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随着我国能源勘探及地球深部探测等向深部发展,深井越来越多,地层温度、压力越来越高。保证高温高压状态下钻井液流变性能的稳定是深井安全钻进的必要前提,测定钻井液高温高压流变性是评价和优选钻井液体系最基础的工作。依托国家科技部重大仪器设备开发专项,通过对压力控制系统、温度控制系统、剪率控制系统、粘度检测系统等方面技术难题的攻关,研制成功了国内首台超高温高压流变仪。该仪器可在高温高压及低温高压条件下对钻井液、完井液、压裂液等样品的流变性进行高精度测量。  相似文献   
雷电灾害风险评估中,雷击风险的计算方法有人工计算、Excel表格计算和软件计算3种。选取石嘴山一油库为案例,依据风险管理标准(GB/T 21714.2 -2015),分别采用人工、Excel和软件方法,计算该油库雷电风险总量和风险分量。计算结果显示,软件计算风险总值相对人工计算值总是偏高,特别是对于易燃易爆场所,比人工计算、Excel计算值高20~30倍;人工方法、Excel方法风险总值计算结果较为一致。造成差别的原因是,人工计算主观性大,不同的评估人员在风险分量的选取及计算过程中会出现较大的差别,容易忽略部分风险分量,从而造成风险总量的减少。在风险分量的组成上,对第三类防雷建筑物,人工计算结果更符合实际;对第一、二类防雷建筑物,软件计算结果更符合实际。  相似文献   
2007年淮河暴雨洪涝的气象水文特征   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
利用常规气象和水文资料, 分析了2007年淮河洪涝期间的气象水文特征, 探讨了淮河暴雨致洪原因。结果表明: 2007年淮河入梅后经历了7次暴雨和大暴雨过程, 其中导致淮河洪涝的强降雨主要出现在2007年6月29日—7月10日的4场强暴雨过程。大尺度的环流分析表明:淮河的强降水出现在大尺度环流形势相对稳定的梅雨形势下, 副热带高压的稳定对于强雨带的建立影响最明显; 淮河干流的水位流量变化呈现出上游水位高, 汛情严重的特征。王家坝的水位经历了两次快速上涨后超过保证水位, 水位的变化与淮河强降雨、尤其是淮河上游强降雨过程有较好的对应关系。与历史上淮河洪涝年比较发现:2007年淮河梅雨期的总降水量低于历史上淮河洪涝年的1954年、1991年和2003年的降水量, 为历史第4位; 淮河干流的水位则超过了1991年和2003年, 为历史第2位, 上游降水量大导致了淮河出现1954年以来的高水位。  相似文献   
Food safety is an important issue for the development of the national economy and society. Studying regional food supply and demand from the perspective of land resource carrying capacity can provide new references for regional resource sustainability. This study uses the data from farmer and herdsmen household questionnaires, statistical data, land use data, and other sources to construct a land resource carrying capacity (LCC) assessment framework, targeting the food supply and demand of residents in representative areas, specifically the typical grassland pastoral areas, sandy pastoral areas and agro-pastoral areas on the Xilin Gol grassland transects. The three food nutritional indicators of calories, protein and fat were selected for analyzing the balance of land resource carrying capacity. We found that: 1) Along the Xilin Gol grassland, the main local food supply showed a shift from meat and milk to grains, vegetables and fruits. 2) From north to south along the grassland transects, the calorie intake increased gradually, while the intake of protein and fat was highest in pastoral areas and lowest in agricultural areas. 3) The overall land resource carrying capacity of the Xilin Gol grassland transects was in a surplus state, but the land carrying capacity of typical grassland pastoral area was higher than the two other types of areas. This study provides an empirical reference for the sustainable development of regional food nutrition.  相似文献   
2003年10~11月的大磁暴   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
分析了引起2003年10~11月发生的3个特大磁暴的太阳活动、行星际扰动以及中国东部地磁台链记录到的地面磁场变化。结果表明,这3个特别大的磁暴是由太阳质量抛射事件引起的。太阳向着地球喷发出的大量等离子体引起的强烈太阳风扰动和持续长时间的南向行星际磁场与磁层相互作用形成了特别大的磁暴。ACE卫星、GOES卫星以及地面地磁台站较完整地记录了这3次日地扰动传输过程。对于每一个磁暴,中国东部地磁台链记录到的H分量变化形态一致,纬度最高的满洲里地磁台H幅度最大,而其他台站的幅度与纬度无明显关系,这表明磁暴的发展不完全由赤道环电流引起,在这样强烈的磁暴期间,磁层内的电流体系非常复杂。  相似文献   
以高能耗为主要特征的工业部门是大气污染物和温室气体的重要排放源.为推动协同管控,文中结合生态环境部在重庆市组织开展的试点工作,对工业企业NOx污染治理协同控制温室气体的效应进行了量化分析.结果表明,以末端治理为手段的NOx治理措施协同控制温室气体的效果为负,即工业企业去除1 t NOx会直接或间接增加CO2排放1.81...  相似文献   
The carbonate-free fraction of 20 surface sediments collected from the ultraslow-spreading Southwest Indian Ridge(SWIR) was studied by grain size analysis and mineralogical analysis with X-ray powder diffraction(XRD),stereo microscopy and scanning electron microscopy(SEM). The characteristics of the carbonate-free fraction of the sediments were obtained, and related influential factors were discussed. The results show that the mean grain size of this fraction is in 1.96Φ–8.19Φ, with poorly sorting and unimodal, bimodal or irregular bimodal distribution patterns. Four grain size end members of the fraction are derived with the End Member Model method. The finest end member EM1 shows a significant contribution of terrigenous materials of the aeolian input and sediment carried by the bottom current. End member EM2 with medium size mainly reflects sediment of a siliceous bioclast origin. EM3 and EM4 are interpreted as representing the coarser volcanic materials related to bedrock weathering or volcanic activities. Multi-provenance is the dominant factor controlling the grain size pattern of the carbonate-free fraction of the sediments in that area. In addition, sediment transport processes such as the bottom current and wind are the minor factors that influence the grain size distribution of the carbonate-free fraction sediments.  相似文献   
在分析1987—1988年两年间Geosat卫星高度计遥感资料的基础上,给出了南海海面月平均风速和月平均有效波高的分布,以及沿南海NE-SW向的风、浪年变化特征;并与船舶报资料作了对比分析,其结果显示该高度计遥感资料与常规资料(船舶报资料)基本一致。  相似文献   
AEKF在星敏感器低频误差补偿中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高分辨率对地观测卫星需要精确的姿态信息来满足后续对地定位等工作,因此姿态确定精度十分重要。星敏感器的低频误差是影响卫星姿态确定精度的重要因素之一,主要是由空间周期性的热环境变化引起的。为进一步提高卫星姿态确定精度,对星敏感器的低频误差产生机理即星敏感器主光轴做周期性扰动进行了分析,设计了星敏感器低频误差补偿方案,建立了考虑星敏感器低频误差在内的组合定姿模型,利用拓维卡尔曼滤波(AEKF)对低频误差进行补偿,并引入RTS平滑滤波进一步提高姿态确定精度。仿真实验表明,设计的星敏感器低频误差补偿方案能有效对其进行补偿,提高卫星姿态确定精度。  相似文献   
杨和振  姜豪  杨启 《海洋工程》2014,28(3):363-379
This paper proposes an enhanced approach for evaluating the fatigue life of each metallic layer of unbonded flexible risers. Owing to the complex structure of unbonded flexible risers and the nonlinearity of the system, particularly in the critical touchdown zone, the traditional method is insufficient for accurately evaluating the fatigue life of these risers. The main challenge lies in the transposition from global to local analyses, which is a key stage for the fatigue analysis of flexible pipes owing to their complex structure. The new enhanced approach derives a multi-layer stress-decomposition method to meet this challenge. In this study, a numerical model validated experimentally is used to demonstrate the accuracy of the stress-decomposition method. And a numerical case is studied to validate the proposed approach. The results demonstrate that the multi-layer stress-decomposition method is accurate, and the fatigue lives of the metallic layers predicted by the enhanced multi-layer analysis approach are rational. The proposed fatigue-analysis approach provides a practical and reasonable method for predicting fatigue life in the design of unbonded flexible risers.  相似文献   
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