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为研究土钉支护结构体系的抗震性能,设计并完成了土钉支护边坡1:12比尺的振动台试验,研究了土钉支护边坡的动力反应特征和规律。结果表明:土钉支护边坡坡面的最大变形主要发生在边坡坡腹处,坡顶与坡趾的变形相对较小;增大土钉倾角会增大边坡的侧向位移,增加土钉长度以及减小土钉间距则会减小边坡侧向位移;土钉支护最大作用带基本位于土钉支护区的中前部,呈折线形,与计算假设的圆弧形不同,而且该作用带与滑裂面的位置并不相同;边坡土体中部和下部的加速度放大系数较小而且比较接近,边坡上部土体的加速度放大系数则较大。  相似文献   
A complete picture of changes in climate extremes has been presented for Shanxi Province, China using data from all 61 available stations. The results reveal large spatial coherence of trends for the majority of extremes, especially for temperature extremes. Significant and symmetric increasing trends of the annual mean maximum and mean minimum temperatures (TXam, TNam) are detected over the past 50 years. Significant positive trends are detected for warm days and nights (TX90p, TN90p), the highest and lowest maximum and minimum temperatures (TXx, TXn, TNx, TNn), and the growing season length (GSL). Significant negative trends are revealed for cold days and nights (TX10p, TN10p) and frost days (FD). Significant decreases are found in the number of heavy precipitation days (R10mm) and wet day precipitation (PRCPTOT). Although Shanxi and the northern half of North China Plain (NNCP) have been grouped into the North China region and assessed together in previous studies for China, the changes in climate extremes in the NNCP have some pronounced differences in comparison with Shanxi. Noticeably, the increase of the TNam is at a rate nearly three times that of the TXam during 1959–2008 over the NNCP. The warming for the nighttime indices TN90p, TN10p, TNx, and TNn is stronger, but the warming for the daytime indices TX10p, TX90p, and TXx is weaker in the NNCP. There is no significant decrease for R10mm and PRCPTOT in the NNCP.  相似文献   
该文以500 hPa环流作为关键影响因子,采用K-means动态聚类分型,将近10 a安顺降雪划分为平直气流型(Ⅰ)、南支槽型(Ⅱ)、多波动型(Ⅲ)3种主要形势。个例分析和合成分析表明:3种形势下降雪过程中相态变化、区域、持续时间等特点有所不同。合成分析还表明:3种形势在500 hPa环流上有明显的区别,Ⅰ型在高原东侧到贵州的气流基本平直,Ⅱ型从高原东侧到贵州有1个明显的南支槽,Ⅲ型在高原东侧到贵州有多个波动槽影响,在高原北侧沿河套地区和孟湾以东均有槽影响,形成阶梯槽。此外滇黔准静止锋的强度、影响区域、物理量以及垂直方向湿度配置、逆温等方面均有所区别:Ⅰ型湿层和上升区浅薄,有1℃左右逆温;Ⅱ型湿层较薄,Ⅱ型在贵州中部有3℃逆温范围较窄;Ⅲ型中低层有宽广的湿层,水汽和抬升条件配合较好,几乎没有逆温。  相似文献   
利用常规气象资料、物理量场资料、卫星云图、大气监测自动站等资料,对2008年7月23-24日出现在山东中东部的暴雨天气过程成因进行了诊断分析.结果表明:暴雨天气过程是副高边缘的西南暖湿气流、西南涡和地面倒槽共同影响造成的;副高在暴雨预报中非常关键,副高的强弱影响暴雨的落区;低空急流向暴雨区源源不断地输送水汽,为强对流的发展积累了不稳定能量;850 hPa θse的水平变化、能量锋区和6 h降水区分布关系密切,高层引导气流对低层的引导作用较大,加强对500 hPa形势场的维持和变化分析,有利于准确预报低层影响系统的发展和变化;本次过程降水存在明显的中尺度降水特征,地面辐合中心和辐合线为强降水发展提供了启动机制,强降雨中心位于地面辐合中心、辐合线附近.  相似文献   
黄河水文变化复杂,现有水位监测方法费时费力且不能很好满足时间分辨率和空间分辨率两个方面的需求.地基GPS-IR技术的出现为水位监测提供了新的手段,但目前大多数地基GPS-IR技术采用的接收机为高精度大地测量型接收机,成本高、时效性差,不适合大范围推广.首先介绍了普适型GPS接收机的组成,并对GPS数据观测质量进行了分析;其次给出了地基GPS-IR技术用于水位监测的基本原理;最后利用黄河盐锅峡GPS实测数据进行GPS-IR水位提取,以兰州水文站水位监测数据为参考分析了普适型GPS接收机反演水位的精度,得到了最佳RMSE为0.21 m的精度.实验结果表明,普适型GPS接收机可用于长时间水位监测.  相似文献   
2005年11月哈密暴雪天气 过程的诊断分析   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
2005年11月18日凌晨至20日,哈密出现罕见暴雪天气过程,此次降雪强度大,范围集中,南部大,北部小。利用NCEP1°×1°的6小时分析资料和非常规观测资料,对此次哈密地区的暴雪天气过程的环流背景、影响天气系统进行了动力和热力的诊断分析,并利用Q矢量及螺旋度方法作了天气动力学诊断分析。结果表明:(1)新疆西部高压脊东移发展,引导萨彦岭低涡东移南压,移入哈密地区,造成哈密暴雪天气。(2)萨彦岭低涡是一较深厚系统,是低层辐合高层辐散的垂直上升气旋性涡柱,为暴雪发生提供了有利的动力机制。(3)冷暖平流交汇,增强了斜压性,有助于低涡的发展加强。冷平流对锋生起到重要作用。(4)Q矢量辐合区及螺旋度正值区与低涡有较好的对应关系,对哈密降雪的预报有一定的指示作用。  相似文献   
应用绥化自动气象观测站和气象航空报资料以及MICAPS相关资料,对2008年8月6日绥化市一次大雾天气过程,从环流形势、影响系统、水汽条件和层结稳定条件等方面进行了分析,结果表明:这次大雾主要是平流造成的;深厚而稳定的暖性西北太平洋副热带高压是主要影响系统;低层湿度场和风场的适当配合,提供了充足的水汽条件;中低层深厚的暖平流为产生稳定的逆温层提供了有利条件;交替型逆温结构即有利于层结稳定,阻碍水汽的垂直交换,又有利于水汽凝结成水滴形成雾.  相似文献   
对住宅小区的侧墙绿化墙面与裸露墙面温湿度的对比分析发现,侧墙绿化可以有效地改善墙体的温湿度状况;同时通过观测爬墙虎的蒸腾速率,推算出其对环境的降温增湿效果;并通过有侧墙绿化与无侧墙绿化室内温湿度分析比较,说明侧墙绿化对室内温湿度的影响。  相似文献   
赵玲  齐铎  李树岭  张月 《气象科技》2017,45(1):102-107
探讨了黑龙江省2000年以来浓雾时空分布特征以及秋季浓雾异常环流特征和环流分型。结果表明:黑龙江省浓雾春季和冬季少,夏季最多,但多发生在山区,持续时间短,局地性强;范围大、持续时间长、灾害重的浓雾天气主要出现在秋季,其中10—11月持续性浓雾天气过程均发生在2010年以后。黑龙江省秋季浓雾多发生在暖湿空气较强的环境条件下,根据500 hPa高度场和距平场特征把秋季偏暖背景下浓雾发生的主要环流型分为西低东高型和纬向型,黑龙江省中低层正高度距平、850 hPa距平风场上反气旋环流以及西北太平洋副热带高压常偏北偏强等异常环流特征对浓雾中短期预报有较好的指示意义。  相似文献   
There has been a rapid growth of reactive nitrogen (Nr) deposition over the world in the past decades. The Pearl River Delta region is one of the areas with high loading of nitrogen deposition. But there are still large uncertainties in the study of dry deposition because of its complex processes of physical chemistry and vegetation physiology. At present, the forest canopy parameterization scheme used in WRF-Chem model is a single-layer “big leaf” model, and the simulation of radiation transmission and energy balance in forest canopy is not detailed and accurate. Noah-MP land surface model (Noah-MP) is based on the Noah land surface model (Noah LSM) and has multiple parametric options to simulate the energy, momentum, and material interactions of the vegetation-soil-atmosphere system. Therefore, to investigate the improvement of the simulation results of WRF-Chem on the nitrogen deposition in forest area after coupled with Noah-MP model and to reduce the influence of meteorological simulation biases on the dry deposition velocity simulation, a dry deposition single-point model coupled by Noah- MP and the WRF-Chem dry deposition module (WDDM) was used to simulate the deposition velocity (Vd). The model was driven by the micro-meteorological observation of the Dinghushan Forest Ecosystem Location Station. And a series of numerical experiments were carried out to identify the key processes influencing the calculation of dry deposition velocity, and the effects of various surface physical and plant physiological processes on dry deposition were discussed. The model captured the observed Vd well, but still underestimated the Vd. The self-defect of Wesely scheme applied by WDDM, and the inaccuracy of built-in parameters in WDDM and input data for Noah-MP (e.g. LAI) were the key factors that cause the underestimation of Vd. Therefore, future work is needed to improve model mechanisms and parameterization.  相似文献   
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