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西北太平洋海区年际至十年际海面变化尺度耦合与波动转型 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用多通道奇异谱分析(MSSA)等多尺度分析方法,对西北太平洋海区14个站位验潮序列的年际到十年际尺度海面波动的时空特征进行探讨.结果表明:2.5a周期和4.5a周期在振幅与相位上表现出与ENSO指数波动的尺度耦合,并存在显著的由低纬向高纬的振幅、能量递减的纬向传递特征.4.5a周期和8a周期与PDO变化同样表现出一定的尺度耦合波动,高纬各站位海面波动也表现出一定的自东向西的径向传递.在空间维上,PDO作用下的传播型波动的响应范围明显小于ENSO事件,反映了二者驱动机制的差异.该海区约在1973年和1998年左右发生过两次明显的海面波动转型,并与太平洋年代际涛动(PDO)存在一定关联. 相似文献
The Salawusu Formation of Milanggouwan section in Salawusu River Valley includes 7 layers of paleo-mobile dune sands, and 4 layers of paleo-fixed and semi-fixed dune sands. Their structures have been observed and their grain size, surface textural features and several main chemical elements have been analyzed. The results showed that: 1) Some of the aeolian structural characteristics of these dune sands are similar to that of the recent dune sands. 2) They are also similar to the recent dune sands in grain size components, and parameters of Mz,σ, Sk and Kg, as well as in several main chemical components. 3) The scattergrams of Mz-σ and SiO2-Al2O3+TOFE and the probability curves of grain size showed that these paleo-dune sands are different from paleosols and fluvio-lacustrine facies, but are consistency with recent dune sands. 4) Quartz sands have well roundness and surface textural features such as dish-shaped pits, crescent-shaped pits, pockmarked pits, upturned cleavage plates, siliceous precipitates and siliceous crevasses, indicating that they had been carried for a long time by the wind. As the 11 layers of paleo-dune sands possess the aeolian characteristics in structure, grain size, surface textural features and chemical elements, the origin of their formation should be attributed to eolation. 相似文献
鄂尔多斯盆地杭锦旗地区上古生界砂岩中储层粘土矿物特征分析 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
鄂尔多斯盆地杭锦旗地区上古生界砂岩储层中普遍发育粘土矿物,根据岩心薄片观察,自然γ能谱测井交会图识别出的粘土矿物类型有高岭石、伊利石、蒙脱石、绿泥石。薄片分析按粘土矿物形成方式划出沉积粘土和成岩粘土(蚀变、转变及化学成因粘土),以及按其产出状态尚划出构造(骨架)粘土和结构(填隙)粘土,并定量分析出构造粘土和结构粘土含量在多数层段分别为20%以上与10%~18%。依据自然γ能谱测井分析采用多元线性逐步回归分析法,查明各粘土矿物含量同T h,U,K质量分数之间的相关系数都大于0.85,建立了粘土矿物定量计算模型X=a-b×T h c×U d×T h/K还对储层中粘土矿物进行预测及粘土矿物的纵向分布特征分析。 相似文献
软弱夹层几何参数对试样力学行为影响颗粒元模拟研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
基于离散元理论的颗粒元程序,采用颗粒接触连接模型和滑动模型,建立了含软弱夹层试样的颗粒元模型。通过数值模型实验,对不同软弱夹层几何参数试样进行加载模拟,探讨了不同夹层厚度及不同倾角条件下试样的破坏过程和破坏形式,并分析其对试样强度的影响。模拟结果表明,裂隙首先产生于软弱夹层处,随着荷载的增加,再逐渐扩展,呈现渐进性破坏特征;夹层越厚,倾角越大,试样沿软弱夹层呈现较强的滑动特征,如果夹层薄且缓,软弱夹层成为试样破坏的非控制因素;软弱夹层厚度和夹角对试样的峰值强度都有影响,随软弱夹层厚度和夹角的增大,试样的峰值强度降低。 相似文献
南印度洋副热带偶极模(Subtropical Dipole Pattern,SDP)是印度洋存在的另一种很明显的偶极型海温差异现象,在年际和年代际尺度上均有十分明显的表现.而目前有关印度洋海气相互作用的研究主要集中在赤道印度洋地区,针对南印度洋地区的工作还比较少,特别是有关南印度洋海温与ENSO(El NiDo-Southern Oscillation)事件关系的研究.本文初步探讨了年际尺度上南印度洋副热带偶极型海温变化差异与ENSO事件的关系,发现SDP与ENSO事件有密切的联系,SDP事件就像连接正负ENSO位相转换的一个中间环节,SDP事件前后期ENSO的位相刚好完全相反.进一步,本文通过分析SDP事件前后期海温、高低层风、低层辐合辐散、高空云量和辐射等的变化特征研究了南印度洋偶极型海温异常在ENSO事件中的作用,结果表明:SDP在ENSO事件中的作用不仅涉及海气相互作用的正负反馈过程,还与热带和副热带大气环流之间的相互作用有关,特别是与东南印度洋海温变化所引起的异常纬向风由赤道印度洋向赤道太平洋传播的过程等有十分直接的关系;同时,SDP对ENSO事件的影响在很大程度上还依赖于大尺度平均气流随季节的变换. 相似文献
Modulation of Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclone Genesis by
Intraseasonal Oscillation of the ITCZ: A Statistical Analysis 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The present study investigates modulation of western North Pacific(WNP) tropical cyclone(TC) genesis in relation to different phases of the intraseasonal oscillation(ISO) of ITCZ convection during May to October in the period 1979-2008.The phases of the ITCZ ISO were determined based on 30-80-day filtered OLR anomalies averaged over the region(5-20 N,120-150 E).The number of TCs during the active phases was nearly three times more than during the inactive phases.The active(inactive) phases of ISO were characterized by low-level cyclonic(anticyclonic) circulation anomalies,higher(lower) midlevel relative humidity anomalies,and larger(smaller) vertical gradient anomalies of relative vorticity associated with enhanced(weakened) ITCZ convection anomalies.During the active phases,TCs tended to form in the center of the ITCZ region.Barotropic conversion from the low-level mean flow is suggested to be the major energy source for TC formation.The energy conversion mainly depended on the zonal and meridional gradients of the zonal flow during the active phases.However,barotropic conversion weakened greatly during the inactive phases.The relationship between the meridional gradient of absolute vorticity and low-level zonal flow indicates that the sign of the absolute vorticity gradient tends to be reversed during the two phases,whereas the same sign between zonal flow and the absolute vorticity gradient is more easily satisfied in the active phases.Thus,the barotropic instability of low-level zonal flow might be an important mechanism for TC formation over the WNP during the active phases of ISO. 相似文献
孤山子超基性岩体位于华北克拉通北缘,主要由角闪石岩、辉长岩及辉石岩组成。本文通过角闪石、辉石、尖晶石的探针分析,角闪石岩、辉长岩的岩石地球化学及Sr-Nd-Pb同位素测试分析,研究孤山子超基性岩体地质地球化学特征,探讨其形成的构造环境。电子探针结果表明,角闪石属韭闪石亚族,具幔源特性;辉石属透辉石亚族,具弧堆晶岩特点;尖晶石属富Al尖晶石亚族,大量存在于辉石岩中。岩石地球化学及Sr-Nd同位素特征显示,孤山子超基性岩原岩浆几乎不受壳源物质的影响。低Mg#(0.44~0.55)及较高LREE/HREE(6.54~8.34),表明原岩浆分异程度较高。同时,全岩富集LREE、Rb、Sr、Ba等大离子亲石元素,亏损HREE、Cr、Ni、Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf等高场强元素,Sr、Nd同位素比值小,(87Sr/86Sr)ⅰ=0.70398~0.70430,εNd(t)=-1.60~-2.72,指示源岩为富集型地幔。孤山子超基性岩在晚古生代侵位于陆弧以南的沉积盆地中,地球化学特征介于弧堆晶岩和大陆裂谷岩浆岩之间。结合其大地构造背景及地球化学特征来看,孤山子超基性岩体应形成于陆缘弧后方局部伸展环境。 相似文献
Climate warming increases the variability in runoff of semiarid mountains where seasonally-frozen ground is widely dis-tributed. However, what is not well under... 相似文献
以郑(州)-西(安)高速铁路为例,选择典型路段(华阴、潼关、灵宝和偃师等),采集大量原状黄土样品,进行动三轴试验,获得一系列黄土动力学参数,如动弹模、动阻尼、残余应变等,进而建立高速铁路黄土路基动力学数值模型。按该线路地震危险性分析结果,合成8条人工地震波(50年10%和2%的超越概率水平),输入该动力学模型中进行计算。结果表明:黄土路基的横向和纵向变形都随着地震力的增大而增大,从而导致黄土滑移和震陷,这与现场激振试验及动三轴震陷试验结果基本一致。该结果为郑西高速铁路抗震陷和抗滑移设计提供了重要依据,并提出了切实可行的黄土抗震陷和滑移地基处理措施,已应用于该高速铁路的设计与施工中。 相似文献