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Generation, migration, and distribution of H+ and OH? have remarkable influence on heavy metal removal from soil during electrokinetic remediation. A series of experiments were carried out to investigate the effects of electrode configuration and voltage on pH distribution and heavy metal migration, based on the preliminary exploratory experiments. In the first phase, three soil samples were used to observe the effect of electrode configuration on pH distribution. Then, three more soil samples were used to explore the effect of voltage on ion migration. Finally, three other soil samples were used to explore the effect of electrode configuration (i.e. angle CAC) on pH distribution and heavy metal migration. The results showed that the soil was divided into acid, base, and pH-jump zones and that heavy metals migrated under low pH conditions and were deposited at the pH-jump zone. Heavy metal distribution was fairly consistent with pH distribution. Under the optimal condition of $ \angle $ CAC 60º and voltage 2.33 V/cm, 4.22 mg copper and 0.51 mg zinc migrated from acid zone and deposited in pH-jump zone with 6.44 kJ energy consumption.  相似文献   
A closed-cell marine stratocumulus case during the Aerosol and Cloud Experiments in the Eastern North Atlantic (ACE-ENA) aircraft field campaign is selected to examine the heterogeneities of cloud and drizzle microphysical properties and the aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions. The spatial and vertical variabilities of cloud and drizzle microphysics are found in two different sets of flight legs: Leg-1 and Leg-2, which are parallel and perpendicular to the cloud propagation, respectively. The cloud along Leg-2 was close to adiabatic, where cloud-droplet effective radius and liquid water content linearly increase from cloud base to cloud top with less drizzle. The cloud along Leg-1 was sub-adiabatic with lower cloud-droplet number concentration and larger cloud-droplet effective, but higher drizzle droplet number concentration, larger drizzle droplet median diameter and drizzle liquid water content. The heavier drizzle frequency and intensity on Leg-1 were enhanced by the collision-coalescence processes within cloud due to strong turbulence. The sub-cloud precipitation rate on Leg-1 was significantly higher than that along Leg-2. As a result, the sub-cloud accumulation mode aerosols and CCN on Leg-1 were depleted, but the coarse model aerosols increased. This further leads to a counter-intuitive phenomenon that the CCN is less than cloud-droplet number concentration for Leg-1. The average CCN loss rates are ?3.89 \begin{document}$\mathrm{c}{\mathrm{m}}^{-3}\;{\mathrm{h}}^{-1}$\end{document} and ?0.77 \begin{document}$\mathrm{c}{\mathrm{m}}^{-3}\;{\mathrm{h}}^{-1}$\end{document} on Leg-1 and Leg-2, respectively. The cloud and drizzle heterogeneities inside the same stratocumulus can significantly alter the sub-cloud aerosols and CCN budget. Hence it should be treated with caution in the aircraft assessment of aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions.  相似文献   
元素地球化学分类探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在评述已有经典分类基础上给予了元素地球化学亲合性的明确概念。强调了阳离子与阴离子或与络阴离子(酸根)之间的选择结合的重要地球化学意义,并以其做为元素地球化学分类的依据,提出了分类的新方案。该分类方案将元素划分为:亲石元素、亲氧元素、亲硫元素、阴离子及两性元素和氢及惰性气体元素五个类。阐述了各类元素亲合规律的基本特征和元素亲合性与地质环境的关系。  相似文献   
中国建设用地与区域社会经济发展关系的空间计量研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
叶浩  张鹏  濮励杰 《地理科学》2012,(2):149-155
利用空间计量模型,对中国大陆地区的30个省、市、自治区2008年的建设用地面积与社会经济发展之间的关系进行了研究。研究表明:30个省、直辖市和自治区地区建设用地面积、GDP、总人口和城市化率都有显著的空间相关特征,一个区域社会经济的发展不仅会驱动自身区域建设用地的扩张,而且会带动邻近区域的建设用地的增长。传统上只从时间维度出发的研究思路,忽视空间维度的相关性和异质性,低估了区域社会经济发展对建设用地增长的作用,必须在普通面板线性回归模型中描述的基础上引入空间变量进行修正。计量模型检验表明,城市化水平对建设用地总规模的影响不甚显著。说明中国大部分省份的农村居民点用地的利用效率普遍偏低。因此,农村居民点用地的调整与优化已迫在眉睫,从长远看来,提高城市化水平,打破城乡二元化的土地制度,建立统一的土地市场,是缓解土地资源紧缺、提高土地利用效率的有效途径。  相似文献   
Spectral analysis is applied to geochemical data from a deep-water Permian-Triassic Boundary (PTB) section across PTB in Dongpan, Guangxi for high-resolution cyclostratigraphic research. The characteristics of the Milankovitch Cycles have been well recorded in the strata of the Dongpan section. Spectrum on Ce/La records shows especially that the ratios among its three preponderant cycles in the section are 5:2:1, which well displays the phenomenon of the sedimentary cycles driven by orbital force. The Milankovitch theory is further confirmed by the Paleozoic records.  相似文献   
Role of solar activity on modern climate change, particularly in the decadal scale is an important scientific issue. This paper reviews the recent observation of decadal solar signal in earth’s climate, with focus on the mechanism of solar radiation, ultraviolet radiation and cosmic rays on climate system ,and its validation. The paper points out that the assessment of uncertainty in observations, amplification process of the climate system, as well as possible future impact of solar extreme events are challenges in the present study. Finally, the keys of breakthrough are pointed, to provide a reference for future research.  相似文献   
The Qinling Group was previously interpreted as the oldest Precambrian basement unit of the North Qinling Terrain, recording its formation and early crustal evolution. The Qinling Group consists predominantly of gneisses, amphibolites, and marbles, which underwent multi-phase deformation and metamorphism. In order to better constrain the provenance and tectonic setting of this group and the evolution of the North Qinling orogenic belt, in situ U–Pb dating and oxygen isotopic analysis of zircons in combination with whole-rock geochemistry and Sr–Nd isotope analysis was performed on the two dominant rock types, amphibolite and felsic gneiss. Felsic gneisses exhibit enrichment of LREEs and LILEs (Rb, Ba, Th, K, Pb), negative Eu anomalies and depletion of HFSEs (Nb, Ta, P, Ti). The rocks have slightly elevated δ18O values (6.5–9.3 ‰) and initial ε Nd values of ?4.6 corresponding to two-stage Nd model age of 1.99 Ga. Amphibolites are also enriched in LILEs and LREEs and depleted in Nb and Ta and have homogeneous δ18O values (5.0–6.0 ‰), but higher initial ε Nd values (2.8–3.3) and younger two-stage Nd model ages (1.29–1.24 Ga) compared to the gneisses. The zircon age record indicates that the gneisses and amphibolites were formed in a ~960 Ma volcanic arc environment rather than in a rift setting as previously suggested. A major metamorphic event took place during the Early Paleozoic. Based on the age spectrum of detrital zircons, the Qinling Group is interpreted as an autonomous geological unit, which was mainly derived mostly from 1,000 to 900 Ma old granitoid rocks. The North Qinling Terrain can be regarded as a remnant of the Grenville orogenic belt with an early Neoproterozoic evolution different from that of the North and South China blocks.  相似文献   
服务业的发展是促进全球经济增长的重要力量,发达国家普遍呈现出产业结构高级化特征。利用外商投资可以促进中国服务业的发展,是加快经济发展的有效手段。通过对天津市服务业发展以及服务业利用外商直接投资现状的分析,对服务业外商直接投资与经济增长的关系进行了实证研究。研究结果表明:服务业外商直接投资不仅促进了天津经济的增长,同时,还对资本积累、产业结构、技术水平、就业程度及人力资本产生了不同程度的促进作用;技术水平进步、就业水平的提高、人力资本的提升又将带动天津经济增长。天津市应发挥现代服务业发展的优势,发挥天津自贸区的区位优势和政策优势,积极承揽国际服务外包。  相似文献   
刘鹏  陈莉  张宁 《山东地质》2011,(9):76-78,86
在深入调查,总结多年实践工作的基础上,阐述了土地收购储备制度,实施土地收购储备制度的意义和作用。介绍了苍山县土地储备中心成立后的主要做法,分析了土地收储中在土地资金、前期开发、储备方式、部门协调等方面存在的一些问题,在此基础上,提出了解决这些问题的途径和方法。  相似文献   
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