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Present studies on the coupling relationship and hydrology mechanism between basin ecosystem and hydrological process has become an international research frontier in hydrology. This paper investigates this coupling relationship, and also summarizes research and presents a method of combining isotopic technology with hydro-chemical methods, for the study of eco-hydrological process and function in different landscape zones. We then examine research trends for future direction and development of this field. 相似文献
借鉴时间地理学理论与方法,提出农村劳动力转移就业时空路径概念。以安徽省4个样本村为例,使用ArcGIS、SPSS等软件进行数据分析,得出农村劳动力转移就业时空路径的基本类型与特征:① 农村劳动力依据时空路径特征可分为稳定型、逐步稳定型、漂泊不定型、回流型、逐步开拓型、断续型六种类型;② 4个样本村劳动力打工时空路径演化有明显的地域差异;③ 21世纪初期是农村劳动力全面接受打工就业方式的时期,就业行业主要集中在建筑业、制造业、服务业,“老家亲戚、朋友”是最重要的打工媒介;④ 农村劳动力在打工地和家乡间的流动节律有“春节型”、“节假日型”、“休息日型”、“每日型”四种类型;⑤ 农村劳动力转移就业具有明显的空间指向和粘性特征,家乡是重要的结点空间,社会经济地理位置是地域差异形成的重要原因。 相似文献
Zhong-bao Liu Fang-xiao Zhou Zhen-tao Qin Xue-gang Luo Jing Zhang 《Astrophysics and Space Science》2018,363(7):140
Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a popular data mining technique, and it has been widely applied in astronomical tasks, especially in stellar spectra classification. Since SVM doesn’t take the data distribution into consideration, and therefore, its classification efficiencies can’t be greatly improved. Meanwhile, SVM ignores the internal information of the training dataset, such as the within-class structure and between-class structure. In view of this, we propose a new classification algorithm-SVM based on Within-Class Scatter and Between-Class Scatter (WBS-SVM) in this paper. WBS-SVM tries to find an optimal hyperplane to separate two classes. The difference is that it incorporates minimum within-class scatter and maximum between-class scatter in Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) into SVM. These two scatters represent the distributions of the training dataset, and the optimization of WBS-SVM ensures the samples in the same class are as close as possible and the samples in different classes are as far as possible. Experiments on the K-, F-, G-type stellar spectra from Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), Data Release 8 show that our proposed WBS-SVM can greatly improve the classification accuracies. 相似文献
砒砂岩区地貌形态三维分形特征量化及空间变异 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
针对现有地貌形态三维分形模型结构存在的不足,构建一个新的地貌形态三维分形维数测算模型。基于该模型对砒砂岩区274个小流域的地貌形态三维分形维数进行计算并分析其空间变异规律。研究表明:① 基于该模型计算的分形维数能更准确地反映地貌形态复杂度信息;② 砒砂岩区小流域地貌形态三维分形维数介于1.683 6~1.948 6之间;③ 地貌形态三维分形维数整体上覆土砒砂岩区(均值为1.765 9)<裸露砒砂岩强度侵蚀区(均值为1.785 4)和剧烈侵蚀区(均值为1.774 8)<覆沙砒砂岩区(均值为1.796 6)。由于地表覆盖物、砒砂岩裸露程度和土壤侵蚀机理的差异而形成的不同地貌特征是该区地貌形态分形特征空间变异的主要原因。 相似文献
松辽盆地深部反射地震探查 总被引:14,自引:4,他引:14
概述了近年来用近垂直反射地震方法研究不同大地构造单元的地壳结构和深部构造问题所取得的基本成果,说明了在松辽盆地内所进行的两次深反射地震探查,包括位置、科学目标、资料采集、处理技术和基本结果,利用延长排列所得到的约42km长共炮点资料,求出松辽盆地地壳平均速度约为6.197km/s。通过初步解释,认为在上部地壳存在多组低角度断裂、中下部地壳构造具有更为复杂的震相、Moho震相比较清晰,多处出现与Moho震相斜交的震相。 相似文献
采用自然成熟度系列与其预热残渣系列样品相结合方式, 通过热解模拟方法, 对煤中有机质二次生烃迟滞性显现特征和化学反应动力学机制进行了探讨.结果表明: 二次生烃起始成熟度增高, 二次生烃峰位成熟度呈规律性后移, 二次生烃作用“死线”位于Ro=4.0 %左右; 二次生烃峰位成熟度与起始成熟度之差随起始成熟度的增高呈抛物线式演化, 二次生烃的绝对迟滞性和相对迟滞性均呈阶段性演化, 由此可对二次生烃迟滞深度进行预测; 二次生烃半峰宽随起始成熟度呈阶段性演化, 暗示二次生烃起始成熟度位于生油高峰附近的烃源岩, 其生烃量可能相对较大.同时, 原始样品平均活化能的演化经历了4个阶段, 它们与热解生烃量及二次生烃迟滞性的阶段性演化特征高度吻合, 揭示出二次生烃作用严格受控于反应动力学的地球化学机制. 相似文献
秦少梅 《华北地质矿产杂志》1995,(4)
饮用天然矿泉水水源地位于太行山前的唐河、大沙河冲洪积扇交叠部位。“矿水床”深度为60~136m,上更新统下部为石英、长石质粗砂及花岗岩、片麻岩、石英岩质的砾石、卵石。长石类矿物均有风化现象,经过与地下水化学成分的交替、溶滤作用,在地下水中某些有益组分得以富集,Sr含量0.27~0.476mg/L,H_2SiO_326.47~31.41mg/L,Na9.3~16.6mg/L,矿化度321~475mg/L,属低钠、低矿化度、锶-偏硅酸重碳酸钙型饮用天然矿泉水。其中,尚含Li,Zn,Br等对人体健康有益的微量元素。同位素氚的测试结果:19.21±5.35TU及5.07±3.22TU。抽水试验结果为S=5m时,Q=36~197m ̄3/h。 相似文献
开垦对内蒙古温带草地土壤不同有机碳组分的影响(英文) 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
Cultivation is one of the most important human activities affecting the grassland ecosystem besides grazing, but its impacts on soil total organic carbon (C), especially on the liable organic C fractions have not been fully understood yet. In this paper, the role of cropping in soil organic C pool of different fractions was investigated in a meadow steppe region in Inner Mongolia of China, and the relationships between different C fractions were also discussed. The results indicated that the concentrations of different C fractions at steppe and cultivated land all decreased progressively with soil depth. After the conversion from steppe to spring wheat field for 36 years, total organic carbon (TOC) concentration at the 0 to 100 cm soil depth has decreased by 12.3% to 28.2%, and TOC of the surface soil horizon, especially those of 0-30 cm decreased more significantly (p<0.01). The dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and microbial biomass carbon (MBC) at the depth of 0-40 cm were found to have decreased by 66.7% to 77.1% and 36.5% to 42.4%, respectively. In the S.baicalensis steppe, the ratios of soil DOC to TOC varied between 0.52% and 0.60%, and those in the spring wheat field were only in the range of 0.18%-0.20%. The microbial quotients (qMBs) in the spring wheat field, varying from 1.11% to 1.40%, were also lower than those in the S. baicalensis steppe, which were in the range of 1.50%-1.63%. The change of DOC was much more sensitive to cultivation disturbance. Soil TOC, DOC, and MBC were significantly positive correlated with each other in the S. baicalensis steppe, but in the spring wheat field, the correlativity between DOC and TOC and that between DOC and MBC did not reach the significance level of 0.05. 相似文献
利用MODIS数据进行积雪检测 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
积雪是一种重要的地球表层覆盖物,是气象学和水文学中一个非常重要的参数。使用遥感方法能够有效获取大范围的雪盖信息,弥补地面观测资料在空间上的不足。中等分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)数据具有高光谱、高空间分辨率、高时间分辨率等特征,越来越多地应用到积雪检测方面。利用MODIS雪盖数据进行雪盖制图,分析了2008年初中国南方的受灾情况,并对雪情进行了分析。结果发现利用MODIS得到的积雪边界线轮廓清晰,对积雪检测非常有效,但由于云的遮蔽可能会使MODIS积雪分布面积出现误差。 相似文献