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The objective of this study is to investigate pollen-vegetation relationship in the Qilian Mountains. The eastern Qilian Mountains are located in the transitional zone of the Tibetan Plateau, the Loess Plateau and the arid region of Northwest China, which is one of the key areas of global environmental change. A total of 13 surface pollen samples from main vegetation have been collected. Pollen percentages were calculated in all samples. In order to reveal the relationship between pollen composition and the vegetation types from which the soil samples have been collected, Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) ordination method was employed on the pollen data. The results show that dominating vegetation types can be recognized by their pollen spectra: Picea crassifolia forest, alpine shrub and alpine meadow as well. Altitude and temperature determine the distribution of the surface pollen and the vegetation. The good agreement between modern vegetation and surface samples across this area provides a measure of the reliability of using pollen data to reconstruct paleoenvironment and paleovegetation patterns in this or other similar regions. However the loss of Betula pollen in forest needs further investigation. Pollen oxidation is the most important factor contributing to the damage of modern pollen in the study area. Pollen concentrations decrease with the increase of pH values of soils, and decrease sharply when the pH exceeds 7.6.  相似文献   
胶东西北部地区金矿床铅同位素特征及其地质意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
胶东地区不同类型金银、铅锌矿床及交代—深熔花岗岩三者的铅同位素特征相似,皆为来自铀针亏损型源区的多阶段铅。在Pb~(207)/Pb~(204)-Pb~(206)/Pb~(204)图解上,它们的投影点可拟合成一条直线。据此,并根据大量的K-Ar、U-Pb、Rb-Sr和Ar~(30)-Ar~(40)年龄数据,得t_1=3.2Ga,t_2=0.15Ga,μ_1=7.07~8.17,W_1=29.16~35.80,Th/U=3.97~4.52。矿石铅与胶东群变质岩岩石铅同位素统计对比表明,金银、铅锌和交代—深熔花岗岩中的铅皆来自再活化的下地壳源铅。  相似文献   
歧口凹陷古近纪东营期古物源体系重建与应用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
以沉积盆地分析、层序地层研究和油气勘探实践中急待解决的古物源体系分析为切入点, 以歧口凹陷东营组研究为例, 阐述了古物源体系研究的途径、方法与技术路线; 初步总结出应用轻-重矿物时空配置关系、地震前积反射结构特征、古地貌恢复与沟谷展布特征、盆地内部骨架砂体形态与时空配置以及盆地边缘及内部层序界面上大型下切谷的空间展布特征, 即“五位合一”法来判断沉积盆地的古物源体系.该分析方法可为同领域的研究提供借鉴作用.   相似文献   
Volcanic rocks of the late Mesozoic are very important reservoirs for the commercial natural gases including hydrocarbon, carbon dioxide and rare gases in the northern Songliao Basin. The reservoir volcanic rocks include rhyolite, andesite, trachyte, basalt and tuff. Facies of the volcanic rocks can be classified into 5 categories and 15 special types. Porosity and permeability of the volcanic reservoirs are facies-controlled. Commercial reservoirs were commonly found among the following volcanic subfacies: volcanic neck (I1) , underground-explosive breccia (I3), pyroclastic-bearing lava flow (II3), upper effusive (III3) and inner extrusive ones (IV1). The best volcanic reservoirs are generally evolved in the interbedded explosive and effusive volcanics. Rhyolites show in general better reservoir features than other types of rocks do.  相似文献   
ISO9000系列标准是一套国际统一的质量管理标准,应用的主体内容是质量管理模式(质量体系)的建立与运行。其对地勘单位走向市场,到社会投标、承揽地勘项目,保证地勘工作成果质量,提高单位在地质市场中的信誉度具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   
通过编制区域性1:300万“青藏高原板块构造图”和1:50万“柴达木北缘板块构造地质图”的体会,并结合国内学者对这两份图件的审查意见及建议,重点讨论有关区域性板块构造图编制的理论与方法,供区域地质工作者参考。  相似文献   
柴达木盆地东北缘地质灾害及防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青海省柴达木盆地东北缘地貌类型复杂,新构造运动强烈,由各种内外应力造成的地质灾害具有类多、发生频繁等现象,集中反映在土地荒漠化、水土流失、草场退化、湖泊萎缩、地震、泥石流及滑坡等面,人类生存环境日趋恶劣。通过对该区各类地质灾害及生态环境现状进行评述,提出了治理建议。  相似文献   
黑柱石是一种少见的含钙铁硅酸盐矿物。通过富含黑柱石的青海省双庆铁矿区与仅含少量黑柱石的福建省马坑铁矿区矿床地质特征的对比,认为矿床中黑柱石的产生与中基性火成岩的参与有关;黑柱石的解体与硼的参与有关。  相似文献   
本文主要依据青海省囊歉至大河坝大地电磁测深成果,并结合重力资料对巴颜喀拉及南北两侧地区的壳幔结构进行了地质解释。指出了该区壳幔存在4个明显的低阻层,并简述了它们的形态特征,推断了其地质含意。认为昆中断裂带与昆南断裂带间是一个巨大的构造混杂岩带,影响深度亦很大。推断该区可能存在太古代地层。划出了8条壳幔断裂带,认为昆中断裂应是塔里木—华北板块与华南板块的分界线。  相似文献   
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