(-5)m/S~2)的二部份组成,前者共有19个站,后者11个站。该标定基线布设在武汉一座高层建筑里。为了获得所用重力仪的长波和中波的标定参数,在北京、武汉、广州三个绝对重力点间进行了飞机联测,在总段差为230(10~(-5)m/S~2)的庐山重力基线的24个测站上进行了联测。所有这些观测使用了6台LCR重力仪。平差后重力段差达到的精度对庐山基线优于±5(10~(-8)m/S~2),垂直基线优于±2(10~(-8)m/S~2)。  相似文献   
Cryptoendolithic microbial communities in the Ross Desert (McMurdo Dry Valleys) are characterized on the basis of photosynthetic microorganisms and fungi. Two eukaryotic communities (the lichen-dominated and Hemichloris communities) and three cyanobacterial communities (the red Gloeocapsa, Hormathonema-Gloeocapsa, and Chroococcidiopsis communities) are described. Eleven coccoid, one pleurocapsoid, and five filamentous cyanobacteria occurring in these communities are characterized and illustrated. The moisture grade of the rock substrate seems to affect pH, formation of primary iron stain, and the distribution of microbial communities.  相似文献   
Growth, haematological (haematocrit), biochemical (serum cortisol and glucose), and non-specific immune (lysozyme, serum haemolytic and haemagglutinating activities, extracellular respiratory burst activity) parameters, were monitored in European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax and blackspot sea bream Pagellus bogaraveo subjected to a 31 days starvation compared to fed fish, to assess the responses to feed deprivation of these health status indicators. While haematocrit, serum cortisol, glucose and haemolytic activity of both species did not undergo significant variation following starvation, probably due to the short period applied, some non-specific immune parameters were affected significantly. In the starved sea bass, mucus lysozyme content doubled (1.8 U/mL) compared to the initial value. Haemagglutinating activity was significantly lower in starved sea bass than in fed fish after 31 days. In blackspot sea bream, a slight, not significant, reduction in haemagglutinating activity occurred 11 days after starvation. Respiratory burst activity decreased significantly in the starved fish. In spite of the limited number of examined parameters, the opportunity to use a panel of several indicators to obtain a more complete picture of health status in fish was underlined.  相似文献   
Sebastiscus marmoratus larvae were exposed to waterborne polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) containing 3-5 rings, benzo[a]pyrene (BaP), pyrene (Py) or phenanthrene (Phe), respectively at 0.01, 0.1 and 1 μg L?1. Cumulative mortality, frequency of dorsal curvature and rate of pericardial and yolk sac edema in larvae treated for 8 days were significantly increased in a dose-dependent manner. All three PAHs resulted in reduction of the lower jaw, and the extent of reduction increased with increasing concentrations of the PAHs. Na+/K+-ATPase and Ca2+-ATPase activity in larvae exposed to the three PAHs were all significantly inhibited in a dose-dependent manner. Analysis using the Pearson correlation coefficient indicated a significant correlation between the rate of the dorsal curvature and edema and the inhibition of Na+/K+-ATPase and Ca2+-ATPase activity, suggesting that the developmental defects caused by PAHs were related to their inhibition of Na+/K+-ATPase and Ca2+-ATPase activity.  相似文献   
Organic and inorganic carbon contents of marine sediments are important to reconstruct marine productivity,global carbon cycle, and climate change. A proper method to separate and determine organic and inorganic carbons is thus of great necessity. Although the best method is still disputable, the acid leaching method is widely used in many laboratories because of its ease-of-use and high accuracy. The results of the elemental analysis of sediment trap samples reveal that organic and inorganic carbon contents cannot be obtained using the acid leaching method, causing an infinitely amplified error when the carbon content of the decarbonated sample is 12%±1% according to a mathematical derivation. Acid fumigation and gasometric methods are used for comparison, which indicates that other methods can avoid this problem in organic carbon analysis. For the first time, this study uncovers the pitfalls of the acid leaching method, which limits the implication in practical laboratory measurement, and recommends alternative solutions of organic/inorganic carbon determination in marine sediments.  相似文献   
Cellular detoxification by direct processes has been investigated in fish by studying the ability of hepatocytes prepared from juvenile aquarium-reared turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) to actively exclude the fluorescent dye rhodamine B (RB). Cell viability was studied by measurements of non-specific esterase activity using fluorescein diacetate. This revealed that turbot hepatocytes can be cultured for a few days with a viability decreasing to 38% after 24 h. The 24-h cultured cells have been used to study the rhodamine B exclusion activity using confocal laser microscopy. Hepatocytes accumulated the dye in a competitive manner with verapamil, thus suggesting that they express a transport system similar to the P-glycoprotein-mediated multixenobiotic resistance process. Incubation of cells with 1 microM RB and 20 microM verapamil led to a 26% increase of cellular fluorescence as compared to the accumulation in absence of competitor. Rhodamine B accumulated in the whole cytoplasm, with more concentrated areas that might correspond to the lysosomal compartment and the cell membrane.  相似文献   
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