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The time and space variations of the ten-day mean surface sensible heat flux have been analyzed in this paper based on the data of NCEP/NCAR from January of 1979 to December of 1995 in the South China Sea (SCS) monsoon region.It is found that large variations of the surface sensible heat flux standard deviations exist in the northwestern Indochina Peninsula and the Indian Peninsula regions,and their locations and strength change significantly during the onset period of SCS monsoon.The negative deviations appear evidently earlier in the Indocbina Peninsula than in the Indian Peninsula but the deviation strength in the Indian Peninsula is stronger than that in the Indochina Peninsula.The appearance of the zonal negative mean deviations in the southern part of the Indochina Peninsula corresponds to the date of the SCS summer monsoon onset,while the occurrence of the deviation decrease corresponds to the date of the South Asian monsoon onset.The sensible heat flux increases dekad by dekad before the onset of the summer monsoon in the Indian Peninsula and the Indochina Peninsula and decreases after the monsoon onset.Therefore,the surface sensible heat flux changes in the Indochina and the Indian Peninsula regions maybe have some connections with the SCS monsoon onset and the Indian monsoon onset,and the Indochina Peninsula maybe becomes the sensitive or key region to the SCS monsoon onset and the land maybe plays an important role in triggering summer monsoon onset.  相似文献   
The temporal and spatial variations of the ten-day mean surface latent heat flux (TMLH) havebeen analyzed in this paper based on the data of NCEP from January of 1979 to December of 1995in the South China Sea (SCS) monsoon region. It is found that there exist maximum centers ofTMLH standard deviation in the northwest Indochina and the Indian Peninsula as well as thewestern Pacific, SCS, the Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal, and their locations and strengthschange significantly during the period of SCS monsoon onset. A positive zonal deviation of TMLHoccurs first in the Indochina Peninsula, apparently earlier than that in the Indian Peninsula. Theappearance of maximum positive zonal deviations of TMLH approximately coincides with thesummer monsoon onset. Over the Indochina and Indian Peninsulas, the TMLH increases graduallywith a small amplitude of variation before the onset of summer monsoon, and the rate of increase issignificantly enhanced after the onset of the monsoon; whereas over the ocean, TMLH decreasesbefore the monsoon onset, varies little during the period of monsoon and increases gradually afterthe ending of monsoon. Therefore, it seems that the surface latent heat flux plays an importantrole in the maintenance of the summer monsoon, and its variation is an phenomenon accompanyingthe onset of summer monsoon.  相似文献   
前兆异常要素与地震要素模糊关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用模糊信息处理方法研究两变量之间或多变量之间的关系.这种关系有别于传统的统计相关,而带有模糊性.对前兆异常要素与地震要素模糊关系进行了数值模拟,验证了该方法用于评价异常要素与地震要素关系中的可靠性和有效性.同时也给出了霍山小震月频次与地震模糊关系的实例分析.由于地震孕育过程的复杂性,引进模糊关系评价时,较传统的统计相关分析更全面、更完善,并可用隶属度给出定量关系.   相似文献   
Treatments of the boundary layer in a five-layer primitive equation model with mixed P—σcoordinates are improved by incorporating similarity theory,which is widely used at present.Twokinds of parameterization schemes of the boundary layer are designed,and static test and numericalsimulation are performed.It is found that the iterative scheme can fairly improve the simulation ofthe mean climate field in July.The abnormally strong heat low over the Tibetan Plateau isweakened to some extent.  相似文献   
自动气象站防雷技术探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周新  钱肇淇 《气象》1999,25(3):54-57
由于自动气象站安装在野外以及微电子装置的脆弱性,很容易遭受雷电损害。通过深圳市中尺度自动气象站网防雷设计的实践,作者对自动气象站防雷技术问题进行了讨论,提出了一套自动气象站雷电防护方案  相似文献   
北京周口店地区中元古界雾迷山组以含硅质条带的白云岩为主,发育不规则硅质砾屑。这些硅质砾屑形态各异,具有强烈扰动的迹象,目前对其成因解释一直存在争议,如泄水构造、冲刷构造、震积岩、风暴岩等。文中选择北京周口店地区黄山店村恒顺厂剖面为研究对象,通过野外精细的沉积学分析,系统描述了岩性及沉积构造特征,确定了该套沉积地层发育典型的碳酸盐岩风暴沉积序列。该风暴沉积序列自下往上可分为5段: A段,为风暴前正常沉积的中厚层状泥晶白云岩;B段,具口袋构造的侵蚀冲刷面及硅质砾屑,为风暴高潮期产物;C段,灰色硅质条带白云岩,普遍发育平行层理和波状、丘状、洼状交错层理,是风暴衰减期产物;D段,灰白色薄层状泥晶白云岩,代表了风暴间歇期的正常沉积;E段,含硅质团块白云岩,为正常天气下海水局部扰动形成。该剖面上递变层理几乎不发育,结合侵蚀冲刷面特征、砾屑高含量以及杂乱堆积方式,认为该套沉积为典型的近原地风暴沉积。结合古地理资料,推测研究区在雾迷山组沉积时期可能处于热带海洋环境,热带气旋引发的频繁风暴潮导致了近原地碳酸盐岩风暴沉积的形成。上述研究成果不仅补充了燕山地区雾迷山组的风暴沉积记录,而且为该时期华北板块的古地理、古纬度和古气候研究提供了重要的沉积学证据。  相似文献   
云南暴雨涡散场动能转换函数的动态分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对1996年云南主汛期(6-8月)逐日散度风动能和旋转风动能之间的转换函数C(KD,KR)特征进行深入研究,同时分析了C(KD,KR)各项Af、Az、B、C在动能转换函数中所起的作用。研究结果表明,对流层内C(KD,KR)>0,同时对流层低层的C(K,KR)>中高层的C(KD,KR)之和.极易出现暴雨过程;Af项在整个动能转换中起主要作用,71%的Af与C(KD,KR)具有相同的符号,Az项和B项在动能转换中起振荡作用,Az+B控制着29%的动能转换方向。  相似文献   
武定地震序列的震源参数与频率特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用武定地震序列数字化记录地震图资料研究了直接用速度谱和位移谱测定地震矩的方法,结果给出前者的误差比后者小50%,两者无系统差。对序列地震震源参数的研究结果给出,地震矩M0在1012~1016(N·m)之间,震源破裂半径a在100~350m范围,震源距r或震级ML与近场波谱拐角频率f0相关性不明显,序列地震应力降Δσ多数在10~80MPa的范围,表明武定地震序列是在高应力背景下发生的爆发性地震群。  相似文献   
张旗  王焰 《岩石学报》1999,15(4):576-583
扬子地块西南缘晚泥盆世至晚二叠世的基性岩浆岩具有大体类似的地球化学性质, 它们均富集Ti(TiO2> 2% )、LILE和LREE(La/Yb)N= 4.8~14.6),Ti/V(32~67)、Ti/Y(400~693)和Zr/Y(3.2~7.6)比值高,具洋岛玄武岩的特征,推测它们均与地幔柱岩浆的活动有关。该地幔柱岩浆活动的时期与古特提斯洋盆演化的时期大体吻合, 但地幔柱岩浆开始喷发的中心与古特提斯初始扩张的中心相距甚远,看来,金沙江-哀牢山洋盆的张开与地幔柱岩浆活动无关。从晚泥盆世至晚二叠世,地幔柱岩浆活动的规模和强度逐渐增加,玄武岩分布中心从广西的南宁-百色之间逐渐向北西310°方向迁移了约600 km ,推测这一迁移轨迹可能受金沙江-哀牢山洋盆扩张的影响。据此估计, 金沙江-哀牢山洋盆宽度可达约1 000 km 。据地幔柱岩浆轨迹与金沙江-哀牢山缝合带所夹的角度推测, 扬子地块可能经历了顺时针旋转, 与古地磁资料一致。  相似文献   
浮游植物生物量研究 Ⅰ.浮游植物生物量细胞体积转化法   总被引:31,自引:4,他引:27  
在海洋生态动力学研究过程中,采用浮游植物细胞数量来估算浮游植物丰度可以说是不够精确的,因为不同种的浮游植物细胞大小差别很大,只有浮游植物的生物量才能正确反映海洋生态系中的能量分布.本文以拟合浮游植物细胞相似体积方法,基于胶州湾生态动力学研究所获资料,计算了87种中国近海常见浮游植物的细胞体积、鲜重、碳含量、氮含量.  相似文献   
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