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利用加卸载响应比、日变幅逐日比、空间相关分析法,研究分析了广平台1982-2006年地磁垂直分量观测资料与河北省及邻近地区Ms≥5.0地震之间的关系,发现它们之间有较好的对应关系;同时给出了适用于广平地磁台的地震分析预报参数,为今后广平台依磁报震提供了依据.  相似文献   
This study utilizes the 62208000 Swarm satellite data to establish a high-precision main magnetic field at the height of the satellites in China and its adjacen...  相似文献   
从四川眉山与新津两地患红头病的养殖黄颡鱼体内分离到2株优势菌(CHNYC001与CHNYC002),以腹腔注射与浸泡的方式进行人工感染试验,证实其为养殖黄颡鱼红头病的病原菌。根据分离菌株的形态、生理生化特性,结合16SrDNA序列测定(GenBank登录号分别为FJ766524、FJ766525)与系统发育分析,将其鉴定为鮰爱德华氏菌(Edwardsie lla ictaluri)。分离菌株最适生长温度为20—30℃,最适生长pH为7.0,在含盐量2%以上的培养基上不生长,对氟苯尼考、强力霉素、洛美沙星等敏感,对乙酰螺旋霉素、磺胺甲基异噁唑和麦迪霉素等不敏感。临床病理特征分析发现,养殖黄颡鱼感染爱德华氏菌临床上分为急性与慢性两种类型,急性型主要表现为败血症的病变特征,慢性型表现为头顶出血,发红与溃疡的病变特征。  相似文献   
在模拟昆承湖水流流场的基础上,模拟化学需氧量(CODMn)在湖水中的扩散情况;同时,利用昆承湖实测资料和水质的浓度场计算结果,得到其枯季环境容量.可以看出,昆承湖的流速较小,且方向由西北流向东南,可能是受长江径流和湖底西北高东南低的地形特征影响;从昆承湖的CODMn浓度实测值和计算值中,可以看出小于其水环境质量标准限值.这将进一步为实现常熟市湖泊水环境质量的不断提高、生态状况的持续改善与科学管理提供依据.  相似文献   
Deflections of the vertical (DOVs) over oceans cannot be directly measured, which restricts their applications. A local covariance function of anomalous potential is put forward in this paper in conjunction with the least-squares collocation (LSC) method to compute the oceanic DOVs utilization of oceanic gravity data along a profile. The covariance functions of gravity field quantities have been derived directly as functions of x, y and z without the need to introduce coordinate transformations corresponding to along- or cross-profile components. In the proposed methodology, gravity data along a profile were used to calculate the residual gravity anomaly using the remove-compute-restore technique. The residual gravity anomaly was used to calculate the parameters of the proposed covariance function of the local anomalous gravity field, which was used in the LSC to compute the residual DOVs along the profile. The residual DOVs added model DOVs to recover the DOVs along the profile. The results of a simulation experiment prove that the proposed methodology is feasible and effective.  相似文献   
搜集并整理武汉主城区地震安全性评价控制性钻孔SPT-N资料,配合武汉市地震动参数小区划成果,采用规范法对各场地土层在罕遇地震作用下液化可能性进行判别。以液化指数作为分区指标并结合各场地坐标,绘制武汉主城区液化潜能分区图。分区图初步预测了罕遇地震发生以后,可能发生液化的区域及其严重性,且表明无论是分布面积还是液化潜能,长江右岸均大于长江左岸。通过与4次历史大震液化资料的对比分析,武汉主城区可能液化场地具有地下水位埋深浅、液化土层分布范围广、埋藏深度大的特点。  相似文献   
Yi Huang  Yan Zhang  Gang Liu  Qi Zhang 《Ocean Engineering》2010,37(17-18):1503-1512
It is well known that pitting corrosion occurring on surface of hull structural plate will surely result in a significant degradation of the ultimate strength of the hull structural plate. This report aims at development of an assessing formula for ultimate strength of hull plate with pitting corrosion damage under the biaxial in-plane compression loading. The ultimate strength assessment model that is in terms of the corroded volume loss was deduced in theory, and which was then completed through numerical experiment by employing nonlinear finite element analyses for series of corroded plate models. Meanwhile, pitting corrosion in actual ship hull was analyzed and simulated, which ensured that all the assumptions for the finite element model parameters were in accord with the actual hull plate with pitting corrosion damage. Furthermore, the effects of plate slenderness, the linear factors at the plate edges and the ratio between the transverse and the longitudinal in-plane stresses on the ultimate strength reduction related to the corroded volume loss were discussed. The ultimate strength assessment formula being in terms of corroded volume loss developed in this research is expected to be applicable to assess the ultimate strength of the hull structural plate with pitting corrosion damage.  相似文献   
SWY11-2高精度小型测温仪   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
介绍一种新型的SWY11-2高精度小型水温测量仪器。该仪器传感器的感温元件采用负温度系数(NTC)热敏电阻,它具有温度系数大、灵敏度高、热容量小、响应速度快、分辨率高和成本低的特点;电路系统使用24位A/D转换器、低功耗单片机,并通过充分开发芯片资源,提高系统电路集成度,从而达到体积小、功耗低、操作简单的特点;为了达到海上恶劣条件下快速操作,其结构还采用了无工具拆装的设计。仪器在海上现场与加拿大RBR公司的TR1060水温仪比测试验,结果证明仪器性能接近国外高精度产品的水平,SWY11-2型测温仪与进口同类仪器相比,具有成本低和服务方便的优势,今后定有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   
乌鲁木齐市建设生态城市现状的比较分析及发展对策研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
钱翌  朱建雯 《干旱区地理》2007,30(2):274-282
乌鲁木齐是绿洲城市,自然环境比较脆弱,由于城市建设缺乏生态环境规划,能源消费结构不合理以及特殊的自然地理等原因,致使城市的生态环境问题十分突出,建设生态城市是乌鲁木齐市未来发展的必然选择。从城市生态系统的结构、功能和协调度三个方面构建了生态城市的评价指标体系,采用层次分析法对乌鲁木齐市生态城市建设现状进行了定量分析,同时选择北京、上海、成都、西安、兰州等5个城市的生态化程度进行对比,结果表明:乌鲁木齐市的结构指数为0.241,低于对比的5个城市;功能指数乌鲁木齐为0.271,远低于上海(0.615)、北京(0.466)和兰州(0.343),与西安(0.272)接近,略高于成都(0.222);从城市协调度来看,乌鲁木齐市的指数值为0.306,为6个城市的最小值,生态综合指数由高到低分别为北京(0.580)>上海(0.579)>成都(0.382)>西安(0.380)>兰州(0.360)>乌鲁木齐(0.270),乌鲁木齐市生态化程度为第Ⅳ级,即生态化程度较低,为6个城市中的最低值。总体上为较发达地区城市的生态化程度较高,中西部地区城市的生态化程度较低。乌鲁木齐市建设生态城市应采取的关键对策包括以下几个方面:1、编制城市综合生态区划,做好城市生态规划;2、优化能源结构,大力发展清洁能源;3、建立排污权交易制度,控制大气污染;4、采用边际成本定价方法、制定科学的水价、优化配置水资源;5、合理布局城市景观生态,搞好城市绿化及荒山绿化。  相似文献   
甘肃民勤绿洲沙漠化防治新对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用卫星遥感图像分析了民勤绿洲环境恶化的主要原因 ,提出目前除了要实行以往科学家所倡导的种种治理方案外 ,还应在民勤西北部雅布赖山的两个缺口处一带集中种植防护林并修建人工防护墙的新见解  相似文献   
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