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Sea ice export through the Baffin Bay plays a vital role in modulating the sea ice cover variability in the Labrador Sea.In this study,satellite-derived sea ice products are used to obtain the sea ice area flux (SIAF) through the three passages in the Baffin Bay (referred to as A,B,and C for the north,middle,and south passages,respectively).The spatial variability of the monthly sea ice drift in the Baffin Bay is presented.The interannual variability and trends in SIAF via the three passages are outlined.The connection to several large-scale atmospheric circulation modes is assessed.Over the period of 1988–2015,the average annual (October to the following September) SIAF amounts to 555×10~3 km~2,642×10~3 km~2,and 551×10~3 km~2 through Passages A,B,and C,respectively.These quantities are less than that observed through the Fram Strait (FS,707×10~3 km~2) of the corresponding period.The positive trends in annual SIAF,on the order of 53.1×10~3 km~2/(10 a) and 43.2×10~3 km~2/(10 a)(significant at the 95%confidence level),are identified at Passages A and B,respectively.The trend of the south passage (C),however,is slightly negative (–13.3×10~3 km~2/(10 a),not statistically significant).The positive trends in annual SIAF through the Passages A and B are primarily attributable to the significant increases after 2000.The connection between the Baffin Bay sea ice export and the North Atlantic Oscillation is not significant over the studied period.By contrast,the association with the cross-gate sea level pressure difference is robust in the Baffin Bay (R equals 0.69 to 0.71,depending on the passages considered),but relatively weaker than that over FS (R=0.74).  相似文献   
本文通过对安徽桐城挂车河、宿松河塌下-中侏罗统剖面岩石特征、沉积构造、粒度和碎屑组分的分析,揭示了燕山早期大别山隆升和侵蚀的演化历史,并结合构造变形分析,探讨了研究区区域动力学背景。结果显示,两地在早-中侏罗世时期分别为扇三角洲-半深湖和河道-河泛平原沉积,物源都来自北部的大别山。又因为挂车河剖面富含大别山变质碎屑颗粒,而河塌剖面相对缺少,由此提出大别山带南部在早-中侏罗世时期,东南部比西南部隆升较高,而相比大别山北麓的砾石和碎屑组成,则认为大别山北部隆升剥蚀更快,且剧烈。两剖面碰撞造山-火山岛弧和再旋回造山带大洋物质的物源,指示由北向南海沟-岛弧和盆地的构造格局。依据两地断层面和擦痕产状进行古应力分析,显示研究区晚侏罗世受到了燕山主幕近南北向的挤压应力。桐城挂车河的另一近东西向挤压应力可能表明该时期大别山东南部地区已受古太平洋构造的改造。  相似文献   
由于受到台站分布不理想、速度结构研究不准确以及震相拾取误差等因素的影响,常规地震定位结果精度较低。因此,研究收集了辽宁省地震台网的地震目录及震相数据,采用双差地震定位方法,对海城及其附近地区(39°N-43°N,120°E-126°E)20 a的1 400多次地震进行重新定位。与原始定位结果相比,双差定位结果表明:1)震中更加呈条带状集中,尤其在40.5°N-41.0°N,122.0°E-123.0°E区间,与该地区的海城河-大洋河断裂带走向相一致;2)该地区地震多发生于地下5~20 km,与该区中地壳存在的低速高导层相对应;3)深度剖面图显示,大部分地震沿垂直向下柱状分布,原因是该处有粉碎性破裂带,从地下25 km处延伸到近地表。双差定位算法使得定位后均方根残差的平均值由0.74 s下降到0.26 s。辽宁地区的地震震级与发生地震数量有关,地震数量陡然增多,大地震发生概率增大。  相似文献   
The demand for accurate predictions of sea level fluctuations in coastal management and ship navigation activities is increasing. To meet such demand, accessible high-quality data and proper modeling process are critically required. This study focuses on developing and validating a neural methodology applicable to the short-term forecast of the Caspian Sea level. The input and output data sets used contain two time series obtained from Topex/Poseidon and Jason-1 satellite altimetry missions from 1993 to 2008. The forecast is performed by multilayer perceptron network, radial basis function, and generalized regression neural networks. Several tests of different artificial neural network (ANN) architectures and learning algorithms are carried out as alternative methods to the conventional models to assess their applicability for estimating Caspian Sea level anomalies. The results derived from the ANN are compared with observed sea level values and with the forecasts calculated by a routine autoregressive moving average (ARMA) model. Different ANNs satisfactorily provide reliable results for the short-term prediction of Caspian Sea level anomalies. The root mean square errors of the differences between observations and predictions from artificial intelligence approaches can be significantly reduced by about 50 % compared with ARMA techniques.  相似文献   
长江流域涪江上游以高山峡谷地貌为主,人地矛盾突出,水热条件较好的泥石流灾损土地是山区居民主要的生产生活场所,高效利用灾损土地是山区发展的重要途径。通过野外调查,初步查明目前涪江上游42处泥石流灾损土地利用类型主要为耕地、林地和建筑用地,分别占调查总数的41.5%、32.8%和12.1%。这42处泥石流灾损土地总面积为2.47 km2,可利用面积为2.12 km2(含已利用建筑用地等),占调查总面积的86%,潜在可利用面积较高。选取土壤肥力、水土保持特性及工程地质特性3个因子进行泥石流灾损土地资源化利用评价,得出涪江上游泥石流灾损土地资源化利用模式。评价结果表明,涪江上游泥石流灾损土地可利用潜力主要以中等和较低程度为主,占调查总数的88.09%,因此,涪江上游泥石流灾损土地资源具有较大的开发潜力。另外,本文以涪江上游黄家坝为例,得出4种灾损土地利用模式,即村落聚集优化区模式、现代农业耕作区模式、水土保持缓冲区模式及工民建设潜力区模式,并在此基础上提出相应的灾损土地利用建议,为山区土地资源化开发利用提供指导。  相似文献   
1961—2008年内蒙古降水极端事件分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用内蒙古自治区116个气象站1961—2008年逐日降水量资料,以年序列的第90和95个百分位,分别建立了单站日降水量极端气候事件的阈值,检测了近48年来内蒙古逐日降水量极端事件的出现频率,分析了极端事件阈值、频数及降水量的空间分布和年际、年代际及季节变化的差异,对比分析了1987年前后极端事件频次和降水量的变化。结果显示:1) 内蒙古日降水极端事件的阈值普遍较小,在2.1~23.8 mm之间;全年极端事件出现的频次在2.4~20.9 d之间;降水极端事件的阈值、频次、降水量等空间差异十分明显。2) 近48年来内蒙古区域平均的夏季和全年降水极端事件没有显著的增减变化趋势,但进入21世纪后,7—8月内蒙古极端降水事件和极端事件的降水量明显减少。3) 1987年气温显著升高以后,中部大部地区和东南部降水极端事件减少,东北部大部和西部增加。  相似文献   
Eyl has the unique desultory-weak or gap seismic reflection structure as its one of the most important characteristics. It is very important to clarify sedimentary characteristics and its origin for Yitong Graben and its sedimentary facies and tectonic evolution. On the basis of the research of core analyses, well logging data analyses, sedimentary facies analyses and seismic reflection structure analyses, the authors have concluded the sedimentary characteristics of Eyl, and have carried out Eyl sedimentary environments and its origin. The result shows that Eyl desultory-weak or gap seismic reflection may be a series of small scale secondary sediment fans superimposition.  相似文献   
In this work we present a novel vision-based system for automatic detection and extraction of complex road networks from various sensor resources such as aerial photographs, satellite images, and LiDAR. Uniquely, the proposed system is an integrated solution that merges the power of perceptual grouping theory (Gabor filtering, tensor voting) and optimized segmentation techniques (global optimization using graph-cuts) into a unified framework to address the challenging problems of geospatial feature detection and classification.Firstly, the local precision of the Gabor filters is combined with the global context of the tensor voting to produce accurate classification of the geospatial features. In addition, the tensorial representation used for the encoding of the data eliminates the need for any thresholds, therefore removing any data dependencies.Secondly, a novel orientation-based segmentation is presented which incorporates the classification of the perceptual grouping, and results in segmentations with better defined boundaries and continuous linear segments.Finally, a set of gaussian-based filters are applied to automatically extract centerline information (magnitude, width and orientation). This information is then used for creating road segments and transforming them to their polygonal representations.  相似文献   
文昌鱼头部cDNA文库的构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用cDNA合成技术制备文昌鱼头部cDNA基因文库.以mRNA为模板,用NotI primer-Adaptor为引物,在反转录酶的作用下,合成第一链cDNA,进而合成第二链cDNA.含有EcoRI和NotI粘性末端的双链cDNA在T4DNA连接酶作用下与λgt11 EcoRI/NotI臂相连,包装蛋白包装,得到噬菌体颗粒,即原始的文昌鱼头部cDNA文库.经X-Gal/IPTG板测定, 该文库滴度为7.8×105 pfu/cm3,重组率为70%.cDNA文库可直接应用于目的基因筛选.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONUptonowthereisinagreementonthetectonic-dynamicbackgroundoftheformationofUHPmetamorphicrocks,i.e.,theUHPMrocksareproductsofobliquecollisionbe-tweentheYangtzeandSinokoreancratonsinIndosinianstage(Jahn,1998lWangandCong,l998,1996;Lietal.,l997,l996iHackeretal.,l996ILiouet.al.,l9961Okay;Sen-gor,l993,CongandWang,l994;Sengor,1993).Buthowthesemetamorphicrocksareformedatmantledepthexhumedbacktothesurfacesorapidlyisstillastandingproblem-TheexhumationofUHPMrocksisacomplextectoni…  相似文献   
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