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Accurate sea-level rise (SLR) vulnerability assessments are essential in developing effective management strategies for coastal systems at risk. In this study, we evaluate the effect of combining vertical uncertainties in Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) elevation data, datum transformation and future SLR estimates on estimating potential land area and land cover loss, and whether including uncertainty in future SLR estimates has implications for adaptation decisions in Kahului, Maui. Monte Carlo simulation is used to propagate probability distributions through our inundation model, and the output probability surfaces are generalized as areas of high and low probability of inundation. Our results show that considering uncertainty in just LiDAR and transformation overestimates vulnerable land area by about 3 % for the high probability threshold, resulting in conservative adaptation decisions, and underestimates vulnerable land area by about 14 % for the low probability threshold, resulting in less reliable adaptation decisions for Kahului. Not considering uncertainty in future SLR estimates in addition to LiDAR and transformation has variable effect on SLR adaptation decisions depending on the land cover category and how the high and low probability thresholds are defined. Monte Carlo simulation is a valuable approach to SLR vulnerability assessments because errors are not required to follow a Gaussian distribution.  相似文献   
利用2006年南极威德尔海冬季科学考察期间由机载激光高度计测得的海冰上表面形态数据,以拖曳分割理论为基础研究了冰脊形拖曳力及其对冰-气总拖曳力的贡献以及中性条件下对应10 m高度处风速的冰-气拖曳系数Cdn(10)。结果显示,在密集冰区,冰脊形拖曳力及其对总拖曳力的贡献随冰脊强度(脊高/脊距)的增大呈递增趋势,而随粗糙长度的增大而减小,对应于威德尔海冬季典型冰脊强度和粗糙长度,占总拖曳力的35%,说明了冰脊形拖曳力在冰-气界面动量交换中的重要作用。Cdn(10)随冰脊强度的增大而增大,但冰脊强度较小时,Cdn(10)随粗糙长度增大而增大;而对较大的冰脊强度,Cdn(10)则随粗糙长度增大而减小。  相似文献   
Karst rocky desertification is a process of land degradation involving serious soil erosion, extensive exposure of basement rocks. It leads to drastic decrease in soil productivity and formation of a desert-like landscape. In this regard, changes in climatic conditions are the main origin of the soils degradation. Indeed, soils subjected to successive dry/wet cycling processes caused by climate change develop swelling and shrinkage deformations which can modify their water retention properties, thus inducing the degradation of soil–water capacity. The ecological characteristics of cultivation soils in karst areas, Southwest of China, are extremely easy to be affected by external environmental factors due to its shallow bedding and low vegetation coverage. Based on the analysis of the climate (precipitation) of this region during the past decades, an experimental study has been conducted on a cultivated soil obtained from the typical karst area in southwestern China. Firstly, the soil–water properties have been investigated. The measured soil–water retention curve shows that the air-entry value of the soil is between 50 and 60 kPa, while the residual saturation is about 12%. Based on the experimental results, three identifiable stages of de-saturation have been defined. Secondly, a special apparatus was developed to investigate the volume change behavior of the soil with controlled suction cycles. The vapor equilibrium technique was used for the suction control. The obtained results show that under the effect of dry/wet cycles, (1) the void ratio of the cultivated soil is continuously decreasing, leading to a gradual soil compaction. (2) The permeability decreases, giving rise to a deterioration of water transfer ability as well as a deterioration of soil–water retention capacity. It is then obvious that the long-term dry/wet cycling process caused by the climate change induce a continuously compaction and degradation of the cultivated soil in karst rocky desertification areas.  相似文献   
基于潍坊市寿光基础地理信息数据库建设更新工程与省地理信息公共服务平台框架数据更新工程,探索了省市基础地理信息框架数据联动更新的工作模式,提出了通过建立多比例尺基础框架数据的方式,建立省市基础框架数据库的联系,通过增量更新的模式完成省市两级基础框架数据库联动更新的方法。  相似文献   
To improve the ecological environment in China, the Chinese government implemented a country-wide ecological protection and reforestation project (namely the “Grain for Green Project”) in 1999 to return cultivated land with slopes of 25° or more to perennial vegetation. Vegetation restoration reduces soil erosion mainly by changing the soil physical properties. Different vegetation restoration methods might produce different impacts on soil physical properties. In this study, two vegetation restoration methods (i.e., natural restoration and artificial restoration) were compared on abandoned farmland in the typically hilly and gullied areas of the Loess Plateau of Northwest China. In the natural restoration method, the farmland was abandoned to natural vegetation succession without irrigation, fertilization or other artificial disturbances. In the artificial restoration method, the farmland was planted with black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) and watered and cultivated for the first two years. Three soil physical properties (i.e., soil moisture, bulk density and aggregation) were investigated under the two vegetation restoration methods. The results showed that the soil moisture and soil bulk density were higher under artificial restoration than under natural restoration within the first three years of vegetation restoration. By the fourth year, the soil moisture and soil bulk density were higher under natural restoration than under artificial restoration. For the stability of soil aggregates?>?0.25 mm, the soil aggregates in the 0-20 cm soil layer were more stable under artificial restoration than under natural restoration, while the results were the opposite for the 40-60 cm soil layer. Overall, the soil physical properties were continuously improved during the restoration of vegetation on abandoned farmland. In choosing between vegetation restoration methods, natural restoration is preferable to artificial restoration, but artificial intervention is needed during the first three years.  相似文献   
湘中锡矿山锑矿床成矿物质来源的同位素示踪   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文利用放射成因同位素(Pb、Sr)和轻稳定同位素(C、O)对锡矿山超大型锑矿床的成矿物质来源进行了示踪,从物源角度揭示了其在规模成矿、元素发生超常富集的原因。研究表明,锡矿山锑矿床的成矿物质不可能是来自赋矿围岩;深部地幔和基底都卷入了该矿的成矿作用;富Sb的交代型地幔和富Sb的元古界基底为其大规模成矿提供了充足的矿源,两者是形成锡成山超大型锑矿床的前提条件。  相似文献   
黑龙江省大兴安岭地区霍洛台花岗闪长岩的锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年代学表明,霍洛台花岗闪长岩(145 Ma)为早白垩世岩浆侵入产物。元素地球化学组成表明,为一套具埃达克岩特征的高钾钙碱性系列岩石,表现为高SiO_2(65.64%~66.00%)、高K_2O(3.67%~3.77%)、低MgO(0.09%~1.21%)、高Sr含量(814.00×10~(-6)~893.00×10~(-6)),低Yb(0.194×10~(-6)~0.536×10~(-6))和Y(6.38×10~(-6)~7.73×10~(-6)),A/CNK为0.94~0.958,轻重稀土元素分异明显。La/Yb(92.54~245.88)、Th/La(0.17~0.2)、Th/U(4.01~4.84)和Mg~#值(26.70~29.22)等特征显示霍洛台花岗闪长岩为加厚下地壳部分熔融形成。结合区域构造演化背景,认为霍洛台花岗闪长岩为受蒙古—鄂霍茨克构造体系影响下地壳加厚挤压-伸展转换阶段作用产物。  相似文献   
柴达木盆地察尔汗贝壳堤剖面记录了约39.7~17.514CkaB.P.期间古湖泊高湖面扩张、收缩的演化历史。剖面中丰富的介形类,皆为我国东部山间盆地~平原区系与西部高原区系常见种。依据青海地区现代介形类分布调查,可知研究剖面高湖面发育期为淡水湖,其中高分异度介形类组合代表近静水的浅湖环境,单种或近单种土星介大量出现层位指示缓流水环境,大量原生双壳类共生可能指示静水、较深水环境。据地层中介形类分布,自下而上划分为7个组合-沉积环境带,分别为:①少量湖沼种出现(积水洼地形成带)——湖泊前期,②单种缓流水种连续出现(湖泊初始形成带)——高湖面初始形成期,③高分异度组合、介形类富集(浅水大湖带)——高湖面水深加大期,④中分异度组合、介形类少量出现(深湖带)——高湖面最盛期,⑤中分异度组合、介形类少量出现、双壳类连续富集(湖泊变浅带)——高湖面略下降期,⑥缓流水介形类繁盛、双壳类多少不等(湖泊水位下降带)——古湖泊退缩期和⑦介形类稀少带——古湖泊快速消亡期。贝壳堤剖面所见双壳类在现代介形类调查区域没有发现,它们在地层中的出现,进一步指示大体相当MIS3阶段时期柴达木盆地比现代更温暖的气候背景,降水条件好于现代。  相似文献   
钪(Sc)是世界各国竞相争夺的关键金属矿产资源之一。滇中牟定大弯山变质玄武岩厚度>36.5m,出露面积0.5km^(2),形成时代为新元古代南华纪(781.3±1.9Ma)。本文对该变质玄武岩开展了全岩地球化学分析、全自动矿物分析(TESCAN TIMA)观测、NPPM薄片区域面扫和单矿物原位LA-ICPMS分析等研究,结果显示变质玄武岩全岩Sc含量为47.0×10^(-6)~97.9×10^(-6),平均含量为69.1×10^(-6),钪氧化物(Sc_(2)O_(3))平均含量为106×10^(-6),变质玄武岩空间Sc矿化特征稳定,具有形成钪矿资源的潜力。同时,变质玄武岩共伴生有钛和铁矿化,全岩TiO_(2)含量为2.57×10^(-2)~6.13×10^(-2),平均为4.25×10^(-2);TFe含量为13.3×10^(-2)~23.7×10^(-2),平均为17.7×10^(-2)。Sc可能存在类质同象和离子相两种赋存形式,类质同象形式Sc主要赋存于钛铁矿和金红石矿物中,钛铁矿中Sc含量为70.0×10^(-6)~168×10^(-6),平均值为108×10^(-6);金红石中Sc含量高达297×10^(-6);而磁铁矿、黑云母等矿物中Sc含量较低,均低于全岩Sc含量,对全岩Sc矿化贡献较小。牟定大弯山Sc矿化与以往报道侵入岩及其风化壳中Sc矿化在富集特征、赋存岩性和载体矿物等方面不同,是变质火山岩中新发现的Sc矿化信息,显示了较好的找矿潜力,对Sc资源勘查和研究具有重要指示意义。  相似文献   
水平井和大斜度井中阵列侧向测井响应数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对水平井和大斜度井中阵列侧向电极系的工作原理,利用多电场叠加方式进行电场合成,采用三维有限元方法模拟仿真各个分电场的场分布,进而利用电场线性叠加原理得到阵列侧向测井响应。在基于计算机仿真的基础上,得到阵列侧向五条测井曲线的径向探测深度,阵列侧向径向探测深度要小于深侧向探测深度。考察了三维地层模型下井斜和侵入深度变化对阵列侧向测井响应的影响,分析了水平井和大斜度井中阵列侧向测井响应特征。模拟结果表明,在井斜小于15°时,阵列侧向测井响应受井斜影响小,可以不进行井斜校正;井斜超过60°的大斜度井以及水平井中,阵列侧向测井响应视地层厚度逐渐增大,测井响应值与直井条件下响应值差别较大,必须进行井斜校正。  相似文献   
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