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The food consumption and ecological conversion efficiency of a species marine pelagic andsmall size fish, Hyporhamphus sajori, were determined by using in situ stomach content method presented by Eggers. The results showed that: (1) the fish was taken in food all day, so empty-stomach rate was very low, taking up about 4.5% of the total determined fish number. However, the fish still has significant daily feeding rhythm. A feeding peak was found 0:00 o'clock at night, but feeding level was always high in the daytime; (2) relationship between instantaneous food content in stomach and corresponding time could be described as S_t = a ·e ~(-b ·t). There was not significant difference of instantaneous gastric evacuation rate between two determinations, with average value being 0.13 × 10~(-2)g/ (g·d) (wet weight); (3) the daily food consumption tended to change in irregular waving form, with average value being (10.16×l0~(-2)±1.19×l0~(-2) g/ (g·d) (wet weight) or (55.56 × 10~(-2) ±6.51 × 10~(-2) kJ/  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONThegenusTetraselmisStein ( 1 878)isagreenflagellates (Prasinophyceae)thatconsistsofmanymarineaswellasafewfreshwaterspecies .Marinespeciesoftenoccurindensepopula tionscausingbloomsintidepoolsorbays ,therebybeingimportanttoanunderstandingofthedynam…  相似文献   
卵黄囊期是鱼类早期发育中的一个重要阶段,是鱼类由内源营养向外源营养转化的一个关键时期。在此期间,游离氨基酸、蛋白质、脂肪酸、总脂和碳水化合物等基本生化成份的变化表现出一定的规律性,并具有种的特异性。从能量学的角度来分析,则表现为主要能源物质在发育过程中有规律的变化,各能量物质是按一定顺序被利用的。 鱼卵是一个高度特化的自组织系统,它在发育过程中,用于细胞活动的物质基础主要是卵黄。在卵黄期,卵细胞的代谢过程可描述为依生化成份变化的生化代谢过程和依能量转移和释放的能量代谢过程。从受精到卵黄囊消耗完全的卵黄囊期,以开口摄食为标志分为前后两个阶段,开口之前为全部利用自身营养的内源营养阶段,开口之后为利用自身营养和外源营养相结合的混合营养阶段。探素卵黄囊期海洋硬骨鱼类的能量转化规律,定量分析发育过程中生化成分和能量物质的变化,预测维持仔稚鱼生命活动和提供生长所必需的合适饵料营养成分,已成为鱼类早期发育生物学研究的热点课题。  相似文献   
Radial movement of an unconfined leaky aquifer was studied with respect to hydraulic forces that are induced by well recharge and discharge. New analytic solutions in the velocity and displacement fields were found and applied to describe transient movement in an unconfined leaky aquifer. Linear momentum and mass balance of saturated porous sediments, the Darcy-Gersevanov law, and the analytic solution of hydraulic drawdown for unsteady flow within the unconfined leaky aquifer were introduced to find the new solutions. Analytic results indicate that the nonlinear relation between the initial hydraulic head (h0) and the well function has an insignificant effect on the aquifer transient movement when the drawdown s<0.02h 0. When the well function is simplified with different assumptions and pumping conditions, the new solutions correspondingly reduce to cases that are similar to the Hantush-Jacob, Muskat, and Theis transient movement of a confined leaky aquifer. It was found that large leakance is important in slowing radial movement and reducing aquifer deformation. Flow velocity in the aquifer is more responsive to leakance than to cumulative displacement within the aquifer. The zones and boundary with tensile stress can be located using the same approach applied to a confined aquifer for risk assessment of earth fissuring.
Résumé Le mouvement radial dans un aquifère semi-perméable libre a été étudié en considérant les forces hydrauliques induites par la recharge et le prélèvement au niveau d’un puits. De nouvelles solutions analytiques des champs de vitesse et de déplacement ont été trouvées et appliquées pour décrire le mouvement transitoire dans un aquifère semi-perméable libre. Pour trouver les nouvelles solutions, le moment linéaire et le bilan de masse dans les sédiments poreux saturés, la loi de Darcy-Gersevanov, et la solution analytique du rabattement hydraulique pour un écoulement transitoire dans un aquifère semi-perméable libre sont pris en compte. Les résultats analytiques montrent que la relation non-linéaire entre le potentiel hydraulique initial (h0) et la fonction de puits a un effet insignifiant sur le mouvement transitoire de l’aquifère quand le rabattements s <0.02h0. Si la fonction de puits est simplifiée en tenant compte de différentes hypothèses et conditions de pompage, les nouvelles solutions se réduisent en conséquence à des cas similaires au mouvement transitoire dans un aquifère semi-perméable captif selon Hantush-Jacob, Muskat, et Theis. Il s’est avéré qu’une drainance élevée est importante pour le ralentissement du mouvement radial et la réduction de la déformation de l’aquifère. La vitesse d’écoulement dans l’aquifère est plus sensible à la drainance qu’au déplacement cumulé dans l’aquifère. Les zones et la frontière présentant des contraintes de traction peuvent être localisées en utilisant la même approche appliquée à un aquifère captif pour l’évaluation des risques de fissuration du sol.

Resumen Se ha estudiado el movimiento radial en un acuífero no confinado con fuga en relación a las fuerzas hidráulicas que son inducidas por la descarga y recarga del pozo. Se encontraron nuevas soluciones analíticas en los campos de desplazamiento y velocidad, las cuales se aplicaron para describir el movimiento transitorio en un acuífero no confinado con fuga. Se han introducido cálculos de balance de masa y momentum lineal de los sedimentos porosos saturados, la Ley Darcy-Gersevanov, y la solución analítica de descenso hidráulico para flujo sin régimen permanente dentro del acuífero no confinado con goteo para encontrar las nuevas soluciones. Los resultados analíticos indican que la relación no lineal entre la presión hidráulica inicial (h0) y la función del pozo tiene efecto insignificante en el movimiento transitorio del acuífero cuando el descenso s < 0.02h0. Cuando se simplifica la función del pozo en base a diferentes supuestos y condiciones de bombeo se reducen las nuevas soluciones a casos que son similares a el movimiento transitorio Hantush-Jacob, Muskat, y Theis de un acuífero confinado con goteo. Se encontró que las fugas grandes son importantes en la disminución del movimiento radial y en la reducción de la deformación del acuífero. La velocidad de flujo en el acuífero responde más a las fugas que al desplazamiento acumulativo dentro del acuífero. Pueden localizarse zonas y límites con esfuerzos tensionales usando el mismo enfoque aplicado a acuíferos confinados para evaluación de riesgo de generación de fracturas en el terreno.

Controlling the subsidence of overburden strata is the main objective for backfill mining technology. In order to understand the controlling effect of filling body, a detection scheme with three direction boreholes was designed in the tailgate of T3290 mining face in Tangshan Coal Mine to monitor the fracture developing process of overburden strata. In addition, a few displacement and stress sensors used for monitoring the roof subsidence and filling body stress were arranged behind the longwall face to monitor and record the force and deformation of gangue. The field investigation shows that the solid backfill mining technology can effectively reduce the fracture of overburden strata, i.e., the fracture height and the damage degree. The subsidence of overburden strata is mainly caused by the subsidence of roof which is divided into four stages: roof subsidence stage of mining face, rapid subsidence stage of gob roof, relatively stable stage, and long-term rheological stage. The gauge plays an essential role in slowing down the subsidence in each stage of the overburden subsidence, especially the relatively stable stage.  相似文献   
GPS技术在金川露天矿边坡变形监测中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文结合金川露天矿边坡变形GPS监测研究,主要论述监测基点的选择,基点WGS-84坐标的确定,变形监测网的布设,GPS数据采集、处理和质量,坐标转换的实施等,给出反演推出的若干四等三角点及其它控制点的变形数据,这些数据和造成变形的物理成因符合得很好,最后概括出GPS技术应用于变形观测的若干优点。  相似文献   
Viewshed analysis is widely used in many terrain applications such as siting problem, path planning problem, and etc. But viewshed computation is very time-consuming, in particular for applications with large-scale terrain data. Parallel computing as a mainstream technique with the tremendous potential has been introduced to enhance the computation performance of viewshed analysis. This paper presents a revised parallel viewshed computation approach based on the existing serial XDraw algorithm in a distributed parallel computing environment. A layered data-dependent model for processing data dependency in the XDraw algorithm is built to explore scheduling strategy so that a fine-granularity scheduling strategy on the process-level and thread-level parallel computing model can be accepted to improve the efficiency of the viewshed computation. And a parallel computing algorithm, XDraw-L, is designed and implemented taken into account this scheduling strategy. The experimental results demonstrate a distinct improvement of computation performance of the XDraw-L algorithm in this paper compared with the coarse-partition algorithm, like XDraw-E which is presented by Song et al. (Earth Sci Inf 10(5):511–523, 2016), and XDraw-B that is the basic algorithm of serial XDraw. Our fine-granularity scheduling algorithm can greatly improve the scheduling performance of the grid cells between the layers within a triangle region.  相似文献   
Cracks appeared on the northern batter at Maddingley Brown Coal Open Pit Mine, Victoria, Australia, on 8 November 2013 and a 2-day rainfall event happened 5 days later. This study models the stability of the northern batter considering the effect of the rainfall event and an emergency buttress using finite element method (FEM) encoded in Plaxis 3D. It is found that the batter tended to lead to block sliding after overburden removal. The observed vertical crack would be a combined action of the overburden removal and groundwater flow. The simulated location of cracks agrees well with the actual location, and the simulated heave of the coal seam is in good agreement with the experience in Victoria brown coal open pit mining. The rainfall accelerated the development of the cracks. With the construction of the emergency buttress, the batter became stable that is in good agreement with the monitored data.  相似文献   
各向异性介质中的入射角、反射角和透射角   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
对各向异性介质中波动现象的数学描述,远比对各向同性介质中的数学描述要复杂得多.这一复杂性主要来自各向异性介质中的许多物理特性,不同于各向同性介质中的物理特性.因此,计算各向异性界面处的反射角和透射角在数学意义上变得非常复杂,各向同性介质中的Snell定律已不再适用于各向异性介质,必须加以修改.本文发展了一种计算各向异性介质分界面处入射角、反射角和透射角的新算法,即修正后的各向异性介质中的Snell定律.   相似文献   
The evolution of the North Pacific Ecosystem Model for Understanding Regional Oceanography (NEMURO) family of models to study marine ecosystems is reviewed. Applications throughout the North Pacific have shown the models to be robust and to be able to reproduce 1D, 2D and 3D components of nutrient, carbon cycle and biogeochemical cycles as well as aspects of the lower trophic levels ecosystem (phyto- and zooplankton). NEMURO For Including Saury and Herring, an extension that includes higher trophic levels, can be run uncoupled or coupled to NEMURO. In the uncoupled mode, the growth and weight of an individual fish is computed using plankton densities simulated by NEMURO but with no feedback between fish consumption and plankton mortality. In the coupled mode, the feeding, growth and weight of a representative fish are computed, and prey removals due to feeding by fish appear as mortality terms on the prey. The NEMURO family of models continues to evolve, including effects of the microbial loop and iron limitation at lower trophic levels, and full life cycle, multi-species and multi-generational simulations at higher trophic levels. We outline perspectives for future end-to-end modeling efforts that can be used to study marine ecosystems in response to global environmental change.  相似文献   
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