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城市扩展影响下的气象观测和气温变化特征分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
基于20世纪70年代的MSS(Multi-Spectral Sanner)影像、1990年前后的TM(Thematic Mapper)影像、2000年和2005年前后的ETM(Enhanced Thematic Mapper)影像,对全国700多个地面气象观测站的历史时期下垫面属性进行判别,得到中国自上世纪70年代以来...  相似文献   
从雷达数据质量需求出发,在4个方面对CINRAD/SA标定技术进行了研究。1结合雷达回波强度定标原理,分析了目前回波强度定标过程中存在的问题,在此基础上详细制定了回波强度定标测试方法、操作步骤和技术要求,实现了SA雷达回波强度定标方法和操作流程的规范化、标准化,从而消除将人为因素或测试原因引入雷达系统造成定标误差。2对全省雷达波导长度进行实际测量,并修正了各雷达发射支路馈线损耗出厂测试数据;研制了能注入微波信号的专用测试波导,实现台站准确测量出SA雷达收、发支路馈线的实际损耗数值,应用于雷达回波强度定标中。3将太阳作为微波信号源,根据发布的太阳能流密度等数据,结合实际测量接收到的太阳射电功率,来检验全链路雷达接收系统回波强度。4取相邻雷达等距离线(中点)的低仰角同步观测反射率因子数据,开展两部雷达、多部雷达对比观测检验等。从而提高了回波强度定标的客观性和一致性,更好地为组网雷达提供一致性的雷达数据。  相似文献   
时间分辨率是风廓线雷达的一个重要指标。根据风廓线雷达工作原理和时间分辨率计算方法,提出一种利用波束轮转技术来提高风廓线雷达时间分辨率的新方法。风廓线雷达使用该方法进行探测时,采用波束优先顺序进行观测,当雷达完成一次完整的观测后,每完成一个波束的观测,将该波束的观测数据替代之前观测数据中该波束的数据,其它波束使用之前的观测数据,组合成一个新的数据后,再进行后续处理。2018年10月1—31日利用L波段风廓线雷达开展了相关观测试验,并将根据两种模式所得结果与探空数据结果进行对比。试验结果表明,使用波束轮转技术可以将风廓线雷达的时间分辨率由6 min提升至1 min,在反演得到的风廓线结果上能够看到明显的变化过程;从与探空数据的对比结果看,使用波束轮转技术得到的大气风场实际情况更加吻合。  相似文献   
Shi  Leilei  Wang  Huimin  Zhang  Wenjiang  Shao  Quanqin  Yang  Fengting  Ma  Zeqing  Wang  Yidong 《Natural Hazards》2013,69(3):2179-2196
Natural Hazards - In early 2008, an unexpected ice storm hits southern China, severely affected the subtropical forest ecosystems. We used the moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer products...  相似文献   
The authors developed a model to estimate annual tree growth based on tree-ring data (Abbr. TGTRing model) derived from the trunk at 0.5, 1.3 and 2.5 m height. This model was applied to estimate the annual biomass and carbon accumulation of a plantation in Qianyanzhou Red-Soil Hill Comprehensive Development Experimental Station of CAS in Taihe County, Jiangxi Province (Abbr. Qianyanzhou). The results showed that the inflexion points of the biomass and carbon accumulation curves occur at 17 and 18 years of age, respectively, in masson pine, whilst both inflexion points occurred at 15 years in slash pine and Chinese fir. The biomass and carbon accumulation in Chinese fir proved to be greater in the last 20 years than in the other species, with 171.697 t/hm2 and 92.29 tc/hm2, respectively. masson pine, with a biomass of 133.84 t/hm2 and a carbon accumulation of 73.92 tc/hm2 was the lowest whilst slash pine was intermediate with a biomass of 147.639 t/hm2 (unturpentined) and 135.743 t/hm2 (turpentined), and a carbon accumulation of 80.18 tc/hm2 (unturpentined) and 73.72 tc/hm2 (turpentined). In 2006, the total biomass and carbon storage of the tree stratum of masson pine in Qianyanzhou was 3324.43 t and 14,156.64 tc, respectively, whilst the values for Chinese fir were 1326.97 t and 713.27 tc. For slash pine the total biomass was 14,156.64 t (unturpentined) and 13,015.97 t (turpentined), and the total carbon storage was 7 688.21 tc (unturpentined) and 7068.78 tc (turpentined). Following the shaving of slash pine for resin, the total biomass was reduced by 1140.67 t and the total carbon storage fell by 619.43 tc.  相似文献   
本文评价了三江源自然保护区生态系统宏观结构及涵养水源、保持水土、保护生物多样等主要生态服务功能,分析了自然保护区生态保护与建设工程的生态成效及其原因。结果显示,工程实施后,各自然保护区的土地覆被转类指数明显增加,生态系统宏观状况好转;保护区内草地生产力皆呈增加趋势,水域面积增加,食物供给能力提高,栖息地生境好转。森林类保护区的森林面积减少趋势得到遏制;湿地类保护区的湿地面积多呈增加趋势;草地类保护区的草地减少趋势缓解,荒漠化明显遏制,草地植被覆盖度有所增加;冰川类保护区多条冰川出现明显退缩导致冰川融水增多,有利于雪线以下草地净初级生产力的增加。  相似文献   
2008年春季中国南方冰雪冻害林木物理折损典型样带分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年春季我国南方发生了特大冰雪灾害,林木损害严重。选择江西省井冈山-吉泰盆地-于山山脉-武夷山支脉样带作为研究区,两次进行野外调查,结合收集的数据,进行综合分析,取得结论包括:(1)在研究样带内人工林的损毁程度为湿地松林〉马尾松林〉混交人工林〉杉木林,在受损样本中湿地松林的实际受损比例高达61.3%,其中不可自然恢复折损实际比例达43.2%,相对比例达70.4%,主要是因为湿地松是美国南部地区外来引进种,生长块、材质疏松,而且割脂活动较强;马尾松为乡土造林先锋树种,材质较为坚硬,但受割脂活动影响,在受损样本中实际受损受损比例也高达52.5%,其中不可自然恢复折损实际比例达31.8%,相对比例达60.9%;杉木是本地树种,实际受损比例46%,其中不可自然恢复受损实际仅14.9%,相对比例也仅32.5%,低于混交人工林。(2)调查样带自西向东,西部井冈山地区常绿阔叶林受损程度最轻,分布在700m左右的人工柳杉林受损严重,杉木林分布在700m以下的受损程度较轻,而分布在900m以上的则相对严重;中部吉泰盆地受损调查样点中,分布在低海拔的湿地松林和马尾松林,因割脂活动受损程度严重,杉木林受损最轻,长期封育的天然次生林落叶阔叶林,由于藤本植物的缠绕,导致大量冰挂积雪,受损十分严重;东部兴国和宁都县,分布在400m以下的人工飞播马尾松因个体小基本未受损,分布在400m以上的1960年代人工种植马尾松,因割脂活动,受损严重;而分布在500~900m的杉木林受损程度较轻。  相似文献   
Surface albedo is a primary causative variable associated with the process of surface energy exchange. Numerous studies have examined diurnal variation of surface albedo at a regional scale; however, few studies have analyzed the intra-annual variations of surface albedo in concurrence with different land cover types. In this study, we amalgamated surface albedo product data (MCD43) from 2001 to 2008, land-use data (in 2000 and 2008) and land cover data (in 2000); quantitative analyses of surface albedo variation pertaining to diverse land cover types and the effect of the presence/absence of ground snow were undertaken. Results indicate that intra-annual surface albedo values exhibit flat Gaussian or triangular distributions depending upon land cover types. During snow-free periods, satellite observed surface albedo associated with the non-growing season was lower than that associated with the growing season. Satellite observed surface albedo during the presence of ground snow period was 2-4 times higher than that observed during snow-free periods. Surface albedo reference values in typical land cover types have been calculated; notably, grassland, cropland and built-up land were associated with higher surface albedo reference values than barren while ground snow was present. Irrespective of land cover types, the lowest surface albedo reference values were associated with forested areas. Proposed reference values may prove extremely useful in diverse research areas, including ecological modeling, land surface process modeling and radiation energy balance applications.  相似文献   
Surface albedo is a primary causative variable associated with the process of surface energy exchange. Numerous studies have examined diurnal variation of surface albedo at a regional scale; however, few studies have analyzed the intra-annual variations of surface albedo in concurrence with different land cover types. In this study, we amalgamated surface albedo product data(MCD43) from 2001 to 2008, land-use data(in 2000 and 2008) and land cover data(in 2000); quantitative analyses of surface albedo variation pertaining to diverse land cover types and the effect of the presence/absence of ground snow were undertaken. Results indicate that intra-annual surface albedo values exhibit flat Gaussian or triangular distributions depending upon land cover types. During snow-free periods, satellite observed surface albedo associated with the non-growing season was lower than that associated with the growing season. Satellite observed surface albedo during the presence of ground snow period was 2–4 times higher than that observed during snow-free periods. Surface albedo reference values in typical land cover types have been calculated; notably, grassland, cropland and built-up land were associated with higher surface albedo reference values than barren while ground snow was present. Irrespective of land cover types, the lowest surface albedo reference values were associated with forested areas. Proposed reference values may prove extremely useful in diverse research areas, including ecological modeling, land surface process modeling and radiation energy balance applications.  相似文献   
2000—2019年中国重大生态工程生态效益遥感评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出了重大生态工程实施生态效益评估理论框架,在选取生态系统宏观结构、生态系统质量和生态系统服务3大类、6个一级指标和9个二级指标的基础上,利用地面和遥感数据,结合模型模拟,生成了2000—2019年长时间序列评估指标参数数据集,定量评估了中国重大生态工程实施20年后的生态效益。结果表明:生态恢复程度中等、较高和高的区域面积分别占全国国土面积的24.1%、11.9%和1.7%,生态工程实施数量越多的地区,生态恢复程度越高,生态恢复程度较高和高的区域主要集中在黄土高原、北方农牧交错带、东北平原、川滇黔渝湘结合部等地区;气候因素和生态工程对植被净初级生产力变化的贡献率分别为85.4%和14.6%,对水蚀模数变化的贡献率分别为69.5%和30.5%;中国植被覆盖度有20%的恢复潜力,森林植被覆盖度恢复潜力为6.4%,草地植被覆盖度恢复潜力为23%;气候条件是生态恢复的重要限制因素,生态恢复程度较高和高的区域主要分布在年均温大于0 ℃和年降水量大于300 mm的地区。因此,重大生态工程的部署,应充分考虑气候条件的限制性,避免实施单一生态工程或单一生态恢复措施,充分发挥生态工程组合措施的综合效应,提高生态投入资金的最大效益。  相似文献   
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