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铁是我国用量最大、用途最广的金属,新冠肺炎疫情期间国际铁矿石市场出现较多新变化,分析国际铁矿石供需和市场格局变化原因,研判未来趋势,对于保障我国铁矿石资源稳定供应具有重要意义.本文首先分析了新冠肺炎疫情下,全球钢铁产量、铁矿石供应和价格变化趋势,分析发现受新冠肺炎疫情影响,全球铁矿石供需格局进一步集中,呈现"两个国家,两个60%"的格局.即中国钢铁产量在全球地位将进一步提升,接近60%;澳大利亚对全球铁矿海运市场供应地位进一步提升,接近60%.其次,本文预测了未来2~3年中国和全球钢铁需求变化趋势,认为近年来中国钢铁产量增加的主要原因是国家稳定经济增长的需要,未来2~3年我国钢铁产量仍将保持高位,但长期来看我国铁矿石需求高位运行一段时间后降会缓慢下降.最后本文分析了全球铁矿石价格趋势,认为全球铁矿石价格将在2020年4季度冲高回落至100 USD/t以内,未来2~3年铁矿价格将缓慢震荡回落,铁矿价格平台将下移至60~80 USD/t之间.  相似文献   
Based on the study of the deep Amur Plate border structure, seismogravimetric (density) and geoelectric sections of the plate lithosphere crossing geologically and seismically defined plate boundaries are compiled to construct a three-dimensional model of its lithosphere. The model demonstrates the almost ring structure of the plate with its inner part dipping for 50 km and uplifted fringing. The plate boundary zone consists of orogenic belts (Mongol-Okhotsk, Selenga-Stanovoi, Transbaikal, and Sikhote-Alin) and margins of the Siberian and North China platforms. The plate boundaries are described by mantle diapirism models with a largely bilateral inclined dip of its bordering belts.  相似文献   
The mantle metasomatites (fluidized magmatic rocks) of the Pamir-Tien Shan region show extremely high contents of lithophile and chalcophile trace elements, which often exceeds the regional average abundances of the Earth’s crust. Geochemical relations were established between mantle and crustal rocks, and it was shown that the compositions of magmatic rocks of different age and formation depth and polychronous mineralization are relatively stable. These data and some other facts indicate the possible influence of mantle fluids (melts) on the crustal rocks and processes. An alternative model implies the geochemical influence of crustal rocks on the geochemical characteristics of the regional mantle. The ore material of alkali basic rocks and some hydrothermal and rare metal deposits shows a geochemical affinity to the supposed mantle (mantle-crustal) sources. The ore-bearing fluids (melts) were presumably related to the evolution of ultradeep “hot” material of mantle plumes and “daughter” diapirs carrying alkaline, trace, and ore elements.  相似文献   
为了探讨煤层地球化学特征和成煤环境的关系,根据黔北煤田吴家寨地区上二叠统龙潭组煤样地球化学特征分析数据,评价了该地区晚二叠世煤的总体煤质特征,重点探讨了煤灰成分指数、微量元素和稀土元素与成煤环境的联系.结果表明,研究区灰成分指数(Fe2 O3+CaO+MgO)/(SiO2+Al2 O3)、SiO2+Al2 O3平均0....  相似文献   
重点分析构造带的成矿地质条件,总结地层、构造、岩浆岩与矿床的关系,认为该地区具有寻找层控及热液改造型铅锌矿的远景,并指明找矿方向,根据化探异常及矿点分布的规律,圈定了找矿靶区。  相似文献   
为了解准噶尔盆地南缘硫磺沟地区中侏罗统头屯河组砂岩成岩-流体演化与铀成矿响应,进而客观评价其成矿潜力。通过光薄片鉴定、X衍射、扫描电镜分析得出:目的层主要为岩屑细砂岩,依次经历了浅埋藏、深埋藏和表生-热液成岩阶段,遭受较强的机械压实、胶结及溶蚀作用。其黏土矿物以高岭石为主,碳酸盐矿物有细亮晶和泥晶两类,硅质胶结微弱,局部见细晶黄铁矿及其褐铁矿氧化产物。成岩环境可能经历了由酸性到弱碱性再到酸性,由同生期氧化-浅埋期还原-短暂抬升期氧化还原过渡-缓慢沉降期还原增强-快速抬升期氧化的演化过程。砂岩中存在较多油气包裹体;酸解总烃为5.72~449.14 μL/kg,以CH4为主;方解石脉δ13CV-PDB为-25‰~-6.7‰,δ18OV-SMOW为11.1‰~18.9‰;结合野外调查认为目的层存在一期中等偏弱的后生油气侵位,从而影响了砂体的Eh及pH值。以上成岩过程及烃类流体活动使得目的层早期形成了小型层间氧化带型铀矿并得以局部保存,晚期形成了一定规模的地表潜水氧化带型铀矿体。  相似文献   
Scientific research and productive practice for earth history are inseparable from the accurate stratigraphic framework and time framework. Establishing the globally unified, precise and reliable chronostratigraphic series and geological time series is the major goal of the International Commission on Stratigraphy(ICS). Under the leadership of the ICS, the countries around the world have carried out research on the Global Standard Stratotype-section and Points(GSSPs) for the boundaries of chronostratigraphic systems. In the current International Chronostratigraphic Chart(ICC), 65 GSSPs have been erected in the Phanerozoic Eonothem, and one has yet been erected in the Precambrian Eonothem. Based on the progress of research on stratigraphy especially that from its subcommissions, the ICS is constantly revising the ICC, and will publish a new International Stratigraphic Guide in 2020. After continual efforts and broad international cooperation of Chinese stratigraphers, 10 GSSPs within the Phanerozoic Eonothem have been approved and ratified to erect in China by the ICS and IUGS. To establish the standards for stratigraphic division and correlation of China, with the support from the Ministry of Science and Technology, the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the China Geological Survey, Chinese stratigraphers have carried out research on the establishment of Stages in China. A total of 102 stages have been defined in the "Regional Chronostratigraphic Chart of China(geologic time)", in which 59 stages were studied in depth. In 2014, the "Stratigraphic Chart of China" was compiled, with the essential contents as follows: the correlation between international chronostratigraphy and regional chronostratigraphy of China(geologic time), the distributive status of lithostratigraphy, the characteristics of geological ages, the biostratigraphic sequence, the magnetostratigraphy, the geological events and eustatic sea-level change during every geological stage. The "Stratigraphical Guide of China and its Explanation(2014)" was also published. Chinese stratigraphers have paid much attention to stratigraphic research in south China, northeast China, north China and northwest China and they have made great achievements in special research on stratigraphy, based on the 1:1000000, 1:250000, 1:200000 and 1:50000 regional geological survey projects. Manifold new stratigraphic units were discovered and established by the regional geological surveys, which are helpful to improve the regional chronostratigraphic series of China. On the strength of the investigation in coastal and offshore areas, the status of marine strata in China has been expounded. According to the developing situation of international stratigraphy and the characteristics of Chinese stratigraphic work, the contrast relation between regional stratigraphic units of China and GSSPs will be established in the future, which will improve the application value of GSSPs and the standard of regional stratigraphic division and correlation. In addition, the study of stratigraphy of the Precambrian, terrestrial basins and orogenic belts will be strengthened, the Stratigraphic Chart of China will be improved, the typical stratigraphic sections in China will be protected and the applied study of stratigraphy in the fields of oil and gas, solid minerals, etc. will be promoted. On the ground of these actions, stratigraphic research will continue to play a great role in the social and economic development of China.  相似文献   
中国第二次北极科学考察沿线气溶胶成分分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
对2003年7月15~9月28日间中国第二次北极科学考察沿线所采集的气溶胶样品进行分析,获得了Na+、NH4+ 、Ca2+、Cl-、MSA、SO42- 等11种离子的浓度数据(文中使用当量浓度).根据相关分析, 可将11种离子分为3类: 海盐源离子, 包括Na+、Mg2+、K+、Ca2+、Cl-、SO42-; 人为源, 包括NH4+ 、NO3-; 其它源, 包括 CH3COO-、MSA、C2O42-. 气溶胶以海盐气溶胶为主, Cl-、Na+ 离子分别是阴阳离子中含量最大的离子, (Na+ +Cl-)对气溶胶载量(所测定的阴阳离子的总和)的贡献平均为60.2%, 占气溶胶总量的一半以上. NH4+ /SO42- 的比值的平均为0.45, 根据当地的大气环境和气溶胶的离子平衡, 认为气溶胶样品中NH4+ 和 SO42- 主要是以 NH4HSO4的形式结合. 根据考察沿线 NO3- 浓度的变化, 把考察沿线大致分为3个区: 日本海区, 中值为15.2 neq·m-3; 鄂霍次克海及白令海区, 中值为1.8 neq·m-3; 北冰洋区, 其浓度较低, 中值为0.4 neq·m-3. 考察沿线白令海是MSA的高产区.  相似文献   
西格拉花岗岩体位于祁连东部的米屈花岗岩带上,空间上呈NW-NWW向展布,岩体由花岗闪长岩-花岗岩-正长岩组成,主要岩性为花岗闪长岩。LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年结果表明,西格拉花岗闪长岩存在两期岩浆作用,年龄分别为465.6±6.5Ma、443.2±4.8Ma,其中,前者与祁连洋俯冲极性发生转变的时限(~463Ma)相近,而后者与祁连洋闭合的时间(~445Ma)相似。早期淡色花岗闪长岩具正铕异常(δEu=2.44),晚期暗色花岗闪长岩则为弱负/正铕异常(δEu=0.94~1.32),两者均显示出高Si、Al,富Na贫K,富集Ba、Sr、LREE,高Sr/Y值,低Y、HREE含量,亏损HFSE(Nb、Ta、Ti、P)的特征,与Martin et al.(2005)划分的高硅埃达克岩(HSA)相似。其源区可能均残留石榴子石、普通角闪石及少量金红石,而斜长石则大量参与部分熔融过程,推测早期花岗闪长岩的源区深度可能超过50km;整体上,由早期→晚期反映出加厚地壳减薄、地幔组分贡献增强的趋势;两者可能均为加厚下地壳物质部分熔融的产物。  相似文献   
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