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On the basis of about 300 earthquake wave forms observed in the Shidian M
S=5.9 sequences on April 12, 2001 recorded in Kunming Digital Seismic Network, the spectra of shear wave have been used to
estimate the focal parameters of these earthquake sequences. The results show that within the magnitude range of 1.5–5.3,
the seismic moments are 1010–1016 N·m, the corner frequencies are 0.2–0.8 Hz, radii of the focal rupture are 200–2 500 m and the stress drops are 0.1×105–20×105Pa. Through the statistical analyses of variation of corner frequency f
c and stress drop Δσ with time, it is discovered that the average corner frequency of the foreshock sequences is obviously
lower than that of the aftershock sequences. Contrarily, the average stress drops Δσ of the foreshock sequences are clearly
higher than that of the aftershocks. It is considered that these variation characteristics of average corner frequency and
stress drops before and after the main shock have index significance to the precursory information before a strong earthquake.
The higher stress drops for the foreshock sequences show that the higher shear stresses have been stored in the area of main
shock. After the main shock, most of the stresses have been released, so the aftershock sequences show a rupture process of
lower stresses.
Foundation item: Scientific and Technological Key Project of Yunnan Province (2001NG46) 相似文献
针对线路矢量数据实时采集和同步压缩应用需求,本文提出具有高压缩率、低失真度特点的累积偏移实时压缩算法(CORC Algorithm)。算法突出对弯曲极值点和距离偏移的感知,创新性地提出累积变向点和累积变向拐点的弯曲极值点探测方法,提出距离累积偏移临界点的线路偏移快速判断方法,从而有效提高算法对方向连续偏移的敏感度和对摇摆偏移的高压缩率,提高线路矢量数据实时压缩的高保真性。累积偏移实时压缩算法在高限差阈值情况下仍能有效发现各类弯曲极值点和距离累积偏移临界点,在O(N)时间复杂性和O(1)空间复杂性下取得高压缩率、低失真度的理想压缩效果,实现了线路采集的零延时同步压缩。应用定时、定距两种采集策略生成的线路矢量数据集,与垂距法(VD Algorithm)、分段道格拉斯-普克法(Subsection DP Algorithm)进行实时压缩性能实验对比,结果表明,累积偏移法作为实时压缩方法,与上述两种主流实时压缩算法相比,在压缩实时性、压缩率失真度平衡、限差阈值可控性3方面都具有明显的优越性。在同等压缩率情况下,累积偏移压缩算法失真度普遍降低达10%,且压缩率与失真度的平衡性受限差阈值取值和线路轨迹特征影响最小,可实现线路的定位采集、实时压缩、同步网络上传,在交通、旅游、探险搜救等领域的实时定位监控中具有广阔的应用前景。 相似文献
福建沿海主要城市入境旅游客源市场结构的比较研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
入境旅游是旅游业的重要组成部分,是旅游产业发展水平的重要体现.当前,福建省经济社会持续发展,改革开放稳步推进,对外经济文化交流日益增加,为福建省大力发展入境旅游带来了新的机遇.本研究选取福州、厦门、泉州、漳州(其入境客源总量占全省入境客源总量的85%)4个城市作为研究对象,主要运用转移-份额(SSM)分析并结合波士顿矩阵法,分析这4个城市的入境旅游客源市场结构、市场竞争力及其总体发展潜力特征,提出优化主体客源市场,做好多样化旅游市场的目标定位;加强旅游市场细分营销,凸显区域竞争优势;深挖城市旅游市场潜力,促进城市之间联动发展等建议. 相似文献
帕米尔东北缘位于青藏高原西北部,是新构造运动最强烈的地区之一。受控于公格尔拉张断裂作用的塔什库尔干盆地,活动构造强烈,高的大地热流值和丰富的地下水,使其具备地热资源形成的地质构造和水文条件。基于塔什库尔干盆地北部的曲曼地区地质构造、湖相地层年代学调查研究,该地区发育晚更新世的NNE向f_1和f_2正断层以及第四纪沉积物之下存在隐伏的近EW向的断层f_3。这3条断层是塔什库尔干断裂在不同构造演化时期形成的次级断层。结合EH-4电磁成像和钻孔及抽水试验等资料表明NNE向f_1和f_2正断层是地热系统的导水通道,而近EW向f_3断层为导热通道。该地区地热模式是大地热流为热源-地下水深循环逐渐加热-构造控水和控热。 相似文献
以安庆黄梅戏会馆和再芬黄梅公馆为例,基于方法?目的链理论模型,解读文化消费者对黄梅戏展演空间属性的感知评价、层次处理和价值导向的转变。研究发现:不同层次的空间属性在文化消费者的感知与体验中实现着新的组合与重构,由此形成了基于舞台展演内容、文化呈现形式以及演出环境氛围为主体的3种空间感知模式。结合文化消费者感知的心理结构与路径,黄梅戏展演空间被消费者建构为娱乐空间、情感空间和社交空间,空间的多元化意义和价值得到彰显。方法?目的链理论从消费者的感知与需求出发,探索文化空间意义生成路径,实现了文化空间与消费者之间的双向信息交换。 相似文献
The evolution of the inland lakes in arid and semi-arid zones is accorded with the climatic fluctuation. The humid climate is in harmony with the higher water level and greater lake water quantity budget while arid climate is in correspondence with the lower water level and little water budget. Based on the analysis of the lake fluctuation and lake budget change, with the aid of the data of geom'orphology, palynology, sedimentology and chronology, It is found that the climate experienced a warm and humid period during 7000-3500 yr. B. P. and showed a drying and warming trend in the last century in the Central Asia. 相似文献
利用InSAR识别与监测黑方台黄土滑坡 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对甘肃永靖县的黑方台地区滑坡不断对当地居民人身及财产安全构成重大威胁的现状,该文选取高分辨率的升降轨TerraSAR数据、3m分辨率的DEM数据和30m分辨率的SRTM DEM数据,利用InSAR技术对该地区的地表形变进行监测,主要结果如下:用Stacking技术获取了黑方台的形变速率图,识别出14处不稳定滑坡体;用SBAS-InSAR技术对典型滑坡体进行时间序列监测,将InSAR结果投影到滑坡方向与已有的GPS结果进行比较,最大较差为6mm,最大中误差为3mm。结果表明,InSAR技术用来识别与监测黄土滑坡方便可靠,并且精度较高。 相似文献
The transformation of nonlinear water waves over porous beds is studied by applying a numerical model based on Chen's [2006. Fully nonlinear Boussinesq-type equations for waves and currents over porous beds. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 132:2, 220–230] Boussinesq-type equations for highly nonlinear waves on permeable beds. The numerical model uses a high-order time-marching solution and fourth-order finite-difference schemes for discretization of first-order spatial derivatives to obtain a computational accuracy consistent with the model equations. By forcing the wave celerity and spatial porous-damping rate of the linearized model to match the exact linear theory for horizontal porous bed over a prescribed range of relative depths, the values of the model parameters are optimally determined. Numerical simulations of the damped wave propagation over finite-thickness porous layer demonstrate the accuracy of both the numerical model and governing equations, which have been shown by prior theoretical analyses to be accurate for both nominal and thick porous layers. These simulations also elucidate on the significance of the higher-order porous-damping terms and the influence of the hydraulic parameters. Application of the model to the simulation of the wave field around a laboratory-scale submerged porous mound provides a measure of its capability, as well as useful insight into the scaling of the porous-resistance coefficients. For application to heterogeneous porous beds, the assumption of weak spatial variation of the porous resistance is examined using truncated forms of the governing equations. The results indicate that the complete set of Boussinesq-type equations is applicable to porous beds of nonhomogeneous makeup. 相似文献
呼伦湖的近期扩张及其与全球气候变化的关系 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
通过近20多年湖泊水量平衡分析发现,湖泊水位变化主要由湖盆内径流补给量的丰枯决定。进一步分析揭示,呼伦湖地区乃至整个东北地区,本世纪以来随气温升高,随水有增加的趋势。降水增加导致入湖径流量,湖水位上升,呼伦湖本世纪以来的扩张与内蒙古东部地区其他内陆湖泊的变化一致,但这在我国乃至整个亚洲内陆干旱或半干旱区是独一无二的,为此成为这一地区气候变化的指示器。 相似文献
Non-crop habitats have been suggested to impact local biodiversity significantly in agricultural landscapes. However, there have been few studies of the effects of less-focused non-crop habitats(orchard, wetland, pit and ditch) on variation of spider abundance. In this study, spiders in 30 woodlands were captured using pitfall traps in Fengqiu County, China, and the effects of local and landscape variations at different scales(50 m, 100 m, 200 m, 350 m and 500 m) on spider abundance were analysed. The most important variation that influenced spider abundance at the 500 m scale was the less-focused non-crop habitat(LNH) cover, and 10% was an appropriate proportion of LNH cover to sustain high level of spider diversity in the investigated landscape. Non-metric multidimensional scaling analyses revealed that there were significant differences in the spider composition among the high, medium and low LNH coverage. Based on indicator species analysis, different spider species were associated with landscapes with different levels of LNH cover. Lycosidae, which accounted for 48% of the total specimens, preferred woodland habitats neighbouring areas with high LNH cover. Compared with woodland habitats, LNH provided more diverse food sources and habitat to sustain more spider species in the study area. Furthermore, linear elements composed of vegetation, such as pits and ditches, may prevent agricultural intensification by enhancing landscape connectivity and providing habitats for different spiders. Our findings may provide a theoretical basis for biodiversity conservation in agro-ecosystems and top-down control of pests. 相似文献